The World's Second Best Wizard Ch. 01


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'That was so fucking weird,' Finduir told her. 'Is that the kind of shit all your customers are having happen to them?!'

'Um,' said Aurigan. She seemed to be catching her breath and her composure now; a sheen of sweat still glistened on her naked body, a smoother gleam than the spurts of semen also shining on her skin, as she sat there on her basement floor. 'I hope not.' She considered it, then shook her head. 'Nah, they'd have mentioned. They just say damage and explosions and stuff usually, so that's a new one.'

Finduir puffed out her cheeks and huffed. She eyed the still-glowing protective line surrounding her, and focused on the feelings in her own body. There was definitely still some warmth there, but she thought that was owing to the shock and sheer embarrassment rather than the potion. She edged a toe towards the warding circle dubiously; Aurigan cackled.

'You don't wanna come out, do you?'

'Fuck no.'


'Cos - Aurigan, I don't know if you noticed, but you just grew a giant fucking dick and your tits got all gimundous and you spunked in your own fuckin' face, so forgive me for being a teensy bit reluctant to unprotect myself.'

'All true,' the witch conceded, 'but I feel pretty great.'

'What if I don't get the same effect, though?' Finduir wheedled. 'What if I just explode into little shitty Finduir chunks?'

Aurigan groaned. 'You've got to come out at some point.'

Finduir shook her head. 'I don't wanna.'

Aurigan stood, drawing herself up straight and regarding Finduir with her hands on her bare hips. Finduir looked away, suddenly aware again that the witch had not a scrap of clothing on her; Aurigan snorted in amusement.

'You just watched me fuck my own tits and suck my own dick and now you're embarrassed to look?'

'Yeah, but this is your actual body, or something,' mumbled Finduir, not quite sure herself what the difference actually was. It felt like a difference, gazing at the witch's own flesh rather than something that had magically sprung out of her.

Aurigan made a noise as if considering something, then nodded to herself and stride towards Finduir.

'What are you -'

'I gotta get you out of there,' the witch said with a determined amusement. She reached the circle surrounding the wizard and glanced down at it, then raised her hand to her chest and swiped her fingers across the shining semen still lingering on her. A blob of sticky fluid came away attached to her fingertips; she beamed mischievously at Finduir, then flicked her hand so that the slimy glob splattered onto the floor. Right onto the glowing runes that made up Finduir's protection.

'Oh, for fuck's sake,' Finduir muttered. Aurigan just laughed.

The glowing circle faded, the ring of wards broken by the spunk that had so unceremoniously sploshed across it. It was incredibly stupid, Finduir thought, that a circle powerful enough to entirely negate the flow of magic in or out of its borders could be destroyed completely with nothing more than a blurring of the lines that it was drawn from. She held her breath, focusing on the feelings in her body for any signs of... things going wrong.


'Shut up, man,' Finduir snapped. She took a couple of deep breaths, then cautiously stepped out of the circle - not that anything that hadn't happened already was likely to happen now, since the circle had been useless from the moment Aurigan had dropped her cum on it.

The witch leaned forwards with a grin of anticipation, poking Finduir in the shoulder with one finger. 'How do you feel?' she asked. Finduir wished she'd sound a bit more concerned, as opposed to annoyingly playful.

'I think it wore off before the circle broke,' the wizard said slowly, still concentrating for any signs of weirdness.

Aurigan made a 'pff' sound in disappointment, flapping her hand dismissively, then folded her arms under her breasts. Finduir looked at them, pushed up by her forearms. Now they were back to their natural size, the witch's breasts were really very... well-shaped, Finduir suddenly realised. Bigger and rounder than Finduir's own, with high nipples that were an appealing light pink and small areolae that faded to almost the same colour as the surrounding flesh; soft yet firm, and with just a little wobble to them.

'Fina?' Aurigan said. 'Not that I'm particularly bothered, but you're kind of staring at my tits.'

'What?' Finduir looked up, catching herself. 'Um.'

Aurigan leaned in, looking closely into Finduir's face. 'Do you feel... warm?' she asked, a gentle tongue-sliding smile creeping across her face.

'A bit,' Finduir said quietly.

'Hm.' The witch took a couple of steps backwards and raised her arms, turning around slowly. Finduir watched her body: the way her stomach tensed as she straightened up, becoming smooth and touchable-looking; her long legs and elegant feet moving delicately; her pert buttocks, which tensed and relaxed as she moved so that each side alternately became tight and firm and then jiggled freely. She stopped with her back to Finduir and twisted to look over her shoulder, the side of her breast and the sweet nipple just visible as she turned.

Finduir took a deep breath.

'You're horny,' Aurigan said teasingly. 'Aren't you?'

Finduir closed her eyes tight and shook her head. 'Nope. Nope nope fucking nope.'

The soft glow of warmth that had all but faded away into Finduir's stomach was returning, a brighter burn beginning to spread throughout her whole body. The surface of her skin felt incredibly sensitive, every whisper of movement in the air making the hairs on her arms stand up and her body react with shocking tingles.

'Do not want!' Finduir mumbled, a pleasing fluttering stirring in her core. There was an intense warmth starting to flood to the place between her legs, concentrating there and squeezing so that her fingers and toes jolted involuntarily.

'It'll be easier if you just let it happen,' Aurigan told her, though she sounded wryly entertained rather than reassuring.

'Mmph-mm,' Finduir protested, lips and eyelids firmly clamped together.

'You'll be alright,' Aurigan said, more sincerely this time.

The warmth continued to blossom, stoking itself until it became dense and solid. Finduir became painfully aware of her clitoris, which was feeling... hard, and immensely sensitive: she felt as if it were being pushed at from inside, which stimulated her in the same way as something touching it from the outside, yet even more intimately. Her hands grasped unconsciously at her lower stomach, making to touch her between her legs - she felt compelled to feel, to check and to know in her fear what her body was doing, but she stopped herself, stilled by embarrassment at the thought of touching herself in front of the naked witch.

'Fina,' purred Aurigan. 'It won't hurt.'

Finduir opened her eyes and gazed at the witch in all her bareness, thirstily taking in every inch of the supple body on full display. The feeling in her private parts swelled, and she reached down inside her baggy yellow wizard's clothing to be sure: her clitoris, enlarged and ripe, was growing away from her crotch on a fleshy stalk that sprung from the place at the top of her labia. She gave a yelp of dismay, but it faded to a moan of... something else as her fingers explored her changing anatomy, playing with the shape that she was becoming. The spongy thing expanding from her was lengthening like the sprouting of a sapling from the earth, becoming thick and blood-filled; her clit bulged with a strain, a delightful tension, and she dabbed at it with her fingertips to find that it had become a round head with a small slit of an opening where it joined the protruding rod of flesh.

'There you go,' Aurigan murmured, almost sympathetically, and she reached for Finduir's waistband. The wizard let out a stifled groan of insincere protest, but Aurigan had her fingers slipped in between Finduir's skin and her clothing, and in a moment she had gently pulled down the loose trousers. Finduir's hands scrabbled to cover herself, but Aurigan lightly took them and moved them aside, kneeling in front of Finduir so that she could get a closer look. 'The potion had nearly worn off for you,' she was saying quietly as she watched the wizard's fresh penis bursting into the world. 'I don't think you're gonna get it like I got it, Fina - I think you're gonna be safe and it's all gonna be alright.'

Finduir nodded, gasping. The sensations coursing through her were making it hard to breathe, as if the swirling heat were filling her up so that there was no more space for oxygen, and her head felt light. The witch's words kept her from panic, just on the side of lucidity where every feeling was clear in her conscious mind. Her dick expanded, twitching up towards Aurigan's watching face: the witch reached up and softly held it in her palm, caressing it with gentle brushes of her fingers as it developed. Her other hand reached up Finduir's top and squeezed at her small breasts; she smiled, a long exhalation escaping her nostrils.

'Your tits aren't going crazy,' she told Finduir, looking up at her with reassuring eyes, 'and it feel like this -' she hefted the cock still swelling in her hand '- isn't going to be a monster like mine. Everything's OK.'

Finduir breathed out heavily, allowing feelings of relaxation and pleasure to intermingle and drive away the fear within her. 'What are you doing?' she asked slowly, woozily.

'I'm going to take care of it for you,' said Aurigan. 'It just needs to cum, and then you'll be fine.'

'I don't -' Finduir murmured. Her shaft seemed to have reached its full length now, though it was still growing harder: not a comically, terrifyingly large beast like Aurigan's had been, more a size that would have been unusually large on a human, but not impossible. A meaty, thick nine inches, perhaps, of throbbing mass.

'Honestly, Fina,' said Aurigan, wrapping her soft, delicate fingers around Finduir's still-stiffening cock. 'Just let me help you with this.'

'Fffffffffff... ffiiiiiine,' Finduir moaned. Aurigan's hand squeezed gently, compressing her shaft, and a noise between a hum and a squeak left Finduir involuntarily. 'Fine, do it - do it, pleeeease,' she whispered.

'Of course,' Aurigan murmured. Her hand began to move, sending tremors of fresh and new feeling throughout Finduir's entire being. The wizard had never felt anything like it. She barely noticed when her labia, hidden under her shaft, came together and joined into a smooth patch of skin before ballooning out, two brand-new testes dropping into the freshly-formed pouch.

The witch's fingers slid over the skin of Finduir's magical penis, stroking the unbearably sensitive underside in a way that made the wizard's stomach skitter and spark, and her cock throb painfully.

Aurigan leaned in and reached out with her tongue, embracing the engorged head, and Finduir practically screamed, muffling it through tightly locked lips, as a sensation so strong that it almost numbed everything else erupted from the point of contact and jolted up to shock every part of her, prickling at the surface of her skin. She couldn't stay still; her legs were shaking, her hands of their own accord finding first Aurigan's hair, then the tingling skin of her own soft stomach and breasts. She let out a quavering moan, rolling the bud of one nipple around in her fingers while Aurigan's hot, wet tongue played at her tip and delicate fingers brushed across her shaft.

The witch's mouth opened and came forwards to envelop Finduir in the sweet, surrounding warmth. Her fingers squeezed at the base of Finduir's shaft and cradled her balls, encircled her cock and stroked it, and her mouth sucked and her tongue whirled on the wizard's head. It was all Finduir could do to remain standing while Aurigan's mouth made love to her cock, hands encouraging the intense sensations to build further like grains of sand piling and piling atop a sheet of glass until it cracks, then finally bursts and releases what was held within.

The tickling and slurping, the wetness and the heat and the softness, piled on and wouldn't stop; Finduir felt, although it was no longer expanding in size, as if her cock were pulsating in swells, stretched by the intensity of the feelings within until it might burst. Aurigan took as much of Finduir's mighty penis as she could into her mouth, her lips striving to reach and wrap as far as they could down its length while her throat did its best to accommodate the head. Her hands reached around and grabbed the wizard's soft buttocks, giving her leverage to pull herself in further. Finduir gave a full-bodied moan, pulling hard on her nipple with one hand while the other tangled its fingers up in Aurigan's hair; she looked down and watched her dripping, slimy, rigid dick disappeared into the witch's mouth.

An urgent tightness contracted in Finduir's balls, her cock jolting with surges of pleasure. She threw her head back, screwing her eyes shut, and screamed a high, full scream as her entire body rumbled, powerful squeezes in her core sending shocks to her extremities. She felt her balls rising up into her, felt the strong contractions as her new parts began to pump: overcome with sensation, her cry wavered as she felt with numbness and clarity the cum streaming from her balls, whipping up her length, and finally - with a last impossibly tight squeeze - the sweet, savoured relief as she came and the semen pumped thick and hard from her beautiful cock. She still held Aurigan's head, her other hand so overwhelmed that it didn't know what to do and was simply touching her own body all over, revelling and relishing in the feelings. Spurt after spurt of cum poured from her into Aurigan, the witch's body accepting it graciously.

When her orgasm died down, Finduir released her hold; the witch slid her head off Finduir's trembling cock, taking a deep breath through lips stuck together with saliva and semen, and looked up at her.

'I told you I'd take care of it,' Aurigan said, licking her lips and swallowing. Finduir's penis, softening and lowering its great head, leaked another line of cum, a drop that stayed stuck by a thin line to her opening: Aurigan caught it neatly on her tongue and lapped it up, cleaning Finduir off.

In just a few moments, the shaft had receded back into Finduir; the balls had retreated and disappeared; the head shrunk and became a little hard bead once more. Finduir, her senses returning to her, gasped and covered her recreated vagina with both hands as she realised where she was.

'You don't have to be shy,' Aurigan said, giggling as she stood. 'I just sucked your dick!'

'Wasn't really mine, though,' mumbled Finduir, hastily pulling up her trousers.

'You're so shy!' Aurigan exclaimed. 'All talk, aren't you?'

'Fuck off,' said Finduir, looking anywhere but at the witch as her face flushed a deep crimson.

'Look,' said Aurigan seriously, 'we learned something. Right?'


'This potion does a specific thing, and we know how to fix the thing.'

'I guess?'

Aurigan clapped her hands together, satisfied - her breasts jiggled with the movement, Finduir couldn't help but notice. Weren't the effects of the potion supposed to have worn off, now she had... finished? Why was she still finding Aurigan's body so interesting? She shook her head, blinking quickly, trying to clear her thoughts.

'That's science,' said the witch. 'Or something.' She found another few vials and scooped up more doses of the potion still merrily swimming in its cauldron.

'You're not taking more of it, surely,' Finduir said disbelievingly.

'I'm not taking it,' said Aurigan, carefully putting the vials into a little bag with cushioned pockets designed for just such a purpose. 'I'm gonna take it with us, though, so we can use it to work out how to fix this whole thing. That's what we're doing, right?'

'Um,' said Finduir.

'We can't just leave things as they are,' Aurigan implored. 'That potion might have gone wrong in kind of a fun way, but people might get hurt if magic keeps going tits up in ways we can't predict.'

She was right, Finduir had to admit. That meant that they had to take the potion, a known quantity - she sure as shit wasn't testing any more with unknown effects - somewhere she could fully test it, in the hopes that she would be able to work out the cause of the magical disturbance and a way to reverse it. And the best place to go to do testing like that would be...

'Fuck's sake,' she muttered.


'We've gotta go see Caenephas Worldweaver.'

'Ooooooooooooh,' trilled Aurigan.


After Aurigan had cleaned herself off and got fully dressed, the two went back up - out of the basement laboratory and into the witch's cosy home. It was by now entirely dark outside, but lanterns that hadn't been lit when they entered the home were now casting a comfortable glow both inside and out.

'The lanterns?' Finduir asked, something in her mind telling her that this was interesting information.

'Enchanted to light when the sun goes down,' Aurigan said. 'Anyone roving around the forest sees that, they know whoever lives here is magical and not afraid of being found, so they don't mess with me.'

'Why not just not have it lit and then people won't know anyone's here in the first place?'

Aurigan shrugged. 'I'd be bumping into stuff.'

The odd feeling clicked in Finduir's mind, and she strode to the nearest lantern to examine it closely.

'What is it?' Aurigan asked curiously.

'They still work,' Finduir mused. 'As intended.'

'Oh, shit, yeah.'

Finduir turner and eyed the witch, who was standing there blankly. 'You've no idea what that means, do ya?'

'None at all,' Aurigan admitted happily.

'Enchantments and magic done before things started going weird still work like they should,' Finduir explained. 'So if you've got any other useful charmed items, or potions you made a while ago for use later... those'll probably still do exactly what they're supposed to.' She fingered the metal band on her right hand's middle finger absently.

'That could be useful,' chirped Aurigan.

'It's important... somehow,' Finduir pondered. 'I don't know what it means, but it could be good to know.'

Aurigan put a finger thoughtfully on her chin. 'Does this mean that the circle didn't work at all, then?'

'The circle?'

'Well, we made the potion inside a circle that magic couldn't get into, so... when we took it out, shouldn't it have continued to work as normal because the magic was done before it was out, exposed to whatever it is that's messing things up?'

'But... it did work, for a bit,' said Finduir, face screwed up in thought. 'I think.'

Aurigan sighed heavily. 'Who knows. I think we're gonna have to do more science.'

Finduir nodded, realising then that she was very tired. 'We'll get going tomorrow,' she said. 'It's gonna be a bit of a way.'

'Well,' said Aurigan, 'I don't think it's likely to be a dull trip at all.'

'Fuck off,' Finduir said, yawning.

Aurigan raised her chin, gesturing with her head towards a wooden staircase with janky, lopsided steps. 'My bed's upstairs,' the witch told Finduir, sounding as if she were putting on nonchalance for some reason.

'See you in the morning, then,' said Finduir, plonking herself down on the sofa.

'Um,' said Aurigan. She looked up the stairs, then at Finduir, then up the stairs again, and opened her mouth to say something; but Finduir was already asleep on her sofa.

The witch smiled and went to bed.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I really like this story, the set up and characters are good so far, and you got more than a few laughs out of me. Too bad it's been a few years since this chapter was posted without a second, so while I do hope to see more, I won't count on it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


- Liked how the potion effects were drawn out of a resisting Finduir like coaxing a fire

- Erotic scenes

- liked the transformation element

please write more

Jkirk3279Jkirk3279almost 3 years ago

A work of genius. I can already see a market for this potion.

And we don’t know what it does to MEN.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

funy and hot

FinalManFinalManalmost 5 years ago
Good start!

I liked this story a bunch! I was hoping the effects of the potions would be permanent though, lol! Looking forward to more either way!

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