All Comments on 'Till Death Do Us Part'

by Slirpuff

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betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 8 years ago

So this was the cheating that wasn't? And no one got hurt?

Good enough for me.

Five Stars

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 8 years ago
Unconvincing End to a Otherwise Sterling Story ( Yet another shakey, dubious, one minute till midnight reconciliation pardon granted by Governor Slirpuff )

So Carol and Kevin played fast and loose with truth, played matchmaker for their respective spouses, got each other naked , were about to consummate their end of the swap, but had a sudden attack of conscience ? Slirpuff has trouble pulling the trigger and finishing off marriages that hitherto are at terminal velocity and at brink of vanishing point.

File this one with' Big Mouth ' series where despite all previous exposition indicating the contrary, the couple suddenly remembers at the last moment, they are madly in love and couldn't live without each other. Wonderful and gripping writing right up until the moment of 'untruth'.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Loved it

The king of flash! Five stars.

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
Who Needs This Shit?

Just for setting it up, just for tricking the two other spouses into it, Kevin and Carol deserve a beating. Conspiracy to commit a crime, is a crime. Fuck that. Maybe not divorce at this stage of their lives with a kid in college but it would certainly damage the relationship forever. There would be a new distance between the spouses because they had driven a wedge into their marriages with another person. The fact that it was planned, done in secret, and the spouses were cut out of it means that all trust is now gone. They proved that they were willing to plan cheating, cheat and make the other spouses accept it. The fact that they did not actually consummate the crime is yet to be proven and does not really matter. The betrayal is complete. If I were Steve I would have a hard time trusting her ever again, I would stop investing love in the relationship, it is not valued or respected and certainly not reciprocated. I would find someplace else to invest that love. I would not put myself in a position to be betrayed by her again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

still too many options. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
No one can make up words like Slirpuff.

He writes the words just as he says them, which is wrong. "Carol and I ended up crising both beds" He was writing about christening the rooms but had no idea what the word was. He always heard 'crisin' and thought that was the word. Spellscheck must be disabled in his world.

RePhilRePhilover 8 years ago
Vanilla with Sprinkles

A fun Sunday morning read. Thanks. Are you buying your ink by the barrel these days? No complaints keep them cumin (no pun intended)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

First I think they fucked when he went on his run and maybe other times before. They set up cheating and had at the very least four play of some kind that in itself is enough for me , over would be the marriage. I would never trust her again after setting up that night . That was premeditated between the two of them. He and Jill should of got naked in front of them and started felling each other up and kissing . Told them what did you do naked in the bed we want to even up but they just played a joke . It would of been a fight just for talking about setting it up let alone being naked in bed together. It seems like they were trying to set that up all week with the dancing and whispering and going off together. Yes marriage would definitely be over

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Only Fair

"Steve, why didn't you say something?” – How COULD he say something when she makes the plans without talking to him?

“Come on hon, we've got a bed to crisen." – Um, I think you mean “christen”!

stev2244stev2244over 8 years ago

Nice and entertaining, thanks. 5*

sledgesledgeover 8 years ago
Fucked up story

I don't get this at all!

Should have BTB!!!!!!

Don't believe those two hadn't all ready done it. They played their spouses like a violin!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
So she lied to her husband to arrange sex with Kevin.

You left out the most important questions: How did this swap get started; who approached whom first? Why did Carol lie about who really wanted what? How long have Kevin and Carol been planning this? Why did Carol initiate the plan, or, why did Carol go along with the plan? This is where the marriage probably ends, or the counseling starts.

I get that the physical act supposedly never happened, but the mental betrayal had already taken place. I suspect if the marriage is not over immediately, whatever issues, appetites, or desires drove Kevin and Carol to set this up, they will linger, and at some future opportunity Kevin and Carol will fuck, "just to see what they missed." Yeah, this marriage is probably toast. Why not write that sequel?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
trust and more trust

lie by wife and lost trust.

bruce22bruce22over 8 years ago
The Anon has it right

They betrayed their spouses in words and action and the sexual act is unnecessary to complete the betrayal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Some Authors have a "thing", like.....

Mustangs, or the same characters over and over in pages of pages of chapters and chapters doing the same EXACT thing repititiously ad nausem......

Another chestnut is to ALWAYS use the same name for the narrator in the story, regardless of setting or plot....... :)

In addition to any other "signatures" that he puts into his stories, it seems that Slirpuff always puts in at least one Phonetically spelled easter egg, (like 'crisen' from this one) JUST TO SEE HOW MANY GRAMMAR NAZIS ARE PAYING ATTENTION!!

because mentioning spellcheck in the comments section NEVER gets old.....

Sure, I noticed that word, bigger than shit, but I must say no other misspellings jumped out at me. Folks, face it. with the amount of experience Slirp has, I am beginning to think sometimes, it happens accidentally on purpose. Maybe??

Anyway, the BIGGER error, and I DO think Slirp IS a Florida Boy (but not sure), is that Sanibel Island can not offer ANY of its guests an "ocean" view. That water is NOT the ocean, but instead, the GULF of Mexico. Sanibel, near Ft. Myers, is on the GULF COAST. Like I said, IF Slirp lives near Orlando (many of his stories have been set near there), he FULLY knows this. So again, could this have been a purpose filled error, just to see how many readers could/would catch it???? Hmm...

BTW, it WOULD be possible to see the "ocean" from a beachside hotel in St. Augustine....just

I HAVE been happy to see Slirpuff back, contributing regularly. I wish that this story had slightly more compelling dialogue, but.....the core idea was actually pretty good. I know that many readers will think that she DID cheat (and maybe more than once), but I actually prefer to take it at face value. Isn't this a BETTER story, if she AND bastard Kevin, realize at the last minute the error of their ways, and call it off? Isn't Steve the better man for resisting the temptations of Jill's fake boobs? We want to have our characters LEARN something, and become better people, right? So Why CAN'T this be a story about Carol's eye-opening near miss learning experience? LW readers ALWAYS have to project their own shit onto other people's characters and stories. It is a little weird, actually. I think that with SOME authors, (and Slirpuff IS one), the readers needs to read what is on the page and just go with it. What you see/read IS IN FACT, exactly what you get.

And I, for one, thank you very much, that we round here at Lit, still seem to get it all these days! Or at least those of us who CHOOSE to.......LOL!

Thanks Again!

mike9698mike9698over 8 years ago
i dont have a problem

with them staying together, but i would check up on them. for her to set this up, she had to have some contact with the kevin. just what is going on between them. i would be very suspicious that they arent having an affair. also as soon as she mentioned swapping if he didnt want to a normal man would scream bloody murder.that felt a little fake.still a good story. 3*

FD45FD45over 8 years ago

When did you change your name to Disney?

Let's start with the basics: You, the author are telling us that Kevin and Carol did NOT do the dirty. You get to invent the reality and you know the characters better than we ever will. So if you say it, it IS true...for these characters.

Do any of your READERS believe this?

N. O. P. E ! (remember to add a slight popping sound on the P to give you an adequate view of the disdain for that idea.

Money Quote: "Holy shit! Not so fast. Oh God yes, just like that!"

But even assuming that I buy they did not put Tab D into Slot C, they said they 'engaged in foreplay'.

Like...kissing? Like...sucking? Like...Licking?

Money Quote: "Holy shit! Not so fast. Oh God yes, just like that!"

With those SX (sound effects), does it really make a difference that Tab D did not touch Slot C?

(Remember to add that slight popping sound on the 'P')

Okay, even if I buy that she was REALLY worked up from him...fondling her ears, or some other foreplay 'born to be mild', where do Steve and Jill sit? Their spouses lied to them and played them so they could have sex IN THEIR VERY FACES! Did Kevin and Carol think these two wouldn't compare stories? Ever?

That these two lacked the courage to do it when their spouses were in the next room, that makes a thoughtful person wonder if maybe...they might be braver if Steve and Jill were NOT in the next room.

Because the way YOU wrote it, this is not the work of a moment. This is planning. This is each of them setting up their spouse with comments for three days, if not three vacations (what? You think she just woke up saying "Hey...I don't got anything penciled into the calendar today...I think I'll fuck Kevin!")

So no matter how mild you write this story, the friendship between these two couples is O. V.E. R (add as much Ace Ventura overacting to that word to give it the correct amount of emphasis) Or it should be if the story were credible.

And honestly, I saw no regret. No recrimination. No ass kissing. While that boob thing was supposed to show a 'normal relationship' afterwards, it just said 'shameless bitch' to me.

Because those saggy boobs have a hell of a lot of Kevin slobber on them for Steve to be making such cock sure declarations as 'they were all mine'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Carol and Jills hubby were screaming in ecstacywhile just playing around they were so excited by each other. Let me guess - his steel dick wilted when it touched her twat, right? 2

FD45FD45over 8 years ago
Can you tell

I am in a bad mood?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I get a kick out of how the reader twists a story around to suite his fancy. Reading between the lines has become a favorite pastime in loving wives. She did this and that, regardless of what the author said she did. As far as I'm concerned, she broke her marriage vows, maybe didn't do the dirty, but planning to do it made her just as guilty. I would have a problem with that for quite some time. Once the seed is planted it will grow. Good story, made for interesting reading and discussion. If anything it did create a stir from the reader. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
5 for contnet and effort

Good story

palewriterpalewriterover 8 years ago
Playing with fire....

someone always gets burned.

The seeds of mistrust are planted and will inevitably grow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
After three days of planning the switch, and the talk in the room, and how long it took the others to leave, really no sex.

You take the word of two liars that have been prepping their spouses for days to switch, when given the chance didn't go all the way, even tho they were nude in bed before the other wife left. Get real getting drunk isn't an excuse to be stupid. Divorce is the only choice for both spouses.

FD45FD45over 8 years ago
No no

We have to believe the author.

The real question is: does it matter?

If I were in a charitable mood, I would just go with it except that the actions of Kevin (and to a lesser extent Carol) REALLY don't read like people who regret the emotional ass fucking they just gave their respective spouses and friends.

Tim413413Tim413413over 8 years ago
OK, but

not one of SP's best. Needed add'l editing/proofreading.

JounarJounarover 8 years ago
not good

Sadly after a few cracking flash stories Slirpuff is back to the usual bullshit last minute reconciliation endings.

Sugna, FD45 and LSD posted very spot on comments. Carol conspiring and lying about the swap are almost as damaging to their marriage as sleeping with Kevin and got totally brushed under the rug and never questioned. Having shit like this happen to you makes you question everything your spouse has done so the inviting the other couple without hubbys knowledge not only screams out look at me but also adds questions such as have Carol and Kevin done this before?

Noises like "Holy shit! Not so fast. Oh God yes, just like that!" do not gel with what Carol claimed happened unless she's a believer of Clinton's "I did not have sex with that woman" line. Also if she and Kevin were so worried that their spouses had left them, why no phone calls or searching the hotel for them?

Trying to misdirect the reader with a false situation only works when the events match up and don't have pretty big plot holes in them.

SplitAcesSplitAcesover 8 years ago
I figure I'm as weak as they come.

Which is why I avoid temptation like the plague. I would never have danced with Jill, because no one else can dance with my wife. We're a couple and have been since we were engaged 38 years ago. So it should be no surprise that I didn't care for this one. Some things are too important to trifle with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Forgot just how much I hate this author

They needed to 'crisen' the bed, and then they were done 'crising' it.

She was happy she could 'arose' a man.

Changed POV from male to female at the end.

SP, for the love of all that is holy, GET A FUCKING EDITOR!

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
None of us have forgotten how much we hate you dear annony

your the pride of the asshole club! I gave this a 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
not your best

effort but better then the garbage in this genre on this day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Hey, vastie--

Maybe some of us enjoy stories better when they're well-written.

You know, unlike the use of "you're" instead of "you" in your comment.

Illiterate troll...

revkilljoyrevkilljoyover 8 years ago

Not as bad as 'opening Pandora's box' but not great either, you can do better. 2🌟

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
good concept, but ..

the way Steve is written was a complete turn-off for me. The plot revolved around him not being able to complete a sentence. If you could think of a way to let him speak his mind, and still get to the same outcome, then you'd have something.

He comes across as such a wimp that the benevolent revenge game sounds contrived and out-of-character.

Richie4110Richie4110over 8 years ago
Your High Standards Came Up Short

I agree with many of the other comments. Just your name on the story sets up an expectation for a well written, drama dripping, and unexpected or crash ending. What's missing for me was the untangling of the set up for the swap. It appeared that Carol and Kevin had something going from the beginning and that they set it up to scratch their itch. If that were the case then Jill and Steve had something to worry about and discuss whether they did anything or not.

This ending just didn't do it for me. I did enjoy it because you put your effort into entertaining us.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I can't help thinking

that Kevin and carol really did the dirty. They were really into it and couldn't wait for Jill to even get out of the room. It was a setup and when they were done they thought they were left to themselves and maybe hurt their marriages.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I don't share my power tools either.

I fived ya.

Come on everybody this was fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

The sound heard at the end of this one.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 8 years ago
Hukt awn Fonix rilly wurkt fur mee

I have given up on Slirpuff ever learning English.

What's really sad is that this is after an editor has worked on his writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Not so fast

Sorry....too many loose ends for Steve to let it go and take her home. As the story describes, Carol and Kevin had decided to have sex together and TRICKED Steve and Jill into going along with it. So...Carol conspired with Kevin against her husband to get a quick piece (and that is putting a positive spin on it....Steve may well have guessed this was just the culmination of an existing affair between Kevin and Carol).

No, Steve needed 1. to leave her, pending polygraph results 2. a move to another neighborhood. 3. to prohibit Carol from any relationship with Kevin in the future.

impo_61impo_61over 8 years ago
Some issues were forgotten easily...

Some issues were forgotten easily: 1st - If they were played, it was something that had been settle before that trip...So the intention to cheat wasn't recent...2nd - After hearing: "Holy shit! Not so fast. Oh God yes, just like that!"...How could they believe so fast that only some little foreplay had happened? After being so lost in lust, how could they have stopped? Maybe after having done it once they felt the guilt invading them...3rd - Even if he had total trust in his wife, where would be that trust after finding he had been played for her to have her fling with another man? For sure that trust was below zero...And that never showed in any part of the story...If she lied once, for sure she could lie again in order to save her marriage...Even with these weak points, I understand the writer's intention and rate it 3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
That just didn't work

I don't believe for a second that they didn't fuck one another and lie about it. Not one of your better efforts. Sorry. Try again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Several have mentioned "crisen", but no one has mentioned the "adjourning rooms."

Seriously, get an editor!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Sorry, I never thought I'd give Slirpuff one star.

Most of the time I love his stories but this was just pure crap. Not one likable character and mistakes all over the place. I can only think that he wrote this one in his sleep. It's the only thing that makes sense.

chytownchytownover 8 years ago
Fun Read****

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Way below your standard

firemanlitfiremanlitover 8 years ago

"Holy shit! Not so fast. Oh God yes, just like that!"

Carol and Kevin could/did not do the deed? Someone is not being truthful! Carol and Kevin put one over on Steve and Jill.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
trust up in flames

Looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, yells out sexually charged statements from the other guy's bed like a... cheating spouse duck. I understand they were blindsided by their spouses, but neither of them had the spine to put a stop to it from the start? One rousing, "Oh, hell NO!" would have sufficed. The cheater ' s remorse after was amusing. They needed to catch the wronged spouses in the act to solidify their own dirty deeds - see, you did too! Maybe not divorce, but a short leash and cold shoulder for quite a while. Trust can't be superglued.

*Sanibel/Captiva is a beautiful place.

maddictmaddictover 8 years ago
Good story.

Hmmmm, who's idea was it after all, I think Carols she was greasing the wheels. I get so caught up in the nonconsequential sex, on Literotica, I loose track of reality.

Good tale of two couples checking up, before you can't undo, or "go back to how it was".

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Total Bullshit

The Cunt Carol looked a mess because she just got Fucked for the past couple of hours. This guy Steve is a total loser wimp. How can he believe the Cunt who lied and set him up so she could fuck someone else. It sounds like she has been cheating for a while and just wanted to get him to accept it. She obviously did not love her husband if she was so quick on pushing him to a much hotter woman. Steve has to be a sissy faggot for not fucking Jill. Pathetic story as usual from this writer

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Many here don't know what long term marriage brings...

Look, any of us that have been married for a LONG time know that these thoughts and situations DO come up. It's human nature to be curious, to explore possibilities. But, in this story, all four of them do eventually come to the conclusion that cheating isn't best for them. That is how things honestly work out in real life, too.

Being married isn't an agreement to be owned--it is an agreement to be together. Nobody loses their right to be an individual human, with individual thoughts, beliefs and opinions. So many of the, "If my spouse even tought of that, I'd divorce them" comments are, from a viewpoint of 30 years married couple...pure BS. That's how you end up never being happy.

Instead, you communicate. You share everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! If one is turned on by someone else, you share that info. You find out why...and you adapt and learn. Most times, cheating isn't because of something someone else has, it's because of something the marriage has but has forgotten how to do.

And, sometimes you have to go up to the edge to see where things will go. And, in every case, love, patience, communications, empathy will do much more for a couple than some guy or gal swinging like an ape on their own ego while claiming their spouse as some kind of door prize.

Seriously--grow up, kiddies. This was an excellent work, and very close to how real couples deal with the events of a lifetime committment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
completely illogical.

Author, seriously, you're pretending you don't know what cheating is? And the four people in your story don't know either?

WoodyKCWoodyKCover 8 years ago
Well written

but a bad story line. The cheaters would be on their own, even the thought tells you something about a person.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 8 years ago
this maybe this stupidest fucking story of all time

why the fuck would anyone believe kevin and Carol's unproven self serving assertions that they didnt fuck each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

That was the most disappointing story . I have never given a 2* rating to a Slirpuff story before . Mr. Steve Moore that was bad for many different reasons .

Good thing your bad , poor story came out after you have a large amount of good stories.

I am happy to wait for the next story. This speed bump will fade away .



GeorgeAndersonGeorgeAndersonover 8 years ago
You're all right, mostly.

Most commenters seem to think it was well written, with believable characters, but have a problem (or not) with how it turned out. I agree.:)

Anon 10/05/2015 on long-term marriage is correct, as far as it goes. Situations like the one in this story aren't uncommon in long-term relationships. And angry ultimatums are the shortest, surest path away from happiness: "love, patience, communication, and empathy" are much more productive. I think Steve deserves credit both for his restraint, and for not fucking Jill, even though he knew Carol had manipulated him.

What anon doesn't say is how thoroughly "love, patience, communication, and empathy" can be undone by lies and broken promises. Most of the commenters think (as I do) that Carol fucked Kevin and then lied about it. They're upset that Carol got away with putting one over on Steve, and they have a point.

I think sitting in the room wondering where Steve had gone reminded Carol how much she was risking, so I believe her when she says she won't do anything like this again. I think they'll be OK -- until Kevin's bragging about screwing Carol gets back to Steve...

P.S.: it's "hare-brained," not "hair-brained," as in having no more sense than a rabbit.

GloryGuy2GloryGuy2over 8 years ago

Like a lot of the others I thought that the general plot was acceptable. However, your ending wasn't credible or believable. In fiction or real life. Kevin and Carol's plotting could only end up in sex considering the lengths that they went to to deceive their spouses and ease their consciences. Especially in light of the fact that they literally threw Jill out of the room so that they could get at each other. Considering the other good works that you have submitted you may wish to rethink the ending of this one. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

How about a sequel to "Opening Pandora's Box".

Back when Slirpuff was writing complete stories . He wrote this very interesting 2-parter . It ended with the couple divorced . The husband still wants to reconcile after two years. The wife enjoying the promiscuous lifestyle available to a divorcee . They were in their late thirties. Two children and the youngest off to college .

Come on Slirpuff . You don't write full length stories anymore but how about an exception for this sequel ?! It could be rewarding for the reader and you could take it in any direction .

It sure would be better than the flash crap stories that you've done lately,lol.

Thanks for the consideration .


vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
one of the best writers onhere , I gave it a 5

like I have with every one of his stories, So when you write something dear annony you fucking asshole, and we can read it and grade it then will listen to your sorry ass.

SoleBrotherJeffSoleBrotherJeffover 8 years ago
Great story, But

"come on hon, we have a room to crisen."

There is no such word.

I know you probably meant 'Christen," but that is just poor editing.

I did very much like the dialogue between the two couples.

I did give you a high score.

bigdnc13bigdnc13over 8 years ago
Another unfinished story

I agree with others. I think his slut wife fucked his 'friend'. Even if she didn't she's sto;; a cheat. How about some consequences for her actions.

PeteCedarPeteCedarover 8 years ago
Don't believe her

She fucked Kevin. Don't believe otherwise. This wasn't all set up over many days without her getting laid. I'd also keep an eye on both of them after they returned home. Those two are just too cozy for something not to happen sooner or later.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Shared Vacations

Maybe after this mini-fiasco he should get his wish next year and go on vacation WITHOUT Kevin and Jill!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Further Thought

Even if Carol and Kevin DIDN'T do it this time, I'm not so sure that they haven't been having SOME sort of an affair (maybe not consummated yet), and were using this as a way to do it without risking their marriages!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
So Carol And Kevin Didn't Have Sex? Really?

Carol lied several times to Steve. Kevin lied to Jill. Carol lied to Jill. The swapping was pre-arranged by Carol and Kevin, probably even before the trip occurred. Carol didn't even talk to Steve about her vacation plans. Carol let Kevin see her naked and let him touch her where only her husband should touch her. From the sounds described Kevin did try to penetrate Carol. I think he did. But, even if he didn't, Carol lied to Steve and cheated with Kevin. When they get back home Steve should file for divorce from Carol; and Jill should file against Kevin. As a reconciliation story, this is of poor quality. I also noticed quite a few spelling mistakes.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 8 years ago
HEY ANNONY!! You fucking retard!!!!

This is a fictional story. That means even for your small brain it's not real!!!!!!! So Since you gave this a low score I'm sure, I'll give it a 5

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 8 years ago

With how Carol was screaming, and Jill telling him how quick they were to take of their clothes, Steve would have to be positively retarded to believe nothing happened.

And as the author's other stories this could use some more proofreading, he seems to have a lot of trouble with homophones.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
funny story

entertaining quicky thank you ---spelling mistakes bah who cares it reads ok ffs---- too many pedantic twats on lit

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Bonnietaylor2 must be smoking some shit to think nothing would have happened. I would have smashed my ex friend in the face and slapped the shit out of my wife for suggesting it to begin with. Friendship over and maybe marriage

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

fag cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Fuck, does this guy know how to write anything but BULLSHIT!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Carol says slowdown, ha that's better. Guess what, Kevin just stuck his penis in Carol and he is pumping her. They may not of climaxed but they still fucked. Steve and Jill should of divorced them!

FD45FD45about 7 years ago
I said it in my first comment

Do any of your readers believe Kevin and Carol didn't fuck?

Saving Vastie, not really. And those who do give you the benefit of the doubt about the ACTUAL deed point out that the lying and lack of remorse are pretty plainly evident and glaring!

But we are suddenly given an undeserved soft landing. You normally give us a blow by blow drama full of tension and raw emotion. Here..."oh...I suddenly don't mind that you connived to fuck one of my close friends and only stopped because you were scared. Would you like some more quiche?' (Yes, this guy eats quiche)

This needed half a page of repercussions at least.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Whatta' CUCK

Of Course Carol & Kevin had sex . .

MORE than obvious

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Not a chance

Nobody would believe that Carol and Kevin didn't fuck each other. The only stupid thing was that Steve and Jill didn't break in on the two cheaters and catch them in the act. They've been duped by their spouses.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
whether or not...

They had sex is irrelevant. The two planned the whole swap way before vacation.

Intent is all that really matters

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 6 years ago
that because it's a Slirpuff story

she could have fucked his brother and if she said she didn't the husband is "required" to believe her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
USMC pride

Woulda knocked the fuck outta him then bent her over and fucked her in front of them both they got theirs and wanted to lie and stop their spouses from doing it they were gone long enough for them to go a couple of times

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Still a wimp.Carol and Kevin wanted to do it as they both set it up.The fact that they stopped at the twelfth hour doesn't change things ,they both cheated,so Steve should have dumped her or made her pay big time she never forgot.

etchiboyetchiboyalmost 6 years ago
Sorry, but...

... Yawn.......

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
And Steve and Jill believed them???

Is anyone really THAT stupid? Steve and Jill were setup and their spouses fucked one another. Then cleaned up and went looking for their respective loved ones. Nobody believes anything else. Ugly, stupid story about fools. They all deserved to be divorced.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Total bullshit

They both set it up to get their spouses together so they can fuck each other and we're expected to believe that they didn't do anything? I call bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Cheaters lie 3*

Yeh a pretty gullible pair but my worst criticism is that fake boobs are obvious and are certainly not perfect. They are no way as wonderful as good natural boobs. Man stands no chance against God in this, believe you me.

Good fakes may compare against poor naturals but other than that there is no comparison. Then there is the feel, only one winner there as well....

TailakaTailakaalmost 6 years ago
Totally unbelievable

Kevin and Carol spent all that time conspiring and lying to their spouses and then they couldn't/didn't go through with it??? Sounds like a load of cow turd to me.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 5 years ago
I liked it.

I don't know what the complaints are about. It was a foolish move and it's not unusual that people who start something foolish wise up in time. Good story.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
Yet another grits and potato story

without any meat. OK, works as a flash story and nothing more than that.

breville1breville1over 5 years ago
Beyond belief??

Just entertaining and a fantasy!

Do you believe Carol and Kevin didn't actually do it? They had about 3 hours or more before the others returned. Surely Carol would have taken the opportunity to tidy herself up instead of looking a "mess"? Anyway, Kevin and Carol were nude and "fooling around" before they supposedly stopped. Fooling around usually revs you up for blast off. Did they really fail to launch?

Would a guy who wasn't going to share his power tools or his wife accept her being nude and fooling around with another man? That is why it seems silly that he accepted the idea of swapping when he wasn't even drunk!! If your wife concocts such a desire to swap, would you really believe her anymore??

Trust got dumped by her stupidity!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Guide dog

Steve must need a guide dog if he couldn't see what was going on.Why did he think his wife invited Jill and Kevin on holiday with them,did he think they were going to be playing cards.?His wife is just a scheming bitch and he should have dumped her the moment Jill told him they had been set up.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Good one

Liked the story , but 4,000 for a boob job would be a bargain.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago

No spankings?!??!?

Don't believe Carol and Kevin didn't do it. Getting naked and making out is bad enough.

I probably would have reduced Kevin to a pile of pulp on the floor if he threatened me after what he did.

Not bad writing with good build up of anxiety but would have liked a blow by blow of what went on with Carol and Kevin as well as more along the lines of reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

What a wimp Steve is.Despite the fact Carol said they didn't do anything,she set it up to happen therefore he should have dumped the cheating bitch and kick the shit out of Kevin.

DogFuzzDogFuzzover 4 years ago

Simple story but I liked it. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

They did it and had guilty afterthoughts. Why bullshit people. You claim they were vocal. Well get a brain. Smash both of them in the face and leave them with permanent visible scars

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
like I said before typical slirpuff

so she did everything but fuck and in the end it's okay. Slirpuff has never written a asshole wife he didn't like.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Should had left her

Just a wimp

NoBullAlNoBullAlabout 4 years ago
Please get an English speaking editor....

“we've got a bed to crisen”

“I ended up crising both beds”

What is crisen? How is it done? Does it hurt?

“never wouldn't have happened”.... How about ‘never would have happened? Double negatives just don’t work!!

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaalmost 4 years ago

Jill and Steve were duped into thinking that they were given a free pass, NOT... The free pass was for Kevin and Carol to screw around on their spouses. Carol said they didn't have sex, but how can " holey shit", "not so fast" and " oh God yes, just like that" mean that no sex was going on, bullshit. Carol probably been cheating awhile, not just with Kevin, so Steve should get ready to divorce her cheating ass. Friends don't fuck each others spouses, no matter who says it's ok. Just means that there is NO love or respect in the marriage... An interesting story of about 2 stars, but could have been more, but no revenge or divorce happened. Maybe in another chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Ending made no sense

I don't know whether it's RAAC BS, or whether the author is incapable of keeping track of his own writing, but with the dialogue written when overheard, Kevin and Carol obviously fucked, no way it fits otherwise.

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

What a wimp,he should have divorced Carol,after all he only as her word that she and Kevin didn't do anything.If that's the case,why did she set the swap up.?

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