Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 14


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"Finally, we both collapsed, exhausted, and fell asleep while the contractions in my womb were busy sucking Amos' seed through my cervix and into my womb.

"Amos and I spent the rest of the week together going out to dinner, shopping, dancing, or just relaxing on the deck. In bed at night, Amos and I were just two people, having sex before falling asleep in each other's arms.

"During the week we had sex in moderation, if you want to call it that—nothing like the weekend of the threesome!

"We pleasured each other with oral, doing a couple 69's, anal a couple times, and of course Amos repeatedly plunging his Ph.D into the depths of my secret garden.

"The week ended, and for the first time, I realized Amos' feelings had changed. Amos was now wanting something more than just sex from our time together when he mentioned, 'Blondie, for the first time in my life I wish my skin was a different color, but I am what I am... and I know what I want—I WANT YOU, and I'm going to have you! I don't ever intend to share you with anyone—not Terry or your old quarterback boyfriend—YOU'RE ALL MINE!'

"I was more or less stunned and didn't say a word while we drove back to Tiger.

"We arrived at Tiger late in the evening. Amos and I spent our last night together in the apartment having sex multiple times. I knew I had to end this sexual relationship before Amos left for training camp the next evening, so the next morning while Amos was in the shower, I put my 'uniform' in the bottom of his packed suitcase with a note, 'Amos, when you look at this uniform, remember our time together.' I left the apartment and went to my dorm room to pack for Europe.

"It was about mid-afternoon when Terry returned from his week- long honeymoon and called me wanting me to come over to the apartment to talk about Europe.

"I went over to the apartment and Terry mentioned, 'his family and their attorney were making some legal maneuvers concerning Sandy's family conditions to the marriage.' The LeDonnary's attorney felt like Sandy's family and their attorney were making illegal demands restricting Terry's life with threats of economic consequences if he didn't accept them.

"Terry said, 'We'll talk about it on the flight to Europe.'

"Terry asked, 'So what did you do this past week? Go visit your folks?'

"I sarcastically replied, 'No, I didn't visit my folks! Amos and I spent the week together at the cabin!'

"Terry went nuts! 'So what did you and Amos do?'

"I laughed in his face, 'Whatever we wanted to do! Seems you didn't seem to mind what I did with Amos during the threesome, did you?

'And, just whose bright idea was it for you, me and Amos to be involved in a threesome? Remember, you wanted me to just 'let it all hang out' and enjoy having sex with you and Amos without any fears—remember?'

"Terry snapped back, 'The threesome was different, I was there!'

"I laughed at Terry's comment, 'Yeah, you were there alright! You wanted to watch while Amos fucked your then fiancée! What did you say, 'It'd be a thrill to watch me having sex with Amos, giving him a taste of what he'd never have again.' You must have really enjoyed the show, you sure got to watch it enough!'

"Terry was struggling with the thought of Amos and me being alone in the cabin for a week, 'So how does it feel to be Amos' little white whore?'

"I snapped back at Terry like a rattle snake, 'I'm nobody's whore! I've only fucked three guys in my life—two because I loved them and the third because I did it for YOU—YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS BASTARD!'

"Amos, hearing the argument, came out of his room, 'Bro, lighten your white ass up before I open a can of whup ass on you! You are the one who fucked it up with Blondie!

"'Remember your rules? Seems like you don't like it because I took Blondie back to the cabin while you ran off with your little redheaded bride. Blondie ain't your fiancée anymore—SHE BELONGS TO ME NOW!

"'You left her crying, needing someone to lean on and I was there catching Blondie in a weak moment. What we did in the cabin is none of your fucking business! What we did in the cabin—stays in the cabin—understand?'

"I glared at both of them, 'Amos, I don't belong to you or anyone else! Our time together was just about sex—nothing else! We would have NEVER had sex if it hadn't been for me wanting to please Terry and his desires for the M-F-M threesome! GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD, THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY LONG TERM ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN US— IT'S OVER AND DONE—UNDERSTAND?

'Terry, I've been down this road with you before, you've made your choices, now wallow in the bed you've made for yourself! I'm not falling for your chatty chatty ways any more.

'Now if you both will excuse me, I have to go pack for Europe, I've got a basketball team to coach.'

"I left the apartment and haven't seen Amos since even though he left a zillions messages on my voice box while I was in Europe reminding me 'I belonged to him and nobody else!' So I guess the saying, 'Once you've had black, you can't go back,' isn't true for everyone—at least it wasn't for me.

"Amos left that evening for the Bucks' pre-season training camp, and two days later the flight left for Europe with the USA Junior men's and women's basketball teams, coaching staffs, and administrative staffs on board. Terry made it a point more than once to try and reconcile with me during the flight but his pleas were met with deaf ears.

"I watched Terry during the flight while he sought out two members of our Women's USA Junior team. "Nancy, do you remember Melody? Alyson?"

Nancy replied, "Yes, they both had to leave early due to some sort of family emergency."

Michelle sighed, "Yes it was more like both of them were in a family way! Seems Terry knocked both of the girls up right off the bat. Melody left after four weeks and Alyson followed two weeks later. Losing those two girls not only cost us the Junior World Championship, but it cost those girls their NCAA scholarships—Melody had signed with the Bears while Alyson received a full ride with the Ducks!

"Nancy, I know Terry told you a whole different story, but for all intents and purposes I was over and done with Terry before I ever boarded the flight to Europe. Sure, Terry and I had several dinner dates those first six weeks or so when we were in Europe but that's as far as it went!

"Terry kept making a convincing story about how his family was going to get things changed and how he could divorce Sandy right after the baby was born and how we'd get married just like we'd always planned.

"But when I watched him stalking, first Melody, and then Alyson, I knew he'd never change back to the guy I once fell in love with, so I ended all of our dinner dates and any chance for a third reconciliation right after Alyson left for home about six weeks or so into our Junior season. The last sex we had or ever will have was the DP that Sunday morning during the threesome! I was through falling for Terry and his charismatic ways!

"I tried to warn both Melody and Alyson about Terry, but neither would listen—it was like you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!

"Apparently Terry had given each of them the same cock and bull story he had been telling me—about how he was going to divorce Sandy when he returned to the USA along with idea about how I was stalking him, not taking 'no' for an answer after he'd cut off our 'casual' relationship! So I sat back and watched while Terry made his moves first with Melody, then with Alyson, and finally with you the last night after we lost to Canada in the finals.

"To this day, I don't know why I attacked you like I did when we landed back in New York. It was Terry I hated, not you!

"I hated Terry and what he had done to not only me, but Sandy, Melody, and Alyson. I meant well, but I just didn't handle it like I should have. My whole point was I didn't want to see you end up like Sandy, Melody, and Alyson—three 18-19 year-old girls whose lives were forever changed due to Terry's charismatic ways that literally charmed the pants right off of all three of them, resulting in an unwanted child and then his cold-hearted attitude, walking out of their lives in search of another victim. Remember, I saw the best and worst of Terry LeDonnary! The sexual predator or sex-fiend Terry became after we got engaged is still a mystery to me.

"Nancy, you have the world in an oyster shell, just like I once did—please don't make the same mistake I made and let it slip through your fingers.

"Like Robby has told me, 'Kitten, sometimes you mean well, but you just don't handle things in a diplomatic manner.' I handled it all wrong with you, I'm sorry. I hope..."

Suddenly, Michelle was interrupted when Mrs. Little's voice came on the intercom, "Michelle Tigrson, you have a visitor in the lobby. Michelle Tigrson you have a visitor."

Michelle looked white as a ghost, "Not many know I'm at State! Only Robby, Coach Yawuka, and my family know where I am! I told everyone at Tiger, 'I am going to be coaching USA Juniors with Coach Yawuka instead of coaching at Tiger.'

"Robby went to the Tiger game today and left a message he'd call back later tonight, so it wouldn't be him. I know it wouldn't be my parents or Coach Yawuka either—Oh God, I hope they haven't found me! I wouldn't put it past Terry or Amos to go out of their way to try and find me—seeking to ruin my life forever! I'm sure both of them have heard Robby and I are trying to get back together!"

I interrupted Michelle, "Coach, it can't either of them... isn't Amos playing for the Bucks? And if I'm not mistaken, Terry already has his predatory sights focused on someone else!"

Jamie interrupted, "ESPN reported Amos Caesars was cut by the Bucks this past Thursday."

Michelle sighed, "Oh God, please don't let this happen to me..."

Angie interrupted Michelle in harsh voice, "Calm down Coach, you're one of us now! We'll all go downstairs with you and if it's that stalker, or that fucking sperm donor, we'll get rid of them! Right y'all?"

Cathy added, "I'll call Jimmy! Andy, Ryder, and Jimmy can meet us in the lobby, just in case those two fuck heads show up wanting to cause some shit!"

Cathy called Jimmy and 'Little Brother' agreed to hustle over to the lobby with Andy and Ryder, not only his teammates but now the guests in Cathy's MMMF!

The seven gossip queens bonded together and left Michelle's room to find out exactly who was waiting in the lobby.

Jimmy, Ryder and Andy were waiting for us as we entered the lobby.

Jimmy asked Cathy, "What's up Hon?"

Before Cathy could reply, Michelle asked, "Did you all see anyone leave as you came in? Two tall looking basketball type players... one about 6'4" the other 6'6"?"

Jimmy replied, "No, the only guy in the lobby is the dude in the corner on the phone in the blue suit."

Michelle looked toward the corner was off in a flash and screaming "Robby!"

Robby hung up his phone and Michelle and Robby embraced and locked lips like they hadn't seen each other in a month of Sundays, even though it'd only been a week since Michelle made a trip to Tiger!

Michelle was ecstatic and said, "Robby, let me introduce you everyone."

Michelle introduced us to Robby and said, "I can't believe you're here! You really surprised me... I thought you were going to call around ten or so."

Robby smiled, "No Kitten, I said, 'I'd be talking to you later tonight.' I had an interview earlier this evening with the Crow law firm in the City. I've got a second interview scheduled for Monday with the Gibbons law firm then I'll have to get back to Tiger."

Michelle questioned, "So how did the interview go?"

Robby smiled, "Mr. Crow offered me a position with a high five figure salary with yearly bonus of an additional twenty five percent, which will put my total compensation package well over six figures."

Everyone's mouths flew open in amazement but the best was yet to come!

Robby smiled, "Kitten, hold out your hand, I let you get away once because I was too wrapped up in law school, and well, it's not going to happen again!"

Michelle nervously held out her hand and as Robby went to put an engagement ring on her ring finger, Michelle quickly withdrew her hand.

"Michelle's eyes were filled with tears as she mumbled, "Robby, I love you and dreamed of this moment ever since we reunited, but you don't know what I did!

"I don't deserve you! I was a fucking slut! I... I gave up all my personal values and beliefs. I turned a deaf ear to all the deep-south values and morals with respect to blacks that I was taught by my parents. I allowed myself to get involved in a devil's threesome with Terry and Amos. I only did it because I was in love with Terry, or thought I was, and wanted to please him in every possible way. I'll regret what I did for the rest of my life! I even had a week long fling with Amos! Like I said, 'I was a fucking slut' and I don't'..."

Robby interrupted Michelle, "Kitten, I already know what happened at Gainson's cabin! Didn't I tell you, 'we can't dwell on the past if we're going to try and start over—get our relationship back to what it once was?' Both LeDonnary and Casears are shit-heads—worthless as bits on a boar hog! Kitten, neither one will ever bother you again!

"I blame myself for what happened to you—I should have stepped in when you broke off that 'so called engagement' when LeDonnary knocked up Sandy, but I didn't, and then things went to pot for you while you were trying to make something work that was well, never in the cards.

"Now hold out your finger! Kitten this is the last engagement ring you'll ever wear!

Michelle held out her finger as Robby popped the question, "Kitten will you marry me?"

Michelle threw her arms around Robby's neck screaming, "YES... YES... YES... A THOUSAND YES'S," and the two locked lips like never before, while we all cheered!

Our coach had emptied her closet of the shame of her M-F-M and got a second chance with the only true real love of her life!

Robby smiled while placing the ring on Michelle's finger, "Kitten get your overnight bag packed, because we'll be spending the next two nights at the Plaza in the honeymoon suite!"

Mrs. Little came on the intercom, "Ladies, for those interested, the team buses will be arriving in about fifteen minutes!"

Everyone, except Nancy and me, hurried off to get ready for an evening at the Horseshoe.

Robby looked at Nancy and me, "Let me have a word with both of y'all. First of all, Kitten thinks both of you can be the best she's ever seen, and so does Coach Thomas.

'Kitten means well, but sometimes she comes across all wrong. Trust me, Kitten thinks both of you have the world in an oyster shell and like an ol' mother hen, she is going to try and protect both of you.

"Both of you be careful with who you run with—especially you, Nancy.

"Terry LeDonnary has always been a scumbag in my eyes and can't be trusted. Quite honestly, he's a sexual predator. LeDonnary is already hustling another sweet young thing at Tiger, another nineteen year old, this time an athletic trainer while his pregnant wife is getting ready to have his child. So, watch your step with LeDonnary."

Michelle entered the lobby and Robby took her by the hand and they left for their private engagement party at the Plaza.

Another private party was also brewing on the horizon, but unlike Michelle and Robby's in the Plaza Hotel, this party was all set for a cozy little bluff overlooking the lake!

Cathy came down to the lobby dressed to kill in a pair of sexy, ragged, denim low waist, booty-short Daisy Dukes—as short as you could get without being bottomless!

Cathy's boobs were free and loose under a sleeveless sexy hot pink half tank top while wearing a pair of sexy summer sandals!

Jimmy smiled, "Damn Hon, do you ever look sexy tonight!"

Cathy returned little brother's smile, "I wanted to be extra sexy tonight in case... Well, you all know why."

Ryder simply said, "Damn girl are you ever hot! Jimbo, maybe we should just forget the 'Shoe tonight and head straight to the lake!"

Andy seconded the motion and it didn't take a genius to figure out Ryder, Andy and even Jimmy were licking their chops, chomping at the bit to get Cathy straight to the lake!

The four left the lobby together while Nancy and I went to our room to study for our Calc quiz on Tuesday and of course talk a bit of gossip over the day's events!

I guess it was around the 1:00 AM curfew when someone rapped on our door. Nancy opened the door and Donna walked in.

I asked, "So how was the Horseshoe tonight?"

Donna replied, "Deader than a door nail. Billy and I left around 11 or so.

"Y'all, I'm worried about Cathy. Cathy, Jimmy, Ryder, or Andy never showed up at the Horseshoe. I checked the sign out sheet, Cathy signed out of the dorm till tomorrow afternoon!

"I'm afraid, Cathy got her wish tonight and is getting gang banged by her three guys!"

Donna left our room and Nancy turned out the light and as I laid in bed, my mind was wondering about everything that had happened during my first two weeks of college.

I kept having thoughts of Tom not only hooking up with my smokin' hot cheerleader Sis at University, but now, thoughts about my teammate too. After all, Tom and Angie had a relationship that paralleled ours, and even though it only lasted four and half months their relationship ended the same way ours did.

I finally fell asleep deciding it was time to follow Angie and Jamie's advice to bury the hatchet with Tom and give us a second chance.

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SweetSissySweetSissyalmost 8 years ago

This was great!

reader_3634reader_3634over 8 years ago
Good story with some interesting writing techniques

I have just read the 14 chapters that are currently available and I haven't commented on individual chapters but this relates to the story as a whole so far.

There is certainly a strong story line (which I like) and there are some interesting writing techniques that have been used to tell this story. While I feel mostly positive about that, the only comment I would make is that, sometimes, they become a little intrusive in the story - although this is a fine balance.

The only other comment I would make is that, while I like a strong and varied story line, the inclusion of the 'coach Michelle' threesome story line in the level of detail it was told was almost like a separate story thrown in for good measure and slightly distracted from the main story line. I understand that including this was a part of interacting with the feelings and thoughts of the main characters but that could have been done by telling a briefer narrative and then writing a separate story with all the detail. However, that is just my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Excellent !!

This was amazing!

TigerPaw1010TigerPaw1010over 8 years ago
As expected...

... hot as hell. Love this series and the work of this author. Please keep the stories cumming.

DakotacplDakotacplover 8 years ago

I LOVE this story! The author has an amazing sexy mind and the sex scenes are very realistic. Can't wait for more!

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