The Violin Pt. 07

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The road to heaven is paved with a home invasion.
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Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/17/2015
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Kendra couldn't move. Keith had loved her to the nth degree and she felt the sweet residual ache in every muscle of her body, especially down there. She giggled to herself, stretching in bed.

"God, what have I been missing my whole life?" she mused. If this was a dream, she never wanted to wake up from it. But eventually, she had to get up. Keith had been gone over an hour, and she wanted to do something special by the time he came back. Maybe dinner? She surveyed her kitchen. Everything looked different, now. That one steak she'd bought wouldn't cut it. She'd have to pick up another for her man.

She was deciding on sides when her phone rang. The Evanses' number flashed across the screen, and her temperature jumped by 100 degrees.

"You are unbelievable, Dad," she started, ready to fight.

"No sweetie, it's me," Maria's honeyed voice came through the lines. "How's your weekend going? Were those case studies I sent you helpful?"

"Yes ma'am, they were. Thank you." She wandered through the house as she talked, straightening up and retrieving random articles of clothing that had been left behind last night. "You'll never guess who I ran into last night. Keith." Her voice squeaked just a bit on his name. The call waiting beeped, but she ignored it and waited for her mother's reaction.

Maria went silent on the other end. Over the years, she'd seen the parade of guys Kendra had brought home. None of them were good enough, in her opinion. Secretly, she'd always wondered if she and Robert had made a mistake forbidding her to see Keith. It was obvious how they felt about each other. Now he was even less of a desirable option for her daughter than before. He'd gone from being a poor boy with limited choices to an ex-con with none. But she couldn't deny the happiness in Kendra's voice. She hadn't heard her baby girl sound that bubbly in a long time.

"Uh-huh," she gently teased her. "And are his shoes under your bed?"

"N-nooo," Kendra stammered. It amazed her how her mom always knew when she'd gotten some. "But they might have been at some point. Oh my God, mom, it's like no time has passed at all. He's the same Keith."

"Well, just be cautious, darling. Six years is a long time, and there's no telling what he had to do, willingly or not, to survive incarceration."

Kendra came across her skirt by the bedroom door. She picked it up and jumped when she saw it covered Keith's .45-caliber pistol. Reluctantly, she admitted her mom could be right. Wanting it out of sight but not knowing what to do with the thing, she put it on the kitchen counter, under a dish towel.

"Mom, I want to ask you something. Did Dad ever send Keith my letters? He said he never got any of them."

"Oh, Lord. I knew this day would come," Maria intoned. "I told him it was wrong, but honey, your father was just trying to protect you."

"For just one minute, can you stop defending him! What gives him the right? Who does he think he is?" Kendra was so angry, she ignored the beep of another incoming call. This was too important. "He calls it protection, but it's really just about control. You guys. You made me feel like a race-traitor and a whore, simply because a boy loved me and I loved him back. And then you betrayed me again! How could you be so cruel?"

"Honey I just wanted the best for you. I never ascribed to your dad's racial obsession. But Keith, nice as he was, wasn't the best. That's all. Once you got to college, I figured you would move on."

What garbage, Kendra dismissed. Her mom always fell in line with her dad, no matter what. He was the one she needed to speak to.

"Put him on the phone."

"He's not here. He's at a conference in Portland."

"Typical." Just then, her doorbell rang. Kendra shrugged on her robe and went to answer it. But when she looked out the peephole, she couldn't see anyone. Tightening her sash, she opened the door. There on her entry mat was a single white rose. Confused, she looked to her left and right but no one was around.

"Who was that," her mom asked.

"No one, I guess. Look mom, I've got to run to the store. I'll talk to you later."

"All right, sweetheart. Remember, I love you."

Kendra took a quick shower and pulled on some sweats, making a mental list of items to buy: steak, wine, beer—he seemed like a beer man—condoms, asparagus and ice cream. They could talk more another day. Tonight, she just wanted to celebrate. Maybe she'd make a cake. She hurried to the gourmet grocer a few blocks away. Things were expensive but of a high-quality there.

"Hey, Miss Lady," the cashier said. The young teen treated her to a bit of light flirting whenever she came in. She gave the dark boy a friendly nod and continued through the bright aisles to the back.

"Give me your finest grass-fed, organic cut," she sang out happily to the butcher.

Gus raised an eyebrow. The pretty black lady was always pleasant, but she seemed downright giddy today.

"Sure thing. You must be celebrating."

"I am! How did you know?" She pointed out the steak she wanted and he wrapped it in white butcher paper.

"It's written all over your face," he grinned back. "Good to see you smiling. Whatever it is, congratulations." He handed her the package with a wink.

When she went to ring out, the cashier shot her a concerned look. He was slower than usual about bagging up her few purchases.

"Miss Lady," he whispered, "I think some dude is following you."


"He came in after you, looked around and headed to the back. Then he came up front right before you and got in a white car, but he didn't pull off. I think he's waiting for you to come out. He gives me a bad vibe. Want me to walk out with you? At least to the end of the block."

Kendra's heart began pounding. "That's not necessary, sweetie. But can you come with me and point the car out?"

"Yes, ma'am." The boy hopped the counter and insisted she stay a few steps behind him until he could sight the guy. But when they got outside, it appeared to be for naught.

"I swear he was parked right there," the teen said, pointing. "He must've driven off. It was an older model, big body white sedan." He hung his head, frustrated. "Maybe it was nothing."

"Thank you for looking out, anyway," she said, patting his shoulder. She dug into her purse and offered him a few dollars, but he shook his head no.

"You don't pay me for that," he chided her. "I'm supposed to look out for you."

"All right, little man. Excuse me," she apologized jokingly. "I was just trying to put some money in your pocket."

"You can put your number in my pocket," he replied boldly. "You too fine not to have a man somewhere. He ought to be watching out for you."

"That's what I've got you for, right?" Kendra blew him a kiss and started down the block. She glanced over her shoulder to see the boy watching her retreat with interest. Kids!

Back at home, she washed and seasoned the steak, then let it rest while preparing the asparagus. She shaved garlic over the spears, drizzled them with olive oil and sprinkled sea salt on them while the oven warmed up. She was just sliding the pan of vegetables into the warmth when she heard her toilet flush.

She screamed as heavy footfalls led a man around the corner.

"Niall! What the hell are you doing in my house?"

The heavier-set man who looked more like her father than she cared to admit held up a key. "I was just dropping this off. I forgot I'd had two made."

Kendra's hand drifted from where it had flown up to her neck, as she slowly calmed. She could kick herself—Niall drove a pearl-white 4-door Lexus. He must've been at the store. She fixed him with a glare, which he ignored as he strolled into the kitchen and leaned against the fridge.

"I like your hair that way, more natural. I meant to tell you that at the office, but you know, too many ears around. They probably already thought we were banging anyway; the only two blacks in the firm."

"That's cliché," Kendra retorted.

"What's not cliché was your ass, that first day you came in. I pushed hard for you, I didn't care how it looked. You had the credentials and the goods. Even now, I don't regret it."

Kendra laughed at him. "I wish you were feeling as generous last week when you ripped me a new one in front of the partners for missing that precedent."

Niall shrugged, as if to say Oh, well. "Are you cooking? You must be expecting company. Or already had it, by the looks of your bedroom."

Kendra slammed down a pot. "My bedroom is none of your business."

"Relax, babe. I was just looking for one of my ties. You know, the black one?"

Indeed she did. Kendra suppressed the Pavlovian urge to close her eyes. Niall would blindfold her with the heavy silk tie and do whatever he wished to her. It had started off exciting, but as their sexual activity waned she'd seen it less and less. Niall eased up behind her and she whipped around, pushing him away.

"Come on, baby, I know how much you liked that tie. And what we used to do with it. I miss my Thundercat," he mused, using his pet name for her sex. "I don't mind if you've met someone else. But why can't we share?"

"Because I'm not a commodity to be split for your convenience. Now unless you've got anything else to pick up or drop off, I really have to ask you to get on your way."

Niall's light-brown complexion mottled, the only clue that he was angry. When he spoke, his dulcet tone was as modulated as ever. "Your dad called me last week, said he hadn't heard from you in a while and wanted me to check up on you. I'm guessing you didn't tell him we were over?"

Kendra fixed her lips in a straight line and gazed hard at her door.

"I get it, I shouldn't have let myself in. Talking with your dad, I just thought you might be open to working some things out. That's all. I'll see you in the morning." He kissed her hair lightly and walked out the door, pulling it closed behind him. Kendra waited a beat, then ran to lock it.

Before she even made it back to the kitchen, a frantic knock brought her back to the door. Pissed, she ripped it open without looking. "What?!" She yelled. Down at her feet was another white rose.

"Dammit, Niall," she bent to snatch it off the ground; she would rip it up and toss it in the trash. On the way up, a fat crotch bulged in her face.

"Hey, Ivy. I hope you liked the flowers," Bam said.

She jumped to slam the door, but the big man moved with astonishing speed and shoved her inside the house. He towered over her prone body, laughing in delight as she scrambled backwards on her hands.

"This is nice, real nice," he said with genuine appreciation, catching her in the ribs with his foot as she tried to stand. "No, you stay down. Didja like the visit from my boy Kaine? I heard you REALLY did. I mean, I literally heard. The whole neighborhood could hear you going at it. Made me hard as cut glass, outside under your window. I might've left some stains on the brick, heehee."

He was licking his lips as he talked to her, his eyes bright with anticipation.

"When I guessed you scream pretty, I had no idea. You should be in the opera, sister. But Cody'll be here soon, and we'll get you there. He's making sure Kaine—or Keith? That's what you call him?—making sure he stays busy for the next couple hours. We won't have any interruptions, I promise."

Kendra was seemingly in a state of shock. She shivered on the floor, drawing her knees up to her chest like a frightened little kid, protecting her ribs and other weak points. Bam liked thinking she was immobilized with fear, but she was sizing him up. She knew he favored knives, and now knew was quick for his size. Strong and limber, too. Then again, so was she.

"Mister, may I please get up?" She spoke in a little girl voice, so low she could barely be heard.

"May you? I like that, sweetheart. Ohh, I'm gonna enjoy this. What you want to get up for? You wanna undo my pants?" Contradicting himself, he unzipped slowly, enjoying her eyes widening to the sound of his zipper. "No, I think I like you on the floor, just like that. Just watching. We can get warmed up while Cody gets here. I might not have a Zulu dick like Kaine, but you're the kinda bitch that gets wet for any cock, aren't ya? It's just gotta be hard and in front of you, don't it?"

He pulled out his five-inch worm, slipping it fast up and down in his fist. "Yeah, yeah, keep your knees up. I can smell your pussy through those sweats."

Suddenly, Bam sniffed the air. "You got something in the stove?"

"Ah, shoot! My veggies are burning!" Kendra's exaggerated diction made her sound both younger and dumber than she was. "Please Mister, let me take them out. My fire alarm's really sensitive and the oven's on broil."

Bam laughed. "I guess we don't want fire fighters interrupting our soiree. Go ahead." He helped her up, but paused before she could gain full footing, keeping her suspended off-balance. He shook her lightly. "Don't try anything stupid, or I'll have to hurt you. And I don't want to hurt you. Yet."

Kendra nodded and walked slowly to the kitchen, Bam following her closely. She glanced around for a potholder and saw the yellow dish cloth she'd folded over Keith's gun. She'd forgotten all about it. Blowing out her tension with a shaky sigh, she reached for it, keeping the oversize towel bunched to hide the weapon. She scooped up the potholder with her other hand and opened the oven.

"Smells good, Ivy. We may have time for a snack afterwards, if you can still swallow," Bam joked.

Kendra just set her lips grimly. As she set the pan of asparagus on the stovetop, the door cracked and a shrill whistle sounded. Bam responded with a chirp of his own. Cody shut and latched the door behind him, strutting into her space like he owned it. He wore a burgundy leather jacket on the warm spring day.

"You got her in the kitchen already, Bam? She ain't no housewife."

Bam turned to respond and Kendra kicked in the side of his knee as hard as she could. The big man crumpled and she charged into the living room toward Cody, the .45 aimed dead at his face.

"You and your fat friend are going to sit down and shut up until the police arrive," she shouted over Bam's hoarse screams.

"She busted my knee! That bitch!" He moaned from the kitchen floor.

"Get your ass in here," Kendra commanded. "You too, on the floor."

She motioned toward Cody with the pistol. He eyed her hard for a long moment, then raised his hands and sat on the floor by the door.

"No, over there," she pointed toward the couch.

Cody didn't move.

"I said move!" She kicked at him and he grabbed her foot, yanking her to the ground. Her head bounced painfully on the hardwood, momentarily stunning her. She held onto the gun but just barely, kicking on pure instinct.

"The problem with cunts and guns," Cody rasped, grappling with her on the floor, "is they don't know shit. You still got the safety on, baby."

He climbed on top of her, rendering her lower body strength useless, and pinned her wrists back. Kendra bucked and twisted, bit and headbutted him, but Cody was relentless. He twisted her hand holding the gun, completely unafraid.

"I'm a wiry sonofabitch, ain't I?" he taunted. "Shit, you're turning me on, baby. You want it right now, don'tcha. By the door, so all your neighbors can hear you creaming on another white cock?"

Kendra freed one arm and elbowed Cody in the face, then switched gun hands and slammed the butt across the bridge of his nose. She flipped him off but kept hitting him and hitting him in the face until he lay mostly still, except for a few weak shudders.

"Dumb sonofabitch. I had the safety on so I wouldn't KILL your ass."

She hocked a fat loogie in the middle of his face. It took everything she had not to step on his windpipe and lean. Instead, she snatched up the phone with adrenaline-stiff fingers and dialed 9-11.


Kendra was hailed as a hero by the news media and her community. Even at the job, she was accorded more respect. The police, however, had more questions.

"Where did you get the gun, Ms. Evans?"

"I pulled it off the big one when we were in the kitchen."

"Was this before or after you shattered his kneecap?"

"The same time, I guess."

"That weapon has been used in the commission of several felonies. But they don't fit the profile of the suspect. Bartholomew Ashman is a sadist with a known predilection for knives. They're his specialty. Why do you think he was carrying a gun?"

"I'm sure I have no idea."

"Are you sure there weren't three attackers?"

"No! Why would you ask that?"

"Because you said these men had harassed you on the train earlier, then apparently followed you home to finish what they'd started."

"That's correct."

"Well, a couple catching the same train early Sunday morning witnessed something that we think is related. They called later, to say they saw a woman fitting your description being harassed by three men, two fitting the assailants' descriptions. You sure there wasn't another man present?"

"No. It was only the two. Can I ask you something?"


"If they cared so much, why the fuck didn't they help me then?"


Keith was going crazy not talking to Kendra. After his appointment, one of Cody's men insisted on picking him up. The grunt said "the boss" needed to see him ASAP. But when he got in the car, he'd been driven outside of city limits and pushed out of the car. Keith called a couple of brothers but no one picked up, so with only a $20 to his name he raced back as quickly as he could, on foot, cab, three buses and a train. When he reached Kendra's street, the brownstone had been barricaded as a crime scene and police were everywhere. Keith fought his way through the crowd of onlookers to get to the front.

"What happened?" he asked a neighbor.

"Two animals broke in her house and raped that nice girl!" the violet-haired old lady replied. "Isn't it terrible? Poor thing, she's just a single gal trying to make it on her own out here. I think she shot one of them."

The words ripped a hole in his gut. Keith saw Kendra wrapped in a blanket, surrounded by EMT. She looked shell-shocked. His bones ached to go to her, but he couldn't risk coming anywhere near the scene. He was in agony not knowing what had happened. The 10 o'clock news reported it as attempted rape, which helped him breathe easier. But he didn't have her number, so he couldn't call. He prayed the police would set up a patrol car to sit outside her place, in case one of the gang got retaliation on the mind, even though that would prevent him from visiting her as well.

I'm just going to lay low until the heat dies down, he decided. But a small voice inside him said he should do the exact opposite. She needs me, she's going through all this because of me; how can I hide to save my own skin? A dozen times a day he had this argument, and he'd catch himself walking to the train, or away from it, depending on which side won. Eventually, he couldn't take it. Wednesday he posted up on her stoop and knocked on the door all night. She didn't answer.

Thursday night and Friday were repeats of the same. He didn't know where she was or what she was doing. Finally, on the chance their number had stayed the same, he thought to call the Evans house.


"Kendra! Baby, are you OK? I came by three nights this week and couldn't catch you."

"This is Maria. Kendra's asleep—who's calling?"

Keith took a deep breath. "Hello Mrs. Evans. It's Keith."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Still hooked...

The stories are written very well, but I'm only given bread crumbs. Yes, this sounds greedy, but as an avid reader I need more. I'm getting caught up in your story series and hmmm...(blushing) I'm already late for work.


MusicLuvaMusicLuvaabout 9 years ago

I'm so glad to read that Kendra handled their asses! I wonder where she learned to defend herself? Now I wonder if there will be an attempt at retaliation?

You go Kendra! :0)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Oh Snap! that was awesome, you have defenetly made a fan out of me. I really dont have much to say since the story is progressing to my liking and the pace is nicely set so... hope to hear from you soon.

ams45ams45about 9 years ago
I knew she could kick ASS!

I'm so glad Kendra was able to defend herself!!! Thanks for not having them rape her, I don't think I could've taken that. I was hoping she had gun, any gun, and thankfully it was Keith's. I knew she'd be a bad ass! Awesome job. Now can these star crossed lovers finally get it right? I hope he can go to her and they work things out... Come on Maria! Help these crazy kids out this time!!!

What's up with creepy Niall? I don't think I like him.

emj417emj417about 9 years ago

Time for mom to help then get out of town. Kendra saved herself and they deserved everything she gave them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Five stars to the 10th power.

Amazing writing. I love how Kendra handle those unsavory bastards. She needed to move from that area. Her mother need to support her, because Kendra is a adult with good instinct. Thank you Bain

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 9 years ago
Wounded Knee

Love how Kendra took care of Bam and Cody, but hate how Keith got ridden out of town too. We could sure feel the tension, struggle and drama though. I'm glad Kendra called her mom on non-delivery of the letters, but I really hate that Maria did so little to try to change her husband's mind over the years--and especially that she didn't tell Kendra after so long. I still love the story, but it seems Keith really got shafted when he didn't have to--and so did Kendra. :(

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
just like I predicted!

I'm glad that Kendra us the gun to protect her self like I predicted last chapter. I just wanted to know who was she ignoring while she was talking on the phone with her mom? I thought it was keith but he he was running to her. So who? I feel like maria is going to blame him for what happen to Kendra and curse him out for it. But I think she going to let him see her because she's going to realize that they both love one another. Niall has got to get his ass out of here! He going to be a problem too in this story I can feel. A little snitch for her father. That fool got to go. Updated I'm to addicted to stop read this story!

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 9 years ago

Kendra handled those fools. Hopefully Kendra doesn't suspect Keith had anything to do with those idiots trying to rape her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Sigh of Relief....

Glad those fools didn't rape her, but didn't see her bustin a kneecap Coming. Poor Keith he trying to do the right thing. I hope he's not in trouble with her. Great update.

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