The Trolls of Literotica

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An essay on the phenomenon of trolling on Literotica.
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Literotica offers a fantastic site in which people can read and share erotic and non-erotic stories with millions across the globe, all for free. In addition to being able to share and read stories, users of the site are able to respond to authors' works by offering their feedback, public or private, either from a registered screen name or from an "anonymous" handle.

This ability to use these "anonymous" handles has not come w/o abuse and has enabled many to make some downright hostile remarks to authors, all without the fear of reprisal. These individuals who make such remarks are popularly known in Internet terms as "trolls." And on the website Literotica, they are many, many such trolls, some rather vicious ones.

In fact, having been on the Internet for over a decade now, I must say that of all the trolls and mean-spirited individuals I've seen, and I've seen a lot, the trolls on Literotica are amongst the most abusive of any I've ever come across. Which has led me to wonder, who exactly are they, these trolls? Why do they do what they do? What do they want?

I've pondered the matter in great detail, especially after registering to the site and receiving some, shall we say, pointed criticism. Upon uploading a couple humorous pieces, which were admittedly ridiculous and posted to the "Humor & Satire" section, I was greeted with such encouraging public/private anonymous comments as "No more posting, you can't write" "Learn how to write an actual story" "Give up" as well as receiving death threats, political diatribes, and being called a "nigger," which was confounding, since I'm not even black, nor did I ever claim to be.

At first, I was entertained by this and felt special for having provoked such reactions. However, after spending more and more time on the site, reading several stories, and perusing the Literotica message boards, I discovered that I wasn't alone in having received such responses and even found far worse, far more vehement examples.

Of all the examples of trolling I've seen here, all have come from behind anonymous screen names. I don't recall once seeing such a response from a registered screen name, which, again, made me wonder, just who is shooting off such replies? Who is a Literotica troll? Perhaps a bit of personality profiling is in order to attempt to make sense of it all...

Who would be motivated to make such disparaging comments? Most likely, sadly, other writers. Sure a few trolls are probably just readers, but I think most trolls are other writers. Other writers are often the toughest critics. Which is okay, when the criticism is constructive. Receiving constructive criticism can help a writer improve on his/her weaknesses and can help better the quality of his/her writing. Writers should always be open to critique, especially when it comes from a more seasoned, experienced, and successful writer than themselves.

However, many writers, when reading a piece that particularly pisses them off, will take the easy way out, and instead of offering any meaningful criticism, they'll hide behind an anonymous handle and lash out. I believe they do this in part out of laziness and in part out of cowardice and fear of retribution. They probably have a writing account on Literotica, too, and are scared of the consequences they might incur if they use their real screen name to make hostile remarks.

I believe those who engage in such behavior are either not very talented and/or haven't been successful in the endeavor of writing. (This is evident in the often poor grammar and stylistic quality of many troll comments.) Probably these trolls have suffered a tremendous amount of rejection from publishers. They've probably never had anything published or featured anywhere, except for maybe back many years ago in their high school or college paper. Whether they're doing it consciously (though in all likelihood it's subconsciously) their lashing at out others makes them feel better about their own failures and inadequacies. Misery loves company...

Such failed writers are probably not very successful on Literotica, either. The popular writers here, all of whom have surely suffered endlessly from trolling, are probably too content with themselves to engage in such antics and are probably too busy actually writing to be bothering with trolling anyone. It's likely that the trolls are largely ignored as writers here, much to their chagrin, and are jealous of others whose writing is more successful than theirs and are inclined to attack those who've received a better response than they have, or anything they just don't like.

In many troll comments I've read, there also seems to be a very superior, holier than thou attitude amongst trolls. Perhaps this is what leads many to troll, that they view another writer as inferior and feel the need to make that opinion known. Perhaps they feel the need to "put others in their place" or to somehow guard the sanctity of the website in some perverse way.

Such trolls are probably the ones who scan through stories like stray dogs gnawing at a slab of meat, desperately trying to seek out any imperfection, any grammatical error, the slightest typo, or whatever word pisses them off. The troll will cut and paste the offending section into their comment, throw it back in the author's face, and use it to attack and to demonstrate their superiority.

Furthermore, I believe there to be a cyclical effect to and from trolling. Many trolls were trolled on themselves, and this is what has lead them to engage in the act of trolling. They troll another author, and that author trolls another author, and so on and so on. It's very much akin to bullying in elementary schools. The bully who beat you up and stole your lunch money was probably also beaten up himself.

I've noticed that trolls tend to gravitate to and cluster in certain categories, such as the "Loving Wives" section. The trolling there is legendary. The trolls' reactions tend to be vile but also ones of indignation, as if they hate all such stories. Which begs the question, why would anyone even read stories about a subject that offends them?

My guess is that trolls go there with the exact intention of getting pissed off. They enjoy it. It's like people who watch the American cable TV network "Fox News" and its talking heads "Bill O'Reilly" and "Sean Hannity." Many people simply watch such programming to get angry. I think that's what these trolls are doing. They want to be angry and offended and to fight with someone.

And what about the trolls themselves, as people? Who are they in real life? Where do they live? What do they do?

My guess is that the average troll is male. Sure, some are likely to be women, but mostly it's men who take part in such bullying, nasty behavior. A troll probably fits the typical loner, serial killer description. He's in his 20s or 30s, white, socially retarded, and not very successful in life. He probably lives alone, in a shitty apartment, and doesn't have many friends or family. He probably is grossly overweight, unattractive, and has some sort of noticeable skin problem, likely affecting his face, or maybe a gross disfigurement. He might have Tourette's syndrome or an involuntary twitch that others find unnerving. For some reason I see him as also having long hair, in a phallic-like pony tail, which is never a good look for a man, at least one who's not a rock star.

Far from a rock star, it's very doubtful that he has a girlfriend and is quite possible that he's a virgin or hasn't had sexual relations in many, many years. He probably spends most of his time in a dirty, dark, smelly, cockroach infested room, littered with soiled tube socks and shit-stained tighty whities. He's probably even there now, hunched over a computer, with bad posture, drinking a Slurpee, and trolling Literotica stories. He probably spends the rest of his free time jerking off to porn, playing video games, and trolling on other sites, too.

This sort of sad individual is likely to be a sociopath, one unaware and/or uncaring of the psychic pain they inflict on others. I think it's possible, too, that Literotica trolls are the sorts who torture animals or watch snuff films and view pictures of gory accidents, death photos online. I could also see Literotica trolls being the sorts of individuals who're likely to walk into a shopping mall with a machine gun, open fire, and ultimately shoot themselves.

To further why I believe trolls to be sad, lonely individuals, I've noticed a spike in trolling around holidays, and have seen many Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc, dates on troll comments. These are probably the worst times for trolls, so they feel the need to strike then more than ever.

However, it should be said that not all sad, lonely individuals engage in such behavior, many just tough it out, many do something to better themselves, but many do turn to Literotica trolling in order to make themselves feel better about their miserable, lonely predicament. Trolling enables them to fill a hole inside themselves.

Also possible is that trolls could be completely "normal" individuals. Like you always hear about the serial killer or child molester, no one ever suspected him. He seemed so "normal." The same could be true of Literotica trolls. You could pass by one on the street and not think anything of him. You could be working with one. Your neighbor, a member of your family, the guy sitting at the next table in a restaurant, etc, could be a Literotica troll. In all noticeable ways they're "normal," except for deep down inside, they aren't human anymore. They're outward appearances might lead you to believe that they're human, but, in reality, they're trolls.

It is important to note that trolls were once people, however. They weren't always trolls. They were once people with hopes, dreams, and aspirations. They wanted to be fireman, astronauts, professional writers, etc, and now they're not and they're pissed off about it and feel the need to take these feelings out on other authors on Literotica, instead seeing a psychiatrist or life coach or something.

As for the cumulative effects of trolling on the website, that remains a mystery. There are some definite effects, though, such as some writers being extremely hurt by such remarks. There are probably many who've removed their works from the site after a nasty attack, robbing readers of what might have been great stories.

There are some writers, though, who laugh it off, engage with trolls, and get a kick out it, happy their story pissed someone off so much that they'd be inclined to go out of their way to leave such a comment. For others I think it leads them to turn off ratings and anonymous comments altogether, in an attempt to starve out the trolls. I've no doubt Literotica provided the "disable anonymous comment" option due to excessive trolling.

Stories' ratings are definitely affected by trolls, as they tend to hit the "1" at a high frequency. And I believe there are trolls out there so vicious that they probably vote a story down multiple times in order for it to lose a high quality rating and to, in their minds, hopefully discourage others from reading it.

I bet some trolls hate certain authors with such a passion that they follow everything that author does, trash every story he writes, and make sure to vote his writing down as much as possible. Such trolls are without question the most malevolent on the site, and are quite similar to a poltergeist or demonic spirit possessing a house.

So, in conclusion, I'm not sure how much use this case study has been, but hopefully it's provided at least some insight into the phenomenon of trolling here at Literotica and into the minds of those who spew such comments.

It's actually quite sad that people troll, when you think about it, especially writers doing it to other writers, especially on a free site. I do think, though, that trolls should be taken with a grain of salt, as how seriously can comments be taken if they're from an anonymous screen name?

Really, the entire act of hiding behind a computer keyboard, lobbing offensive remarks from the shield of an anonymous handle screams chickenshit, and says a lot more about the commenter's insecurities than it does the author's writing. Such people are to be pitied more than anything. At least that's my take on it. I think it's much easier to trash another's work than it is to create your own and that it takes a lot more courage to post a work in the public domain than it does to troll.

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DannyeightDannyeightover 2 years ago

Great piece Newamba, and some really good comments from other authors too. I found trolling disheartening at first but now I think about it like this; every bit of hate they give twists them up a little more inside - their loss, not mine. The next time I get a troll comment I'm going to refer them to your article :-) Take care.

born2rebellisborn2rebellisover 2 years ago

Lmfao!! This is a fantastic piece, so well written, the Fox News reference was hilariously accurate

As was the description of the troll and reference to a demonic spirit haunting a house LOL

You’re a great writer! I will be sure to follow you. Thanks for standing up for writing in general, real writing that is, I’ve also received death threats from these assholes you mentioned!

SaphhiaSaphhiaabout 4 years ago
Oh my god, well written and so true

How appropriate that the one comment that I saw was anonymous. Perfect and so to the point. Personally, being a successful writer in the real world, I write on literotica for fun; recreation if you will. I myself have been a victim of these drive by trolls, and so I have either simply ignored them or if one particular story or chapter particularly irks them, I simply remove the ability of comment or rate. (Again, I do this for fun. I don’t need to prove myself here.) Thank you for a well thought out analysis of the situation. Although the moderators of the site seem to care less about it, it is unfortunate that these type of attacks only serve to drive fledgling authors away from the site, thus ensuring that the talent finds other avenues for their exploits. Until anonymous comments are made unavailable, I’m afraid that there will only be more of this behavior, as misery loves company. I will, of course, continue to write, knowing what miserable existences these trolls must live to be so bitter and unforgiving. I’m just so happy, overjoyed that I am not them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Too Serious

When I get an unwarranted trolling comment, I delete it. Simple. This article makes so many unfounded assumptions that I must conclude that the entire thing is a joke. If you quit writing because of a few, or even several trolling comments or 1 votes, then you should probably find another hobby, or post stories to Kristen Archives where there is no voting or comments at all.

JasonClearwaterJasonClearwateralmost 6 years ago

The difference between someone, an author or reader, expressing their dislike of a story, vs a troll is these three key things.

1) A troll doesn't read the story. They just vote based on the topic or the author.

2) A troll votes strategically, specifically in order to damage an author's scores and views.

3) A troll frequently places multiple votes, in contravention of both the rules of the site, and of what is fair. An individual gets their chance to make their opinion known. Once.

Anyone who takes the time to read a story, has a legitimate right to cast their vote as they choose. But you have to question why they finished reading it, if they disliked it that much. Why not click out and read something else?

Because the troll feels entitled, not just to his or her opinion, but to police the success and visibility of authors they personally don't like. To police, in fact, the content in an entire category.

I'm happy to hear genuine criticism. But 'you're shit' and multiple bombings by one childish twat tell me nothing, except that a petty narcissist needs a girlfriend.

readyforprimetimereadyforprimetimeover 7 years ago
Your essay is accurate

I do write as well on the site and in the short time I have submitted stories been subject to the same types of comments that you've noted. I don't understand why people get off on being mean spirited. We write for free and are not professionals nor do we profess to be such. Do they want a written apology?

I don't think the trolls are other writers. The few that do use their identifier have not published any stories. Trust me I would go through their work with the same critical eye that they subjected mine to.

Keep writing!!

jaycoxjaycoxover 9 years ago
Right as rain

Good job. is suffering more of this now too. They are chickenshit cowards who hide behind anon. handles.

Smokey125Smokey125over 10 years ago
Got what I believe is one of these myself

Y'know, I just started researching this because I was struck by this little phenom. At least I think I was. If this is in fact the same sort of thing, mine is indeed "Anonymous" (big surprise there), and starts out like this:

"Get an editor. Get an original storyline. Write better dialogue..." It went on to attack the non-realism of the story (as if everything on Literotica is absolutely TRUE—RIIIIIIIGHT), and ends with "...the rest is TOTAL bollucks," literally quoting. Seemed to also get a sizable drop in the rating along with it. Though I thought it might have been a troll, I was very upset about it at first because it's the first time this kind of thing has happened to me, but after researching it and finding a few articles like this on the site, I think I'll refrain from taking it personally. People with nothing more constructive to do than attempt to wreck the self-images and confidence of others, apparently. Because I have gotten a good few very GOOD reviews and high votes on my stories, including this one I'm referring to. So probably best we just move on, try not to let it bother us. Carry on, all!

tiggerlillytiggerlillyover 10 years ago
Interesting, but

I too have been trolled and the comments were vituperative rather than enabling. Some of the points were valid opinions stated as facts. All rounded up with the demand that I stop writing. Made me sore for a while, then I got over it.

But, we don't know who they are and thinking that they are spotty oiks with personal hygiene problems is surely wish fulfillment.

They could be highly talented authors having a bit of a laugh.

Their power is in my humble opinion over-rated.

sweet_lusciousdesiresweet_lusciousdesireover 10 years ago

Wow! I really enjoyed your essay. That was insightful, truthful and it perfectly describes an author's typical experience at Literotica. Here I am trying to write a story and I keep getting distracted after my last 15 hour endevour just got smashed by the trolls. Funny thing too, it was in the loving wives category. Thank you! Thank you! Now to get back to writing.

NymphWriterNymphWriteralmost 11 years ago
Trolls & Haters

I wish to thank you for your essay. I have honestly not read anything from this category before & when I saw this, I said... "Hey, maybe this person is on to something." I must say, you are indeed!

As a writer and victim of many "Trolls" on this site, your words came as a breath of fresh air to me. I submit my stories to three different sites, but this is the only one that allows the "Anonymous" comments & votes. I will honestly admit I've given a few 3's and 4's over the past 10 years of being a fan of Lit, but often, if I don't like a story, I just don't vote. My momma taught me if I can't say something nice, to say nothing at all. Before I had an account, I did leave anonymous comments, but never were they mean or negative. If I had "negative" feedback, I'd write to the author directly, not leave a public comment. I also don't have a problem with "skipping" certain categories (incest for one) because I know I won't like those stories. I'm sure there are some fine stories in that category, but that genre isn't my style and I just avoid it.

I recently had someone send me an anonymous feedback (email) and I was upset the person chose not to allow me to respond. I did brush it off but the sheer act of cowardice did piss me off. I know not everything I write will appeal to all readers, but I would like to think those who chose to read my work, did so because they like the category. I have one in "Loving Wives" and it has been trashed by the trolls. My most recent in exhibition/voyeurism has also taken a beating. Yet on another site it's scoring well.

I refuse to let the "Trolls" run me off this site. I may at some time pull some of my work if I could get it published, but that would be the ONLY reason I'd pull my work. Thank you again for saying what needed to be said and addressing an issue that has driven many wonderful authors off this site. I do wish Literotica could do more, but I also support the "Trolls" right to say what they will under the 1st amendment. I just wish they would remember the person their blasting is a human being, with feelings. That authors like myself (and you) put a lot of work & energy in their writings. I have appreciated those who have brought errors to my attention without calling me names or implying I'm an uneducated woman. Those who know me, know I'm not uneducated, but I do make occasional mistakes.

Keep up the good work! I just might check out more of your stuff.

newambanewambaabout 12 years agoAuthor

Trolls need to be trolled sometimes. It's good to look in the mirror.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Trolling trolls

Sir, I do believe that you just trolled the trolls

newambanewambaalmost 13 years agoAuthor

Hey there! See you're still stalking me all this time later. Damn, you really ARE a loser, just like I said in this essay. Bet you're mad that you can't slam the '1' repeatedly on my "stories" anymore. I disabled voting and anonymous coward comments like yours because I was sick of you manipulating the voting system. One of my "stories" was highly rated until I did this piece, then lo and behold, some stalker like you attacks it and slams the 1 button so many times it goes down a whole percentage point. Not a very nice thing to do to a fellow member of the Literotica community, now is it? Not that I really care about scores anyway, but I didn't feel like giving you shitheads the satisfaction anymore. Guess you'll have to find someone else to stalk and abuse, which shouldn't be too hard for you.

Listen, I have called on you stalker trolls several times to use your real screen names here, post links to your stories, come out from hiding, etc, but you won't. You're a bunch of fucking thin-skinned cowards, too insecure w/your own writing to post links to it. Until you losers reveal yourself and until Literotica fixes its scoring system to avert manipulation by assholes like you, I'm opting out. No more coward anonymous comments, either, except here, as such comments only reinforce the validity of this piece.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I see you removed rating and commenting on all your other "stories."

What kind of thin-skinned little babyman are you?

newambanewambaalmost 13 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Yes, I think trolling definitely relates to low self-esteem. That's probably the biggest reason of why it occurs. Sad stuff, but a reality on the Internet. Lot of assholes out there.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
But X_JohnDoe_X really is a cunt.

And probably wouldn't take his wife back in this kind of situation anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
You hit it right on the head

Brilliant insight into the problem. You've hit the nail right on the head. Unfortunately the same problem occurs on other sites. So much hatred to hide one's own inadequacies.

newambanewambaalmost 13 years agoAuthor

I myself am a fan of hookers. They contribute a lot to society, at least the attractive ones. Glad you liked the piece, but I probably won't add anything else. I think what I needed to say was said, and that that was confirmed by the visceral reactions I got to the essay from trolls and others, as well as the fact that one of these trolls actually went out of his way to attack 6 of my pieces, all in under 5 minutes! That must be a trolling record, even for this site! I'm definitely proud to have achieved such a result and that the reactions and actions taken by these trolls has just reinforced tenfold everything I said in the essay.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

loved this essay ii would agree with all that u have written and u could add that they have a motive of being paid somehow by others like a prostitute is i dont know though. its up to u whether to add something or not

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