The Reluctant Psychic Ch. 05


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I yearned to reach out to her, but I felt suddenly dirty. This beautiful lustrous woman was more than I ever could deserve. She lowered herself until she was sitting on my thighs and our faces were in alignment. She closed her eyes and brought her mouth towards mine.

I closed my eyes and waited for our lips to meet. I could feel the heat of her body along the whole surface of my own. The heat from her breasts seemed especially close, so close that I was surprised by the soft contact of our lips. She turned her head slightly and opened her mouth to allow her tongue to caress my lips.

She placed her hands on my cheeks and held me as she kissed me again. This kiss was deeper, but still so gentle. Her soft slow motions seemed to pin me to the bed. My arms wanted to wrap around her and crush her too me, but the moment wouldn't allow me that control. Her hands fell to my shoulders and she pulled her mouth away from me. She then waited.

She waited for me to open my eyes so that our gaze could share the moment of our first coupling. She raised herself up and I could feel the hair guarding her sex rub gently on the underside of my straining cock. My cock throbbed and jerked in anticipation as she slowly moved into position above me. She began to lower herself again, and I could feel her lips seeking to guide my cock deep into the heart of her. I felt a hot bead of moisture roll down my cock as her opening suddenly engulfed the head.

She eyes struggled to stay on mine as her stomach clamped down in a pre-orgasm tremor. She pressed her forehead against mine as her body trembled, but she didn't lower herself any further down onto my shaft. When she regained control she bit her lip and lowered her hips. It was a slow almost painful motion as she sank down onto me. I could feel my cock move past each surface inside of her, gradually and steadily moving deeper. As I plunged deep into her the heat was exquisite and soon another bead of moisture left a trail down my shaft.

When our hips finally met, and she was fully impaled on my shaft she wrapped her legs around my back and hugged me to her. She was trembling again and I saw a tear slowly mark its way down her cheek. It glittered in the moonlight and seemed to free me from my bonds.

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tight. Her wet cheek was soon pressed against mine as we pulled together more closely than eye contact could allow. Her legs and arms held me so tightly that I couldn't move to thrust into her as I yearned to do. I pulled in her lower back, causing her hips to rotate slightly. The movement caused her to convulse and throw her head back. I felt her stomach and vagina clenching me tightly inside of her. It was almost painful to watch the orgasm ripple through her.

Finally her body went almost limp and sagged against me. I could feel her skin was now slightly clammy from the sheen of sweat that covered her body. She placed her forehead against mine again and panted softly. I smiled at her and moved a stray lock of hair from in front of her eye.

Now that she got that out of the way, we can really make love, I thought. I gently slid my legs underneath me while lifting her slightly. With some difficulty I maneuvered us so that she was lying on her back, with me on top of her while not withdrawing from inside her. This put her head into shadow again, but I could see her green eyes shining up at me with love and anticipation.

I pulled the covers over us and lay on top of her, with my lips touching her ear. I wanted to say something, to capture the moment. Instead I licked her earlobe gently, the sucked it between my lips. Her arms wrapped around me, pulling me close. When I tried to pull away from her ear she pulled me back. I felt her legs twining around my legs as well, firmly locking us together.

I managed to pull back and keep us separated by placing my forehead on hers and pressing her against the bed. Her lips desperately sought to capture mine in a kiss, but eventually my gaze pulled her attention off such minor games. When her green eyes finally were still and staring into mine I thrust my hips into her.

She fingers scrambled on my back and turned to talons digging in to hold on. I thrust into her again, firmly and insistently. Her eyes widened slightly as the feelings sweep over her body. I saw the realization dawning in her eyes that this wouldn't be a quick orgasm to release pent up tension. As my rhythm increased in pace she could feel a new tension building inside of her, something that is created by the act and not the anticipation.

Her limbs scrambled for purchase on my body as I thrust into her again and again. We were both soon sweating in the confines of the covers, a steamy cocoon filled with gasping breathe and the faint squeak of the bed springs. I felt my orgasm swelling inside me and Bambi looked at me in desperation, trying to hold on against the torrent growing within her.

She was shaking with need as each thrust caused a faint orgasm but no release of the tremendous pressure. I could smell the need growing inside her now half crazed mind. Her breath was coming it short harsh gasps. I looked into her eyes and a single thought pierced my mind, "I love you!"

Like a bolt of lightning shooting down my spine, my orgasm erupted through my body. It was so unexpected that I nearly choked on my own breath as the contractions wracked my body. Bambi's body was finally freed from the torment of small releases and she pulled herself against me, thrusting her hips one final time to unlock her orgasm.

* * *

I awoke sometime later to find myself lying on my back with Bambi snuggled up alongside me. From the way her fingers played over my skin I knew that she wasn't asleep. She giggled and said, "I thought only women fainted from good sex."

I smiled and weakly placed a kiss on her forehead, "But that, dear Bambi, was great sex."

She smiled back and gave me a squeeze before going back to her doodles on my chest. "Did you realize, I didn't even know your name until we made love?"

I looked at her incredulously. Surely she had known before, since I didn't speak the entire time. I said, "You must have forgotten, and only remembered when you went to call out my name in ecstasy."

She gave me a playful slap and said, "No, I remember thinking, I don't even know the name of the man who just made love to me. And then you must have told me, because then I knew you name was..." She stopped speaking suddenly and lifted her head as if she heard a noise. "Did you hear that?"

"I didn't hear anything, darling," I said as I tried to kiss her suddenly exposed neck.

"I have a bad feeling. We have to get out of here." She was quickly out of bed and grabbing some clothes to pull on. She threw mine towards me in a way that didn't allow for discussion. As I pulled on my pants I heard someone moving about in the hallway.

I grabbed Bambi's arm and pulled her towards the window. She had pulled on her pants but was still fumbling with her shirt as I opened the window and hurried her outside. Her breasts bounced enticingly in the warm night air, but I didn't have time to appreciate the scenery. She started to go down the fire escape, but I urged her upwards instead. They always guessed a person would escape down a fire escape.

The faint hum of our feet on the metal ladder up to the roof was soon drowned out by the sound of the door breaking open. There was a series of muffled thumps that startled Bambi so badly that I had to cover her mouth with my hand. We lay on the roof, huddled together and hiding behind the two foot high ledge that surrounded the roofline.

Soon we heard the sounds men scrambling down the fire escape to continue their pursuit. Bambi risked a peek over the meager protection of the ledge to try to spot the men who broke into her apartment.

"Those are the men from the club! The Fox's Den. They must have been watching me in hopes of finding you. But for all of these years? Just for taking me away from that terrible place?"

I looked over at Bambi and realized she didn't know the entire story. I reluctantly explained that I hadn't just stolen their main feature, but I had the whole place torn down. In the process of leveling the building the workers saw guns in the debris. Eventually the police found not just guns, but drugs and a number of videos that manager had made.

"You certainly know how to make enemies!"

"It's a good thing that I am better at making friends," I said as I leaned over and gave her a kiss.

* * *

The elevator dinged open and we walked back to the car. I held the door for Bambi and made sure she was safely seated before walking around to my own door. The girls playfully gave me a hard time about such things, but I loved them all, and would do anything to see them comfortable and safe.

As Bambi drove us to the next appointment, I saw it was with the DA. It seemed strange that Betsy hadn't included the name of the person being charged. I thought about calling Betsy to find out, but then I remembered who it was.

Most of the enemies I gained over the years were dead or in prison. Most of the rest have long since forgotten about me, either on their own, or with my help. But the thugs who owned the Fox's Den were more persistent than the rest, and they knew they could find me through Bambi. The last member of that group with any memories of me is Ian McDougal.

When the former owners of the club started getting released from jail they tracked Bambi down and followed her. That is how they ended up finding us together. Bambi said she would change her name and swear off the law to keep me safe, but I wouldn't let her. It was hard enough for my girls to keep their identities around me without having to give up their names as well.

So I spent long months tracking these men down and wiping their memories of Bambi and me. I found them all except for Ian. Then last month, I heard that they finally arrested Ian at a strip club less than ten miles from my home. It was a slam dunk case for the DA, so he was very curious why I asked to consult on the case and waived my usual fee. I told Betsy to leave his name off the case, so Bambi couldn't accidentally see who it was.

* * *

Bambi was surprised when I told her to stop in front of the courthouse to let me out. "I'm sorry about the Throm and Lowe case," she said as she stopped the car. Her eyes were fixed on the center of the steering wheel and her shoulders sagged slightly.

"This isn't because of that case. I am sure we will figure out what to do about that. This is just something I should handle on my own."

It is very easy to underestimate Bambi's intelligence. Even knowing her as intimately as I do, I sometimes still forget she isn't just a pretty face. She said, "then this is about Ian, isn't it?" When I nodded, she pulled me towards her and started crying.

"He's the last one isn't he? Then you are free from my past?" she managed to say between snuffles.

"Bambi, darling, this is to free you from my past." She didn't agree with me, but she accepted that I believed it. She held me tight for another minute before relenting.

I gave her a kiss on the forehead and started climbing out of the car. Before shutting the door I leaned back in and said, "We have another appointment with the DA at eleven. Can you amuse yourself for about an hour and then meet me in the park, so we can go up together?"

"Alright. I'll do some shopping!" she said with a wink.

* * *

I had been in the park for more than half an hour when Bambi found me. I had almost run out of popcorn for the pigeons when she plopped down on my lap and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Rather than risk smearing her freshly touched up lipstick on my cheek, she just rubbed her nose against mine.

"Was it really so bad?" she finally asked.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, when you're in a good mood you don't throw the popcorn at the pigeons."

She was right. I was in a bad mood. Ian was frightened not frightening. He had come into town to beg forgiveness before he got struck down like his friends. When he got out of prison, he contacted his old cronies to arrange revenge on me, but they drew complete blanks. They had never even heard of Bambi, or Joanne as they should have known her.

His concern mounted when he contacted other people who had known me in the underground of Europe. Those he managed to find, who weren't in jail or dead, had no idea who I was. They all remember losing vast sums of money, drugs, guns, even entire freighters but had no idea who they lost them to, or where they went. Ian started hearing rumors that a demon had risen up to take control of the underworld. Other rumors said a vengeful angel had appeared to battle the demon, killing some and bringing others to justice.

A fearful Ian decided to beg forgiveness rather than risk either angel or demon. So he tracked down Bambi and came to town. Somewhere along the way he lost his nerve and ended up wandering around in the city. He heard rumors about the man who lived on the hill, but the rumors only seemed to confirm that there was something unearthly about the man.

Ian was drinking himself into a stupor at a strip club, trying to decide what to do. A fight broke out, the cops came, and he was arrested along with most of the other patrons. Ian was not only in the country illegally, but also while on parole. To make matters worse, Ian was in possession of two concealed knives and had a gun in his hotel room.

Ian was sitting in an interrogation room when I arrived. His public defender was trying to work out a plea bargain with the DA, but knew she was fighting an uphill battle. She was so convinced of the futility of her client's cause that she had no objections to letting me talk to her client without her being present.

When I walked through the door, Ian pissed himself he was so frightened. I told the marshal to wait outside the room and let me talk to Ian alone. Ian sat in his chair and held a small religious medal between his fingers. I heard his thoughts fervently praying for forgiveness and deliverance even as my nose wrinkled from the smell.

"Do you truly seek forgiveness?" I said loudly into his thoughts. I caught glimpses of his thoughts turning back to all the evil things he had done and had planned to do. Unlike the others, at some point he had actually come to realize how wicked he was.

"I don't deserve forgiveness," he said and broke into tears. Even though he only faced a few decades in jail, he felt the headsman's axe on the back of his neck. Before I entered the room, I was ready to be that headsman. But seeing him broken and crying for salvation I knew he was punishing himself more than I had any right to. If I deserved a chance at redemption, then so did this man.

I closed my eyes and entered his mind. I removed Bambi's name and face from his memories as well as my own. He would still remember the events, but it would be impossible to remember us. The last thing I did before exiting the room was send him the assurance that I had forgiven him. I watched his body sag in relief and he kissed his medal before saying another prayer.

Before I left for the park, I told the DA in no uncertain terms that the man was ready to confess and should be given leniency and placed in a minimum security prison. The public defender, who had been discussing the case with the DA, recovered from her shock slightly faster than the DA and threw away the deal they had almost reached. I heard the bargaining begin again as I walked toward the elevator.

I hardly remembered anything else until Bambi plopped down into my lap. "You're throwing popcorn at the pigeons again," she said giving me a bit of a shake. She rubbed my nose again and continued, "come on, we have to see the DA. And on the way, I can tell you about all the things I bought!"

* * *

The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. I helped the DA with a couple of cases, and then helped a public defender select a jury that would acquit his innocent client. I suppose I also went to the police station about the traffic accident, but I really can't recall. My thoughts kept returning to Ian and seeing myself in his chair.

The last appointment finished early, so Bambi talked me into returning to the park to clear my mind before going home. She walked next to me down the path, holding onto my arm. "What happened with Ian?" she finally asked.

I took more than a dozen steps down the path before I replied, "I forgave him. He has decided to come clean with his life, so I forgave him." I felt her hands tighten on my arm in surprise and saw he glance up to look at my face. She didn't say anything and waited for me to say more. "He was terrified of me, like I was the devil himself."

"The devil doesn't grant pardons."

I couldn't help but smile a little at Bambi's remark. "So you don't think I am the devil?"

She punched me gently in the side and said, "Why do you keep doing that? Being so hard on yourself? Don't you know it hurts us to see you all mopey? Ian has done all those terrible things, and he wanted to kill you. He hasn't even made right all the things he's done, but you forgave him. You may have done bad things, but not as many as he did, and you have done so many kind and wonderful things. It is time you accept forgiveness."

I weighed Bambi's words as we completed our circuit of the park. Something clicked in my mind, and I thought, maybe I could be forgiven. I suddenly felt buoyant and grabbed Bambi and gave her a kiss. She was surprised at first, but quickly became enthusiastic.

Bambi finally pulled away and said, "Maybe we should get home? I still want to show you what I bought." She turned and began leading me back to the car. She suddenly stopped and pointed, "Isn't that Betsy?"

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Blue_gryphonBlue_gryphonover 12 years ago

This is beautifuly writen. The second chapter was a bit disjointed, but your writing skill improves noticeably from there.

I love this story. The premise and characters are great.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Another excellent chapter!

Very, very good series, with nice characters and hot sex.

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