To Break a Filly Ch. 02


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The dog came into the kitchen behind her, grinning and leaving a trail of water behind him. Dogs. She made her way back up the hallway to the coat closet and grabbed a spare blanket from the top shelf. She took that blanket through the kitchen into her utility room and laid it on the floor next to the dryer.

"You sleep here," she told the dog and he looked up at her, blinking. "Go lay down." To her amazement, he did just that. He walked over to the blanket, circled it twice, and then settled in and closed his eyes. Lindsay couldn't help but smile; she was just about to leave and turn in herself when the dog let out a long and boisterous fart.

"SERIOUSLY?!" The dog opened one eye, blinked, and close it again with a deep sigh. With that, Lindsay turned out the light and headed up the stairs for bed muttering to herself about the fucking dog the whole way.

She stripped down, leaving her clothes in a pile on the floor and hopped in the shower. She lathered up her hair and let the conditioner set in while she went about shaving her legs and nether region. Her thoughts drifted away from the dog as the warm water beat down on her back and on to something a little less hairy.

For some inexplicable reason, the image of the cowboy surfaced in her mind. At the time, she had been so shocked by the situation that she hadn't really appreciated how truly beautiful he was. It was the eyes -- she could pinpoint it now. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul and if that was true, then Lindsay sure had to admit that she liked what she had seen.

They were so unique. He pupils were the deep black of night that slowly faded into the darkest of browns. There were no real lines anywhere in them - they had just simply continued to fade, first to a chestnut color and eventually to a pale golden brown before simply ending. There was a softness to the edges that gave the overall look of kindness when you first spotted them, but she had seen something else there too. A hardness right near the center.

That hardness had been carried through the rest of his body. Lindsay remembered the way she had seen his jaw flex, the definition she had felt in his stomach through his shirt. What must he look like underneath all that? His callused hands had been rough against her chin and his stubble had scratched her face when he leaned in to kiss her. Oh, and that kiss!

Lindsay grabbed the lip of her vagina and pulled out to get a closer shave. Her finger slipped however in the slick wetness it met there. Holy crap, Linds. I know it's been a while but, Jesus! She tested the area curiously and found that she was completely saturated at the thought of him. Well, this is why you bought that $30 showerhead.

She reached up and removed it from its holster above her head and turned it on to the massage setting. She spread her legs and, using her left hand, exposed the sensitive pink nub that she knew would lead to her release. Conjuring up what she imagined the cowboy to look like beneath that white button up, she brought the showerhead down so that the pulsing stream of water was hitting just to the left of her clit. She wanted to savor this.

She imagined him grabbing her shoulders once more with his vice grip, but this time he picked her up and set her on her kitchen counter. With her mind's eye, she watched as he lowered himself to stare into the space between her legs. His eyes took her in, slowly moving up her body, lingering for a moment on her breasts and then continuing up her neck to her lips.

As his eyes met hers, he leaned in and locked his mouth around the soft pink folds of her pussy. His tongue went to work exploring every crease, circling and probing, adding to her wetness. His stubble scraped against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. The little scratched of pain only contributed to the heat that was knotting up in her stomach.

Just then, his tongue found her nub and he pushed back her hood to nip it with his teeth. She gasped and made to wiggle away, but the cowboy brought his hands up to grip her ass, fingers digging in, and pulled her back to him. Now, a little to the right. She hit that most sensitive spot and shuddered at the intensity of the sensation, working her hand in slow circles.

As she did, so he did. Allowing his teeth to rest against her clit, he began to fuck her with his tongue. She moaned between the sharp intakes of air and began to rock her hips in time with his tongue's thrusting. She was getting close, the heat in her stomach coiling and tightening, begging to climax. She turned up the temperature of the water.

It was hot now, burning really. It hurt, but the sensation was enough to throw her over the edge. The last image she had was of his face with that knowing smirk and then she was gone into a blinding white light. It seemed to last forever and pass to quickly at the same time. When she finally came down, she was quickly aware of just how hot the water was. Ouch!

She turned it back down and switched the showerhead back to a steady stream, replacing it in its holster. She was breathing hard and her knees felt weak and shaky. She hurried to finish her shower, wanting only to go to sleep. Lindsay hopped out, dried herself, and pulled on a nightshirt. As she settled into her bed, she realized what she had just done.

When the cowboy had first kissed her, she thought it crazy and hardly pleasurable. She was so caught up in the shock of it all, she certainly hadn't been thinking about quality. In retrospect, however, she found that she rather liked the way he had so roughly taken exactly what he wanted from her. It had been a very long time since she had felt so desired.

The closer she had been to marriage, the more she had begun to see the distance that was growing between her and Derek. She couldn't even remember the last time she had been kissed. Well, except for yesterday...

Lindsay slipped off to sleep dreaming of cowboys and kisses.


Now you're here, what's your plan hot shot? He had turned off the truck and was sitting in the school parking lot. Chad hadn't really thought past what he was going to do once he made it into town. He knew nothing about this woman -- her name, her address, her work. He had nowhere to start. The minutes passed slowly as he sat in silence debating his next move. He was just about ready to call the whole thing off, when it happened.

As though it were fate, he saw a flash of red pass underneath a street lamp. He climbed quietly out of the truck and set off quickly in search of concealment. Chad had just ducked into the bushes on the north side of the school when he saw her coming up the street. There she was on the opposite side of the road and she was jogging along at a comfortable pace. Her hair was shorter now and a different color, but it was without a doubt her. He watched as the sinewy muscles in her legs rippled with each stride, her breasts bounced rhythmically along. As she approached, he could see the flush in her cheeks and her hair curling around to stick to her glistening skin. She seemed to shimmer.

He was impressed with her athletic prowess. She must have been running for a least a quarter of an hour, judging by the saturation of her tank top which was nearing complete transparency, but was still breathing deeply and evenly, she looked set in for the long haul. Just when she drew level with him something seemed to startle her. Though she kept running she looked around suspiciously and seemed to glare directly at the bush he was hiding behind. His worry was for naught as it appeared all she could see was the blackness. When she set her eyes forward once more, he backed out of the shrubs and hastily made his way to the truck. He started it but left the lights out as he made to follow behind her.

He stayed about a block back from her, moving very slowly in the dark so as not to raise suspicion. She had a dog with her now and by the way they ran together, he came to the conclusion that it must belong to her. Each time she passed under a street lamp he was rewarded with a glimpse of her gorgeous ass. He could barely see it peeking out from underneath her running shorts which continued to hike up the further she ran. His pants were maddeningly tight at the thrill of it all. Knowing that he had successfully been following her for the better part of half an hour entirely undetected added to the confidence he was gaining in his plan.

He was long past admiring the woman's stamina and was becoming irritated with the length of her workout; so irritated in fact that he was seriously considering just taking her now. Please, God, just do it. I'm exhausted!

Chad pulled his truck off to the side of the street and climbed out. He crossed over and took up a light jog, making sure to match his footsteps with hers so as not to raise suspicion. He watched as her dog sprinted forward and hopped up onto... a bed?

The woman hooked a left into the driveway of the house with the bed. He slowed to a walk and stepped off into the shrubbery of the neighboring house. The woman took out her keys, fumbling a bit, and trying to catch her breath. When she finally had the door open, she turned to say something to the dog who hesitated before following her in.

That was productive, wasn't it? You fool. Chad had come so far but tonight just didn't feel right. He still didn't have the upper hand yet. He circled the house once to get an idea of the layout and then started back to his car. He may have been a fool to drive all the way out here just to follow behind her on a run, but he certainly wasn't fool enough to try anything with a dog that size in the house. Besides, this journey hadn't been completely pointless. He had learned her address, her vehicle information -- assuming the jeep in the driveway was hers, that she lived alone, and that her security system included a basic tumble lock and a large dog.


Her alarm went off much too early for Lindsay's taste. She slapped the snooze button and rolled over to enjoy the last two minutes of glorious rest. She tossed her arm absentmindedly across the lumpy blankets on the other half of her bed. She snuggled into their warmth, drawing them in close like she would a lover. Holy hell, that stinks! I really need to wash these sheets. Her eyes fluttered open and her vision was instantly crowded with a mess of wiry grey hair.

"SON OF A --" Lindsay scrambled backwards and tumbled out of her bed to the floor. Her head smacked into the nightstand on her way down and the force of her hit knocked something hard and heavy onto her chest. It landed with a thud and began to emit a high-pitched scream. Of course it's the fucking alarm clock, what else?!

She flipped it over and removed the battery. Slowly, she climbed her way back into a standing position and glared down at the dog, now snoring happily under her covers. She fumed for a moment before giving up.

"Fuck it," she sighed, "I've shared a bed with worse." And with that, she headed off the bathroom to perform her weekday morning rituals.

Lindsay emerged from the bathroom about 15 minutes later and the mutt hopped from the bed and trotted out of the room. She followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen. She popped a cup into her Keurig and set it to brew. She heard a huff behind her and looked around to find the dog sitting in the doorway staring up at her expectantly.

"I, uh, don't really have anything for you to eat," she told him and received only a blink in return. She walked over to the fridge and found a few slices of cheese and the rest of the leftover chicken. She put them on a plastic plate and dropped them on the floor. The beast quickly shuffled over and began to enjoy his makeshift breakfast.

"I'll stop by the store today and pick up a few things if you think you'd like to stay." No response came and she took that to mean yes. She left the dog where he was in the kitchen and gathered up her things, preparing to leave for work. She opened the door onto the back patio and said, "Time to go out."

The mutt trotted nonchalantly out into the yard and made a bee line for the garden. He lifted his leg and relieved himself on the remnants of the now dead tomato plants. Lindsay shook her head at the irony of it all and whistled. He kicked a few chunks of lawn back at her garden and dashed back into the house.

"Okay pooch, ground rules: stay off of the furniture and out of the food. Stay put and I'll be back." The dog blinked at her and went to lay down on his blanket. What a good dog.


Lindsay found herself counting down the hours at work. While she was really starting to enjoy Chessie's company, she was excited to go shopping for pet supplies. Growing up, she had always wanted a dog, but her dad had been horribly allergic. She was beginning to believe that it was fate that had brought her a companion at this crucial turning point in her adult life.

When four o'clock finally rolled around, Lindsay practically ran out to her jeep and headed for the local pet shop. She spent nearly half an hour browsing the shelves for food, toys, and a proper bed. She nearly spent as much in that time as she had on her own wardrobe. Whoever decided that dog stuff was more valuable than people stuff needs a serious reality check.

She arrived home and grabbed her bags out the backseat. She hadn't locked the door this morning figuring that the dog would be deterrent enough for any potential intruders. When she opened that door however, the bags dropped from her hands as a giant boulder of fur barreled into her and knocked her to the floor. She half expected the dog to attack her and was surprise when he was suddenly gone. She heard the rustling of plastic, immediately followed by a ripping noise. Lindsay lifted her head and saw the dog tearing through the bag of food she had brought him.

"Hey!" she shouted. "Manners: get some or you'll be out a place to sleep." The dog backed out of the bag and looked up at her, chow dust and crumbs caught up in the fur on his face. He burped. Seriously.

Lindsay bent down to collect her items and carried them into the utility room. She set down his new bed and draped the blanket over the top so he wouldn't get confused. She considered this for a moment though and realized that this act was relatively futile. She decided to move the bed up to her room. Maybe if it's right there, he will be less inclined to try and share mine.

"Alright pooch, let's see what's on TV." She made her way over to the couch and the dog followed her up onto it. She started to protest, but he flopped immediately down next to her and lay his head in her lap. She flipped on the TV to watch the newest episode of 20/20 and began to scratch behind the dog's ears. He groaned a bit and leaned into her touch, clearly enjoying himself. She had to admit that it was nice to have someone to share her evenings with. He may not be much of a talker, but he was good company.

At some point, they drifted off to sleep.

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LindsubLindsubalmost 7 years ago
A fascinating story, though...

...the attempt to whitewash Chad preemptively really took me out of things, and it was an effort to get back in. He's an 'honorable man' and has never considered a darker behavior such as, say, abducting and 'breaking' someone? People don't work like that anywhere, to go from a standard attitude towards sex and gender relations to 'I'll 'break' her in my special BDSM barn I'll build tomorrow'.

I don't mind a bad, dark dude-look what section I'm reading!-but this rang false. Not only in the 'have your cake and eat it, too' of 'he's super dangerous and dark but still a good guy' but also for the 'really it's her fault' vibes. He can't be a man of resolute self-control and yet he completely overturned by a woman bumping into him, at the same time.

Having said that I'm continuing the story and interested to see what happens.

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxover 9 years ago

Im just here for the dog.

FUCK THAT! This story is a riot!!!!

DisclaimersBeDamnedDisclaimersBeDamnedover 9 years agoAuthor
Chapter 3

Just put Chapter 3 in the queue, should be visible in the next few days. I'm sorry it took so long, but while I'm on a roll - back to writing!

Much love.

DisclaimersBeDamnedDisclaimersBeDamnedover 9 years agoAuthor
I am so sorry!

So I won't bore you with the details, but I was SLAMMED with work and didn't want to update until it was finished. I looked at the calendar and realized that it had been waaaaaay too long so here's the deal. Chapter Three is finished, I've set is aside for the moment because I don't like where it ended. I'm going to give it some breathing time, come back to it Wednesday and see if I can fix it. Like it or not, I will submit it Wednesday night which means it'll be up this weekend. I have a vacation coming up during Christmas and I'm planning on pulling off two more chapters to make up for this unfortunate lag (I've already started and am on a roll!)

In the meantime, here is what I can let go public to hold you over:

In chapter three there will be some actual, real-life full blown sex of the steamy variety with a romantic and (for now) consentual tone. It makes my heart throb a little whenever I reread it.

Much love and see you this weekend!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Please! I can't wait much longer!

I really like the details and how Chad has a dark side that is yet to be discovered. I can't wait to read what you've written. I know it's hard to edit but I honestly don't care about a few misplaced/misspelled words, I just need to know whats going to happen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I can't wait!

Monday!? I don't know if I can wait that long!

DisclaimersBeDamnedDisclaimersBeDamnedover 9 years agoAuthor
My Dearest Litland

Well the fit hit the shan and I am sorry to report that I'm still in the process of tweaking chapter 3. I hope to have it up by Monday, but we all know how that goes.

Thank you to you all for leaving your comments, it's been such a privilege to read your input.

Much Love.

LadyPartsLadyPartsover 9 years ago
Well damn

i need to start reading comments before I comment. I hate repeating what other people say. Anonymous below me said exactly what I said! Now I have to come up with something new!

I am intensely curious about the two men...can't remember the rich guys name at the moment... I have a theory or two but will not post them because I would hate to sway the way the story goes.

Keep writing your story as you see it. So looking forward to some hot reluctant dominant sex! Pushes all of my buttons!

LadyPartsLadyPartsover 9 years ago
Very interesting!

rarely do we get to see the workings of the captor! How does he reconcile doing something despicable with thinking of himself as a man on honor. I am fascinated with this story!

It is well written with well fleshed out characters and of course I'm a sucker for dogs playing a role. They do bring character to the characters.

Count me as a fan! 5 stars...keep the chapters coming!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

You write very well and your characters are fleshed out. A part of me is hesitant to read your story because I really don't want her to be broken and many many many stories end up with that conclusion. I think I would especially heartbroken if your story ended up with that conclusion because it's so interesting and well written. However, I am enjoying it and will continue to read it even though it will probably end badly for me.

Ps. Enjoying the dog in the story.

Pps. Please don't take my comments in any offence. You are the author and you should obvious write what you want.

elisebeeelisebeeover 9 years ago
Five stars!

The waits for each chapter will test my patience. I'm rooting for the stranger in the bespoke

DisclaimersBeDamnedDisclaimersBeDamnedover 9 years agoAuthor
Thank you both.

I am glad you are liking the story. I think it is important to understand these characters both as individuals before they are brought together to really appreciate it. I am about halfway through chapter three and hope to have it finished by the end of the week. I'll let you know here once I have it submitted.

Much love!

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimover 9 years ago
I agree

A good build up makes the wait so much more worthwhile.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Hooked already!

I really appreciate the build up of a good story. There's plenty of submissions here that delve right into the sweaty slap and tickle. Thank you from a female reader who loves the delayed gratification that anticipation delivers in a well written story. Not every chapter needs to jump right to the main event. Some of us like a little foreplay.

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