Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 12


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"Terry replied, 'I need to talk with you, something has come up and my plans have been changed—we're not going to the beach.'

"I was puzzled, 'What has caused our beach trip to be canceled? Has something happened with your family?'

"Terry sighed, 'Michelle, I'm getting married in two days to Sandy. Her parents have hired a big time attorney and the money they are seeking is astronomical if I don't marry Sandy. There is also a condition I can't seek a divorce until one year after the baby is born and can't get married for another year after the divorce is granted.'

"I was devastated now our wedding plans for this fall had to be postponed for at least two and a half years, maybe longer if Sandy's family didn't get what they were seeking in the settlement! But the worst was yet to come!

"Terry looked me in my eyes, 'I'll be taking Sandy to the beach for our honeymoon and I'll need your ring back so I can give it to Sandy. I broke down crying, pulled the ring off my finger and threw it at him, 'FUCK YOU!'

"Terry picked up the ring, his bags and walked out of the apartment without saying a word. I was out of control, sobbing deliriously when Amos came out of his room, 'Blondie, you need to get a away and just sort things out. Let's go to the cabin.'

"I let my emotions control my better judgment so Amos and I left for the cabin that night. But let me finish the threesome ordeal before I cross that bridge—OK?"

Jamie replied, "What a fucking asshole! Michelle, how could you ever love someone so fucking self-centered? Such a bastard!"

I looked toward Nancy. She seemed concerned over what she was hearing about Terry and Michelle.

Michelle interrupted Jamie, "Like I told y'all, I made some mistakes I'd regret the rest of my life-the threesome to satisfy Terry and then going to the cabin with Amos after Terry jilted me a second time...but I still went back for thirds before it all finally ended. Like I told y'all, 'Terry was a charmer, a chatty chatty type of guy.' But, let me finish telling y'all about the threesome."

Angie quickly added, "I'd cut that fuckers nuts off and crammed them down his throat!"

Michelle giggled, "I should have!"

Michelle asked, "Okay now let me finish the threesome ordeal and then I'll get into my week with Amos, our final night together before Amos left for training camp and I left for Europe. And, finally the straw that broke the camel's back with Terry in Europe.

Nancy quickly looked in Michelle's direction, then suddenly turned her head away, not looking Michelle in the eyes. Michelle softly said, "It wasn't you. I overreacted, something I'm ashamed of...I wish..."

Michelle stopped short of finishing her sentence and began telling us about the first evening of the threesome, "I went into the bathroom and a sexy black lingerie hung next to a white bath robe. The lingerie had a label inside 'Peek-A Boo' and was made of see-through lace with bow accents. The two piece set featured an open peek-a-boo bra along with matching crotchless panty detailed with a red ribbon. The sexual atmosphere of the approaching threesome was evident and I was the star attraction.

"Amos suggested, 'Let's go relax a bit on the deck. Drink some wine and cold brew before we get rocking with Terry's threesome. Blondie, I picked up a case of your favorite wine and rum along with your favorite foods and snacks. This weekend you'll be treated like a Queen, after all you are the 'dish' of the day!'

"Terry and Amos went ahead of me and upon leaving the bedroom I noticed Amos had placed a pack of condoms on the night stand next to the waterbed.

"I picked up the package and read, 'THEY FIT— Custom Fit Condoms— Made for Pleasure—Size G31—1 pack of 6 condoms.' I turned the package over and gulped while I read, 'lubricated condoms of natural latex for guys with bigger penis girths. The widest condom that is available on the market. Width of 69mm, or 2.7 inches, length to 240mm, 9.5 inches, and fits girths comfortably to 7.5 inches.'

"I thought to myself, 'Shit! These condoms fit a cock the size of a Bud beer bottle! Amos lied to me, his cock 'IS' the size a beer bottle and he plans to split me in half! He has six of these condoms not four reserved just for me! I wanted to go home!'

"I joined Amos and Terry on the deck. Terry and Amos had positioned the chairs so I'd be sitting between them. We just kicked back chill'n drinking wine, beer, chatting, about nothing really important. I kept staring at the Budweiser beer bottle Amos was sipping on, thinking 'how' can something like that fit inside my pussy without ripping me apart like a ripe peach!!

"Amos suddenly smiled at me and started giving me a 'rubdown' beginning with my neck, shoulders, and back. I sighed, 'Oh that feels so good-don't stop.' Amos continued rubbing my shoulders and back while Terry was busy slowly kissing my neck, back of my neck, between my neck and ear.

"Amos slowly progressed to rubbing my upper thigh then my inner thigh. I gulped while watching his big black hand move ever so slowly toward my pussy, hidden inside my Daisy Dukes!

"Terry continued his teasing kisses while sucking on my earlobes. Terry reached under my T-shirt and started massaging my breasts. My nipples hardened and Terry smiled at Amos while pulling up my T-shirt, 'Bro get a taste of Michelle's nice tits.'

"I sighed a deep sigh watching Amos slowly rolling his tongue like a snail all over my breast, sending goose bumps down my spine.

"Amos kissed, nibbled, and licked my entire breast over and over again. His circles getting shorter as his mouth got closer to my nipple sending me into a frenzy with anticipation. Amos moved ever so closer to my nipple and just before he sucked in my nipple his tongue attacked my dark patch...licking the circular patch with the tip of his tongue...over and over. His lips brushing against my nipple until finally Amos sucked in my nipple like a catfish sucks in it's prey.

"Amos flicked my nipple back and forth with his tongue while gently holding it between his teeth, sending tingling sensations rushing through my body.

"Amos continued flicking my nipple while he rubbed my pussy, safely secured inside my Daisy Dukes. My fiancé continued his sweet teasing kisses all over my neck. A slight scent of my pussy's musky smell drifted through the air.

Terry's sweet kisses and Amos rubbing and licking all the right 'warm up' spots caused butterflies to dance in my stomach, a warm tingling sensation spread throughout my body and into my pussy.

"I unconsciously started massaging Amos' inner thigh while he continued to flick my nipples and rub my pussy outside my Daisy Dukes. I slowly moved my hand and rubbed Amos' cock outside his gym shorts, reaching down to 'tickle' his balls with my fingers. Amos' unaroused cock felt bigger than Robby's cock when it was rock hard!

"Amos' unaroused cock was swelling, growing with his arousal becoming a 'chubbie' when I slipped my hand inside his gym shorts, massaging his cock, tickling his 'baseball sized' balls with my fingers while his cock was rapidly becoming a bulging erection.

"Amos was busy flicking my nipple and rubbing my pussy, trying to work his big black hand inside my Daisy Dukes. I moaned a deep moan, 'Ohh...ohh' when Terry rolled his tongue all over my other breast while he gently stroked my inner thigh. Both my breasts were getting pleasured by two tongues simultaneously, my pussy was dripping with wetness inside the safety of my Daisy Dukes.

"Amos' cock felt huge inside his gym shorts. I couldn't wrap my hand completely around his shaft, you know, like grabbing a handrail. I slowly squeezed his cock while working my hand up and down his shaft. Precum was dripping from the tip of his cock, I teased his cock's head with my thumb while continuing to slowly move my hand up and down is bulging shaft.

"Amos sensing my arousal whispered, 'Blondie, my manhood is getting harder and bigger by the second! How much longer are you going to make me wait before my fantasy can come true?'

"I snapped out of my trance, not wanting the threesome, the mental image of that Budweiser beer bottle was stuck in my mind!

"Amos was hung bigger than any cock I'd ever had and it was still swelling, getting harder while I was working my hand up and down his shaft.

"I half-heartedly giggled, releasing my hold on Amos' cock while moving my hand out of his gym shorts. I pulled away from Terry's sweet nibbles and kisses while pulling my T-shirt down, 'Amos, I saw your condoms by the bed. You lied to me, you have six condoms not four! I never heard of 'They Fit' before? Robby always used Trojan Ultra Thins and I was already on the pill when Terry came along.'

"Amos replied, 'Blondie, they're European custom condoms. My man Charlie picked them up for me when he was in Europe playing European league last year. They fit me nice! They stay on without strangling my cock and I feel like I'm not wearing nothing at all! I'll show you how good they feel tonight!

'Blondie, I said 'I had four', meaning four packs of six condoms! I've got the other three six packs in my gym bag. Blondie, I think it's time you got ready...'

"I interrupted Amos, 'You have twenty-four of these condoms for this weekend?'

"Terry just sighed, 'Michelle! What did you think we were going to do coming to the cabin for the weekend? Sit out on this deck all weekend bullshitting, drinking wine and beer while we just occasionally had sex with you? No Darling, we came here for sex and before this weekend is over, Amos will have used all his...what are they Bro?'

"Amos smiled at Terry, 'Bro, there G31s..'

"I gulped and quickly interrupted Amos while looking at my watch, 'Hey guys its 7:30, getting close to dinner, what would y'all like me to fix?'

"Amos and Terry could tell I was stalling, perhaps sensing my deep southern family roots and all, when Amos with a shit eating grin, 'It's time Blondie! Go put your 'uniform' on! My Man Terry and me will be waiting for you on the sofa in the living room. My Man Terry, who gets the first slice of Blondie's hot piece of ass?'

"Terry smiled, 'Bro, I think we should let Michelle decide whose cock gets to fuck her first! Like I said last night, 'I'm sure Michelle will be giving us equal attention' and we'll have tonight, all day tomorrow and Sunday until around 10:00PM to enjoy Michelle's hot body—giving her orgasms she'll never forget!"

"I remembered swallowing hard while I answered Amos and Terry, 'Amos you'll have to wait your turn. Let me have another glass of wine then I'll get ready.'

"Amos replied, 'Blondie I'm cool with that—I'll be wearing my G31s so sloppy seconds ain't gonna brother me.'"

Jamie quickly asked, "What were you feeling? I mean it was really going to happen..."

Michelle interrupted Jamie, "I was scared, totally paranoid, I couldn't believe I'd gone through with this threesome, just to please Terry.

"I kept thinking about my family. How my Dad and Mom would be literally climbing the walls, going insane, freaking out, threatening to disown me, getting a court order to have me put away for the rest of my life in some mental institution no one ever heard of, if they knew their 'southern belle' daughter was about to get fucked senseless by a black man—something she agreed to! And, even though Amos was my friend, always treating me with respect, there was no doubt in my mind he intended to fuck my brains out this weekend!

"No one said a word while I slowly finished my fourth glass of wine. I got up without saying a word to either Terry or Amos and went into the bedroom to change into my uniform. I couldn't get the mental image of that Budweiser beer bottle out of my mind! Terry's threesome fantasy was about to become a reality."

I quickly interrupted, "Michelle, you better cool it here comes Wendy with Buster—Donna's guardian angel last night!"

Wendy smiled as she approached our little private gossip session, "Aren't y'all going to watch the game in the gym?"

Jamie replied, "Yes, we're heading over there about 1:00 or so."

Buster laughed, "I'd suggest you look at your watches—it's almost 1:20! Kick-off is about an hour away and the closed circuit telecast starts at 2:00!"

Buster and Wendy walked off laughing and holding hands making their way toward to the exit from the dining hall into the lounge.

Cathy gasped, "Shit, Jimmy is waiting in the lounge! I gonna go! Come on Donna let's get!"

Angie replied, "We all better get over to the gym! Michelle, why don't we finish our little gossip session tonight in the privacy of either my room, Jamie's or your room after dinner?"

Jamie answered, "Good idea, the team won't be back in town till close to 10:00! Y'all in?"

Everyone nodded their heads, "Yes."

Michelle smiled, "Sounds good—Robby will be calling around ten-ish so we'll have time for me to finish getting this off my chest!

"Y'all, you don't how good it feels to finally let this out! I really appreciate y'all taking the time to listen to me on how I fucked up my life! Remember y'all, nothing said here today leaves this table!"

We all got up from the table and headed toward the gym—the big game was just a little more than an hour away.

Nancy nudged me as we were leaving the dining hall, "Coach really went through some shit—trust me Terry never treated me that way!"

We all arrived outside the gym and proceeded to the will call window for player passes. Everyone had their passes except Jimmy, Nancy and me. I approached the window, "What's your name young lady?"

I replied, "Sue Andrews."

The security representative replied, "Sorry Miss, Sue Andrews is not on the list."

Jamie quickly butted in, "YES SHE IS! Please check again!"

The Security Rep replied, "Sorry but I don't have a Sue Andrews listed. I have a 'Susie Q' and a rather unique name...'Susanna Testarda,' but no Sue Andrews."

I smiled, "They're both me...I suspect Sammy or Gippy put Susie Q on the list and Tom Sanders put Susanna Testarda on the list."

The Security Rep smiled, "Miss Testarda, here are your passes, enjoy the game."

Jamie grinned, "Okay Roommate, whose pass are you going to use?"

I smiled at Jimmy, "Here little brother, thank Gibby Monday for the pass!"

Nancy smiled at me, "From what I remember from my Italian classes in high school 'testarda' is a stubborn, hardheaded Italian woman!"

I smiled at my roommate, "That it is Nancy, and I'm three quarters Italian!"

Nancy picked up the pass Gibby had left her under 'Nancy Lou' and we all entered the gym.

State's band was playing the State fight song, Jenny along with Lois and Beth were leading cheers while doing their routines for the State students! State's gym was buzzing with excitement! The waiting was almost over, football season was about to begin—State vs the Irish!

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SweetSissySweetSissyalmost 8 years ago
Good chapter but ...

I thought this was a good chapter but not one of my favorites in this series

WolfDesireWolfDesirealmost 9 years ago
Missing Part of the Story

I've loved reading this Story, except for missing the Freshmen Year, etc of when Tom & Sue broke up & why. Plus how they got back together.

Please add these missing storylines to Part A to Ch 10, 11, and/or 12.

Otherwise, this has been a very great story with only a few typos and I can't wait for the next chapter and I've been checking every week.



hangingmeathangingmeatabout 9 years ago

Having been involved in several 3somes...I liked the way this author described the build up to the 3somes by the couples...and of course the action...look forward to the next Chapter as the story continues...

DakotacplDakotacplabout 9 years ago
Awesome as always!

Loved this story and LOVE the author. Love the very realistic 3sum scenes! I travel a lot on business and use this authors stories to get off a lot. Well done and keep up the terrific work girl!

TigerPaw1010TigerPaw1010about 9 years ago
An expected threesome...

... turns out to be three threesomes. (Lucky Charlie!) Should have expected the unexpected from this author. As always, excellent work! Anxiously awaiting the next chapter. TY, RCG.

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