The Wager


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"Please, Honey, I'm fine, and nobody's in trouble. It is just that some things got a bit out of hand for a little while. Everything is okay now. Just try to stay calm while we tell you what we all did. You know I'll never hide anything from you. Just trust me and listen. Okay?"

"As long as you are alright, I do trust you and I love you."

"Okay, here it goes. Allen picked me up and we went to the mall so I could pick out a new outfit. There we met up with Bryan and Chris. Like they said they couldn't decide who would take me out so they decided to all go together. They were real gentlemen and sat through hours of me trying on clothes before we decided on a dress. I think you will like it too."

Taking a sip of beer to moisten her mouth Emily continued, "We went to Allen's house and sat around having wine and talking until it was time to go to dinner. I dressed, alone with no extra help I will add, and they took me to a very nice dinner where we had a fantastic time eating, laughing and drinking. Next they took me to a club where there was a band and you know how I get when I've been drinking, I must have been dancing every number. There were three of them to dance with after all. Well, you know how I am when I dance; I sometimes get carried away and drink a little too much. I was dancing a lot and I didn't realize how much I had drunk. I honestly believe the others didn't realize how much they been consuming either."

"Well by closing, I was well past my limit. We went back to Allen's. I just wanted to crash, but when we got there I had another drink and there was music and I just let the music go to my head."

"Honey, this is the part I don't really want to admit, but I swore never to hide anything from you. You know how you always want me to show off a little in front of your friends? Well I just kept thinking about how you always seem to want me to loosen up and show a little more along. Someone, I don't know who, none of us can remember, loosened my dress and it was just hanging on me."

Jim was torn by the story being told to him, on one hand he was getting angrier by the moment both at his friends for taking advantage of his wife while he was not there, and at Emily for letting herself get out of control. On the other hand, he knew he was partially to blame because he had started the stupid wager and had encouraged Emily to go along with it. Hell, encourage, he practically forced her to go along. What did he expect? What he didn't expect was to be excited by the prospect of his wife being put in a position where she might have done some things that he had fantasies about doing to her.

Jim interjected, "So you're telling me what? That you took off your dress? What else happened?"

"They asked me to take it off. They said they had seen me in smaller swimsuits before and I just agreed that they had. It didn't seem to be such a big deal after all. I was still covered. You always wanted me to do things like that and I just wanted to please you. I thought you would have wanted me to do it.'

Jim just shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't believe that Emily's logic was that she was doing what he wanted her to do. He couldn't believe that he actually did want to hear that is what she did.

"I took off my dress' Honey I stood in front of them in my bra and panties and I was enjoying being looked at. I kept thinking what you would tell me to do and I just wanted to make you happy."

"The alcohol was doing the talking and the guys were asking to see just a little more so I thought it wouldn't hurt so I took off my bra and showed them my tits. Jim you are always talking about me showing off my tits and I did, I just wish you had been there to tell me if I was doing right or wrong. I had had too much to drink to know myself."

"Did, did anything else happen? Tell me you stopped there, you did, didn't you?"

"Oh, Jim, I took off everything, I stripped naked and showed them all of me. I just stood there and let them look at me and touch me and I was so confused. It began to feel really good; I didn't want them to stop."

Jim was flabbergasted. He never thought that Emily would let things go so far. He just heard that his wife had stripped totally naked in front of three of his male friends and that she didn't try to hide any part of her body from them. Now she had admitted that they felt her up as well. His heart was beating in his throat and his erection was about to burst in his shorts."

"I'm afraid to ask, did anything else happen?"

"Jim, Oh Honey, I don't know how it happened but, Oh God how do I say this, I had sex with them, Oh God, Honey, Jim, I'm so sorry!" Emily had finally broken down and was crying uncontrollably.

"You fucked them! You fucked all three of them? How could you let that happen?

Emily, why? Allen, why, how could you let that happen? Maybe if it was just you, I know how you are always drooling over Emily, but to let the other two to fuck her as well. It was a fucking gang-bang! Was this planned? Did you three plan to get my wife so shit faced drunk that you could take turns fucking her? Allen, Is that what you did?"

Allen now ashen faced at his friends anger, he knew how livid he would be if Emily were his wife. "No, I don't know, nothing like that was planned. Yes, I admit we talked about how much we all wanted to see some of Emily. You know how we all look at her. Fuck man, we all undress her with our minds. I just thought it was all bullshit, that nothing would happen. I would never have let anything happen to her, I admit, God Damn it, I love her too. Jim I can't tell you how it happened, or why I didn't stop it. All I know is all of a sudden she was taking off her dress and then she was taking off her bra and panties and she was naked and the next thing I remember, God Damn-it man We had all had her.

"Jim, Allen made them quit, He made them leave. They wanted to stay and play all night but he made them leave. I know it's bad, but it could have been worse."

"How could it be worse? They took turns fucking you!"

"They could have kept on doing it. They could have called their friends, they wanted to. There's lots more they could have done, but Allen wouldn't let them, he made them leave."

Jim tried to get control. He was pissed at his friends and equally pissed at himself for putting his wife in this position. What did he expect? Would he have done the same in a similar situation/? He didn't know anymore. He looked at his friend sitting there. He could tell by Allen's posture that he was dying inside. He knew if they had come in and admitted that just the two of them had screwed he probably wouldn't have been upset. He had even thought of sharing Emily with Allen. But was this the same? How much blame did each one of these people deserve? Somehow he couldn't bring himself to hold Allen completely responsible. Nor could he blame Emily, she was just trying to please him by doing what she thought he wanted her to do. Maybe she was right. The picture in his mind of her being gang-banged wasn't all that bad. He only wished he could have been there to see her being taken. Maybe that was the problem, he secretly wanted to see Emily striped and on display and doing taboo things with other men. He couldn't put the blame on her; He loved her too much to lose her.

"Allen," Jim started, "I've got a lot of thinking and talking to do. I don't hold you totally to blame, you aren't Mr. Clean, but I think you just got caught up in something that should have been stopped, but wasn't. You did help Emily, you took advantage, but you did more good than harm. I'm going to leave it at that for now. As far as the other two, I'm still trying to work that out. Emily's my wife; I love her more than anything in the world, always have, and always will. Nothing will ever change that. We have a lot to talk about. Come by in a couple of days, we will have worked it out by then and I can sit down and talk more rationally then."

Allen stood, a shaken man, he had just come close to losing the two people that meant the most to him. He couldn't talk; he was still wracked with shame for what he didn't do, and for what he did. When Jim extended his hand, he nearly choked a sob but took his friends hand and they wordlessly squeezed hands. With a nod, he turned and was gone.

Emily still crying softly looked up and softly asked, "Oh Jim, can you ever forgive me?"

Jim looked at his lovely wife and his heart melted. "There is nothing to forgive; you were caught up in a mess that got out of hand. You were more right than you can imagine. You did just what I most likely would have asked you to do. I know I have pushed you into doing things you aren't comfortable doing. You do them because I ask you to do. I love you for that. When I wasn't there, you did what you thought I would want. How can I be angry at you for that? I'm as much to blame as any of you, maybe more so. Maybe I'm just upset because I wasn't there. Maybe I would have liked to have seen most of what happened. I know I could have stopped it anytime. I can't say for sure I would have, I just don't know."

"Honey, I love you, you know that. I want you to know that I'll do anything you ask me to do. I only want to please you. You've asked me to do things outside my comfort zone and I have tried. Sometimes I'm so embarrassed I could die, but you know what, when I think back I usually get so turned on that all I want to do is ravish you. I don't tell you that sometimes I want you to tell me to do more and more. We aren't so different. I'm just more timid to admit my fantasies; I need someone like you to tell me what to do sometimes. Listen to me, I will promise to do anything you ask, anything."

"It doesn't look like either of us has learned our lesson. It sounds like we might be getting in trouble again. I can't promise that I won't embarrass you at times." Jim held her against him tightly.

"Umm good" she purred. "We need to get a safe word just between ourselves just to keep each other under control. Something to have us stop and consider what we are doing and then if we agree we will either stop or go the next step."

"So we're both okay with being a little off the wall? I'll stop if you want me to," Jim questioned.

"If it makes you happy, then I never want to stop. I admit I like it too, let's just take it a step at a time. I'll try my best to do whatever you want. I only ask that you never stop loving me."

"Not a chance."


Two days later when Allen dropped by after Jim called him to come over, he was surprised and shocked to have Emily answer the door completely naked, wearing only a smile.

"Come in, Boy do we have some new things to tell you about. Jim, Honey, Allen's here.

I thought you were the pizza we ordered. I should be here any minute. Go on back to the pool; I'll bring it along when it gets here."

Allen just muttered okay as he met his friend by the pool. He had just fished a cold beer from the cooler when Emily came out holding two large pizza boxes in her arms. Still naked as the day she was born, Allen wondered what the pizza boy must have thought.

Jim smiled at his friend and said, "Well Allen, what do you think?" tilting his head towards his smiling wife.

At a loss for words Allen could only shake his head and say, "Wow! I don't know what to say. I mean I never expected to ever see Emily like this again, but Wow!"

After you left and we talked things over, Emily finished the story of you two going to the diner. She told me how she was dressed then and what she was doing. She also told me about you two going back to your place where she decided to strip and walk around naked for you. She said how you two slept together naked but that she wouldn't let you fuck her, and that you didn't even try. Man you have more will power than I would have had. I would have at least tried something."

"I wanted to, fuck ya, I wanted to, but I made an agreement and come hell or high water, I meant to try to keep it." Allen admitted.

"Bet your balls were about to explode?"

"You can't even imagine. You get to see her every day. That was my first and I thought last time I'd ever see her that way. Can I ask a silly question?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Why now? I mean I would have guessed that you two would not want me or anyone seeing Emily this way."

"Allen, let me try to explain," Emily said, "it's kind of confusing and won't totally make sense to most people. It's like this, Jim likes to expose me, and you probably figured that out by now anyway. I'll let him explain his reasons. I've come to realize that even though it embarrasses me to do it; I get a tremendous thrill having him do it. I guess you could call it being an exhibitionist. I kinda like showing off my body to other men. Like for instance, the pizza boy just now, he must have been all of 16-17 years old. I'd never even think of being naked in front of someone like that, but Jim suggested that I should just do it. I was about to pee myself before he came. I didn't know if I really could or not. When I saw it was you here first, I was relieved; you had seen me like this at least. When he finally did come, my nipples were so hard they actually hurt! My knees were shaking and I didn't know what to say or do. When he looked at me I thought I would run and hide, but by then it was too late, so I just stood there and let him look and then took the pizza, paid him and said thanks and closed the door. I think he was more scared than I was. I can't tell you how exciting it was to do that!"

Jim now took over the explanation, "Allen, it's kinda like this, I love seeing her naked. If it were up to me she would never wear clothes again. That's not possible, and it might after a while become too common to have her nude all the time. We've agreed to try for a while to play a little game so to speak. Whenever the opportunity comes along, Emily will flash some part of her body for other men to see. She wants me to suggest it to her whenever I see an opportunity.

So you are telling me that you two are playing a little game between the two of you and whenever you," indicating Jim, "tell her to expose herself," looking at Emily, "you will?"

"Yup," Said Emily smiling.

That is about the size of it," Jim replied.

"Cool, I don't know why, but cool. But back to my original question, why right now, what's going on?"

"Emily told me how much you wanted to see her naked the other day and that she said she felt comfortable being this was around you so I figured you deserved to see her around the house just being casual. You've seen her completely before, so it shouldn't be such a big deal."

"Oh, believe me it is a big deal, I'm sorry but seeing you like that is always going to be a big deal. Looking at you will never be boring to me. I'm sorry but looking at you like this, you'll always be naked. Forgive me for staring," Allen said to Emily.

"Well, that's a problem you'll just have to live with because for now, I'm not going to go out of my way to cover up when you are around. You'll just have to take me as I am. To tell you the truth, when you look at me that way, I mean when you look at naked me, it makes me tingle and my nipples get all hard and pointy. Like they are right now, see."

Emily took her finger and flipped her hardened nipple to show how erect it was. That wasn't really necessary. It was evidently very erect and standing out tight from her breast.

Allen just shook his head and smiled, never taking his eyes off his friends beautiful wife. This would just have to be a cross he would have to bear. How did he get so lucky he wondered?

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Horny1975Horny19757 months ago

Loved the story and it's well written.....what a wife!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Who is Linda?

mroc77mroc77about 2 years ago

Loved it! Thanks.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

I agree with anonymous, it's more like a big, smelly feet than a story.

Locksley7Locksley7almost 5 years ago
Love your stories......

This one is exceptional!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Time to charge for it

Having 'crossed the line' its time you started charging for it

You'll find fucking for money is a great turn on!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Plain stupid, like pull a finger ... here it comes ...

One star

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 10 years ago
Sharing or ultimatum?

I think proper and honest sharing included acceptance in advance. He just had the possibillity to either accept it or lose her. Well - now the cucks here on "Wimperotica" have another hero. Her motivation? Not saving their marriage, not exploring a lifestyle with her husband,- just plain selfish and self-centered motivation. Deal with it or piss off: That stupid oaf didn´t have the guts to piss off..

MrsCanyonMrsCanyonalmost 11 years ago

Single or married, if she is hot and willing, there is nothing wrong with sharing and padding her around.

Hubby and all the guys had fun with Emily having the most fun of everyone!

Jerms85Jerms85almost 11 years ago
Excellent Story

Please do carry on writing more stories in this vein of lost bet/wagers, I personally think you've found your niche with this one.

Absolutely fantastic!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good Job

Great story, well written, maybe a little to long.

boaman007boaman007about 11 years ago
Awesome Story!

Well written and very believable. Thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

damaged goods, and wife has them, but any significant others to curb the guys focus for another's wife?

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