Three Square Meals Ch. 133


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"I wish you good fortune in the battle, High Prelate. You carry the future of the Kintark Empire in your hands... do not fail me."

"I will do my utmossst, Empresss," Zorlin replied with a respectful bow.

He watched the huge dragon depart, then turned on his heel and entered the elevator that would take him down to the hangar below. The fleet was nearly ready to depart and they had additional surprises to prepare for the Brimorian invaders.


*I found it!* Tashana blurted out, grinning with delight.

*Found what?* John asked, surprised that she'd already discovered something useful.

*The schematics for your runesword!* she replied, her eyes darting from side to side as she studied the information in the archive.

*That was quick! Nice work,* he said, patting the Maliri girl's shoulder. *Can I take a look?*

Tashana nodded, already activating the Kyth'faren polyhedron. *Of course... let me just display it for you.*

One of the hexagons blazed with light, then a technical schematic for his runeblade appeared on the wall of the chamber.

*Kyth'vindathys,* John murmured, reading the title written in Progenitor runic script. He glanced down at the gleaming ethereal weapon he clutched in a gauntleted fist, which was an exact replica of the one he held back on the Invictus.

*Those runes... I don't recognise them. What are they?* Alyssa asked in fascination, momentarily distracted from her misgivings about the Kyth'faren fortress by the surprising discovery.

John stepped closer and studied the intricate runic phrases needed to forge the weapon. Looking at the complex structures made his head spin, but he could sense the formidable power contained within those incantations. Like Alyssa, he didn't recognise several of the elaborate sigils, which were not part of the Kyth'faren eldritch alphabet that he was familiar with.

*I don't know,* he admitted with a puzzled frown. *I've never seen them before either.*

*Then how did you forge your sword?* Alyssa asked, waving a hand at the razor-sharp blade. *You must've used all those runes to make it.*

He gave her a helpless shrug, then glanced down at the rune-embossed weapon, turning it in his fist and watching as it reflected the light. *I wasn't even trying to create anything like this at the time. I was reshaping my sword to make it stronger, but I got distracted and made this runeblade before I realised what I was doing.*

*Dana's runic affinity is a mystery as well,* Alyssa reminded him. *Maybe there's another whole outer ring of runes that we're missing?*

Tashana turned to look at John over her shoulder. *Or at least we're missing them... but you must have them locked away in your head.*

John grimaced as a sudden thought came to him. *My guide must still have control over all those runes... that's why I didn't even know they existed.* Shaking his head in frustration, he continued, *Even when he's locked away, my guide's still a thorn in my side.*

Alyssa slipped an arm around John and gave him a sympathetic hug. *Not for too much longer.*

*Very true.* After a lingering look of regret at the runic script, John turned to face Tashana again. *Alright, why don't you see what else you can find. We'll have to come back for another look at the runesword schematics when I know what all those runes mean.*

*Okay, I'll keep looking,* the Maliri readily agreed, submerging her subconscious into the Kyth'faren archive again.

He felt Alyssa tremble beside him and glanced at her with concern. *What's wrong? Did you sense something else?*

The blonde glanced warily over her shoulder. *I just can't shake this weird feeling that we're being watched...*

*I haven't seen any sign of movement here besides us,* John said, his voice calm and reassuring. *I'll keep checking, just to be sure.*

John's eyes glowed with a blue light and he gave the fortress another perfunctory sweep with his enhanced X-Ray vision.

*God fucking dammit!* he swore, tightening his grip on his blade. *I don't believe it!*

Tashana jerked herself out of the polyhedron's telepathic construct when she heard his outburst and turned to look at John in alarm. *What's the matter?*

*My father... he's here. I just spotted the asshole landing on the battlements,* John snarled, stalking towards the door behind them. *I'll go tell Rahn to fuck off. Call me immediately if you two get in any kind of trouble.*

*John, wait!* Alyssa protested, striding after him. *I'm coming with you!*

He paused and shook his head. *Rahn's not any kind of threat... I'm much stronger than he is now. Stay here and keep watch over Tashana while she studies the archive; I won't be gone long.*

Her shoulders slumped when she saw the fierce look of determination on his face. *Alright... but please be careful.*

*Stay safe, Baen'thelas,* Tashana said softly, her expression filled with concern.

*I will,* he replied, giving them both a warm smile. *Don't worry, I'll be right back.*

As John left the girls and the Kyth'faren knowledge repository behind, his smile faded and a cold, hard edge appeared in his eyes. He was sorely tempted to ignite his runeblade with Eldritch fire and deal with Rahn'hagon permanently, but his mother's desperate plea for his father's life still rang in his ears. Gritting his teeth with tightly-suppressed fury, he stormed down the corridors of the ancient citadel, bracing himself for the impending confrontation with his father.

It didn't take long for John to reach the battlements, the use of psychic speed hastening his arrival. He burst through the imposing doors that led to the outer fortifications before Rahn'hagon had even managed to cross the battlements to reach the keep. His father froze as the doors slammed open, shocked by the sudden appearance of his son only a dozen paces away.

*What are you doing here?!* Rahn'hagon gasped, falling back a step.

*Trying to find out what you stuffed inside my head,* John growled, advancing towards him. *Now leave before I make you.*

Rahn'hagon bristled at his son's scathing tone, never having been so casually dismissed before. He glared at John, torn between his anger and instinct for self-preservation. *I showed you this place! You can't order me to leave!*

John gave him a grim, humourless smile. *You're not coming inside while I'm here... but you're welcome to try and force your way in. Let's see what happens when you can't hide behind my mother's skirts.*

*What do you mean?* his father said, looking at him in confusion. *Jessica isn't wearing a skirt.*

*It's an old Terran expression,* John explained, looking at his father with contempt. *It's what cowardly children do... they taunt someone, then hide behind their mother when that person retaliates. The only reason you're still alive is because you cowered behind Jessica.*

Rahn'hagon flushed indignantly at the explanation behind John's insult. Despite his anger, he eyed his son's runeblade with trepidation and backed away, not wanting to antagonise John any further.

*Alright, I shall depart,* the ancient Progenitor grudgingly conceded. He paused, studying John curiously. *Actually... the only reason I'm here is because I was seeking answers about the nature of your abilities. Perhaps we could discuss that for a moment before I leave?*

John snorted and shook his head. *You try to kill me and now you want to have a cordial chat? You've got to be fucking kidding. Leave now, before I forget my mother begged me to spare your worthless hide.*

*But I need to know how you've grown so powerful!* Rahn'hagon pleaded, his frustration bubbling over. *And you've bestowed psychic powers upon your thralls... why would you do that?!*

*I'm not telling you a goddamn thing,* John muttered, advancing another step. *You wouldn't understand anyway... you're not even capable of comprehending why I did it.*

*At least tell me what Alyssa is!* his father insisted, his burning curiosity overcoming his fear. *She's no mere Terran... what have you done to her? What is she?!*


The subject of their discussion listened to the fraught conversation between father and son, ready to rush to John's side at a moment's notice if he should be attacked. Alyssa didn't trust Rahn'hagon, not after he turned on John so abruptly back aboard Larn'kelnar's dreadnought. Despite John's assurances that he was more powerful than his father, Rahn'hagon had thousands of years of combat experience and was still a dangerous opponent.

*Oh, I've found something else! There's more information here on Kyth'vindathys!* Tashana exclaimed, her eyes widening in wonder. She frowned in confusion as she continued reading. *But this part isn't referring to a runeblade... it's talking about personal enhancement...*

Alyssa opened her mouth to reply, but just as she was about to speak, a sepulchral whisper floated through her mind. Like a spectre dredged up from antiquity, the voice was horribly tormented, filled with an eternity of hatred and pain.

*Lieth amest tel'kaintir... meiher alith valdathyr...* it moaned, every word sending shivers down Alyssa's spine.

*Jade, I need a translation!* she exclaimed, contacting the Nymph Matriarch. *What does this mean?*

Alyssa repeated the unfamiliar Kyth'faren words, perfectly matching the tone and inflection.

*Flee this place... your life is in jeopardy...* Jade translated in a hushed voice. She paused then continued with concern, *Alyssa, this doesn't sound like an idle warning. Whoever said that to you was deadly serious.*

Alyssa whirled around, her eyes widening in alarm. *Who said that?!*

Tashana's brows furrowed as she glanced over her shoulder at the blonde. *Um... I did? I was just saying that I found more records on Kyth'vindathys.*

*No, not that,* Alyssa said in a hushed voice. *There's something here... it warned me I was in danger!*

Shaking her head to clear it from the alluring draw of the Kyth'faren archive, Tashana rose from the bench, her slender fingers dropping to the hilts of her pistols. The Maliri pistoleer smoothly drew her twin guns and cast a wary eye around the chamber, searching for any threats.

*Where was it coming from?* Tashana asked, darting a worried glance at the blonde teenager.

*Who are you?!* Alyssa called out, her melodic voice echoing down the corridors. *Why am I in danger?*

There was a long pause, then she heard the eerie reply, the words echoing with dreadful foreboding. *Keir'ana alith Il carheim brogarl mel yahir lamast! El rehanath esar, luen alith shahaim... Kahori sa erondeil!*

Alyssa darted a frightened glance at Tashana. *Did you hear that?*

*No... nothing,* the Maliri whispered, her eyes like saucers.

*Jade!* she called out to the Nymph. *I need another translation!*

As Alyssa repeated back the unsettling warning, Jade quickly translated for her. *Abandon your befouled companions before it is too late! I beg of you, for your own sake... leave at once!*

With one last frightened glance around the chamber, Alyssa grabbed Tashana's arm. *Come on! Let's get the hell out of here!*

Unsettled by her usually calm matriarch's panicked reaction to the fortress, Tashana joined Alyssa in sprinting for the exit.


*What have I done to Alyssa?* John said, sneering at his father. *I gave her back her free will! She's not an indoctrinated slave like my mother. The first thing I did when I broke my connection to the girls was to remove their compulsion to obey me.*

Rahn'hagon gaped at him in open-mouthed astonishment. *You did what?!*

*You heard me,* John snarled, his lip curling with disgust. *I'm nothing like you... I don't want mindlessly obedient thralls. Alyssa and the rest of the girls are all free to do whatever they want; they're not forced to follow my orders.*

*Is that what you did to Jessica?!* Rahn'hagon accused him, glaring at his son in anger.

*What are you talking about?* John replied, looking at him with disdain. *I didn't do anything to her.*

*Your mother's been sobbing her heart out all week!* his father exclaimed. *She won't listen to a word I say anymore and blames me for everything! I know you're responsible somehow!*

John shook his head. *All I did was talk to her... but she's totally obsessed with you and couldn't care less about me. Maybe she's finally pulled her head out of her ass and realised what a piece of shit you are.*

*So explain the mental barrier in her mind then!* Rahn'hagon demanded indignantly. *Someone blocked me from looking into Jessica's subconscious. I thought I sensed a woman's mind behind it, but it was obviously you all along!*

John froze, realising instantly who had been tampering with his mother's mind. *Alyssa, what did you do to Jessica?!*

*There's something in the citadel, John!* Alyssa blurted out, sounding deeply unsettled. *A ghostly presence spoke to me... it warned me I was in danger!*

*I'm on my way!* he exclaimed, whirling around towards the door.

*We're coming to you!* she gasped, as she sprinted through the keep.

Rahn'hagon blinked in surprise as John did an abrupt about-face and rushed towards the doors leading into the citadel. He was even more shocked when John reappeared shortly afterwards, because his son was not alone. Accompanying him was a blonde Terran that Rahn'hagon immediately recognised as Alyssa and a blue-skinned Maliri thrall that he'd never seen before.

*What are they doing here?!* he asked, gaping incredulously at John's companions.

John opened his mouth to reply, but before he could say a word, Tashana's head snapped around to glare at Rahn'hagon with unbridled fury.

*Progenitor!* she hissed, her eyes blazing with an incandescent violet light.

The Maliri psychic dropped her pistols and held out both hands, fiery sprites bursting forth around her splayed fingers. Her face twisted into a mask of pure hatred, dreadful anticipation alight in that terrifying gaze. Rahn'hagon barely had time to summon a hex-barrier before he was engulfed in a blistering inferno, torrents of flame blasting his hastily prepared psychic shield.

*Burn!* Tashana shrieked, intensifying the conflagration.

The fiery maelstrom swirled around Rahn'hagon, sheets of crackling flame washing over the battlements in a breathtaking display of Pyrokinesis. Rahn'hagon poured as much energy as he could into desperately bolstering his shield, repairing scores of hexagons as they were reduced to a charred ruin by the Maliri's ferocious psychic assault. Dropping to his knees with the strain, he wondered fearfully how long he could maintain his protective barrier, as Tashana's ferocious onslaught showed no sign of abating. All around him, the pale stone fortifications were scorched and blackened, incinerated by the raging inferno that blazed across the citadel.

Snapping out of his shock at Tashana's unexpected outburst, John grabbed her wrists and jerked upwards, causing the conflagration to blaze across the ethereal sky. *Stop, Tashana! What the hell are you doing?!*

Tashana struggled in his grasp, but John was far too strong for her to break free. He deftly turned her away from his father and enveloped the thrashing girl in a tight hug, sending wild tendrils of fire curling outwards in all directions. As soon as Rahn'hagon was out of sight, the Maliri began to calm down and ceased her struggles against John's implacable grip. Tashana blinked rapidly as the glowing light in her eyes faded away, then rage was replaced by confusion, which quickly shifted to a look of mortified disbelief.

*Oh, John! I'm so sorry!* Tashana gasped, gazing up at him in shock. *I don't know what came over me!*

*It's alright, honey,* he said soothingly, holding her tight. Glancing over her shoulder at Rahn'hagon, he saw his father stagger to his feet. *Rahn's like a cockroach... he's impossible to kill.*

Instead of responding to the taunt, Rahn'hagon rushed to the smouldering crenellations and stared out across the ethereal plane.

*No, no, no!* he cried out in horrified denial. *What have you done?!*

John peeled away from Tashana, letting Alyssa hold the Maliri girl instead. He stalked over to his father to see what had upset him this time. *What are you whining about now?*

*Look there, you reckless fool!* Rahn'hagon snapped, pointing towards the horizon... and the swirling mists that were rolling towards them.

*Ah, shit...* John muttered, a shiver of dread running down his spine.

*This fortress withstood the test of time for countless millennia and you've brought about its destruction in a matter of days!* Rahn'hagon raged. *What's wrong with you?! Does everything you touch come to ruin?*

John's protest died on his lips and he glanced back at the citadel with profound regret. The Kyth'faren stronghold was a priceless repository of ancient knowledge... and he was under no illusion what the fallen Progenitors in the mists would do to it when they arrived.

Shaking his head in impotent frustration, Rahn'hagon backed away from John, then floated into the air above the pale stone. He gave his son one last look of withering disappointment, then he soared skyward and raced away across the Astral Plane.

*What are we going to do, John?* Alyssa asked quietly, walking over to stand beside him.

*I don't know... just let me think a second,* he muttered, watching the fell legions rush their way.

Tashana flanked him, her hand seeking his. *This is all my fault,* she sobbed, her voice breaking.

*No it wasn't... don't blame yourself,* he stated firmly, shaking his head. John stared at the approaching hordes, then gave the fortress one last look of regret. *We can't stay here, there's far too many of them to try defending this place.*

*But all that knowledge...* Tashana said, tears rolling down her cheeks as she gazed at the Kyth'faren bastion in anguish. *We were so close to finally answering so many questions...*

*We already found out enough,* Alyssa said, her expression grim. *John... we need to go.*

John nodded in agreement, watching eerie banks of fog approaching from multiple directions, colossal misshapen beasts just visible through the grey miasma. He was already holding Tashana's hand so John reached for Alyssa's too, then he rose up from the battlements, the two girls ascending with him. Stretching out before him was his astral cord, which snaked back across the featureless plane, like a lifeline leading from the deepest reaches of this alternate dimension back to his physical body. With a heavy sigh of regret, he let himself be drawn back to his corporeal form, guiding the two girls to safety.

As they raced away, flying high across the ethereal expanse, Tashana twisted around to stare at the Kyth'faren fortress. The mists swirled around the curtain wall until they completely surrounded the stronghold, then the beasts concealed within the fog launched their siege. A booming roar echoed across the plane as one of the monstrous behemoths crashed into the fortifications, its writhing tentacles smashing the battlements and tearing away huge chunks of stone.

The last thing the Maliri archaeologist saw through her tears, was a grotesque six-limbed abomination breaching the wall and lurching towards the keep. She averted her gaze, unable to watch such a priceless treasure be desecrated by the malevolent creatures.


Tom Walker paced back and forth in the prison cell, trying to make sense of his rapidly crumbling world. He was still stunned by the news that Admiral Morgan's entire fleet had been destroyed and overwhelmed with grief for all the friends and colleagues he'd lost. As much as he wanted to curl up into a ball and mourn for Beth, Mason, and all the others, Tom knew he couldn't afford to fall apart... not when he'd been accused of treason and murder.

He had no idea why Colonel Compton was so convinced of his guilt. The Brimorian toxin that had put him in a coma was suspicious, but all the evidence was circumstantial... it wasn't as if they had any conclusive proof that he had betrayed the fleet. They couldn't have, Tom reasoned, because he was entirely innocent of any wrongdoing.
