The World's Second Best Wizard Ch. 01


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Finduir groaned. 'This is gonna end so bad, I fuckin' know it.'


Aurigan's basement was an enormous underground space, its boundaries extending far beyond the dimensions of the house above ground. Aisles of shelves stacked with hundreds of different jars - liquids, leaves, the occasional still-wriggling rageworm - lined one wall; cauldrons and glass jars sat on countertops in the corner nearest to the stairs. Finduir glanced at a large circle of candles hanging from the ceiling, setting them ablaze and lighting the room so that it was no longer a murky darkness but a glowing, long-shadow-casting halflight. Aurigan sighed.

'Your magic still works perfectly,' she said, sounding somewhere between envious and disappointed. 'I thought maybe it was the place itself doing it, that if you came inside you might be affected the same way as I am.'

Finduir rolled up her sleeves, slapping her own slender forearms to hype herself up. 'Let's do mad science,' she quipped, cracking her neck.

'How does a science?'

'Fuckin' what?'

Aurigan shrugged. 'Y'know. How science?'

'You're weird as shit,' Finduir muttered, though she grinned as she said it. 'Don't you do any sex stuff to me down here.'

The witch returned a wicked smile of her own, revealing delicately pointed canines. 'I'm promising nothin'.'

Finduir shook her head and set up one of Aurigan's cauldrons on the hard stone floor (cold, but designed to be heatproof; the first lesson any witch or wizard learned was not to use cauldrons on flammable surfaces (the first lesson any mage learned was the correct jaunty angle at which to wear their stupid hat)), gesturing at the rows of shelves. 'Get some ingredients,' she instructed; 'like, for the most basic potion there is.'

Aurigan nodded and busied herself swanning around her stashes of strange miscellanea; Finduir extended her index finger, which began to shine with a dusty white flicker, and carefully drew a series of lines into the floor around the cauldron until she had traced several interwoven geometries in a chalky, glowing magical ink.

'Does that wash out?' Aurigan asked, returning with a heap of jars and boxes cradled precariously in her arms. 'I like a clean floor, y'know.'

'It'll fade,' Finduir reassured her, not mentioning how long it would take to do so. The witch nodded, looking unconvinced at the patterns encircling her cauldron.

'What's it... for?'

'Protection,' murmured the wizard. 'It's supposed to keep magic both in and out - so if anything goes weird in the cauldron we should be safe, and in theory if there's some magic that's causing yours to do weird stuff, this might isolate the cauldron and make it behave normally.'

'Nice.' The witch dumped her armful of ingredients unceremoniously on the floor and sifted through them, pulling out just a couple of select items.

'So what are we making?' Finduir asked, lighting a flame in the little alcove built into the stand underneath the cauldron (she used a steel-and-stone sparkmaker from one of Aurigan's tables rather than try any magic near her warding circle). Aurigan held up a jar and examined it with a critical eye. Her skin softly reflected the warm glow of the space: the muscles were firm under the smooth surface of her raised arm, and the curve of her body - from her shoulder, down the side of her chest, in at the waist and out again at the hips - was entirely visible owing to the clothing on her upper half only covering her torso in two narrow bands like a pair of gentlemen's suspenders.

'Potion of warmth,' the witch said, glancing back at Finduir; the yellow-garbed young woman looked away quickly, only now realising she'd been looking. 'Most basic thing in the book.'

It really was: all magic, all potions and tricks - all energy transfers of any sort, in fact, including walking or even simply metabolising - generated heat in some form or another, and so creating a spell or concoction which did nothing other than that was as simple as taking out any component that actually did anything and reducing the mixture to the simplest foundations.

'Makes sense,' muttered Finduir, whose face already seemed to be warmer than usual with no need for any potion.

Aurigan inelegantly dumped a measure (albeit that she didn't actually do any measuring at all, as far as Finduir could tell) of each of her selected ingredients into the cauldron; the two magickers took a step or two back, glancing alternately at the bubbling mixture and each other with anticipation and nervousness. They remained within the circle, though: anyone could throw the ingredients into a cauldron, but a witch needed to be nearby lending her magic to the process - otherwise, it'd just be a weird-tasting smoothie with no supernatural effects, and nobody really wanted that.

After a few moments, the liquid in the metal vat condensed and calmed, turning into a smooth orange concoction. Finduir edged towards the cauldron, cautiously stepping over the glowing lines surrounding it and peering down.

'It... looks normal,' she said dubiously. Aurigan tossed her a ladle, which she dipped into the mixture carefully, and a phial into which she poured a spoonful of potion.

'Now what?' asked Aurigan, eyes darting from the potion to Finduir and back again. 'Was that science?'

'We have to test it,' Finduir said.


The wizard extended her arm, slowly moving the hand holding the little elixir outside of the magic circle. She thought she saw the liquid shift for just a moment, as if it had thickened momentarily before resuming its normal viscosity: she moved it in and out a few times, but saw no other changes. Must have been a trick of the light, she thought.

'I'll have that one,' Aurigan said, waltzing over - crossing the magical lines - and snatching it from Finduir's hand. 'You do one inside the circle.'

Finduir made to scold the witch for snatching, but closed her mouth and nodded. 'You're right; we should do one on either side.' She scooped out another dose for herself, careful to keep it held within the boundaries of her wards.

Aurigan shook the glass tube in her hand, then exhaled. 'It should be OK, right? If we made it in a protected zone?'

'I would have thought so,' said Finduir. 'But - I don't even know what sort of side-effects your other potions have had. Don't drink that if it's anything dangerous...'

'Oh, no,' trilled Aurigan, carefree. 'Nothing like that.' She downed her dose of the liquid.

Finduir watched her for a moment; the witch looked around the room awkwardly as if waiting for something to happen, then fanned at her face with her hand.

'How do you feel?' Finduir asked.

'Slightly warmer,' said the witch.

'As it should be,' Finduir muttered, as if to reassure herself; then she threw back her potion and swallowed, feeling the thick liquid begin to warm her from her very core out to the tips of her fingers almost immediately. 'Seems fine,' she said.

Aurigan wandered over to one of her tabletops, leaning against it. 'I feel... really warm,' she said, slumping.

'Too warm?' Finduir asked, concerned but not yet leaving the circle; if something happened, she might be grateful to have stayed in it.

'A bit.' Aurigan's cheeks were flushed, a light sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead and chest: she removed her tiny witch's hat, not that that was likely to make much difference, and pulled her hair back behind her ears, flapping her hand at her neck. 'I think it's OK - it doesn't hurt...'

The strip of dark fabric that ran up from the waistband of Aurigan's shorts, barely covering the centre of her breasts, seemed to be stretching. Finduir peered at the witch's body, concerned, then blinked. Aurigan was breathing heavily, but it didn't sound like discomfort; her legs were pressed firmly together, one hand splayed covering her crotch, and... her breasts were swelling.

'Um, Aurigan?'

'Mm-hm,' mumbled the witch, as if extremely distracted.

'How does your body feel right now?'

Aurigan's eyes closed, brow squinting as if concentrating intensely. 'It feels... good,' she breathed.

Finduir swallowed. This was so not her area of expertise. 'Er, I need you to describe what you're feeling,' she instructed. 'As much detail as you can; I need to know as much as possible about what's happening so we can try to work out why things are -'

'It's the warmth,' Aurigan squealed, clenching her legs together even tighter. 'It started on all of me, covering all my skin, and then it started to tickle me and concentrate on - hmmm...'

Her breasts were becoming enormous now, grown enlarged and fat until they were struggling against the tiny bit of cloth that passed for the top of the witch's outfit. It was stretching, but restricting: it looked as if it was cutting into her flesh where it held her, where the sides of her huge tits were spilling and flowing out freely. Groaning as if in some enjoyable discomfort, Aurigan tore with the hand that wasn't between her legs at her clothing, ripping the fabric free and tossing it aside: she jolted forwards with the sudden shift in weight as her enormous breasts were freed and dropped heavily, plump dark pink nipples wobbling as they fell.

Finduir went to cast a spell of reversal before remembering she was still inside the circle; she began to step out of the circle, then realised that could expose her to whatever was happening outside it; so she raised her hands a couple of times, wrung her fingers, and muttered to herself.

'Come on: think, Finduir,' she whispered. 'Think - what do I do here? What would Caenephas do..?' But she could think of nothing.

'Fina,' cried Aurigan, her breasts now each twice the size of her head and jiggling merrily. 'It's so warm - so warm down in my...'

The hand covering her crotch moved, and Finduir saw that the witch's shorts were bulging with some concealed mass. Aurigan groped her tits with both hands, massaging the giant soft mounds and pulling with her fingers at the malleable nipples, which stiffened into firm thick peaks as she tugged at them. The thing growing in her shorts expanded, lengthening and thickening as it made its way towards the hem where her leg emerged out and into freedom: Finduir watched helplessly as the material hugging at Aurigan's thigh opened up, making way for the protrusion within to burst out into the open.

Aurigan was half-sitting on the tabletop, half-slumping as if losing control of her body. Her hands squeezed her breasts like her life depended on it; she grabbed one heavy tit by the nipple and lifted it into her mouth, the flesh palpitating as she sucked at her own teat while her hand still pumped at her breast. Her eyes were closed, breaths coming ragged and fast, and airy groans of what could have been shock, pain, or ecstasy continually escaped her whimpering mouth, muffled by the thick nipple between her lips. A dark, solid tip emerged slowly from her shorts, coming out to explore the open space, and Finduir watched in a horrified or enthralled trance as Aurigan ripped her last scraps of clothing from her body and allowed the wide cock sprouting from between her legs to spring free.

The thought crossed Finduir's mind that she should ask Aurigan to describe again what was happening, but she suspected the witch would be unwilling or unable: so she made herself look as carefully as she could at the strange effects, in the hope that she might learn something useful.

A shaft of magnificent girth, bulging with thick veins, was erupting into a springy, spongy hardness as it grew from Aurigan's crotch. Finduir could see, as it perked towards full erectness, that beneath the upward-growing rod there was a neat, puffy slit - good, she thought, so at least Aurigan still has her own anatomy too; but then the folds of Aurigan's cunt swelled and grew too, ballooning out until they had become a round, hairless sack dangling beneath Aurigan's new cock. Finduir could see the moment that two weighty balls dropped down to fill the skin-formed pouch, and Aurigan let out a breast-muffled howl which broke out into a full clear cry as her mouth opened and the tit dropped down with a heaviness that sent wobbles down her body to her growing dick and balls.

'It's coming out of me, Fina,' the witch cried, but she sounded neither afraid nor pained. She stared wide-eyed down at the meaty stick, now over a foot long and too girthy to hold entirely in one hand. Finduir had the asinine thought that at least Aurigan's breasts seemed to have stopped their engorgement, now that they were so large as to almost wholly conceal her abdomen from view. Though they were enormous and shaking, there was still a roundness and a firmness to them: they were as pert as such huge tits could be.

With a trembling hand, a tentativeness in her movements but an eagerness in her eyes, Aurigan reached down and took hold of her cock, first in one hand and then - when that proved unable to grip it widely enough - in both. A throaty, low sigh rumbled out of her as she grasped her new protrusion, eyes rolling up and an open-mouthed smile of bliss on her face. It was still elongating, and as Aurigan wrapped her fingers around it there was a swelling, a spring into yet-untold rigidness: it was hard now and pulsing, the big round head of it pointing almost straight upwards. The witch ran her fingers from the base of her dick right up to the tip, pausing with a sublime tremble as she brushed the ridge of skin where her shaft became her head, then back down. One hand carried on downwards and massaged her balls, holding their weight in her palm; the other went up and down, fingertips stroking at the underside of her engorged cock and following the lines of the bulging veins beneath the skin.

Finduir couldn't look away. Part of her was still trying to gather as much information she could, for science: another part was terrified and wanted to run as far and as fast as she could. There was a third part too, as yet unheeded; so she stayed frozen, watching and unacting.

Aurigan's cock inflated until, in its bolt-upright direction of growth, it was nestled thickly between her pillowy fattened breasts. She didn't cease her stroking, or her squeezing of her testicles; but she moved her arms so that her elbows encircled and surrounded her tits, and then she pressed her arms together so that her dick disappeared - except for the base from her balls up until it reached her stomach where the bottom of her mounds now hung - within the soft haven of her compressed breasts. She let out a moan that turned into a squeal, as if the things she was feeling were entirely beyond her ability to process.

She was gyrating her hips while holding her boobs firm, thrusting her giant cock up into her own chest where it slid between her tits. Her hands went to her nipples again, one finger and thumb pulling hard so that the skin of her breast stretched before letting go and allowing it to elastically bounce back to its smooth roundness while the other simply groped indiscriminately. Finduir could see the base of her shaft where it was disappearing into her tits continuing to swell, still growing wider and thicker, and the balls beneath were quaking madly, almost spasming between tightness and freely hanging. Aurigan cried out in instinctive delight - there was nothing intelligent about the noises coming from her any more, just pure animal instinct - as the swollen, fist-sized head of her cock finally emerged from the top of her mounded breasts: she leaned forwards eagerly and lapped at it with her tongue, and the moment it had grown enough for her to reach she jerked hungrily forwards and clamped her lips around it.

Finduir, within her protective circle, looked on and shook her head. She was fairly certain now that at least whatever was happening to Aurigan was not immediately dangerous. If the witch were going to experience anything painful - or fatal - it'd have happened by now, so there was no point doing anything except waiting for it to wear off. The warming potion Finduir herself had swallowed was still doing its work from within her, she noticed: her body still felt hot, though not uncomfortably so.

The witch thrust her cock, thicker than Finduir's (admittedly slender) bicep, up between her tits, stuffing the fist-sized head of it into her mouth as hard as she could. Bubbling liquid dribbled from her mouth down the shaft: Finduir thought it was saliva, but when Aurigan momentarily released her sloppily sucking lips to take a breath she could see that, while some of it might be the witch's worked-up spit, the opening on the underside of the head was gushing with clear fluid, spilling it like a leaking water pump. Aurigan inhaled deeply, her huge chest heaving, and dove back in, slobbering and suckling and playing with her lips and tongue at her brand-new, gigantic cock. Her body trembled, stifled moans sounding, and she rocked her hips faster, sucking with ever-greater desperation.

The hefty balls rose up as if retreating; the sack tightened, shrinking to embrace the testes within; the shaft quivered and the veins bulged; Aurigan screamed joyously, the sound muffled by her own enormous glans in her mouth, and her whole body quaked. Her eyes closed with sweet relief, the balls pulsing powerfully upwards, and Finduir could see the swell travelling up her cock: it ballooned from base to tip, and the witch gave a rumbling, deeply satisfied sigh as she pulsated into her own mouth. Thick globs of white fluid leaked out, sliding down her shaft and onto her engorged breasts; her throat bobbed a few times as she swallowed as much as she could with an expression of pure bliss, but when she opened her mouth to breathe there was still more cum than she could keep in. Ropes of it splattered from her mouth down onto her body, and huge round drops trickled from her tip as her giant cock slowly relaxed.

Finduir, for her part, blushed beetroot-red and looked around the room, humming awkwardly to herself.

Aurigan exhaled deeply, sinking to the floor and lounging back against the wall. Her cock, freshly-grown and freshly-drained, deflated slowly; the witch gave a low chuckle and looked straight at Finduir, who blinked and blushed even deeper.

'Well, that was...' breathed Aurigan between pants.

'Looks as if your anatomy is reverting to its usual state,' Finduir muttered, doing her very best to be scientific about the whole thing. Indeed, Aurigan's enormous breasts seemed to be shrinking gently back to their usual size; the giant, floppy dick sprouting from between her legs was retreating back into her, leaving a slick trail as it dragged along the floor, and it looked as if the scrotum and hefty balls had already shrunk back up inside, leaving just the small and slightly parted folds from which they had sprung.

'Hmmmm,' said Aurigan. Her jizz-laced tits found the size they wanted and settled into place with a pleased bounce, now firm, round breasts with small pink nipples. The overlarge penis disappeared with a quiet, wet slap: the shaft folded away into nothing and the head shrank until it was a tiny, hard bead before sliding into place atop the witch's labia and hiding itself under a little hood; then, as she let out one more breath of happy exhaustion, everything closed neatly so that Aurigan sat, naked and cum-splattered, on the floor before Finduir with a normal, wholly female-appearing body.

'It's worn off,' Finduir said hopefully.

'I think it needed to - oop,' said Aurigan: as she opened her mouth to speak, a trickle of ejaculate seeped from the corner of her lips, and she wiped it away before continuing. 'I think I just needed to satisfy it. And me. I am very satisfied. Aaaahhhhh.' She smiled widely, glancing down at where her monstrous penis had been, then exhaled sharply through her nose as if disappointed it was gone.