All Comments on 'Three Square Meals Ch. 029'

by Tefler

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FatherSinFatherSinabout 8 years ago
Jade is Awesome

She has not turned out bad considering she started out in the story as an Anime sex doll for that crazy pirate captain.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thanks again.

Really great to find a new chapter Tefler. Good work yet again. Keep it up - so to speak.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thank you!!!

Thank you for what may well be the best chapter yet!

This kind of high tech guerrilla tactics wins more battles than extreme firepower, and it appears to be a perfect way to deploy the capabilities of each crewmember to the max.

A truly magnificent chapter!!! Can't wait for the next one...

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor

Thanks everyone, it's always a relief when a chapter is well received! :)

Bobby691Bobby691about 8 years ago
Great as always!

I gotta tell ya, this story has been excellent from the very beginning. I look forward to each new release with expectation and am always rewarded with great writing.

MechTeckMechTeckabout 8 years ago
Worth waiting for

Another excellent chapter! Can't wait for the next adventure. Reading between the lines I guess the next girl to join the crew will be a combat medic or doctor

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Great story

As usual good story, excellent writing that's easy to read with no errors to make understanding difficult. I love your whole series and I hope you publish it in the future because it makes a better book than many of them out there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Another fantastic chapter

This series is just fantastic, it's not just sex it's not just a great story it's a phenomenal blend of both

With very little polishing this serious could be a erotic book, the foreshadowing has been just fantastic, setting up new girls and scenarios chapters in advance

I see the medic from the dragon March can't remember her name but it's a couple chapters ago coming into some trouble and needing a rescue only John can manage

Keep the chapters coming and I'll keep reading, and checking everyday for new chapters

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I've got mixed feelings

Overall this chapter was good.

You are focusing more on the action and story then the sex which is what we have been asking.

The weak part? First the personal armor is a bust.

It started as the best Terran has, got upgraded with the bug armor once, and again with new alloy from the grey but Dana got beat and John stabbed.

I expected 28 century iron man by now ...

Second part is you showed us again the need of support crew, from 2.5 combatants Dana's injury disabled Alyssa and if it wasn't for Jade (for POTUS!!) they were dead.

Androids, remote tanks, other crew are needed now, NOT new bed mates.

Medic - you practically saying it, but nanobots to treat John at least (as the girls get theirs).

And last don't rush it, in one chapter you got rid of a battleship and two cruisers (was there also a base??), it is OK to stretch abit to show them planning abit more, they keep encountering tougher foes somthey can't keep this pace.

Last not sure about Jade "instincts", her people didn't put up any fight and now she feel blood lust? (the hangar " hunt"), but on the other hand she is over 300 so there will always be more than meet the eye.

CalliasCalliasabout 8 years ago
Great story

This is a really good chapter in a really good series. Please keep writing them!

I'm looking forward to seeing where the next chapter will take our intrepid crew. I'm guessing they're going back to Ashana to learn about John's ancestors, and maybe we'll learn something more about the "dark one", then it must be time to meet Calara's family, or off to get a shop-assistant-turned-medic... although with this story it's impossible to predict what will happen on the way...

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 8 years ago
Another enjoyable chapter.

I eagerly wait for the next part of this entertaining story.

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor

" First the personal armor is a bust."

I wouldn't go that far! :) Its made them immune to small arms fire (the magnetic fields) and reduced the damage they take from laser weapons, but its only twice the durability of the old titanium based plating. The upgrades from the Kirrix made the armour lighter, and allows them to equip it in seconds, but didn't make it any tougher.

The Drakkar are physically very strong, and a two handed charging blow with a huge steel wrench on an unsuspecting opponent is going to do some damage! Okug was a Drakkar boss, super strong himself, and able to just about hold his own with his 4 handed parries against John's superhuman strength. A sneak attack from someone that strong is about what it would take to punch through his armour at the moment.

I've already clearly shown how the armour can be upgraded in the future, so don't worry, its still very early days yet! :)

"Last not sure about Jade "instincts", her people didn't put up any fight and now she feel blood lust?"

Its hard to go into detail here, without revealing too much of her backstory which is a surprise for later. It should all make sense when I get there, so you'll just have to wait on that one I'm afraid.

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor

"I'm looking forward to seeing where the next chapter will take our intrepid crew."

Its all finished, I'm just discussing a few finer points with my editor then I'll submit it, probably tomorrow.

Thanks to the other people who've commented below too. I do intend to publish this as a series of ebooks eventually, but that means going back and correcting the first 20 or so chapters with everything I've learned about punctuation since then. I'd prefer to keep writing new chapters at the moment! :)

muze1602muze1602about 8 years ago
Great adventure

Another great episode in this epic saga and looking forward to the next chapter already. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
john needs training lol

The story is great but I kinda feel like one of the girls should recomend john train more...also at this point you would think it would occur to him...I know his ocd isn't an issue but is a soldier...and thinks like one... he always gets the girls to train...seems kind of something he would do. Really entertaining story!!

slinkkyslinkkyabout 8 years ago

Anonymous says, "not sure about Jade "instincts", her people didn't put up any fight and now she feel blood lust?"

Pay more attention to the foreshadowing. I'll give you a hint. I believe her strong reaction from firing weapons is what remains of her PTSD from over 300 years ago. That's related to Jade's warrior instincts which have been dormant for a long time before waking up now. I've got some strong suspicions about how that all fits together with everything else we've seen.

Or maybe I am completely wrong. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Great space opera

Hi, I am enjoying this enormously. Plenty of variety and development. More !

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor

"John needs training"

He certainly does! I wonder how he's going to get trained? ...

MelanPoncaMelanPoncaabout 8 years ago
The Sci-fi and Fantasy genre

Hey Tefler,

I just started reading your series three days ago and I can only say "...Dude!" This story is awesome. The imagery is rich, the characters are fun and sexy (!), and you keep coming up with cool stuff for them to do. Very impressive imagination you have there! Thanks for putting so much work into your world and then sharing it with us.

As I've read this, some thoughts have come into my head and I wanted to share them in the hopes that you'll find them useful.

First: it's been a while since you've had any comments made about too much sex or not enough plot/story, and I'm not going to be the one to start them up. In general the comments made about the sex v. story/plot claim that the sex is boring (WTF?) and/or that "nothing happens to move the plot forward." Broadly, I think this is a cultural phenomenon that (for some) violence is more entertaining than sex. I don't fit into that camp. I would also like to share my knowledge as a biologist.

When one human has good sex with another, i.e. with orgasms (regardless of the gender of the partners) measurable physiological changes occur in BOTH partners brains, the result of which is that they change the way they react to each other (more trusting, calmer, more endorphins released in each others company). They get happier, more confident. This happens here on earth, now, in the present.

To imagine that some species might develop which took advantage of those brain changing capabilities of sex is not too far a stretch. However, it is unlikely that the species that developed would be benevolent towards humans. It is also not out of the realm of possibilities that a new species/sub-species could be genetically engineered to produce those changes in humans (also unlikely to be benevolent). I think that the above possibilities relate to John's male parentage, and his nightmares. I'm very interested in what you come up with...

The important point here is that the sex IS the plot! It's how John got his freakishly wonderful crew. His ejaculate does genetic engineering! If that's not sci-fi, I don't know what is! And just my personal opinion, jism that transforms one's partner into a brilliant, beautiful, confident, enthusiastic sex-goddess is WAY more fucking interesting than armor, battles, power sources, or freaking elevators.

Second, some wild thoughts: could John's jizz (or some component isolated by a smart sexy medical officer [SSMO]) be used to turn an enemy combatant into an ally, or at least dis-inclined to hurt John or his crew? What about a gay man, how would John's jizz effect him? Would John's jizz change a male's orientation? Could the SSMO "weaponize" John's jizz or the active component i.e. turn it into an aerosol & pipe it through the ventilation system to make the enemy crew susceptible to John's influence? Could his jizz turn a male into a FEMALE!? Wouldn't THAT surprise the fuck out of the Drakkar!!!

How about for the crew, can the SSMO isolate the healing properties and then create a delivery method not so John (or Jade) dependent?

Third, crew diversity: without getting too far afield, you can mix it up with (big!) cats, flying pixie/fairy like beings, horses, bears, various canines, flying squirrels (so CUTE!), and generally mammals of one type or another. A creature capable of flight keeps coming into my mind. Bats are a bit edgy, and some of your readers may get squicked out by snakes or spiders, (and mantis have the nasty habit of eating their mate), but those animal families (reptiles, insects) have great predators in them (i.e. Nile crocodiles have likely killed more humans than all other animals combined - not very cuddly though).

Fourth (switching gears): I have no idea why, but the idea of John's crew being knocked up is SUCH a wicked turn on! To paraphrase Rudy Giuliani's 2008 RNC speech, Breed baby, breed!! Gotta give 'em some boring downtime to make babies though, and not be gettin' their asses shot at! I hope that comes around soon. Or make that a separate series!

Fifth (a concern that others have mentioned): Momentum. This world you've created is truly epic. As it stands you can go on forever and not run out of possibilities. Very selfishly, I want you to continue pumping out reading material for my entertainment and pleasure, but even if you wanted to do that you'd burn out. I hope you have an outline of where you're going and how you're going to get there. We readers will be sad to say goodbye to this series, but we'll hate you if you just drop it because got addicted to the praise, and really wanted to keep going but you're brain got fried and you can't stand looking at the blank pages in front of you anymore. I can assure you, you'll get more readers on your next one than you've had on this one...if you end it well.

And finally, as the vast majority of the other commenters have encouraged...Keep it up! This is REALLY great stuff.

Just as an aside, big cats do it for me. Panthera, Onca is the genus, species designation for jaguars. Melanic is the black coat color: In scientific short-hand: P. onca (melan), Black Jaguar

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor
In reply to MelanPonca

Thanks for taking the time to comment, it was refreshing to read your slightly different take on the story so far!

Its been an interesting balancing act over the last few months, trying to make sure I get the balance just right between space adventures, shootouts, tech upgrades, new alien species, world development, character development, sex and romance! I've learned that I can't please everyone all the time, so I'm just going along with the story arc that I have planned, and hoping that everyone enjoys the ride.

With regard to momentum, I've got a dozen or so very specific scenes that I've had in mind now for a few months, some of which involve characters that I haven't introduced yet. I can't wait to get to them, but I'm trying hard not to rush through other interesting events just to get there. I don't seem to be in any danger of burning out so far, with Ch 30 submitted and I'm about half way through Ch 31.

I'm conscious of the fact that the earlier chapters need updating with everything I've subsequently learned about punctuation, grammar and dialogue structure, but its been too much fun churning out new chapters at the moment. I might go back and do that if I ever run out of steam.

Anyway thanks for posting your thoughts, you've given me a few things to think about. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thanks Tefler

I love this story, and the sex is good or i do not find it.

But MelanPonca is right too : it's a good thing to have an end in mind and to be able to finish this great novel. There is just musicians who love an unfinished lyrics.

PS Sorry for my english;)

South_TexasSouth_Texasabout 8 years ago
What was for dinner?

"The girls gathered around the dinner table as John brought out the piping hot pan, the delicious smelling food wafting mouth watering aromas into the officer's lounge."

Not fair to spoil us with descriptions of the previous family-meal menus and then hold out here! "Piping hot pan" doesn't evoke a specific enough image.

The vision of the specific food they are sharing is, if not erotic, enticingly exciting.

At my advanced age, food is part of foreplay; frequently the first arousal, given the body awareness shared conversation about its savoriness provokes.

Please revert to your earlier scene-settings at meal time.

Aside from that, nice fight scene!

maddictmaddictalmost 8 years ago

You rock girlfriend, lets not think of the end butt of beginings.

I thought it unbecumming to suck a man while he's down, butt were all in agreement if our jizz can inspire our ladies, take it I give it to you freely.

Now that was action packed.

Tefler you are getting some high praise, I think it is deserved.

Yah what's for dinner ?? The regular kind of food. I don't want to find out Johns Jizz would attack us normal terains. *~*,

This would be more fun in a open blog

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
F'ing Awesome Chapter

Tefler you are an incredibly gifted wordsmith. That has to be one of the best chapters of Sci-Fi/Fantasy that I have ever read. The pacing, tension and action was outstanding. Half way through what you have already completed and can't wait for more. Please keep up the good work.


TeflerTeflerover 7 years agoAuthor

"Tefler you are an incredibly gifted wordsmith."

Thanks! :-)

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, but I can't believe I wrote it 8 months ago! My writing's improved quite a bit since then, and you've got some exciting chapters in store for you.

I hope you enjoy the rest.


Horseman68Horseman68over 7 years ago
Best Chapter yet....

.... in this my reread of this epic that in later chapters I come to see as the Galactic Game of Thrones. What a reading adventure. 🚀

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 7 years ago
I have been reading this epic and am addicted!

It is 1:30am and I can't stop...onto the next chapter. Really good yarn!!!!

KitiarafxyKitiarafxyover 6 years ago
Who's in charge?

When Jade asked John who he saw as being in charge of their little group, my thought was "Alyssa, of course..." I remember a quote from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. "The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants." It seems Alyssa uses sugar and uses her power for good, but she still does generally get her way when she really wants something 😘

cummer_elitecummer_eliteover 6 years ago

This is just like playing assassin's creed IV ,upgrading your ship,fighting and exploring,just in space with a lot more advanced tech and your own harem,fucking as required,absolutely wonderful.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Impaled and still enough blood to get a stiff one up???

Me thinks a tall yarn indeed lol... unless his erections are psychicly powered mu ha ha ha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Another minor plot issue

When they are loading the Onyxium crates int the raptor, they are transferred through space inside the ship. That means the crates are weightless. So the girls should have no problem getting them into an organized stack. But in the chapter, John finds them in a disorderly heap and he has to rearrange them because the crates are too heavy for the girls to move. Story fail!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
And another thing

How are the Drakkar going to use this ore? Do they have psychic powers and the machines to form it? If not, then what do they do to it to make their armor? Is it something the black progenitor ship gave them? That kind of tech would be extremely valuable.

HmanlitHmanlitalmost 6 years ago
@Another minor plot issue & another thing

Onyxium isn't itself needing psychic power to shape it. It is only when Dana combines it so the the etherite crystals that it can be psychically shaped. So presumably the Drakkar have other ways to shape it.

The containers would have suddenly had weight on entering the Raptor's artificial gravity. And even if they did turn off said gravity, it still would have made enough to need John to move them in place.

Horseman68Horseman68almost 6 years ago
Ever Better.

Second time reading waiting for #107. If anything, more engrossing knowing what is to come. 🚀

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

It seems to me that Alyssa is more the boss of their 'family' than John who seems to increasingly be just the token/nominal decision-maker of the group.

Also noticed that in the last scene (on the bed), she seems a lot more concerned about Dana's broken arm than John's seemingly more severely injured torso.

McLovin6787McLovin6787over 5 years ago
Re: Alyssa

First, if you had seen your lover miraculously heal over night like he had before, you might be less concerned too. Second, she knew Calara and Jade were going to care for him. I believe she has her priorities straight.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Sweating it

I thought John tried bite off too much .... Only just surviving .... maybe.

Oh my.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I love when you go into details on the meal prep. Adds an extra dimension of life to the sex and adventure side.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Biting finger nails ... Yes

But I am not sweating it 😅

Epic chapter. Thanks Tefler

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Hey! What happened to the halfway black-armored Drakker cruiser in the drydock ( temp Space-dock ), they just left it there?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I just peaked ahead to the next chapter, and John reports their success to the Ashanth counsel, that they destroyed the battle ship and the two cruisers that had yet to complete the armouring up process. Did I miss the other two ship getting wrecked in the Drakker command battleship's reactor core explosion? Or what?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I appologize, after rereading, I saw the one line that showed us the battleships reactor going critical did encompass both Drakker cruisers, smashing through their shields and leaving three wrecked hulls behind the triumphant Invectus as it sails back to the Ashanath. Oops!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Dana is working her ass of to make the best ship possible and Alyssa is complaining when she is asked to do some work…….

I hope that Alyssa will grow up soon because she behaves like a porn-bimbo and it becomes irritating.

Dreamdog519Dreamdog519almost 3 years ago

John should have known that owning a sword does not make you a swordsman. Yes he won some fights on brute strength but an experienced swordsman will kill someone who does not know what they are doing 99.9 times out of a hundred. Maybe he will get some real training!

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

Okay Tef, again I remind you that space is vast, even with FTL space craft. Early in the chapter the Invictus is being all stealthy, and sneaking up on the Drakker base, moving thru one asteroid belt then into the next one... Now I just guessing at distances here, but I would assume that the two asteroid belts in that system would be between one half billion miles to over a billion miles apart, so that has got to be some damn fast coasting the ship was doing! A billion miles a day? or half a day? or less time? the story only implies that not too much time has gone by as they are in a rush to get to the bad guys before they change locations... Now you might not think that coasting at greater than 20K MPH is not a big deal, but dang! And that's 'slow' / low end speed estimate of the velocity that they'd need to have traveled... Remember that space is Big, even when you're telling a wonderful erotic sci-fi space Adventure like this! Well, I pick my nit, so excuse me while I inhale the next lovely chapter... ;-) TTFN

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

All of John's girls are both lovely and uniquely talented, but my hats off to Sparks / Dana for sheer power. She significantly upgrades their ship, their gear and she now orchestrates the destruction of an enemy battleship! Damn, but that feisty redhead turns me on! Exceptionally well written, and well-conceived Tef, good job! ;-) TTFN

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 2 years ago

MAN ! What a story!

laughdruidlaughdruidabout 2 years ago

John is going to get those girls killed , he needs a much bigger crew. John also should quit the macho mam to man fighting and just shoot.

Marklynda2Marklynda2about 2 years ago

VD Day!! Victory over the Drakkar Day that is!

Jade wins the day again! Such exciting battle scenes and character enhancement with a good amount of sex mixed in makes for a fabulous read. Again I tip my hat to you and your Muse. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

stupidity and fiction writing go hand in hand. NO operator would EVER split their forces in a combat situation unless it had been mapped as such prior to the incursion. Again with the idiocy of the character portrayal.

At one time this was a decent storyline, but the ridiculousness of the actions is making this more and more upsetting.

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Loved the fight scenes but surprised the Drakkars didn't notice them sooner.

texstertexsterover 1 year ago
A little far fetched, and a whole lot rash

They decide to board and attempt to disable a giant ship based on a bunch of assumptions? That’s blind luck, not planning. Without a schematic of the ship, they wouldn’t even know if it had normal corridors - the aliens are bugs, after all, they could have had a hive in there!

Also, and let me be clear that I’m not advocating for this ahead of time, if John’s quad juice heals the girls (so we’ll that even though John has a traumatic injury Jade still sucks out a load for Dana), you would think they would at least discuss feeding some to John…not my kink, but I can’t be the only one that thought about it after John was stabbed.

texstertexsterover 1 year ago
One other rhing

They should pack some John Juice in their trauma kits so they can imbibe if injured…

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Drakkar 0, Jade 2, ... John gets stabbed and poor Dana gets a broken arm, .... ouch! ... but all the Drakkar get dead, ... ;-) TTFN

ranec1ranec1about 1 year ago
Mean As!!


"And you gave me one to live, so we're all square,"

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith12 months ago

Hey there Texster, well, the Drakker are 8 ft to 12 ft tall lime-green monsters with 4 arms, do not confuse them with the Kirrex (Bugs), ... -- And I agree with you, they need to keep a gallon or two of 'John Juice' in their Med bay, and to take a pint or two with them on any boarding actions / away missions, for emergencies, ... and keep Dana away from the stash, she's libel to chug it all herself whether or not she is hurting, .... ;-) ttfn

ranec1ranec110 months ago

patiently waiting for the yellow N

skippersdadskippersdad7 months ago

Jade to the rescue.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

... near the chapters end -- to sleep, perchance to heal -- ... nice action, with lots of blood and guts, .... both Jade and Dana were extra awesome this chapter, also Alyssa and John had their moments, .... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

... and what's the shelf-life / expiration date on John's psychic cum? ... because they really need to save a few emergency gallons back, and have some stashed away in their Med Bay, and some for their Med kits too, ... at least until they get some more experience and have a Medic on the crew, .... ;-) ttfn

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Please see my Patreon page for the current progress on Three Square Meals. (I usually announce it here in the comments on the last chapter too!) I've added empire maps, as well as pics of the ships, guns, gear, and girls! *** ...