Three Square Meals Ch. 133


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"Lynette!" he blurted out in surprise.

She turned to face him and raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Charles?"

"I was wondering if we could talk... about us... about our relationship," he stammered.

Glancing back at the map, she frowned, then nodded in resignation. "Alright, let's talk."

Charles felt a flicker of worry as they moved to the sofas, shocked at how distant Lynette was being with him. "Err... how have you been?"

"Fine, I suppose... considering the man I love has been ignoring me for the last couple of days," she said, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

He gulped in alarm. "I didn't mean to ignore you... I just had a lot to think about, that's all."

"You needed to decide whether you were going to end the engagement and dump me, I assume?" Lynette asked, bristling indignantly.

"No!" Charles exclaimed, but he couldn't help wincing as that's exactly what he'd been considering.

She gave him a knowing look and he wilted, feeling even lower.

"Yes, I thought so," Lynette said, with a sigh of disappointment. "That's why I stopped wearing your engagement ring."

"I'm sorry..."

"So the engagement's really over then?" she asked with grim resignation.

"No, of course not!" Charles blurted out in a panic. "I just meant that I'm sorry that I didn't speak to you. I've been trying to come to terms with what happened between you and John."

"Nothing happened between us, Charles," Lynette said with a frown. "I thought John told you that? Neither of us had any romantic feelings for each other and we certainly didn't sleep together. I went through a clinical procedure with him that transformed my body... but that all happened before you showed any interest in me."

"Yes, but it's the details of it all..." he muttered, giving her a rueful frown.

"Well you certainly didn't seem to mind the final results," she said archly. "You only fell in love with me when you saw 'Marie' at the gym. Maybe you're far more shallow than I gave you credit for."

"I'm not!" he protested. "I love you for who you are, Lynette. Not just because you're beautiful."

She gave him a sceptical look. "You love me? If that was true, why did you make no effort to speak to me since you found out about the Change? Didn't you care that I might have been upset and worried about how you were going to react?"

"I care, I promise!" Charles insisted, nervously wiping at the sweat on his brow.

"I didn't do anything wrong, Charles. I never cheated on you... and I've been nothing but loving and faithful since we became a couple," she said, looking deeply hurt. "You're punishing me for something that happened before we even started dating. Well, I can't change my past... so if you can't get over it, then let me know now because I have my life to live."

"I can... I have!" he exclaimed, dropping to his knees beside the sofa in front of her. "Please forgive me, Lynette! I love you with all my heart and I can't live without you! I know you're miles out of my league, but if you give me another chance, I swear you won't regret it!"

Lynette tilted her head to one side as she considered his desperate plea. "You know what I like doing in bed... are you going to be all awkward about me sucking your cock now?"

"No! I love it... you're absolutely incredible in bed!"

"Hmm... maybe you should prove it," she said sternly, rising from the sofa and beckoning him to follow her to the bedroom. "I'm not wearing your engagement ring again until you give me a full tummy."

Charles leapt to his feet and hurried after her, a huge grin lighting up his face.


*Woohoo!* Lynette exclaimed, sounding absolutely thrilled. *It worked like a charm!*

*Well done, gorgeous,* Alyssa said with satisfaction, rising from the sofa in the Ready Room. *Charles just needed to be reminded what a catch you are and I knew he'd be frantic to get back together with you.*

*Thanks, Alyssa... you helped me so much,* the brunette gushed, overcome with gratitude.

The blonde paused by the door to the Bridge. *Consider it part of my apology for what happened with the Outer Rim colonies. I'm sorry I hurt you over that... and I'll do whatever I can to help you find a peaceful solution.*

*I appreciate it, thank you,* Lynette replied. *I'm going to go... I need to concentrate.*

*Have fun,* Alyssa said with a grin, then strode out onto the Command Deck. "Hey, I've got great news! Charles and Lynette are back together!"

John looked up from where he was leaning over Calara's Tactical Station. "I'm really glad it all worked out. Did Charles decide what he wants to do about Lina?"

"Nah, not yet. They're just celebrating the engagement being back on at the moment," she replied, winking at him suggestively.

He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Too much information."

When Alyssa reached him she greeted John with a loving kiss, then leaned down to give Calara the same treatment. "So what did I miss?"

The Latina gave her a warm smile. "It's not like you to be in the dark over anything. John and I were just discussing our plans for the Maliri fleets led by Aadya, the House Perfaren Fleet Commander."

"What have you decided?" Alyssa asked, turning to look at the map of the Kintark Empire.

"I don't want to split up the Maliri fleets and risk putting them in any danger, which means we have two choices for handling the clean-up operation," John replied, gesturing to the holographic image. "Option one is to send the Maliri to sweep along the invasion corridor from Kinta out towards the border, eliminating all the Brimorian forces as they go. This is safer for the Kintark, because it will prevent a reserve force from hitting the homeworld system after we leave for Genthalas."

"Okay and what's our second option?" she asked, nodding her understanding.

Calara pointed towards the Brimorian border. "We send the Maliri fleets here, knock out any temporary comms beacons the Brimorians dropped during the invasion, then follow them all the way into Kintark territory. With all communications cut off at the border, Deep Lord Athgiloi won't have a clue what's happening to all his fleets."

Alyssa frowned in confusion. "When we hit Kinta and start annihilating the invasion force, won't the Brimorians warn Athgiloi what's happening?"

The brunette shook her head. "Our approach vector is pretty close to the Brimorian invasion corridor. With the ridiculous sensor range we have now, we'll be able to spot any Brimorian comms beacons from light years away. We can just make a minor diversion and launch the Raptor to destroy it, while the Invictus carries on to Kinta. Whoever is flying the gunship can then follow us to the Kintark homeworld."

"The one problem with that," John interjected. "Is we won't have the Raptor to do a rapid troop deployment if the Brimorians have boarded Mar'Trinark Shipyard."

Alyssa gave them a wicked grin. "Actually, I've got a better idea..."

John and Calara followed the blonde up the illuminated steps to the Command Podium, where she took a seat at her XO Station. Alyssa stared intently at the Sector Map as she began to update their flight path, aligning their course with the Brimorian invasion corridor. The weaving green line that went from the Invictus to the Kintark homeworld abruptly shifted, bowing outwards into a gentle curve that would let them follow in the wake of the Brimorian invaders. Red warning icons immediately began to flash on the holographic map, the navigation computer warning her that their current course would end in catastrophe.

Brow furrowing in concentration, Alyssa zoomed into the closest star system and began a series of staggeringly complex astro-navigational calculations. John tried to follow her work, but the mathematics involved were way beyond his level of expertise. Shaking his head in admiration, he watched as she completed the projected flight path, which would slingshot them through the star's gravity well at maximum hyper-warp velocity.

After completing her updates, she sat back in her chair and nodded with satisfaction. "That should do it."

"Nice work, honey," John said, patting her shoulder. "How much time will that add to our ETA?"

She folded her hands behind her head and grinned. "Two minutes and forty-five seconds."

He looked at her in surprise. "Is that all? But we're taking a big detour!"

"Yeah, but there are more stars I can slingshot around this way," she replied, enjoying seeing his look of amazement.

Calara leaned over and tapped an icon, which shifted the holographic map back to the tactical view. The astro-navigation data disappeared and was replaced by icons showing all the space-faring vessels in the vicinity. She quickly scanned the outer edges of their sensor range, where it intersected with the Enclave armada's invasion corridor.

"Still no sign of the Brimorian fleets," she noted with a frown. "I just hope I managed to slow them down enough so we can get there in time."

"You did your best; I couldn't ask for anything more," John said, rubbing her back. "I actually feel sorry for the Brimorians having to wade through all those traps you set."

"I guess we'll soon see how effective they were," she said, her eyes flicking to the Kintark homeworld.

Despite the phenomenal range of their Quantum Omni-phase Scan Array, Kinta was still some distance away. Calara watched the outer-edge of the long-range sensors inching closer on the Sector Map, hoping that it would light up with a flood of Brimorian contacts at any moment. Instead, a single red icon appeared, the contact stationary in their path as the Invictus raced towards it.

"Wanna bet that's a Brimorian comms beacon?" Alyssa asked with a twinkle in her eyes, pointing towards the unknown object.

John chuckled and shook his head. "I still owe you for the last one."

The blonde grinned as she slightly modified their course. "Alright, we're all set."

Their flight path took them very close to the new sensor contact, passing within just 500 metres. John already suspected what Alyssa was planning, but the course correction confirmed it.

He waited patiently, staring at the holographic map, then frowned and glanced at Alyssa. "How long until we reach it?"

"Thirty minutes," she replied, trying not to laugh.

He groaned and sat in his Command Chair. "I forgot how ridiculous our sensor range is now."

"I'm definitely not complaining," Calara said, transfixed by the holographic image as she searched for enemies.

Alyssa rose from her chair and sashayed over to John. "Me neither. I'm sure there's got to be some way we can pass the time..."

John smiled and opened his arms for her as she sat across his lap. "This reminds me of the old days... when it was just the three of us on the Invictus."

"Quick, Calara... come here!" Alyssa said, grabbing the Latina's hand. "He's getting all nostalgic!"

Calara cast one last longing look at the holographic map, then turned to face John and Alyssa. "Room for one more?" she asked with a fond smile.

With a bit of wriggling, the blonde and brunette both managed to fit on John's lap. He stroked their backs as they snuggled into him and got comfortable.

"You're right, this does feel like the old days," Calara agreed, resting her head against his chest. "Except we're rushing to save the Kintark instead of blowing them up."

"Everything seemed so much simpler back then," John agreed, thinking about the existential threats they were facing now.

"No, we don't have any regrets," Alyssa informed him solemnly.

Calara broke into a smile and gave John a knowing look. "You were about to ask, weren't you?"

He shook his head and tried not to laugh. "No. Absolutely not."

"Imagine if we hadn't recruited anyone else..." Alyssa said, shaking her head. "All those incredible meals we would've missed out on, because we were too stuffed to eat."

"Six months on a high-protein diet..." Calara murmured wistfully, as she idly caressed her stomach. "I'd still be hopeless in the kitchen... and seeing us at the awards ceremonies would have shocked everyone."

John smiled back, enjoying their good-natured banter. "Yeah, but just think how many psychic powers you two would've ended up with. You'd both be unstoppable!"

The girls laughed and hugged him.

"I'm really glad it worked out this way," Calara said quietly. "I love sharing my life with all the girls. "

"They're our family," Alyssa agreed, nuzzling into him. "I wouldn't change a thing."

John found himself in full agreement with them both. He relaxed, feeling truly at peace with the decisions he'd made over the last eight months.


Charles lay back on the bed and groaned, lost in a euphoric stupor.

"That was amazing..." Lynette panted, collapsing on the bed beside him. "Make up sex is the best!"

As she snuggled into him, he was too exhausted to answer, but managed to find enough energy to rub her back.

The brunette stretched languidly, her statuesque body covered in a light sheen of perspiration. "I'm tingling all over after that..." Lynette traced her fingers across her toned stomach and smiled with satisfaction. "Thank you so much for filling up my tummy first... it felt like you were making me yours again. I think that's why I came so hard when I was riding you... knowing I've got your cum inside me was such a turn on."

"You were incredible..." Charles mumbled, between panted breaths.

She rolled over so she was partially draped across his chest, her silky-smooth thigh brushing against him. "I love you so much, Charles," Lynette gushed, gazing down at him in adoration. "I can't tell you how happy I am that we're back together."

He looked up at her and shook his head. "We never broke up. I just needed some time to adjust... but I am sorry I upset you."

"I was just scared you might not want me anymore," she admitted, leaning down to give him a tender kiss. There was a flicker of insecurity in her eyes as she continued, "I've never felt this way about anybody before and it was terrifying to think you might just walk away."

Charles frowned in confusion. "So why were you so cold with me earlier?"

Lynette blushed and gave him a guilty look. "I wanted to beg you to take me back, but Alyssa reminded me that I hadn't actually done anything wrong. She suggested I act like that... I guess to make you realise I was a catch?"

He chuckled, his moustache twitching. "Well it worked."

She cupped his cheek and smiled at him ruefully. "I didn't want to manipulate you, Charles... I was just desperate. I've spent most of my life single and never had much luck with relationships. Being with you is the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Charles gave her a sympathetic look, but there was understanding there too. "I know what you mean. My ex-wife did most of the chasing when we started dating. She used to say that if it was up to me, we never would've got around to getting married... Emma stage-managed the whole engagement and wedding."

"Yeah, I bet she did... the gold-digging bitch!" Lynette bristled, her hazel eyes narrowing.

"She checked out of the marriage when I was just a Commander, so I don't think she was after my money," Charles said with a smile. "In any event, you're better than her in every way. You really don't have anything to be jealous about."

She shook her head. "I'm not... but I still hate her for hurting you. Hey, I know! I could declare her an enemy of the state and have ISD hunt her down! Would you like to oversee her trial?"

He laughed and shook his head. "It's a lovely offer, but I'll have to decline... just think of all that paperwork."

Lynette giggled and gave him a hug. "Just let me know if you change your mind."

Charles smiled at her affectionately. "I really missed you while we were apart. I never joked around like this with my ex... the two of us didn't click like we do."

Her answering smile was lovely to see, then it turned curious. "Do you feel that kind of connection with Lina?"

He hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

"I'm not going to get jealous, Charlie..." she teased him, using the redhead's nickname for her fiancé. "I suggested the three of us get together, remember?"

"I do like her a lot," he admitted. "If you're asking whether I've made a decision about Lina becoming a Lioness... I haven't had a chance to think about it yet, I was just worrying about you."

"I'm not going to put pressure on you to decide," Lynette declared, gazing into his eyes. "If you do want to talk, I'll be happy to discuss it with you... okay?"

"Okay," he agreed. "Thanks, sweetheart."

She kissed him again and sat up. "I'm going to get some water. Do you want some? Or maybe something stronger?"

"Well... we are celebrating," he replied, his moustache twitching as he grinned.

"I'll be right back!" she exclaimed, leaping off the bed and slipping on a dressing gown. "Would you like ice?"

"Ice would be perfect, thanks." Charles lay back on the bed and sighed with contentment as he watched his youthful fiancée bound out of the bedroom.

Lynette hummed happily to herself as she crossed the lounge and activated the comms interface in the sofa. After glancing through the list, she saw the video message from Admiral Sofia Esposito and activated the recording. As the Fleet Admiral walked to the drinks cabinet to make Charles' drink, she listened to the new ISD commander give her an update on the Callopean Shoals traitor and that she'd charged him with treason and murder. The evidence against Commander Thomas Walker was damning and Lynette shook her head in disgust that a Federation officer would betray all his comrades over greed and jealousy.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Great chapter, except for the last paragraph. I'm not enjoying the Walker storyline.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith9 months ago

I think that the chapter long 'Racing to the Rescue' was a story that was pretty well told, if a bit long, and the approaching of the Walker trial is becoming quite long too, ... but better too much story than not enough, right? ... I really loved the Kintark opinion of the 'Mad Genius' that designed the new EMP warheads for their missiles, that were made from all sorts of otherwise common-place items found in the Lizard's various inventories, ... take a bow Dana, ... and I thought that Alyssa getting to see, show off, the destructive 'bow wave' effect on that Brimorian comms beacon was pretty awesome,, ... a good chapter, but next time we'll get to the actual space battle stuff, ... oh boy!

--- and as for Commander Tom Walker, might he end up on the crew of that Dreadnaught killer Destroyer that John / Dana once discussed? just so it is not all female, ... poor frazzled Tom will have a big 'extra-duty' job to do, ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Is there any chance of Buckingham's twisted son and the rogue Maliri warship, linking up in future evil plans? Just a thought.

ranec1ranec111 months ago
Mean As!!


"No, of course not!"

don't fuck it up Charley Farley

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Love It ! Space station for outer Rim!

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