The Tale of Her Mother Too Pt. 01


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"I saw you in the hall outside Susan's room. I watched you masturbating. You were cuming over and over. It was so hot watching you."

"You saw me? ... You watched me? ... Oh GOD. That's so humiliating. Please get out."

"No! You need this; and I know how much you want this."

Rick began eating her pussy again. He caught her clit with his teeth and gently rolled it from side to side.

Audrey came so violently she almost bucked him off the bed. No one had ever eaten her out before. She didn't know how to handle the situation. He made her cum six times before he flipped her over face down. Before she knew what was happening he was fucking her doggy style. He was keeping her in a constant state of orgasm. It was around her twelfth orgasm when she passed out. He tried to awaken her but he could see she would be out for several hours more. She was completely limp.

Audrey awoke a little after six in the morning. Her whole body ached. Suddenly it all came flooding back in her memory.

(Oh my god, I fucked Rick last night. He was pounding that big cock of his into my pussy and I was begging for more. Oh Jesus, that was the best lay I ever had. I was also the first time I came while being fucked. She sat up and some cum came spilling out of her. Oh Christ, he didn't use a condom. I'm not on the pill. I could be knocked up.)

She raced into the bathroom and found her douche. She douched three times. Then she showered. It made her feel better to be clean again. But she knew she could still be knocked up.

Audrey got dressed and left the house. She couldn't face Rick this morning. (Christ I can't face Susan either, I fucked her boyfriend.) She got in her car and just began driving. Somehow she got onto the interstate and kept heading north. After almost two hours she suddenly came to her senses. (What the hell am I doing? I can't run away from this. I could very likely be pregnant. Oh god tomorrow is Sunday I won't be able to see my doctor for a prescription for the morning after pill.)

She pulled off the interstate and followed the signs towards the beach. Watching the ocean always calmed her. Maybe she could figure out what to do? She found a place to park where she could see the ocean. After a long while of her remembering the way Rick fucked her. How good it felt when he was inside her, and how hard she came. He was the first man to make her orgasm. (This is stupid, I'm almost a hundred miles from home; I'm going home.) Traffic was much heavier going south, so traffic was very slow and when she saw the time on her dashboard clock she realized why her belly was growling. She was very hungry. She hadn't eaten anything since around 6:00 PM. yesterday evening.

She glanced at the road signs as they went by. Blue Moon Bay 10 miles. A few minutes later she found what she was looking for. It was the sign for her favorite restaurant A TOUCH OF NAPLES fine Italian Dinning she loved their Lasagna. She exited at the proper place and drove straight to the restaurant. They sat her at a quiet table for two near the back. The Lasagna was delicious and in her misery and self pity she drank glass after glass of wine.

She polished off another whole bottle of wine. She looked at her watch. It was five minutes to eight. She worried all the way home that she would have an accident because she was so tipsy. However, she managed to get home without an incident.

Audrey thought, good I'm alone at last. God, my head is spinning. I'll just take a shower and lay down for a bit. When she came out of the bathroom her head was still spinning. What am I doing? I can't walk around naked. She slipped into her dress. Dammit, I never drink, how did I end up polishing off another whole bottle of wine? The room was spinning now and she was feeling sick. She lay down on her bed and almost immediately passed out.

When Susan and Rick came home it was after twelve. Rick said....

"That was a long movie too but it was good."

"Yes it was, but I have a terrible headache."

"That's because you never wear your glasses. I tell you all the time to put your glasses on. You're always squinting, that's why you have a headache."

"Please don't scold me honey, my heads killing me."

"Alright, but you deserve it, I'll get you some aspirin ... Dammit Susan, you changed the bottles again. Why do you insist on using these fancy jars?"

She giggled ...

"Because I like my medicine cabinet to look nice."

"Dammit Susan, Medicine isn't supposed to look nice it's supposed to look like medicine."

"Is this the aspirin, they're caplets?"

"That's what I bought, caplets. May I have that jar? ... Yes this is the aspirin. Thanks hon."

"Okay babe I'm going in for a shower, I'll be out in a few minutes."

When Rick came out of the bathroom, Susan was fast asleep. He smiled, then he stripped her naked. He loved to look at her naked body. She was extremely beautiful, with a perfect body. He loved the look of her hairless pussy, with her puffed up pinkish lips. That stuff Dr. Marcos had him give her kept her permanently horny and always ready to fuck and suck on his cock. She didn't awaken, and in fact she started to snore very gently.

Rick went into the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. He opened the other pink jar. They were white caplets. "God Dammit, he muttered," he went back into the bedroom, looking down at his sleeping girlfriend, he said quietly....

"You dope, you took sleeping pills. If you were awake I'd spank your ass raw."

He went out into the living room. He was going to watch TV, but when he looked at his wristwatch, he saw it was 1:40 AM. He went through the house and made sure the house was locked up for the night. Then he went back into his bedroom, stripped, and went to bed.

Rick was up at 9:00 AM. Susan was still sound asleep. He had checked on Audrey some time about 3:00 AM because he thought he heard her groaning last night. He had entered into her bedroom and found her on the floor. She had vomited all over herself. She smelled terrible; her dress looked like it was ruined. He tried to wake her but no matter what he did she wouldn't awaken. He carried her into the bathroom stripped off her dress and found her naked. Rick bathed her; he even shampooed her hair which had vomitus in it.

After she was cleaned up he wrapped her in a bath sheet and carried her back into the bedroom, dried her, and was about to put her under the covers. He saw how very much alike she and Susan looked. They were both extremely beautiful. With her hair down and no makeup they could pass as sisters. Audrey had hair around her pussy, although it was trimmed neatly, whereas Susan now kept her pussy bald.

Rick had a sudden evil thought. He almost laughed aloud. He went back into Susan's bathroom and got her bottle of depilatory oil. He worked the oil in carefully making sure he got all the hair covered. Even between her buttocks and around her anus.

When he washed the oil away she was almost bald around her pubic area. So he repeated the process and now her pussy was as bald as Susan's pussy. Suddenly his smile faded. He just remembered Susan bought a new bottle of permanent depilatory oil. He was in big trouble. He cleaned up everything, put everything away. He'll deny any knowledge of how she lost her pubic hair.


It was almost 9:00 PM when Audrey staggered out of her bedroom. She found Rick and Susan sitting together on the couch, watching a movie.

"Rick did you bathe me last night?"

"Yes I did."

"What right had you to strip me naked and then bath me?"

"Audrey, when Susan and I came home last night after dinner and a movie; Dopey over here, had a terrible headache. All because dopey, DOSEN'T WANT TO WEAR HER GLASSES. She asked me to bring her some aspirin? That's when I found out how DOPEY she really is. She poured all her medicines into those pretty pastel colored jars. That wouldn't have been so bad, if she had only LABELED the jars."

"Take the last jar; that was the last jar I filled. She yelled" ... He said all this in a falsetto voice.

"When I opened the jar it was filled with white caplets. So I asked if she had bought caplets? When she said yes, I brought her the jar and a glass of water. Again I asked if she thought this is the aspirin. She grabbed the jar looked inside took out two pills, took a swig of water to swallow the pills, and said ....

"YES! That's what I bought. Please honey let me get some sleep."

"I was going to continue the lecture, but she looked like she was really in pain. So I kissed her on the forehead, tucked her in, wished her goodnight, turned out the light and closed her door. Then I checked the house. Everything was put away. The front door was locked, so was the patio door and the back door. Like you Audrey, I don't like going to bed and leave the house messy."

I was walking down the hall towards my bedroom when I heard a loud thump. I knocked on your door. But I got no answer. I knocked again and when you still didn't answer I opened the door and went in. You were lying on the carpet out cold. You must have gotten nauseated in your sleep and tried to get to the bathroom but on your way you passed out again. You were covered in your own puke. I was afraid your stomach acid was going to burn you.

I stripped off your dress but it was already soaked through. So I stripped you, carried you into the bathroom and put you in the tub. Filled it with warm water and bathed you. Part of your face, your chest and your upper abdomen was quite pink, so you were being burnt by your stomach acid. You had vomitus in your hair so I shampooed you hair. When you were all clean I took you out of the tub, wrapped you in a bath sheet and put you to bed.

"When did me?"

"What the hell are you talking about? I never shaved you."

"Oh gosh, so that's what all that was about." Susan had her hand up, her fingers covering her mouth.

"All what was about?"

"About 5:30 AM this morning you woke me up demanding to know where my moisturizer was. I guess some of the acid did burn you. When I told you there was some on the counter in the bathroom, you must have taken that new bottle of permanent depilatory oil and used that."

"You mean I did this to myself? Oh my god, that's why my hands and the sheets had oil all over them. Permanent? PERMANENT, you mean as in, it won't grow back?"

"I don't think it looks so bad mom."

"What do you mean you don't think it looks so bad?"

"Mom, you do know you're wearing a bed jacket, not a robe."

"What, WHAT, Oh my god, OH My God."

Audrey's whole body seemed to turn bright red. "OH GOD" she screamed again, and ran from the room. (First he eats me out, then he fucks me unconscious and then ... well I guess I removed my own pussy hair.)

We didn't see her again until Saturday evening.


"Rick I want to apologize to you. I thought... I mean... I." She covered her face in her hands and started to cry.

"How was I supposed to know that you didn't keep yourself neat and clean like that?"

Now she really was bawling.

"Please don't cry. I always seem to say the wrong thing to you. Audrey please don't cry. Listen, Susan has to leave here about 11:00 AM tomorrow because it takes almost an hour to get to the airport. She has to check in by 12:30 PM or she'll lose her seat. How about the three of us going out for dinner and dancing tonight and tomorrow I'll drive the three of us to the airport to see her off."

"But I thought Susan leaves on the 21st?"

"That's right, she does. Today is Saturday the 20th; Susan leaves on Sunday the 21st."

Audrey reached for her purse on the end table. She was digging around in her purse.

"Where the hell are my reading glasses?"

"You too? What's wrong with you girls? Why don't either of you ever wear your glasses?"

Audrey was looking very chagrined, she was staring at the floor.

"Oh never mind, go to your room, take a shower and change your clothes. We're going out for dinner tonight."

"Yes sir." She scurried out of the room. Then she stuck her head back through the doorway.

"What should I wear? Is this like a formal date?"

"Get dressed up. I want to show my ladies off."

He could see her eyes widen when he said 'my ladies'. He was sure now she was a submissive. With a little push she'll be eating out of my hand he thought. Maybe, just a good spanking. Susan and Audrey both have delicious looking asses. After dinner, he took them dancing. He saved all the slow dances for Audrey and all the fast dances for Susan. Audrey couldn't remember the last time she enjoyed herself so much. That night Susan asked Rick .....

"Are you going to make my mother your slave too?"

"Yes I am. What do you think of that?"

"God that is sooo hot. Are you going to fuck us both, I mean at the same time?"

"I sure am. Do you think you would like me to do that?"

"I can hardly wait for Christmas break. I bet when I eat her pussy, I can make her scream louder than you can."

"You're on."

Then the next day after they dropped Susan at the airport, he took Audrey to lunch. Their conversation was so easy and so interesting; the lunch lasted well over two hours. Then he told her...

"Listen Audrey, there's a Art Exhibit at the Terrance Museum I would really like to see, would you mind coming along with me?"

"You're kidding, you're into art?"

"Oh yeah, there was a time I wanted to be a painter."

"You've got to be kidding me?"

"No, here, look."

He took her napkin, took out his pen and with just, what seemed like a few lines of scribble, he pushed the napkin back in front of her.

She looked down at what she first thought was scribbling, then, a look of complete surprise spread across her face. It was a very good likeness of her.

"Wow, you really are very good. Why'd you give it up?"

"Yeah, for this kind of crap, but not for the kind of painting I really wanted to do. So I settled for what I'm really good at."

"Oh, and what's that?"

"I play in the market."

"You mean stocks and bonds?"


"What makes you think you're good at investments?"

"Well five or six years ago my parents were killed in a stupid accident. My dad was a pilot and he belonged to a flying club. He and my mother were flying to 'Philly' to visit some friends. He was just taking off. The jackass piloting the other plane became confused as he approached for a landing, and the instructor was either talking on his cell phone or talking to the gal in the back seat and wasn't paying enough attention to stop the jerk.

Anyway there was a mid air collision only my mom survived the crash. I was serving in IRAQ at the time and I was given a compassionate release from duty, to fly home. Her doctor came in while I was standing there, crying. He said,

"We tried everything but we lost her and her baby."

"I remember turning towards him, he was saying something but he sounded like he was in a tunnel.

They told me later that it was the shock of losing both parents and my baby sister, together with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) caused me to have a complete breakdown. I was in the hospital for six months with first catatonia and then depression. The Marines gave me a medical discharge."

"Shortly afterwards, I was released from the hospital. I went back to college. I got my BA degree and I enrolled in a school for advanced arts. But after a month, even I realized, I didn't have a tenth of the talent some of the better students had. So I dropped out, went back to school and got a Masters in computer science and took a bunch of economics and finance courses. It turned out that this was my real forte.

A couple of my professors said they would mentor me if I wanted to get my doctorate, but I had enough of school. I got a job writing programs at a think tank. For a while I played at that. My parents left me a small inheritance. Just over a quarter million dollars. I must be lucky because in a few of months I had over $750,000.00 dollars. I began to wonder if there was a way to predict the way certain sectors in the market would move. I wrote program after program until I realized what I was missing. I needed an algorithm.

My program was correct I just had to tweek my algorithm. It took almost two years but eventually it became 83% accurate. With a little more effort I eventually got it to 97%. By the time I was twenty five I had slightly more than 5 million dollars. Now I'm growing my nest egg at about 15 to 17 per cent a year."

It suddenly dawned on Rick that Audrey was sitting there wide eyed and her mouth open.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No, why would you think that?"

"You do realize Rick; some people would kill to get a hold of this kind of information."

"SSHHH, not so loud. I'm only telling you because I don't want you to think I'm after Susan for her money."

"Rick, let's get out of here, and go home. This is too public a place to talk about such things."

As Rick was driving them back to Audrey's house she said....

"That was just a story to impress me wasn't it?"

He laughed, "If you want I'll show you my last financial statement from my broker."

"I never thought you were after Susan for her money... Well, maybe in the beginning, but now that I know you ... Well, you're a very nice man."

He pulled her Mercedes 380 SEL into the garage.

"Listen to me Audrey, I like Susan very much. I think I even love her, I'm not sure, but you're a different story. I'm absolutely crazy about you."

"What? ... but I'm so much older than you."

"Are you serious? You think eight years difference is a lot?"

"How old are you Rick?"

"26, next week, on Tuesday, I'll be 27"

"It's seven years."

"I was fourteen when I started modeling. Fifteen when I married Susan's dad. I wasn't yet sixteen when Susan was born. In five months I'll be thirty five.

"So what. Do you honestly think that's too great a difference?"

Audrey got out of the car and went through the door leading to the interior of the house. Rick followed her inside. She asked if he wanted anything to drink and when he said no, she told him she was going to change into something more comfortable. She went into her bedroom and she stripped off her blouse, and went into her walk in closet. When she came out she was wearing only her thigh high stockings, her black bikini panties and carrying her robe.

She saw Rick standing by her bed and said....

"What the hell are you doing in here? This is my bedroom."

"I know, from now on we'll share the same bed. I have been waiting for you to invite me in but something, I'm not sure what, is holding you back."

"Forget it. I choose who I sleep with."

"Sorry Audrey, you've given me no other choice, we'll have to do this the hard way."

Rick knew that Audrey had taken self defense lessons. He expected her to lash out in some way. Even so, he barely ducked out of the way of her punch. He felt her fist brush his hair. He stiffened the first two fingers of his right hand and poked her in the middle of her chest; it was just below her breasts. Audrey dropped like a stone. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe, and she was paralyzed. She was gasping like a fish out of water. Her face was turning red because she couldn't take a breath; but after, what to her seemed like hours, she was able to take a loud gasping breath. He reached down and grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her to her feet. He raised his arm higher and her feet left the carpet. She was dangling at the end of her hair both in fury and in pain. He slap her, not hard, but more to shock her. Audrey was screaming at him.....