The Return of Carolyn Lord Ch. 01


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Carolyn was amazed at the number of interviewers who were showing up for this. Most didn't even participate, them just stood behind the persons asking the questions, staring silently at her. It was most unnerving to her.

Carolyn started to wonder just how important was this position, anyway?

Surprisingly for her, the required interviews were all completed the same day, in fact the same morning. By 11:30 the position had been formally offered and accepted. Carolyn made only one condition, that she would have no dealings with her former law firm what so ever. This was to avoid any conflict of interest or breach of confidentiality issues, of course.

The condition was accepted without question, and Carolyn was even congratulated by the recruiter on her fine sense of duty to her former employers.

The interviews completed, everyone present came around to congratulate her. Carolyn was gratified that they cared enough to take the trouble of making new employees feel very welcome indeed.

Only one thing marred the perfection of the moment for her. While one of her original interviewers was talking to her, Carolyn sensed someone move close behind her, then felt something happening with the front of her blouse. Alarmed, she waited until she thought no one was looking, then checked herself. She found that the top two buttons of her blouse were now open. Relieved it was nothing more serious, she refastened them.

"Now why on earth would anyone want to do that?" the perplexed Carolyn asked herself. It was a strange time for girlish hijinks.

In celebration of gaining such an excellent new secretary, Mrs. Stevens insisted that she take Carolyn to lunch, and that way they could also get a head start on what Mrs. Stevens cryptically called her "indoctrination."

The restaurant was really the dining room of a very exclusive club where Mrs. Stevens was a member. As well as a restaurant, it also had a small movie theater, health spa with pool and sauna, hair salon, bar, and even a place for entertainment and dancing.

"This is amazing," said Carolyn to Mrs. Stevens as she looked at the club directory. "It's like a small town."

"Absolutely. It's expensive as hell too, but well worth it. There are even rooms available if you need to stay the night. For comfort and privacy, you can't beat it. I think they're even guaranteed in the club charter."

"What else do they guarantee?" Carolyn asked mischievously.

"Nothing at all. For anything else, you're on your own!"

It was the most unusual restaurant Carolyn had ever seen. Even at noon, it was almost pitch dark, the only illumination being provided by one or two flickering candles on each table. Each table, even for the booths, was covered by a thick, white table cloth that had at least two inches of cloth dragging on the floor, so that it was totally impossible to see underneath.

"Why would anyone care about what was under a table?" Carolyn wondered as they were shown to their own table by an attractive young woman wearing an astonishing short, blue velvet dress.

The seating was unusual, too, Carolyn noticed. They were unusually short, padded benches with high backs and sides, so that diners would be required to sit very closely, side-by-side and not across from each other. She realized that the high seat backs and sides, combined with the almost total lack of lighting, made dining here a very private function indeed.

"Kind of romantic here, isn't it?" she said quietly to Mrs. Stevens, who was in front of her.

"Really? I hadn't noticed," a smiling Mrs. Stevens replied over her shoulder.

While making her way through the darkness with the small procession, Carolyn was surprised to come across a most unusual scene. A very pretty girl was sitting alone at a table obviously set for two. The girl's unadorned face was quite red, and she was biting her lower lip. Her eyes were strangely vacant, as if she was thinking seriously about something far, far away. Her hands were tiny fists, tightly gripping the thick table cloth in front of her. Every so often, the girl would suddenly jerk as if she had just received an electric shock of some kind.

Carolyn made a mental note to ask Mrs. Stevens about it as soon as she could. She was worried about the girl, but reasoned it must not be too serious, as both the receptionist and Mrs. Stevens had passed right by the odd scene without giving it a second glance.

They were finally seated in a booth on the far side of the room. Since was to be a strictly informal meal, Mrs. Stevens insisted that they take off their jackets and "get comfortable." Carolyn complied, hoping this would save the remaining buttons from coming off.

Mrs. Stevens politely had her guest enter the booth first, then insisted on ordering wine for them both to celebrate. Carolyn had the oddest feeling that she was on more of a date than a simple luncheon with her new employer. She shook off the outlandish idea at once. "How silly can you get?" she wondered in amazement.

Finally, the receptionist and the wine stewardess had departed, and the two were alone.

"That young girl we passed who was sitting by her self. Is she all right, do you think?" Carolyn asked, her voice full of sympathy. "She didn't look well at all!"

"No, she's fine. She frequently looks like that. Probably has asthma or something. And she wasn't alone. She's the new bi..., ah, friend of a member who brings her here quite a lot."

"Really? Where's her friend? Maybe we should tell her?" asked Carolyn anxiously, looking about the darkened room.

"Oh, she's around somewhere," Mrs. Stevens said dryly. "Closer than you might think, too." More to herself she muttered, "Although that's not supposed to happen in the dining room until after eight."

"What's not suppose to happen? Guests?"

"Never mind. It's not important. Now, let's order! I'm starved!"

Being seated so close together, Carolyn realized that there would have to be a certain amount of touching during their lunch, but she never dreamed it would be this bad. No matter how far she pressed against her side of the plush bench, Mrs. Stevens always seemed to be short of space and was pressing up against her. Plus, the woman used her hands a great deal as she talked. She was always grabbing Carolyn's knee or thigh to emphasis a point she was making about something. When eating, her right elbow would occasionally graze the tip of Carolyn's sensitive left breast.

Carolyn knew she should be protesting such things, but it was obvious to her that the woman was so involved in what she was saying that she didn't even realize what she was doing. But the food was indeed excellent, and Mrs. Stevens proved to be an entertaining dining companion, and it would have been extremely ungrateful of her to criticize her host about anything at this point.

Carolyn's blouse was opening again, this time under the watchful eye and helpful arm of her new boss. When the buttons had all been opened, she used her flying right elbow as a distraction while her left hand crept under the table and gradually worked the left side of the blouse out of the unsuspecting woman's skirt and away from her left breast.

Knowing she was practically out of time, Abigail once again reached over with her left hand to where Carolyn's skirt was fastened. She was planning on opening one button, then come back for another, but when she tugged gently the entire skirt practically opened by itself.

"Almost like it was designed to," thought an intrigued Abigail. "Hmm! Our Carolyn has hidden depths."

She signaled to their waitress, on-call in the distance, to come over to the table. Abigail was reaching for Carolyn's empty dish when she knocked a carefully placed glass full of ice water off the table and directly into a shocked Carolyn's opened waistband. The very cold contents ran down the front of Carolyn's abdomen and poured between her opened thighs, puddling on the seat beneath her, soaking the back of her pantyhose.

Carolyn jumped up to escape the cold, only to see in horror her skirt fall to the ground. The space between the bench and the table was very narrow, and Carolyn wondered desperately how she could get her skirt back.

When she saw the waitress duck under the table with a quick, "I'll get it!", Carolyn was shocked into action. She bent quickly over at the waist in the confined space and promptly smacked her forehead on the thick cloth-covered table.

The "Bang!" could be heard throughout the dining area.

Groaning, Carolyn remained collapsed along the side of the table. She could vaguely sense someone as they reached under her blouse and grabbed the waistband of her pantyhose. The way they and her panties were so quickly pulled over her flaring hips to the tops of her thighs, she thought it must be the paramedics come to help her.

"No, no, you sillies," she mumbled. "It's my head that hurts." But no one listened. Her underwear was still yanked to the floor, leaving her naked below the waist. The stunned Carolyn then felt hands under her blouse, and soon her bra strap was unfastened. "That's good. Damn thing was getting too tight again."

As she stood the completely dazed Carolyn more or less erect, Abigail wondered about the unnatural feel of the bra hooks, how straight they had seemed under her fingers. She pushed the opened blouse and bra off Carolyn's shoulders, and they slid unheeded to the floor. There the waitress gathered all of Carolyn's things, including her shoes, and took them into the kitchen for drying.

In the space of five seconds, Miss Carolyn Lord had been professionally stripped naked!

Still reeling from the effects of her contact with the table, she didn't realize this until Mrs. Stevens sat her naked bottom deliberately in the puddle of ice water still on her seat.

"EEEeeeck!!" Carolyn screamed, her exposed breasts bouncing as she jumped up once again. Her sudden move, however, caused all of the blood to rush from her already battered head, and she fainted directly into the waiting arms of Mrs. Abigail Stevens.

"Hello, honey," Mrs. Stevens said, not unkindly, to the beautiful nude woman. "Welcome to my world."

When Carolyn awoke, she was suddenly aware that she was slumped over in her corner of the booth, and that Mrs. Stevens was talking to her.

"Oh, my!" she thought. "I must have dozed off on the poor woman. How rude of me."

She promptly sat up straight, and felt her breasts move much too freely. Carolyn looked down and froze, her eyes wide in shock. Her clothes were gone! She was naked!!

Her mouth opened to scream, but nothing came out but a very wheezing, "Ah...ah...ah...!" Carolyn found that she couldn't breath!

Her eyes filled with panic, she looked at Mrs. Stevens seated beside her. She tried to ask her what had happened, but couldn't get past "Ah...ah!" when an exasperated Mrs. Stevens finally splashed ice water into the face of her terror-stricken secretary.

Holding up her opened hands in front of the shocked woman, a very calm Abigail said repeatedly, "It's all right, Carolyn. Everything is all right."

Realizing she would have to either calm down or drown in cold water, Carolyn tried to get a grip on her runaway emotions. "Must be some logical explanation," her frenzied mind screamed as she saw Mrs. Stevens use a napkin to dry the water off her face. "There must be!"

Mrs. Stevens moved her napkin down to Carolyn's full chest, and carefully dried each quivering breast very thoroughly.

Calming a tiny bit, Carolyn was able to gasp some air into her lungs. Looking around, she finally realized she could use the table cloth to cover herself, just as soon as Mrs. Stevens had finished drying her.

She sat patiently as her boss rubbed the cloth briskly over her ribs and stomach. Carolyn became uncomfortable when the woman started patting her pubic area, but realized that it must have gotten wet as well.

After a few well-chosen passes of the cloth between Carolyn's partially opened thighs, Mrs. Stevens finally announced to her flushed secretary that she was dry.

Heedless of the place settings, Carolyn immediately tried pulling the table cloth so she could drape the whole thing over her shoulders, but found it was too strongly attached to the table. Too frustrated to find out how to unfasten it, the teary-eyed woman used the long hanging part of the table cloth to circle around her waist and hips as much as possible, then crossed her arms tightly over her bare chest.

Safe for the moment from blind panic, a terribly-embarrassed Carolyn needed desperately to know about her clothes.

"They are just being dried, you know," Abigail said, knowing full well what Carolyn was thinking about.

"What?" Carolyn managed to gasp.

"Your clothes. They are being dried. Should be done in a few moments."

"What... What happened?"

"It was all my fault, of course, and I am terribly, terribly sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you. My fault, completely."

"Yes, but what happened?"

"Don't you remember? I spilled water all over you, and we gave your clothes to the waitress for drying in the kitchen."

Carolyn's bare bottom felt a familiar dampness on the padded bench and she realized that's what must have happened. But to take her clothes!

Seeing the look of disgust on Carolyn's face, Abigail said, "Cold and wet, isn't it?"


"Your seat is very uncomfortable right now. Stand up, and I'll dry it off for you."

"Yes, you're right. Thank you." Carolyn started to stand, then realized something.

"But...but I'm not wearing...anything right now!"

"It's all right. It'll just take a split second."

"Oh!!" sputtered a protesting Carolyn, but she stood enough to raise her wet bottom off of the bench, unaware that it was now quite vulnerable. She had to use one hand to keep the table cloth from falling, while the other still covered her breasts.

Abigail quickly wiped the seat dry, being sure to brush the backs of her hands seductively against the hanging buttocks whenever possible. Next, she patted each buttock dry with her left hand while her right hand was sliding slyly between the tops of Carolyn's thighs.

"Did you...have to take all my clothes?" gasped Carolyn, as Mrs. Stevens continued the drying of her nether regions.

"Well, everything was pretty well soaked, and you certainly couldn't have gone back to the office looking like that, now could you?" Mrs. Stevens said as she slipped a single finger into the crouching Carolyn's tight, well-lubricated cunt.

"Yes, but...but isn't there a coat or something I could borrow, just until my things dry?" In her confused state of mind, Carolyn had forgotten completely about her suit jacket hanging just outside the booth.

"Nope. We already checked. You're perfectly safe, my dear. No one can see us tucked away back here in the corner, so you may as well relax," Mrs. Stevens purred, as she inserted a second finger.

"But I'm...I'm naked! I can't stay here like this!"

Carolyn had been half-standing for so long her knees and leg muscles were starting to severely ache. Crazed with tension over her nudity, she imagined Mrs. Steven's hands were all over her bottom, even inside her. Carolyn knew she was going insane.

"Sure you can. Just don't worry about it, and you'll be fine. Just relax," the cunning Abigail said as she inserted the third finger.

"Ooooohhh. Don't worry?" breathed the extremely puzzled Carolyn, her face pointed at the ceiling. "Impossible!"

"Time to let her stew a bit," Mrs. Stevens observed. She adroitly removed her fingers from Carolyn's streaming cunt, and sat back on the bench.

"All done. You can sit down, now."

Carolyn sat down and quickly wrapped the table cloth around herself once again.

Mrs. Stevens ordered them some white wine, and they sipped and talked. Under Abigail Stevens' skillful guidance, the trembling Carolyn did find herself start to relax. Mrs. Stevens began talking and touching her, just as she had earlier, and Carolyn was amused at how easy it was for everything to return to normal. Here she was, quite naked in an elegant dining room, and her new employer was still talking and gesturing like crazy, holding her occasionally on her crossed thigh as if nothing had happened. She just wished she wouldn't touch her so high up under the table cloth like that, especially when she wasn't dressed. It made her feel a little creepy.

Still, Carolyn could sense something happening to her as she sat there, acting so casually, yet aware she was about to faint from the sheer tension of it all. She had been feeling, well, tingly all over for some time, but now it seemed to be getting worse. Her nipples were quite erect in the cool air of the dining room, and she could feel a distinct dampness forming between her tightly crossed thighs.

She wondered, was this how Tamiko always felt when she went around the apartment nude? Who would have thought such a silly and embarrassing thing could also be so exciting?

She shifted her hips slightly on the padded seat and immediately lost track of what Mrs. Stevens was saying as her unprotected vulva slid over a raised portion of the smooth leather.

"Whoa!" she breathed, to the delight of Abigail Stevens, who had seen her hips move. "What was that?" Carolyn wondered, her eyes crossing from the sheer, overwhelming pleasure of the sensation.

"What was what?" asked Mrs. Stevens politely.

Realizing she had unintentionally spoken her thoughts aloud, a very embarrassed Carolyn clapped a hand over her mouth and tried to think up something to say, but couldn't.

Her mind was still totally dazzled by the sensations now coming from her throbbing crotch. She kept trying discretely to find a comfortable, less stimulating spot to sit on her small portion of the bench, but couldn't. Worse, every time she shifted her hips, the friction of her vulva moving on the leather keep sending pinwheels of light behind Carolyn's eyes! She kept crossing and uncrossing her legs but nothing seemed to help.

She could feel her vaginal secretions seeping on to the seat, making the feel of her buttocks and thighs sliding over the slick leather even more stimulating than before.

"Oh my God!" she thought. She was on the verge of losing it right here! "Oh, no! This can't be happening. Not again!"

But it was, Carolyn knew. She was going to climax, right there in front of Mrs. Stevens if she wasn't careful.

Try as she might, she couldn't find a spot that she didn't find terribly stimulating. She couldn't stop moving. It all felt so very good, she couldn't stand it!

"What is happening?" she wondered, as she occasionally jerked her hips on the slick seat, still trying to find the perfect spot. "Why do I keep losing control like this?" Fighting desperately to keep from losing control of her traitorous body, Carolyn fought to think of something, anything else. She tried to focus on what Mrs. Stevens was saying to her.

Carolyn had thought that this was to her chance to learn about the company and her duties there. What it turned into was her new employer wanting practically her entire life story. So Carolyn, on the very edge of a monstrous climax, told her of her poor background, growing up the only child of her elderly Greek parents (now deceased), and finally working her way through secretary school.

Perhaps it was her state of undress, or her highly excited emotional state, but Carolyn found herself revealing far more of her private life to Mrs. Stevens then she would have normally.

When she mentioned that she had someone, a very good friend, temporarily staying with her who was sharing her bed, Mrs. Stevens became strangely interested, especially when she found out her teenage girlfriend was an accomplished seamstress. She appeared to find it quite significant somehow, even though Carolyn was at pains to explain that her friend was just staying over for a short visit, which was good because she really didn't bother with wearing clothes much at all.