Three Square Meals Ch. 125


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"Protection detail?!" Jack muttered in astonishment. His confusion turned to anger as he snapped, "Why didn't anyone tell me that my wife might be in danger!"

"I promise you that we had no forewarning that an attack was being planned," Lynette replied, her tone sincere. "I assigned an ISD protection team to Maria purely as a precaution."

"A precaution?" he asked, eyes narrowing with suspicion. "So you suspected she might be attacked?"

The Fleet Admiral shook her head. "No, we honestly had no idea." Lynette saw his frustration with that answer and continued, "I'll explain in a moment, Captain... but first, your wife is waiting to speak with you."

"Put her through... please," he said gratefully, desperate to see Maria again.

Lynette nodded and leaned forward to switch transmission feeds. The Fleet Admiral's sympathetic countenance was replaced by the face of the woman he'd loved for 30 years. His wife was sitting on a bed in a utilitarian room he immediately recognised as military crew quarters.

"Maria!" Jack exclaimed, reaching for her instinctively. "Sweetheart... are you alright?"

"Oh, Jack! It's so good to see you!" she said earnestly.

"The Fleet Admiral said you'd been shot!"

Maria shifted on the bed so he could see the bandage on her thigh. "Just a flesh wound... it was nothing." Her expression was pensive as she continued, "But the team who were protecting me were badly hurt and they're both in surgery... I would've been killed if it wasn't for them, Jack!"

"I'm so sorry I can't be there for you," he lamented, hating to see her so upset. "Is there anything I can do?"

She sighed and shook her head. "I'm just waiting for news from the medics. Faith is such a lovely girl... I hope to God she makes it."

"What happened? Do you know who attacked you?"

"I'd gone grocery shopping with Faith and we'd just got home when ISD troops ambushed us," she replied, shivering as she recounted the terrifying attack. "They shot up our house trying to kill me, but we managed to escape. They were in a couple of APCs and chased us into Baybury, killing all the police who tried to stop them. We tried to shake them in the city, but they caught up with us and destroyed my car. I thought Faith was already dead and that they were going to finish me off too... then the Epiphron arrived and took them out. Jack, it was Viv! She was in orbit and came to rescue me!"

"Viv? You mean Vivian Grayson?" he asked incredulously.

Maria nodded, wiping away the tears and smiling at him. "I know..." She glanced off-screen and beckoned her friend over. "Come here, Grayce!"

"Hello Jack," Commander Grayson said, greeting him with a warm smile as she sat beside his wife.

"It's damn good to see you, Viv," he said, finally relaxing a little. "Thank you for saving Maria."

"She's my best friend, Jack," the attractive blonde replied, reaching out to clasp the Latina's hand. "You know how much Fern means to me."

Maria smiled and put her arm around the other woman, giving her an affectionate hug. "Likewise Grayce."

"How long until the Epiphron departs from Jericho?" he asked, worrying about his wife's safety.

"Don't worry about Maria," the blonde said soothingly. "I'm stationed on Jericho for the foreseeable future; I'll be around to keep an eye on her."

"Jack... they wrecked our home," his wife said sadly, her expression turning forlorn. "It'll take months to repair all the damage."

He frowned with concern. "Viv, how long can Maria stay aboard the Epiphron before it becomes a problem?"

"I've already spoken to Captain Trevelyan," the blonde said with a reassuring smile. "She's free to stay for as long as it takes to repair your house."

"I really appreciate you looking after Maria for me," he said, making eye contact with their friend. "I won't be home for three months, so thanks... I really owe you one."

"There's no need to thank me," Viv said, her smile widening. "I'm really looking forward to us reminiscing about old times."

"I love you, darling," Jack said to his wife. "I'm so glad you're safe."

"I love you too," Maria said, blowing him a kiss. "Best not keep the Fleet Admiral waiting. I'll call again later this evening when you've spoken to her."

They exchanged waves goodbye, and Jack watched his wife's beautiful face disappear in a blur of pixels. He'd never wanted to be with her more, the thought of Maria being injured and upset like a knife wound to his heart.

"Hello again, Captain Fernandez," the Fleet Admiral said, her kindly face appearing on the screen. "Would you mind if I call you Jack? I don't think there's any need for us to stand on ceremony."

"Of course, Ma'am," he replied, responding instinctively to a superior officer.

She smiled indulgently. "Please call me Lynette."

Shocked at the thought of being on a first-name basis with the leader of the Terran Federation, Jack could only nod in agreement.

"Jack, earlier you asked me why I'd taken the precaution of assigning a protection detail to your wife. The simple answer, is that you and your family are of critical importance to the Federation."

He looked at her in confusion for a moment. His wife had retired from the Navy more than two decades ago to raise their family, so he couldn't imagine that she'd be of special importance to the Fleet Admiral. While Jack was the captain of the Damocles and his three boys were all members of the Terran military, none of them were high-ranked enough to be of particular note to High Command. In that same split-second, his thoughts turned to his daughter... and it all made sense.

"Calara... she's a Lioness."

Lynette gave him a wry smile, locking eyes with him. "Your future son-in-law made it quite clear that there would be serious consequences should anything happen to any of you."

"So you took precautions," he said, finally understanding.

She nodded slowly, her expression turning serious. "That wasn't the primary reason for protecting the Fernandez family, but I'll do everything in my power to keep all of you safe."

Jack was shocked by her sincerity, but managed to give her a grateful smile. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."

"I should be the one thanking you," Lynette said earnestly. "You've raised a truly exceptional daughter. She's saved Terra not once, but twice... as well as prevented our subjugation by a hostile empire. Humanity owes your family a massive debt."

"We've all been honoured to serve the Federation," he said, enjoying the surge of paternal pride he felt for Calara.

Lynette smiled at him in acknowledgement, but he saw her watching him like a hawk, as if trying to gauge his full measure. "Jack, there's something else I want to discuss with you. I'd like you to seriously consider reassignment to a new post in the Core Worlds."

"A new post?" he asked, startled by the sudden shift in topic. "Doing what exactly?"

"It's entirely up to you," she replied, a twinkle in her hazel eyes. "You'll have your pick of assignments: Logistics officer, intelligence operations, homeworld fleet defence... anything that interests you. Make your choice and I'll make it happen. Of course, the move will include a promotion to Commodore and substantial bump in pay grade..."

He gaped at her in amazement, then couldn't help feeling a flicker of disappointment. "You're only making me this offer because of my daughter's accomplishments."

Lynette shook her head. "No, not exactly. If I'm being completely honest with you, I don't want Calara to be worrying about the safety of her family, there's too much at stake and we can't afford for her to be distracted. I'd like you and your sons to relocate to the Core Worlds where it'll be easier for me to protect you."

Jack slumped in his chair. "Thank you for your candour."

She studied his dejected expression with sympathy. "Jack... I've thoroughly reviewed your service record. You've more than earned this promotion on your own merits; you're an exceptional officer and you've served the Terran Federation loyally for over 30 years. I'm sure you're well aware you could have reached Commodore rank a decade ago, if you'd applied for an administrative position on the homeworld... so what made you decide to stay with the Damocles?"

Jack rolled out his usual reply, but this time he heard the flicker of uncertainty in his own voice. "I always felt that I could contribute more by serving in the fleet."

"Do you still feel the same way?" Lynette asked quietly, her hazel-eyed gaze boring into him. "You're an honourable man... it must have been heartbreaking being ordered to leave the Kirrix border undefended. I'd be amazed if your faith in High Command hasn't been shaken by that disaster..."

Now he really was shocked; it was almost as if the Fleet Admiral had read his mind. "I... I've been troubled by it," he admitted, unsure how candid he could be. "I'm sure the Kirrix invasion and the horrific civilian death-toll could have been averted if our forces hadn't been stripped from the border."

"You won't hear a word of disagreement from me," she agreed with a grim nod. Looking at him speculatively, Lynette continued, "Have you ever considered working as an Instructor at the Academy? I'm ramping up recruitment after the horrific losses we sustained in the Kintark invasion and we're in desperate need of veteran fleet officers to share their invaluable combat experience. You'd be a real asset in teaching fleet operations and combat tactics to fledgling bridge crews... as well as drumming into them their sworn duty to protect Federation citizens."

"That does sound... intriguing," Jack admitted, startled that he was so tempted by the idea.

The Fleet Admiral gave him a supportive smile. "I don't need an answer straight away. Take your time to think it over and discuss the decision with your lovely wife."

He smiled, imagining how overjoyed Maria would be to hear about this opportunity. As an Academy Instructor based in Tau Ceti, they'd finally be able to live together without his next deployment hanging over their heads. Perhaps it was time to leave the fighting to younger men... then he could focus on training the next generation of Fleet officers.

"I will... and thank you, Lynette," he said gratefully.

She inclined her head and returned his smile. "It's my pleasure."


John sat cross-legged on the tartan rug with Rachel straddling him, her legs wrapped around his waist. She reached backwards for a cheese and tomato tart, then carefully brought the savoury treat to John's mouth. She watched in fascination as he took a bite and enjoyed the taste, then Rachel shifted in his lap, pressing herself against him as he swallowed.

"I thought I was supposed to be filling up your tummy?" he asked with an indulgent smile.

"I've wanted to try this ever since I saw Tashana feed you dinner," she said breathlessly.

"What's the verdict? Did watching me chew live up to expectations?"

Rachel gave him a coy smile, "It certainly did. This feels very... intimate."

John reached for a spicy Maliri wrap, then raised an eyebrow. When the brunette nodded her approval, he raised the morsel to her lips, where she took dainty bites. Keeping her eyes locked on his the whole time, she let out a soft moan as she savoured the delicacy, then swallowed and sighed with contentment.

"It turns out I like feeding you too," he said with a playful grin. "Who would have guessed?"

She laughed and embraced him affectionately. "I'm so glad we got this time together."

"Likewise," John agreed, lowering his hands to rest on her hips. "You know I've always really enjoyed your company."

Rachel studied him for a moment, bracing herself for a guilty apology from John for not spending enough time with her... but it never happened. "You really have changed," she murmured in surprise. "I thought all the light-hearted banter earlier was just a bit of fun, but it goes much deeper than that."

"I've been getting a lot of really good advice lately," running his hands over her back and holding her close. "Thank you for everything you told me via Dana... it was all really helpful."

She pulled back to look him in the eyes. "I'm so glad, John. I've always wanted to support you in any way I can."

John gently cupped her cheek and caressed her wonderfully soft skin. "Some of the things Dana said... I didn't realise it at the time, but you were speaking from experience, weren't you? You know exactly what it's like to be so appalled by what your father's done, you just want him out of your life."

Those smoky grey orbs that saw too much were intently focused on him now, a shadow of sadness and sympathy in that penetrating look. "I do..." she said softly. "And I wish with all my heart that you'd never had to go through it."

"You were only 16 when you filed for emancipation," he said, gazing at her with newfound respect. "How on Terra did you survive this alone?"

"I completely immersed myself in my medical training," she replied, leaning into his hand and closing her eyes as she revelled in his touch. "I realised that the average person wastes so much of their day thinking about the trivial and mundane. I decided to spend every waking minute learning everything I could; it was an effective method of preventing myself from dwelling on the past."

"I can't believe the amount of mental fortitude that must have taken," he marvelled, brushing his fingers through her tawny brown hair. "You never cease to amaze me, honey."

She shook her head and there was a look of real vulnerability in her eyes. "It was a terrible mistake to cut myself off like that. For two years I had no friends or family... I was so lonely, John."

"I know what that's like too," he said quietly, pulling her into a hug.

They just held each other for several minutes, enjoying the support and comfort from someone who knew and understood what the other had been through.

"Are you okay, honey?" John asked, easing back to look at her with concern.

To his surprise, Rachel was elated, a bright smile lighting up her gorgeous face. "I really am!"

He gave her a quizzical frown. "I wasn't exactly expecting that reaction."

She blushed, but it didn't diminish her joy. "I've always envied Dana's deep connection with you. You were both orphaned at birth and shared that same desperate need to find out about your parents... you understand each other on a fundamental level."

"But now the two of us are more alike," he murmured, startled by her epiphany.

Rachel nodded, giving him an astute look. "You're finally free from the crushing self-inflicted burden of your parents' expectations... and it feels incredibly liberating doesn't it?"

He stared at her wide-eyed as her words resonated within him.

Henry Voss had demanded high-standards of propriety from Rachel, grooming his daughter to succeed him and continue the Voss Legacy. However, their relationship had deteriorated dramatically after her mother's death and Rachel had done her utmost to infuriate Henry with her acts of rebellion. In John's case, he'd always striven to do the best he could, anxious never to disappoint the parents he longed to meet. Now, after his confrontation with Jessica and Rahn'hagon, he no longer sought their approval... in fact, he didn't give a shit what they thought anymore. For the first time he could really empathise with the pain Rachel had endured and understood why she'd lashed out at her father in the only way she knew she could hurt him.

"For forty years I've been trying to live my life in some misguided attempt to impress them..." he replied, clenching his fists in anger. "All that time I put them on a pedestal... but they were both such a disappointment."

"And now you're free..." she said with a fond smile. "You're your own man and you can define yourself in any way you want."

John lay back on the blanket and stared up at the cloudless sky. After a moment of reflection, he smiled and nodded. "You're right... I finally feel like I'm in charge of my own destiny."

"That's how it was for me too," she whispered, lost in her memories.

He reached for Rachel and pulled her down so that she was lying across his chest. "Actually, I should say that we're in charge of our destinies now. Everything we do, we do together, Rachel. You're just as important a part of my family as Dana... or any of the other girls."

"I know..." she whispered, gazing reverently into his eyes. "I really feel it."

John wrapped his arms around her and let out a contented sigh. "I'm so glad we met, honey. I can't tell you how much you've helped me over the last few months... I never would've been able to survive all this without you."

Rachel had been lying down with her head on his chest, but she propped herself up to give him a playful pout. "So you're only interested in me for my knowledge and skills?"

"Of course not," he replied, gently massaging her temple. "I love that brilliant mind of yours, and what a lovely thoughtful girl you are."

"And?" she prompted him, a naughty glint in her eyes as she rubbed against him.

He grinned and let his hands slide down to cup and squeeze her deliciously firm bottom. "It goes without saying that you're a sexy piece of ass."

Rachel looked thoughtful for a moment, then grinned as she shook her head. "No... I think you need to say it."

John laughed as he rolled them over so that she was beneath him. "I think you're gorgeous, honey. You've got the same spectacular body as the rest of the girls, but it's your wonderful mind that makes you so special. I love that you got together with Dana... you make such a beautiful couple and I can see how much you adore each other. It makes it so much more exciting when I straighten you out again..."

She rolled her hips, rubbing herself against him. "I love it when you remind me that I'm a helpless slave to your cock..."

He nodded, then held her wrists above her head, pinning her to the ground and making her gasp with excitement. Restraining her with one hand, he let the other roam down her body to her slim stomach, which he stroked possessively. "Getting you pregnant is going to be such a turn on. It'll be like dominating that sexy body for 9 months..."

"Making my belly swell with a constant reminder of who owns me..." Rachel moaned, her thighs parting for him instinctively.

John smiled as he recognised one of Dana's fantasies rubbing off on her lover. "That's right, gorgeous, you're all mine. Maybe we should get Jehanna to do some more interviews when you're knocked up... then we can show billions of people that I own your smoking hot body."

She couldn't help giggling at that, a wild gleam of excitement in her eyes at the thought. "Daddy would be furious! The heir to the Voss Legacy turning her back on his fortune... to become one of your doting broodmares."

He laughed along with her, then decided to push some more of her buttons. "You might have started out as one of the privileged elite, but you can't resist a bad boy, can you?"

Rachel whimpered, her body trembling as she writhed against him. "Oh God..."

"Am I better than Axel?" he teased, grinding his pelvis against hers, so she could feel his throbbing heat. "Do I give you what you really need?"

She groaned and pressed back against him, arching her back. "He was a pathetic little boy compared to you... you're my real man!"

John kissed her fiercely, enjoying her excited gasps and moans as he pinned her to the blanket. He could see the feverish gleam in her stormy grey eyes, recognising that the normally reserved and thoughtful doctor had abandoned all sense of reason in a cloud of lust.

"Time to pay for that ride, baby," he said with a grin.

Rachel panted with need, unable to take her eyes off him as she fumbled to tear off her clothes. John sat up and stripped off his t-shirt, throwing it onto his discarded jacket. He took off his combat trousers and watched his young companion peel off her lacy panties that were soaked with her arousal. She crawled across the blanket to join him, her fingers brushing over his chest to feel the powerful muscles.