Three Square Meals Ch. 125


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"We must cancel the invasion immediately!" Lord Semord declared, his tail twitching nervously. "Now is not the time for opportunistic territorial claims against the Kintark, not when our soft underbelly is exposed!"

Lord Sibhaloi nodded and pointed a scaly finger in accusation at the Deep Lord. "You told us that the Terrans fleets had been devastated in the aftermath of the Kintark invasion! That they were protecting their borders with the barest of skeletal forces... it seems you were greatly mistaken!"

"SILENCE!" Athgiloi roared, his deep voice cutting through the barrage of anxious chatter.

Drawing himself up to his full height, he bellowed furiously, "Have you forgotten that you're members of the Deep Pool?! You're behaving like a clutch of frightened hatchlings!"

The Brimorian Lords dropped their gaze in embarrassment at being so robustly chastened.

Athgiloi glared at Lord Rilosash and snapped, "I can only assume that you withheld news of Coholich's untimely end in an attempt to undermine my authority? Are you that confident in your position that you wish to challenge me to a Coronation of Spears?"

Rilosash shrank backwards in fear, scaly hands held up placatingly. "No Deep Lord! I have every confidence in your leadership! I was only informed of the border fleet's fate just before we convened to meet in this chamber!"

With his rival cowed, Athgiloi turned his cold gaze on the rest of the Deep Pool. "Does anyone else have pressing news they 'only just received' and have not yet had a chance to inform me?"

Lord Baolleraz hesitated for a second, then blurted out, "The Kirrix have not arrived to collect their latest shipment. They are now a day late... but I was only updated shortly before this session."

"It seems your subordinates have lost respect for you, Baolleraz," Athgiloi sneered, seeing through his colleague's implausible lie. "Withholding vital information should be punished harshly... don't you agree?"

The Brimorian nodded meekly, his needle-like teeth rasping together in a nervous twitch.

Athgiloi clasped his hands behind his back and stared up at the ornate engravings decorating the ceiling, his mind turning over recent events. "So the insects are late to collect their payment. Interesting... very interesting."

The Deep Pool watched him quietly for several minutes, reminded that their leader was not just an intimidatingly powerful warrior, but a cunning strategist as well.

"The Kintark invasion will continue as planned," Athgiloi finally stated, daring any of the lords to object. He saw the apprehensive glances they darted at one another, but the Deep Pool remained silent. "We shall reinforce the Taxarran Straits with four additional fleets. We need a dramatic demonstration of the Enclave's might to ensure the security of our borders."

"You intend to commit the homeworld reserves?" Lord Semord asked with more than a little trepidation. "It would leave Brimor vulnerable..."

Athgiloi shook his head. "No, I intend to reposition the Kirrix border forces."

This declaration was met with gasps of horror by every member of the Deep Pool.

Baolleraz blurted out, "But the Kirrix-"

"Are finished..." Athgiloi said with grim certainty.

The looks of shock and horror turned to curiosity, with Rilosash asking, "How can you be so sure?"

"The actions of our enemies are like the currents of the ocean... you only need to read the changes in pressure and motion to know it to be true," the Deep Lord said, with a smug look of superiority. "Have the Kirrix ever been late to collect a shipment?"

"No, never," Baolleraz replied, confirming what they all suspected.

"We know how highly they prize that trade, which means some sudden calamity must have befallen them to not collect their payment." Athgiloi gave them a sly smile as he continued, "But what force would be powerful enough to topple their empire in so short a time?"

"The Maliri..." Paotegh murmured, his black eyes widening. "They were en route to the Trankaran Republic until that diversion into Federation territory!"

"At John Blake's behest, have no doubt," Athgiloi stated, nodding his agreement. "We have seen graphic proof of what the Maliri did to the Kintark... but where did they go after intervening at Terra?"

"To continue their mission in the Republic," Rilosash said, looking at his leader in admiration. "I've seen the reports from our spymasters; dozens of Trankaran border worlds have been invaded by the Kirrix..."

"I would wager that is no longer the case," Athgiloi agreed, well acquainted with the espionage conducted by Brimorian covert operatives posing as merchants in the Trankaran Republic.

Paotegh nodded thoughtfully. "According to Terran broadcasts, the Federation was similarly besieged. If John Blake has intervened, it would explain his absence from the Callopean Shoals." He paused and looking worried, he added, "Unless Shoal-Commander Coholich's death was his doing?"

Athgiloi dismissed that possibility with a wave of his scaly hand. "Blake's rival would never have permitted him to strike at us. We are quite safe from any reprisals."

"While I believe you are correct about the Maliri devastating the Kirrix, I cannot help but be concerned about your plan to strip fleets from the border," Lord Sibhaloi said, keeping his tone respectful. "We cannot risk exposing our colonies to the insectoid parasites... that they would use Brimorians for breeding stock is unthinkable!"

"I agree, but our people are in no real danger," Athgiloi said, looking unruffled. "The Kirrix prefer arid climes... and are woefully ill-adapted for aquatic warfare. They would struggle to even reach our cities, let alone abduct our citizens in significant numbers. Besides, I doubt they would want to jeopardise the partnership we have developed with them. We have nothing to fear where the Kirrix are concerned."

"With the balance of power shifting between empires, wouldn't it be wise to err on the side of caution with regard to the Kintark?" Lord Semord asked quietly. "Perhaps it would be prudent to reduce the scale of our invasion?"

"No... this is the time to be bold, our very survival demands it!" Athgiloi insisted. "I can guarantee you that the Terrans will have demanded significant territorial gains after thrashing the Kintark invasion force. If we want to avoid being eclipsed by the Federation, the time to strike is now! The Kintark Emperor is dead, his fleets annihilated, and his Empire in turmoil... there has never been a better opportunity to massively increase the systems under our control. The Kintark have no way of stopping us from taking whatever we want... including forcing them to become a vassal state."

The Deep Pool considered that for a moment, then nodded, finding no flaws in his logic.

Athgiloi gave them a triumphant grin at their acquiescence, putting rows of vicious teeth on display. "The invasion will go ahead as planned. Send word to the fleets and unleash them on the mortally wounded Megacaradon that is the Kintark Empire! Glory and immortality await us my Lords... it is time to hammer our names into the annals of Brimorian history!"


Arcadia's sun had long disappeared below the horizon, leaving the tropical jungle illuminated by the soft light from millions of stars sprawled across the heavens. It was a warm night, but Rachel huddled closer to John's back to escape the chill of the cooler airstream as the hover-bike cruised through the sky. He had turned off the rumble generation for the ride home and they rode in companionable silence out of respect for the falling dark.

John eased off on the throttle as he neared the Invictus, knowing that he was close to the crash site despite there being no sign of his ship. He glided through the holographic projection that concealed the ship's location and then there it was before him, the white battlecruiser sparkling in the moonlight. The hover-bike smoothly decelerated when he deployed the air-brakes and he steered towards the yawning opening in the warship's hull. He carefully avoided the stacks of ore crates as he coasted into the Cargo Bay, before coming to a halt next to Sakura's ruby-red Matsubara.

When he powered off his hover-bike's grav system, it landed gently on the titanium decking. He straightened up and patted Rachel on the thigh. "Home sweet home."

Instead of dismounting, the brunette stayed exactly where she was, her arms wrapped tight around his waist. "John... are you upset with me?"

He paused and looked at her with concern over his shoulder. "Of course not, honey! What gave you that idea?"

"You've been very quiet," she murmured, laying her head against his back. "I'm worried I annoyed you during the training session. I could see how frustrating that was for you."

John turned and encircled Rachel's waist with his arms, then lifted her around so that she was sitting directly in front of him.

"You did nothing wrong, I promise," he said earnestly, looking into her eyes. "I'm just disappointed at how little progress I made today and I was trying to figure out where I'm going wrong. You saw what happened... I wasn't even close to breaking through your shields."

She looked at him with sympathy, stroking the side of his face. "I was wracking my brain to come up with suggestions that might help, but I couldn't think of anything useful."

"It's okay, I'll figure something out eventually," John said, trying not to sound too despondent. Seeing Rachel's anxious expression, he gave her an apologetic smile. "I really loved spending some time with you today, honey. I'm just sorry I ruined the end."

"You didn't ruin anything," she murmured, her grey eyes softening as she looked at him adoringly. "The afternoon was magical. I've never felt closer to you... and that was before you blew my mind by fulfilling one of my all-time fantasies."

John returned her gaze, trying to commit every detail of Rachel's exquisite features to memory. He held her close and gave her a tender kiss, communicating everything he was feeling with that intimate act. Rachel responded enthusiastically, her lips yearning for his as she reciprocated with all the love she felt for him. When they finally pulled apart, they heard a breathy sigh from only a few paces away.

Dana stood beside them, gazing at the couple with a beaming smile on her face. "Wow... that was awesome!"

"Sorry, Sparks, I didn't see you there," John said, flushing with embarrassment. "We were a bit distracted."

"Don't apologise... you two looked so much in love," Dana said, putting her arms around them both. She kissed Rachel on the cheek and added in a sultry whisper, "You've still got that starry-eyed look you get when you've been fucked senseless... he must have really rung your bell, babes."

Rachel blushed and nodded. "It was like my dream date... everything was absolutely perfect."

"I want to hear all the juicy details!" the redhead said with an eager grin.

"You can interrogate her tomorrow," John said with a smile, kissing the exuberant young woman. "It's getting late and I'd like a tour of the upgrades to the Observatory before we go to bed."

"Oh yeah!" Dana gushed, looking even more excited. "I hope you like what we've done!"

John climbed off the bike and offered Rachel a hand to dismount. "You never leave me disappointed, honey." He put his arms around both girls and led them towards the grav-tube in the adjacent corridor, tapping the button to close the Hangar doors on the way out. "How did you get on with the repairs? Did you make much progress checking the Invictus' for damage?"

Her smile faded and she leaned her head against his shoulder. "It's been a bit of a slog... there's just so much of the superstructure I have to check."

He frowned and gave her a sympathetic squeeze. "Sorry, Sparks. I should have stayed here with a scanner and helped out."

"Nah, you wouldn't have been much help," she said, shaking her head.

"Surely I can't be that hopeless a lowly assistant to the Grand Engineering Overlord?" he protested playfully, trying to perk her up again.

She giggled and bumped hips with him. "It's not that; you're actually a good helper... but my estimates were all based on me using my abilities to speed things up. I can work at least twenty times faster than one of you guys with a diagnostic scanner, but you know how fucking huge the Invictus is."

"I didn't realise it was just you checking the entire hull," John said in surprise. He mulled the problem over as they reach the grav-tube. "Maybe tomorrow, I'll see if I can give you some assistance?"

Dana frowned in confusion. "Thanks for the offer, but like I said... you won't be able to help very much."

Rachel laughed as she stepped into the blue anti-gravity field. "John wasn't planning to wander around with a scanner, babes. The kind of assistance he's offering will involve you on your knees..."

The redhead's face lit up with excitement. "Oh, hell yeah! That would be totally awesome!"

"Well, supercharging Rachel worked like a charm," John said with a rueful glance at the brunette, before turning to Dana. "I'm sure I'll be able to give you a significant boost too."

Dana caught the meaningful look he shared with her girlfriend. "What happened? Training didn't go well?"

He shook his head and pulled them both in for a hug. "Your woman's a very talented girl... and she's taken to shielding like a duck to water. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely grateful Rachel's so good... but breaking through her hex barriers is damn-near impossible."

"Yeah... you sure saved our asses against Larn'kelnar," Dana said softly, looking at her lover with pride. "We would've all been screwed if not for you."

"She's amazing alright," John agreed, smiling at the blushing brunette. "Which sets a very high bar for me to train against."

Rachel met his admiring gaze. "Today was only the first day of training. I know we'll unlock the secrets of your runeblade eventually."

"Yep! You always crack this stuff in the end," Dana said, giving him an encouraging smile.

They reached Deck Three and stepped out of the grav-tube into the corridor.

"Thanks for cheering him up, ladies," Alyssa said, smiling at the trio as she walked over to join them. She crossed her wrists behind his neck and leaned in to give him a loving kiss. *Welcome home, handsome. I really missed you.*

*Likewise, beautiful,* he replied, losing himself in the earnest sensuality of her kiss.

When their lips finally parted, John continued to hold her close and stroked her back. "I should go away more often if that's the reaction I get when I come home."

"Don't you dare!" she pouted, pretending to scold him. Her teasing expression quickly shifted to sympathy. "John... I'm sorry the training was a bust; I don't think I've ever felt you more frustrated."

"Ah, not to worry. The girls are right... I just need to stick with it," he said with a shrug of resignation. Glancing to his side, he looked for Rachel and Dana, but was startled to see they were no longer there. "Hey, where did they go?"

"The Observatory," Alyssa replied, slipping her hand into his. "We got a bit wrapped up in that kiss, so they decided to wait with the others. Besides, I wanted to talk to you alone for a moment."

"That sounds ominous..." John said with a disarming smile, walking with her towards the Lagoon. "Should I be worried?"

"No, it's nothing bad. I was talking with Lynette this afternoon and she made an unusual request... I wanted to discuss it with you and ask your permission before we tell the girls."

"Ask for permission? I thought your usual policy was to do what you liked, then ask me for forgiveness?" he teased her, before tapping the button to open the door into the Lagoon.

Alyssa gave him an apologetic look. "I know... but I'm trying not to do that anymore."

"Really? What about Lina?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Recruiting girls is always going to be the exception," she replied, her cerulean eyes twinkling as she flashed him a grin. When he started to object, Alyssa gave him a quick kiss to cut him off. "I heard what you said about Charles and how he makes the situation more complicated... but I'm not trying to change your mind about that. Lynette's request is about something completely different: she asked if we'd mind giving Jack and Mateo a lift back to the Core Worlds."

John paused as they crossed the bridge over the tropical pool and looked at her in surprise. "She did? Is this about the attack on Maria?"

Alyssa nodded, leaning into him. "They're exposed out here on the border and she doesn't want Calara to be worrying about her family's safety. Lynette has contacted Jack and his sons, offering them their choice of prestigious postings near Terra."

"That was very thoughtful," John said, touched by the Fleet Admiral's concern for Calara. "Will you thank her for me? I really appreciate her looking out for us like that."

"Of course, I'll pass that on," she said, relaying John's profound gratitude to the brunette and smiling at Lynette's delighted response. "So... what's the verdict?"

"On ferrying Jack and Mateo home?" he asked, puzzled by her need for his permission. "Of course I don't mind. Why would you think I'd have a problem with that?"

"The last time Calara spoke to her dad, she admitted that you're sleeping with the entire crew... and he was struggling to deal with it. If we do pick them up at the Kirrix border, they'll be aboard the Invictus for two days..."

"And things could get awkward," John finished for her, finally understanding her concern. He mulled it over for a moment, then gave her an amiable shrug. "As long as we tone things down a bit, I think we should be able to avoid upsetting Jack. I'm sure the Nymphs can be persuaded to put on clothes for a couple of days and I'll try to avoid giving anyone a full tummy... that would raise all sorts of uncomfortable questions."

"No blowjobs for 48 hours? I don't know what will finish you off first... a fatal case of blue balls, or a mutiny from the girls!" Alyssa warned him with a grin.

He laughed at the thought, then winked at her. "I didn't say anything about being celibate. We'll just have to... share the load... for a while."

"Sounds like a plan," she agreed, giving him a coy smile.

"In any case, bringing her husband and son back home is the least we can do after everything Maria's just been through."

"I'll inform Lynette. When Jack and Mateo accept her offer, she can let them know we'll be their taxi," Alyssa said, looking pleased.

"Wait a second... they haven't accepted yet?" John asked her in confusion. "How do you know they will?"

She gave him an indulgent look. "John... the girls and I don't just talk about fluffy kittens and pretty dresses. I knew exactly what would tempt Maria's boys back to the Core Worlds, and gave Lynette a few helpful suggestions."

The source of her insider knowledge was suddenly quite obvious. "Calara..."

"Handsome and smart... I think I'll keep him," Alyssa said with an angelic smile. Her expression turned seductive and she sauntered towards the Observatory, leading him by the hand. "But not just for myself..."

John watched the blonde temptress sashaying across the bridge, but it wasn't her flawless figure that was making him stare. He was struck by just how much he relied on Alyssa to keep things on an even keel, his loving matriarch working tirelessly to look after him and all the girls.

He pulled her into his arms when they reached the door. "I want you last tonight... okay?"

"That would be wonderful," she murmured, her veneer of teasing confidence slipping away to reveal the young woman in love underneath.

They shared a long meaningful look, until she flicked her fingers at the wall-mounted panel and the door to the Observatory slid open.
