Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 14


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"I raised my legs, holding my hips motionless, wrapping them around Amos' butt, locking my ankles, pulling him closer, deeper into my pussy with each stroke, squeezing my pussy's muscles as fast as I could around the hardness of his throbbing shaft—tightening, releasing, and tightening again like a pair of vice grip pliers.

"The rhythmic throbbing, pulsing, twitching of his cock intensified as I rapidly squeezed my pussy muscles—clenching, unclenching, and clenching again. Amos thrust wildly, balls deep until the moment of truth—the big bang!

"Our guest had his cock buried to the dead end of my pussy when he screamed out, 'OH FUCK BLONDIE... KEEP WORKING THAT PUSSY... WORK THAT THING... I'M GONNA SHOOT... I'M GONNA SHOOT!'

"Amos' powerful arms were gripping me even tighter, forcing the breath right out of my lungs. I was struggling for air when he shouted, 'OH FUCK... OHH... OHH... OHHH...' as his Alabama Black Snake, Anaconda, Ph.D, or whatever else you want to call it, exploded like a Tomahawk missile being launched from a Navy Destroyer, jerking violently, shooting three weeks of hot, thick, milky white semen, filled with his live sperm into my pussy's deep spot, splattering against my cervix, with the force of a Trident II missile hitting its target fully armed with all fourteen warheads!

"Amos kept pumping his Anaconda in rapid succession against the sponge-like softness of my aroused cervix, spurting his second, third, and fourth intense, massive load of thick, steamy semen, filled with his live sperm, against my cervix—filling me up with the biggest load of semen I'd ever felt!

"The feeling of Amos' semen splattering against my cervix sent me reeling into a series of orgasmic spasms one after the other, I cried out in disbelief, 'OH MY GOD, I'M GOING TO CUM AGAIN! DON'T STOP AMOS, DON'T STOP... FASTER!'

"Amos kwpt pumping his 'Ph.D' balls deep while I twisted and squirmed freeing myself from his stranglehold. I dug my nails into the back of his neck, scratching and clawing his back, gouging my heels into his ass, my thighs trying to strangle him, my pussy grabbing his 'Anaconda' trying to chew its head off!

"My hips were now vigorously thrusting forward and backward, like a pendulum, with every ounce of strength left in my body, in time with each of Amos' deep thrusts.

"An intense pulsating feeling from deep inside my pussy became a flood of sensations, quickly spreading outward to my legs, stomach and chest. My entire body was a wildfire of sensations—literally from my head to my toes.

"My toes curled, my legs rocked and bucked, violent spasms spread throughout my body one after the other. My arms twitched, my fingers tingled. My face felt flush. The muscles in my pelvis, womb, and anus contracted. My breathing was heavy short gasps. My mind was nonexistent.

"My body trembled—every nerve in my body from the tip of my clit, all through my pelvis and into my nipples. Wave after wave of pleasurable sensations rippled through my body—my pussy continuing to grip his manhood, milking his Alabama Black Snake as it jerked and spurted its final loads causing our guest to let out a series of exultant sexual cries, 'OHH... OHH FUCK... KEEP WORKING THAT PUSSY BLONDIE TILL MY BALLS GO DRY... OH FUCK YESSS!'

"I was barely breathing, my heart rate was pulsing faster than Secretariat at the Kentucky Derby, or better yet, the Preakness! My pussy's walls were throbbing, pulsing, squeezing Amos' manhood in rapid rhythmic succession—tightening, then loosening up before clamping his shaft tight again until all the semen in his shaft was drained deep inside my pussy's walls—filling me to the brim!

"I was groaning, gasping for air, all the sexual energy I had been holding deep inside had now been released throughout my body. I quivered and shook for several minutes with little aftershocks and twitches, while the powerful orgasm was exiting my body—mind you, not as strong and violent as the previous orgasm, but nonetheless, it was earthshattering—another knock your socks off orgasm—like I'd been blind-sided by a forty-ton truck!"

Angie butted in, "Coach, I know how you felt! The feeling of those hot liquid jets splattering against my cervix and my pussy's walls always kick starts me into orgasmic spasms!

"This one night, it's only happened once, Tom-boy and I were shacked up at the All Night Inn, Homecoming night our freshman year.

"We were really getting it on like nobody's business—hot and heavy.

"I had my legs wrapped around his butt, my heels dug into his ass, I was swiveling my hips in a figure eight in sync with Tom-boy's thrusting. His cock was hitting on all cylinders going balls deep with each thrust while his lips were sucking like a vacuum on the nipples of my 34D's!

"My arms were wrapped around his neck, my fingers running through his brown hair while Tom-boy kept pounding away balls deep, sucking and nibbling on my nipples while I was swiveling my hips in sync with his thrusting, clockwise then counterclockwise until suddenly, Tom-boy's cock head started hitting this spot deep inside me that he had never been touched before over and over again.

"I was screaming bloody murder, 'OH SWEET JESUS... RIGHT THERE TOM-BOY... OH MY FUCKING GOD,' while making earthmoving shrieks and sounds, biting his shoulders, leaving my teeth marks anywhere I could, digging my nails into his back, like a cat marking its territory, leaving a trail of spider web red marks up and down his spine as his cock head continued bumping into this super sensitive spot, his rim rubbing up against it until I felt Tom-boy's cock get that old too familiar crazy hard, throbbing, pulsating, his balls were no longer slapping up against me, but now tight in his sack against his body—getting ready for the big moment—the big bang, the 'liftoff!' His thrusting sped up and I knew from past experiences, I was only moments away from getting power-blasted by Tom-boy's full capacity loads—shooting so much cum in me that it'd literally overflow my pussy.

"Tom-boy not only packed a lot of volume, but his spurts came with a lot of wallop and his cock exploded like Old Faithful, twitching and jerking as he unloaded a series of six, maybe seven, full intense streams of his semen against my super-sensitive spot. The feeling of those hot, fast, liquid jets triggered the most dynamic earth shattering, mind blowing orgasm I've ever experienced! Tom-boy and me always had fantastic sex together—more times than I can remember, leaving me with body shaking multiple orgasms, but this one time was the 'mother-lode' of all orgasms!

"I was curious just what the hell he had been touching deep inside my pussy because it went from "GREAT" to "OMFG DO THAT AGAIN!" So, Jamie and I did some research in anatomy lab and come to find out Tom-boy's cock head had slid past my cervix and was hitting my cul de sac, the deepest of my deep spots in the posterior fornix. Right Jamie?"

Jamie smiled, "Right Angie, now let Michelle continue!"

Michelle said, "Go ahead Angie, tell us what happened. I'm curious to hear about your deep spot orgasm experience!"

Angie smiled, "Truthfully, it was like the first orgasm you described, except I didn't push his cock out since he still had all seven inches or so buried up against my cul de sac. Shit, the spasms were so violent I was pumping my juices all over his cock. My pussy clamped down on his cock like the jaws of an African crocodile while his cock was spurting his last loads of semen to the dead end of my pussy's walls! To be honest, there must have been fifteen or twenty spasms lasting a minute maybe two or longer. It wasn't like anything tangible, the twitching of nerves in the most arbitrary places—my forearms, backs of my knees, my toes, my entire body quivered and shook afterwards for like ten minutes or so. I'd never experienced anything like it. It was by far the most intense orgasm I've ever experienced. I guess, if I had to put it into words, it'd be much the same as being swept up in a funnel cloud of an F-5 tornado that was riding on the back of a hurricane!

"Like I've said earlier, 'John's cock was magical to me,' and John did hit my deep spot more times than once when we fucked for those three months, but nothing like Tom-boy did that night.

"I still can't believe I was so fucking dumb and cut it off with Tom-boy. Like Coach mentioned about her and Robby, the 'Romeo and Juliet of Tigers campus,' Well, me and Tom-boy were the talk of State's campus that first semester our freshman year—right Jamie?

Jamie only nodded her head, "yes."

"It was mid-January, Tom-boy and I had been fucking machines for four and half months and everything was going super great between us—in fact, ever since Thanksgiving, we had been seriously talking about getting engaged during spring break and then tying the knot before school started the next fall. We'd even been window shopping for rings and had narrowed our choices down to three different styles!

"We'd have no trouble making ends meet since we both had full rides and I had a full for academics too. Plus, once Tom-boy made varsity after his red shirt freshman year well, he'd get a really high-paying summer job through State Alums, and if we ran into any money problems my grandparents had set up a trust fund with more money than one could spend in a lifetime!

"Mom along with Grand pappy and Granny fell in love with Tom-boy, when I brought him home to spend a week with us after our two day Christmas tournament ended on the 28th of December. Mom and Dad thought Tom-boy was just about it—the cat's meow, then it happened. Like Coach said, 'She'd made mistakes she'd regret the rest of her life' well, I made the biggest fucking mistake I'll ever make when I...

Angie never finished her sentence before wiping the tears away.

Angie took a long deep breath before continuing, "The wrestling squad and the Ladies of State had a weekend series out of town against the Beavers right after the spring semester began. We were all partying after our game celebrating not only our big win but the wrestling squad's win over the Beavers.

"John and I danced a few dances, just chit chatting. It all started out innocently enough, but it wasn't long afterwards, John was hitting on me, buying me screwdrivers with a double shots of vodka, and before I knew it he started to really put the moves on me!

"John was saying all the right things, touching the right places, fondling my breasts, squeezing my butt, kissing my neck, kissing and nibbling on my ears, and since I was tipsy and feeling no pain, unfortunately, I played back!

"Lust and booze over took my better judgment. I was schnockered and we locked lips on the Beaver's dance floor over and over again. I had one too many double screwdrivers, was drunker than a skunk, and ended up in his room that night!

"The next morning while John was in the shower I quietly got dressed and left his room. I felt like shit for cheating on Tom-boy and on the plane flight back to State that afternoon, I rehearsed over and over on how I could explain what happened to him.

"For some reason, John seemed unconcerned that he'd just boozed up his best friend's girl and took advantage of her drunken state for an all-night roll in the sack!

"Anyway, once we got back to State, I called Tom-boy and took the coward's way out telling him, 'I needed some space, we need to cool our relationship for a while'—it was over and done in the blink of an eye, but it was the hardest and dumbest thing I've ever done! I should have come clean with Tom-boy and told him the whole story—but being a dumbass freshman, I took the easy way out and lost the best thing I ever had!

"I guess it was sometime the next week when Tom-boy found out what had happened, since John and I started dating. Tom-boy didn't talk to me for the rest of the semester and had nothing to do with John until about a week before the end of the semester ."

I interrupted Angie, "So, John knew how serious you and Tom were, I mean, he had to know being Tom's best friend. But apparently John didn't give a second thought to hustling his best friend's girlfriend—right?"

Angie replied with a deep sigh, "Yes, not only me, but you too Teammate, and also that University cheerleader."

Jamie butted in, "Like I told y'all in the dining hall, John Williams is 'out for himself' and can't be trusted."

Angie agreed, "Pretty much, it's a case of 'father like son' or 'son like father,' however you want to say it. I guess it was the middle of April, basketball and wrestling seasons were over. Spring football and baseball were in full swing on campus when this one Saturday night at the Horseshoe I got what I deserved—a cold slap in the face!

"John and I were still dating and had been fucking now for three months. Everything seemed to be coming up roses in our relationship even though I still harbored deep guilt feelings the way I did Tom-boy—after all, we were supposed to be engaged by now and planning a summer wedding. My relationship with John was built on sex and not the love Tom-boy and I shared.

"Jenny Powllers and Mickey Lucas had broken up only hours before and John ditched me right on the dance floor in front of everyone for a shot at Jenny telling me, 'Angie, you'll need to find your own way back to the dorm—it's over between us, and just like that, John walked away and asked Jenny to dance!'

"Tom-boy was dancing with his 'sis,' Jamie, and like a dumb ass, instead of running back into Tom-boy's arms begging for forgiveness like Coach did with Robby, well, instead I decided to make a move on Jenny's ex, Mickey Lucas. I wasn't even thinking about Jamie, her feelings and if she'd try to reclaim her old flame, instead I was out to prove a point to John that I wasn't any charity case and could get any guy I wanted!

"Of coursed Mickey took the bait and well, we fucked for the first time that night then followed it up with three maybe four more one night stands.

"It really pissed Jamie off and it wasn't until Mickey called it quits with me and summer league started that me and Jamie buried the hatchet, vowing to each other to never let any guy come between us again.

"I guess it was about the time Mickey cut it off with me, that Jenny dumped John. Mickey and Jenny got back together and John apologized to Tom for making a move on me while I was out of it—all boozed up. And while they buried the hatchet, Tom warned John, 'Don't ever let it happen again,' or at least that is what Jamie told me while we were playing summer league.

"I was hoping that Tom-boy and I could bury the hatchet and somehow get back together again. During the summer I rehearsed over and over how I'd tell Tom-boy how sorry I was and beg him to give me a second chance.

"Anyway, my chance to mend the fences with Tom-boy came the first Saturday night after school began our sophomore year at the Horseshoe.

"The football team had just held their annual scrimmage—first offense versus first defense that afternoon. The opening game of the season would be next Saturday against the highly-ranked Bulldogs. The coaching staff would evaluate the film and announce the starting lineups for the season opener.

State's student body, alum's, and fans packed State Stadium to watch the pre-season's final scrimmage before the football season began. Everyone was in awe as Tom-boy set the world on fire during the scrimmage and word was spreading like wildfire throughout the Horseshoe that the red shirt freshman, Tom Sanders, would be State's starting tight end.

"My opportunity to clear the air with Tom-boy came when the band announced a ladies choice. I walked slowly toward Tom and John while they were chit chatting with some of Tom-boy's teammates and nervously held out my hand, 'Would you like to dance?'

"Tom-boy answered, 'Sure why not, it's time we cleared the air between us—after all, I've buried the hatchet with John, and he was as much to blame for what happened, if not more so than you were.'

"We began dancing and I looked into those big brown eyes, 'I'm sorry for what I did—I had way too much to drink and I ruined everything between us... please just think about giving me a second chance.'

"Tom looked me in the eyes, 'Angie what we had was special, very special and I'll never forget it—if shit hadn't happened, we'd most likely be married now. But, shit happened, and maybe it was meant to be, because I've moved on and found someone back home that, well, she means the world to me—more so than Mary Ann and well, don't take this the wrong way, but you too.

'She's a basketball player like you and Jamie, and a damn good one too! I'm going to do everything I can to force Jones to recruit her.'

"I answered Tom-boy, 'I understand, I was a dumbass freshman that night, chasing a cock and didn't realize what I had until he was gone. I don't deserve a second chance! I'll never forget the best boyfriend I've ever had and maybe, just maybe you can find it in your heart to forgive me and maybe we can have a different relationship from this night forward, kind of like you and Jamie—brother and sister or mentors to each other?'

"Tom-boy smiled, 'Sure, why not,' and gave me a hug.

"I sighed, 'Tom, could you, well, just for old time's sake, give me one last kiss?'

"Tom-boy never answered me and we looked into each other's eyes, locking lips on the Horseshoe dance floor one final time!

Angie sighed a deep breath while wiping the tears out of her eyes, "WHEW Y'ALL THAT WAS HARD... DAMN WAS THAT EVER HARD!"

I was in tears finally hearing how much Tom and Angie cared for each other and how John and booze destroyed their relationship. My mind was spinning like a merry-go-around. I wondered, is this what is going to happen to me—because I was being hard-headed and stubborn? Should I follow Jamie and Angie's advice and bury the hatchet with Tom and give us a second chance? After all, even though I've tried to hide them, deep in my heart I still had extremely strong feelings for Tom.

My mind wandered as Angie continued, "Now, let me finish telling y'all about me and Tom-boy that homecoming night—it gets really hot!

"Tom-boy and I had been fucking machines for ten weeks..."

Jamie sighed, "Angie please QUIT! You've tortured yourself enough. Let Michelle finish telling us about the threesome!"

Angie replied to Jamie, "Okay, I'm sorry Coach, it was just something I needed to vent, to get out in the open."

Michelle replied, "No problem Angie, I know how you feel.

Michelle continued, "After Amos had rocked my body like I had been blind-sided by a forty-ton truck, well, both Amos and me were gasping for our breath, exhausted, spent, every ounce of sexual energy drained from our bodies, sweat pouring down our bodies, we lay motionless on the water bed—no longer working together vigorously toward the moment of intense pleasure in sexual ecstasy.

"The water bed's waves beneath us were now like ripples on a pond, whereas only minutes earlier they were rolling, rocking back and forth like waves crashing against the Maui shores.

"I glanced upward at the ceiling mirror, Amos' muscular 6'6" frame still draped over my body. His Alabama Black Snake still hard, embedded its full length inside my pussy, but no longer thrusting like a wild horse crossing the river, or throbbing, jerking, and spurting his hot thick steamy semen inside my pussy. His live sperm now sucked into my womb—swimming, seeking to find a 'golden egg' to fertilize.

"My legs were no longer squeezing him tight like a vice grip, but now relaxed at his sides. My pussy was now relaxed, no longer trying to chew his manhood in half, as we lay cheek to cheek—motionless on the water bed.

"Amos finally managed his breath whispering in my ear, 'Blondie, are you OK?'

"I kissed his neck and answered, 'I'm OK, how about you Amos?'
