The Violin Pt. 09

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Keith and Dad have it all the way out in front of everybody.
3.1k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/17/2015
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Keith kissed her good night the whole length of her parents' long private road. The moon was so full. He begged her to climb in the backseat of his Fairlane and she almost gave in, but it was so late already. The closer she got to home, the more nervous the teenager became. At her request, he stopped short of the driveway, so as not to alert anyone with shining headlights. She snuck in the front door, holding her key lightly to avoid jiggling it. The hinges were soundless, the wooden stairs mounted on rubber slats to cushion footfalls. She was home free! And she'd never felt more beautiful or womanly. Her skin tingled where Keith's eruption left a salty constellation, and her private lips were so swollen they squeezed between her thighs with every step. She was going to sleep well that night, but first she was going to jill off reliving every single second. Until she turned on the lamp and saw her parents sitting on her bed.

Robert Evans looked like he was going to explode. His face was vermillion and his breath came in short snorts, like a bull. Only her mother's firmly clenched grip on his arm kept him from raging into the night, a one-man lynch mob. But it was the look on her mother's face that broke Kendra's heart. Pure, utter, point-blank disappointment.

"Sit down, young lady," Maria said.

Kendra dropped cross-legged to the floor in front of her parents.

"Mommy, Daddy, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to get in this late. I was at the library—"

"The library closed hours ago."

"I know. I lost my phone, so I hung out at the gas station until Keith could come out and give me a ride."

Maria pressed the redial button on the handset by Kendra's bed. Her cellphone buzzed mercilessly in her back pocket. Maria did not hang up until Kendra's voicemail timed out. She stood and walked over, stopping a few inches short. For once, in this position, she towered over the teenager.

"Kendra, you're in trouble as it is," she leaned down so she was face-to-face, "So what were you really—good Lord, child, you smell like a brothel!"

"May as well been in one," her father muttered. "Dammit, Kenny, what the hell were you thinking? A hundred, no, thirty years, hell, now! What do you think that boy's doing? He's bragging to all his friends how he banged the black girl! I hope you used a rubber!"

Kendra flinched, which seemed to enrage him further. He propelled himself off the bed.

"Oh, was that indelicate? Did that offend you?" He gripped her jaw roughly, yanking her eyes up to duel with his eerily light ones. Off to the side, even Maria looked alarmed.


"I'm talking to my daughter," he said with exaggerated enunciation. "His stink is all over you, like a wet dog. Did you suck his dick, too? How else did you debase yourself? Answer me!"

Kendra burst in tears, terrified. "No Daddy, I swear! We didn't even have sex!"

"I sincerely doubt that," Robert's cold tone sliced like a blade. "A liar isn't the worst thing you've proved yourself to be tonight. Don't add to the list."

"Rob, you're going too far," Maria interjected.

Kendra didn't even hear her mother. Fat tears rolled down her cheeks like they would never stop. What only minutes ago had been the most beautiful moment of her life now seemed treacherous, dirty and degrading. She reeled as he flung her head away from him, catching herself on her forearms before she hit the floor. Her father had never looked at her like this, never talked to her this way. He'd always been her champion. Oh God. What did I do? Daddy doesn't love me anymore. Dry heaves wracked her chest, but when she found her voice, it was clear—if a bit shaky.

"No, Daddy, I promise. I'm still a virgin. You can check if you don't believe me."

Maria gasped, then grabbed Kendra and hugged her, using her body to shield her child from her husband's glare. "Baby, I would never subject you to that. I believe you, honey. It's OK."

Robert couldn't wipe the look of disgust off his face, even as his daughter's sobs broke his heart. He tried to smooth her hair and echo his wife, that it would be all right, but he couldn't bring himself to touch her right then. His half-proffered gesture ended in an impotent wave.

"Clean up, then come to the kitchen. We have things to discuss."

That was the night he broke her.

Since then, she'd only dated guys like Niall, who were great on paper but didn't fill the emptiness inside, and she poured her heart into the monthly letters. Over the years, they morphed from updates about her life into the most private kind of writing. Half journal entry, half prayer, they held all her hopes for Keith and herself in their separate lives.

She thought her father choosing to deliver them was like the commissary check: an apology or form of penance both to her and Keith. it certainly helped her get past all the horrible things he'd said that night. But since learning of his deception, her love for her father collided with hate, brewing a hell of a storm.


Kendra glared as her father approached, oblivious to the rage welling up inside her.

Robert threw his arms around his daughter and hugged tight, her lack of response and the stiffness of her arms not registering.

"I got back as soon as I could," he said. "I don't know why your mom didn't call me immediately, but Niall here told me all about what happened. Goddamn peckerwoods. So you're taking a few days off? That's good. That's the best thing you could do."

Only when she remained impassive did he acknowledge the man next to her.

"Keith. When did you get out?"

"Not a year ago." Keith rubbed Kendra's arm. She was breathing funny, and hadn't taken her eyes off her father. "You OK, babe?"


"Well Keith, this is Kendra's boyfriend Niall," Mr. Evans said. "Keith is a childhood friend," he directed to Niall.

Keith grinned, a fleeting, wolf-like baring of the teeth that his Native ancestors would have called a Pillager Smile. He ignored Niall's offered handshake.

"That's where you're wrong, Mr. Evans."

"Keith and I are together."

"What?" Niall yelled.

"Not this mess again," Robert spat.

"Niall and I have been broken up for months," Kendra's voice started out calm, but gradually rose. "And this mess, as you call it, is finally being with the one who loved me all along. No thanks to you."

Robert jerked, the way a dog does when someone throws a stone at it.

"Why lie, Dad? Let me think he hated me? This burden of guilt and self-loathing was like a wound I carried for years." She bumped into his chest, surprised. She had been slowly advancing on her father without realizing it, but Keith's big hands tethered her to safety. He gently pulled her back and squeezed her shoulder in support, giving her courage to continue. "What did you do with them?"

"What did I do with what?"

"The letters. And if you say what letters, so help me God."

"So help you God, what? You are still my daughter, and you're standing in my damn house. If you're talking about those lovesick letters to an incarcerated white boy, I did what any self-respecting Black man would do. I threw them out!"

"No, you didn't." Maria's cool frame leaned in the doorway. No one knew how long she'd been there.

"I saved all your letters, sweetheart. As bad as I felt about not delivering them, I knew it would compound the sin to destroy them."

Maria crossed the floor to the living room's library wall, all eyes on her. She had wrapped up a videoconference, and her skirt suit showed off her small waist and flared hips. She took a few steps up the sliding ladder and pulled a row of books from a particular shelf. It was a façade, a hinged box cleverly made to look like a series of leather-bound books.

"Keith, these are yours. I wanted to make them a wedding present, but it's not right to keep them a moment longer." She placed the box in Keith's hands and the whole world fell away.

Keith took the box to the coffee table and sat on one of the white leather settees for the first time in his life. He tracked mud on the rug, but didn't notice. Something very near fear floated in his stomach as he reached for the lid. When he opened it, warm tears filled his eyes. Envelopes. Dozens and dozens of them, missives from the brightest beacon of light he'd had in his life. He ran his hand through the stack. Some were bundled with rubber bands, some were loose. They were all out of order, but Mrs. Evans had just given him seven years of his life back. Among all the white envelopes was one bright red one. He reached for that one first. The conversation in the room sounded far away, as though his ears were stuffed with cotton. He was too busy with his gift, his heart overflowing.

"Are you serious?" It was Niall, making his case to Kendra. "I know you're mad with me. But an ex-con? Really?" He jerked his thumb at Keith.

"I'm not ashamed, Niall. Yes, he's an ex-con. But he's a lot more than that, and we've been in love since high school." She sat down next to Keith, noticing his reddening eyes and clumpy lashes. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He pulled her wrist to his lips and kissed it desperately; his nostrils quivered like a stallion. Then suddenly, a mask whisked into place. He sniffed hard twice, and the surface of the lake was still again.

"I'm sorry, Niall," Maria said. "Robert should have told me he'd invited you over; I could've saved you an unnecessary trip."

Ever the charmer, Niall folded her hands in one of his. "No apologies needed, Mrs. Evans. I just wanted to check on Kendra and give you all an update on the case."

Those words pierced Keith's fog. "What's happening?"

"Maybe you should all sit down," Niall suggested. He remained standing and took the floor.

"My contact at the police station told me the case was a slam-dunk. A couple of witnesses, corroborating evidence at the scene, and injuries consistent with an attempted assault. But the case started falling apart a few days later. The witnesses recanted. Key evidence went missing out of lock-up. And they're floating the theory that there was a third guy present. You see, Kendra," he turned to her and for an instant, she saw a flash of his old, vindictive self, "when they swabbed you down at the hospital to collect physical evidence, they found semen inside you that didn't match the DNA of either assailant. It did match a newly released convict with ties to an organized Neo-Nazi gang. They think, for whatever reason, you're protecting someone else who was involved. None of it made any sense to me at the time. So you're her high school boyfriend?"

"Lot more than that." Keith's voice was flat, dismissive. "But you already knew that." Keith put an arm around her and hugged her. She was holding him down even when he didn't even know about it!

Kendra turned back to Niall, going from tender to terse. "You saw that Keith had spent the night when you broke into my house, Niall. My attackers waited until you left. I thought it was you again when I opened the door to them."

"If he's so great, why didn't he come forth and help you? I was there. I comforted you. I made your excuses at work and drove you up here."

"I appreciate it, Niall."

"Like hell you do! Or it'd be me, not this smug white boy, on that couch next to you."

"It's over between us, long before Keith and I reunited," Kendra reminded him.

"We were over before we even started, you're goddamn right about that one."

"Don't talk to her like that," Keith warned, standing up. He was two inches taller and a lot more ripped, facts that weren't wasted on the lawyer.

Mrs. Evans bristled. "All right, Niall. We thank you for all the information and your concern. But as you can see, we've got a lot of family business to discuss." She walked over to the door and unlocked it.

"Niall, no." It was the first time Robert had spoken in ten minutes. "She doesn't know what she's doing. She's traumatized and confused."

"I've never been clearer in life. Daddy, I love him. And if you decide you can no longer love me because of that, that's on you."

Maria closed the door behind Niall.

"We tried to keep them apart, honey, and we were wrong. Look at how they keep finding each other! He has something she needs. If they make it, great. If they try and fail, that's life. But it's her life. Okay?" Her voice faded softer and she stood on tiptoe to tap his jaw.

Robert's beautiful wife, with her brilliant mind and passionate heart, had gone behind his back and mortally wounded his pride. "I thought we were a team," he said, bewildered.

"No, YOU are the team," she said. "You make decisions and I disagree and you never listen to me. Look at her. She's happy. For once, will you let that be good enough?"

"No! No, no, no! Baby, Kendra was supposed to be more than this! She was our contribution, the next generation of leaders to set things right. We didn't spend all that time and money and careful consideration and SACRIFICE to hand her gift-wrapped to the enemy. I won't have it. He's a fucking Nazi, for God's sake!"

"Mr. Evans, may I speak with you in private? I think we need to have a man-to-man."

"Huh, do you qualify?"

"Your daughter thinks so."


The two men went out the back door and started walking. Outside in the evening air, Keith wasn't quite sure how to say what he had to say.

"I love Kendra, Mr. Evans."

"Of course you do. She's beautiful, smart, creative. What's not to love?"

Keith reconsidered his approach.

"I understand why you want us apart."

Robert sucked his teeth. "You know very little, and understand even less."

Robert stomped past Keith, shoulder-checking the younger man hard. He was spoiling for a fight. What he didn't count on was that Keith was, too.

"Hey man, why don't you give us a chance? I know it's not ideal, but we've been loving each other all these years! She was the first thought on my mind when I got released. I went looking for her as soon as I got out."

"You goddamned peckerwood, you've been trying to get your hands on my daughter since the day you met! But why? Why sully Kendra with your filthy, thieving hands? I know all about you, boy. You weren't in jail three months before you joined up with the Aryans."

Robert took a swing at Keith, but Keith was faster and blocked it. He grabbed that fist and twisted it behind Robert's back and the men tussled like rams in the grass.

"Yes, I did," Keith hissed. "I was young and alone and scared shitless, and Kendra had broke my heart. I was angry and stupid."

"Yes you were," Robert heaved, breaking Keith's hold. He punched him in the solar plexus, briefly winding Keith, and followed up with an uppercut to his ribs. "How do I know you've changed?"

Keith danced back a bit, catching his breath.

"You know, you fight well. Boxing?"

"Golden gloves, 1982 and '83."

"Yeah, I can see that. It's pretty. That's not how I fight."

He advanced on the older man, doling out a dizzying combination of body blows and jabs that overwhelmed and confused Robert. The hits came so fast, but Keith was pulling his punches, not using full strength. Robert began to understand that, if he'd wanted to, Keith could take him apart. Keith ended with a right cross that glanced off Robert's chin, hard enough to snap his head back. Bu when he looked at Keith, Keith's eyes shined with unshed tears.

"I know you invested a lot into her. More than I can even imagine. I know because of what an amazing person she is. Look, I don't know why she loves me. But when an amazing woman loves you, you'd be a fool not to take it. I'm sure you felt the same way with Mrs. Evans."

"Kendra is nothing like her mother," Robert huffed.

"Then I guess I'm the lucky man," Keith returned.

Robert stopped dead. "Look, cut the bullshit," he cried out. "What did Maria mean back there about a wedding gift?"

"Yesterday, Mrs. Evans asked me about my intentions toward Kendra. I'm going to ask her to marry me."

Robert started to object, but Keith talked over him.

"I know, I know if I were you, I wouldn't want me marrying her, either. In my current state, I'm a liability. I've got a record, no job. But I will ALWAYS take care of Kendra. I will always provide for her, protect her. With my life. I already promised Mrs. Evans I would complete my education and get a future. I've got a couple hundred thousand socked away, enough to take care of us while I go to school. Let me..." for a strangling second, he ran out of words. "Let me love her. Please, sir."

Mr. Evans groaned and threw up his hands. "Keith, it's more than that. It's more than love or your criminal record. It's who you were born. Don't you get it? When Kendra gets to the level she is headed, you won't be able to walk in those circles. It is in that rarified air up there that your mere existence will hurt her! Hold her back. Stunt her potential. It will give people already prone to dismiss her one more weapon against her. When she's hurt it may be the very thing she uses to tear you up. And you still have to be there for her. Now, white boy, are you ready for that?"

He was one inch from Keith's face, so close a fine mist of spittle moistened the air.

Keith didn't budge or turn aside, locked in a stare down with Robert Evans.

"Do I have your permission or not? Sir."

Robert shook his head. "No. But I don't suppose that will stop you."

"No sir, it won't."

They walked back to the house in silence that, if not exactly friendly, was a lot less tense.

"When are you going to do it?" Robert finally asked.

"I've got a plan."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

So disappointed that you won't complete this story. It started f so well and I really enjoyed the start but alas...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I'm such a fan! Congratulations on a really good story. Especially the dialog - it could be a screenplay. I also think it's challenging to portray sex that's smokin hot but still pays attention to female dignity. So enjoyable to read!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Oh no you didn't just leave us hanging by a thread and didn't update anything!!!! You have some nerve to give us breadcrumbs and treating us like this. At least give us some closure. It's just wrong to do that to people...lead them on with a great story and leave us when there is something else brewing.

kamillkamillalmost 9 years ago

These characters are very realistic. I always felt like Keith would have to literally fight he way past Mr. Evans to get to his happiness, and still I am sure he doesn't have Robert's respect or confidence. Is this the end btw? There is a bit left unresolved if so.

ErinreneeErinreneealmost 9 years ago
I need more

Please, please, please update this story! It is a favorite and too good for it to just stop here.

kittys_kattkittys_kattalmost 9 years ago
is that really anthe end?

I'm sorry is that really all there is there is room for so much more are you planning on making a sequel or something? just curious I would like to see more of the couple

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
that's so creepy

Yes! The ending totally and entirely changed. Why? How do you even do that? Ok, I'm spooked but whatever, just hope this doesn't become a frequent thing. Well, maybe the author is struggling with the story, good luck!

ErinreneeErinreneealmost 9 years ago
Did I imagine differently?

Is it my imagination, or did the end of the story change slightly? No complaints, however I'm either highly invested in this story and need to go find another hobby or changes were made and I'm not crazy. Either way, it's still a great read!

ams45ams45almost 9 years ago
Glad they finally had it out!

Well now, it's all in the open now! Kendra's dad is crazy. I still don't trust Niall. Mama has got their backs! Nice. Of course Cody and that other dumbass recanted. We knew that was gonna happen. Keith paying them off and them staying quiet wasn't gonna happen. Especially since the mob Dad said Keith can't do anything to them if they change their minds... Fix it so they can be together, please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I love this story

I've re-read this daily and would constantly check for updates. The story is well written, the characters are phenomenal.

You mentioned 8&9 were going to be the last chapters. Please tell me you'll finish. I need to read about the proposal, life after, and everything in between. 5 stars!!!

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