Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 24


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Samuel smiled and answered, "Nancy Lou I heared it from Superman himself. Now Nancy Lou it really don't make a hill of beans if it's hears, heared, or that heard, do it? You still hears it... doncha?"

Nancy just giggled and said, "Samuel you're impossible! But just to set the record straight, Eddie did ask me to Homecoming, and I told him, 'I'd have to let him know... I may have tentative plans.' Now about that kiss, well, I won't deny that I did give Eddie a good luck kiss for this Saturday's game against the Trojans, but for the time being Samuel... that's all it was meant to be!"

Sammy just grinned and said, "Nancy Lou you ain't a very good fibster! Now I heared the same thing about Susie Q! Hers and Diablo are gonna be kissin' and makin' up before an ol' lamb can shake him's tail... ain't ya Susie Q... "

Suddenly our little chats were interrupted by Professor Wilburn as he entered the auditorium, "Good morning class. Now before we get into today's lecture about the working of our fine government, I'd like to say just a few words about the big game Saturday against the Irish.

"I'm sure that anyone who watched the game Saturday will agree the best team on the field came up on short end of the stick on the scoreboard! This year's State team may not win the national championship, but I wouldn't bet against them playing University for the conference championship. Saturday's game against the Irish has forced Wilson and Sully to pull the red shirts off two highly regarded freshman..."

Sammy suddenly interrupted Professor Wilburn and blurted out, "Mr. Teacher, them be the B&B boys-Blake and Buster. Coach want to red shirt them to take the place of Mac and Crav next year, but with Josh and Smitty go down, he gotta use 'em now. Buster be takin' over for Smitty at right tackle and with JT moving back to defense to replace Josh, Blake be the right guard. And Mr. Teacher, both Buster and Blake are pretty dang salty, so we gonna do just fine!"

Professor Wilburn smiled and said, "Thanks for the input Mr. Gibbsyworth, and just for your information, Coach Sully told me in private, 'Gibby made some mistakes, but he'll get better, and by the end of the season, he'll mature into one of the best offensive lineman to walk through these doors' Now class let's turn our attention to the workings of our government."

Professor Wilburn finished his lecture and as me, Nancy, Donna, and Cathy were leaving the auditorium and I asked Cathy, "What ever happened to Jimmy this morning?"

Before Cathy could reply Nancy giggled and spoke up, "Guess you wore him out this weekend-huh Cathy?"

Cathy smiled that girlish smile of hers and answered, "Not hardly! Hon was still raring to go after getting a piece of my booty, but to answer Sue's question, Coach Mickleson has been impressed with Hon's early progress, and even though Luis is a senior, Coach wanted Hon to challenge him for the one hundred and ninety-five pound position on the wrestling squad. I doubt if Hon can beat Luis, but if Hon holds his own, well, it may go a long way in Hon getting a full ride for the spring semester." Cathy then bid us good-bye until basketball practice, split off from our little group, and headed toward U.S. History, while me, Nancy, and Donna continued toward Biology.

After Biology lecture ended at 10:30, Donna, Nancy, and me went our separate ways until Nancy would return to our room around two-ish. I had a break before U.S. History so I ventured to the library and reviewed my notes for today's lecture, and went over my Poly Sci and Biology notes from today's lectures. I met Wendy outside the library and we chatted just a bit before arriving at Rodgers Towers. Once inside we went straight to our U.S. History classroom, got settled in, and prepared to hear yet another stirring lecture from Professor Lowenstein!

As usual Professor Lowenstein's lecture was boring as the day is long, but he finally finished right at 12:25. I bid Wendy good-bye until basketball practice and started my journey back to the dorm. I was walking toward the dining hall when I noticed Cathy, Jimmy, and what looked to be Ryder heading toward the Quads. I was curious as to why Jimmy missed Poly Sci, but I just gave a wave, and entered the dining hall to grab a bit of lunch before retiring to my room until Nancy and me left for basketball practice around three-thirty-ish.

I went through the serving line and picked out a tuna salad sandwich, a bag of chips, and a coke. I spotted Angie eating lunch alone so I joined her. Once at the table I smiled in Angie's direction and said, "Well Teammate... did you go through with it Saturday night and give BW his first taste of your sexy booty?"

Angie just giggled and said, "To be honest I was going to let him fuck me in the butt... you know to help him feel better after the losing to the Irish, but once he had the Trojan Ultra-thin rolled on, and all lubed up with Astroglide, I started getting cold feet. And as soon as BW pushed his cock's head into my butthole, I felt that sudden change in diameter, and the agonizing memories of when John rammed that "Hog Leg" all the way up my butt, and jackhammered the hell out of my asshole came back to haunt me. BW wasn't like John and was taking it slow and easy, but after a minute or so of him pumping his cock right to the hilt inside my butthole, I couldn't take it any longer, so I put an end to it! But at the same time, since I'm a good girlfriend, and wanted to make my honey feel better after losing the big game, after he took off the Ultra-thin, I had him wash off, and even though I hadn't given a blow job since the days of Tom-boy my freshman year, well, it's like biking a bike, once you know how to do it, you never forget! So, I went full steam ahead, and gave my honey a blow job he'd remember for the rest of his life!

"By the way Teammate, just curious... did Cathy go through with it Saturday night and get herself banged by Jimmy and those two studs?"

I smiled in Angie's direction and replied, "Well when I saw her yesterday afternoon in the dorm's parking lot she sure looked as if she'd been ridden hard and put away wet!

"Cathy didn't go into any great detail yesterday in the parking lot, but during breakfast this morning she shared just a bit more with Donna, Nancy, and me. She plans on filling us in tonight with all the juicy nitty-gritty after our sorority meeting, but before it all came to an end yesterday around noon-ish, the three of them had beat her pussy to a pulp, her butthole had been abused three times, she'd been spit-roasted, and there was enough cum in her pussy, butthole, and down the back of her throat to float a battleship!"

Angie shaking her head said, "Well Teammate that's one story I can't wait to hear, but Cathy getting gang banged isn't any great surprise to me. I mean she was really flaunting that sexy body of hers in those dudes faces in the dorm's lobby-wearing those booty short Dukes, free-boobing under that sleeveless, sexy hot pink half tank top, and then the way those three were licking their chops to get her straight to the lake...well I hope she had her diaphragm securely in place!"

I shook my head and sadly said, "She didn't... she left it in her room."

Angie sighed and replied, "SHIT! We can't afford for Cathy to get knocked up! Before this season comes to an end, Cathy, Donna, and Wendy will be in the mix of things if we're going to make it to the Final Four!

"Now not to change the subject, but after lunch get yourself plenty of rest. Jamie has already warned me, today's practice is going to be a nightmare from hell."

We both finished lunch, left the dining hall, and went to our rooms.

I'd just enter my room, slipped out of my comfy jeans, and into a pair of loose fitting gym shorts when the phone rang. I glanced at my watch and since it was ten past one, I knew it was Tom calling.

I answered the phone, "Hello Tom."

Tom giggled a bit and replied, "Hello Cutie. Eddie gave me the message yesterday at practice you wanted me to give you a call around one-ish today, so we could maybe start to clear the air between us like he and Nancy are doin', and piece our relationship back together. So, good looking, how are ya doin'?"

I replied "I'm fine Tom, but the question is how are you doing? Eddie told me yesterday you suffered some badly bruised ribs in the big game-the same ones you bruised last year against the Trojans and they never healed all season... did they?"

Tom replied, "I'm fine. So how was you and Nancy's trip to University?"

I was caught off guard by Tom asking about me and Nancy's road trip to University so I asked, "How do you know about our road trip?"

Tom just LOL, "Brenda called Tim last night and filled her fiance in on how you and Nancy showed up unexpectedly at the Tri Delt house and after a bit you, Nancy, Brenda, Debbie, and Debbie's roomie, Beverly I think is her name, all went to the Maroon & White. Mary Ann met y'all outside, and once inside and seated at a table, Charlotte Mackroy joined y'all. And from what I heard though the grapevine, my ears must have been really burnin' last night because you and Mary Ann gabbed all night long!"

It was my turn to LOL and I said, "Well your name was brought up on a few occasions, but last night Mary Ann and me bonded in a special way, and before I left she was just like Angie, Jamie, and Sis telling me to work things out, and give our relationship a second chance."

Tom immediately replied, "Smart bunch of girls! So, why don't you follow their advice and let bygones be bygones, and give our relationship a second chance? I know down deep we can work this out!"

I sighed and said, "Tom, there are times I want to give our relationship a second chance, but then what happened that night was a traumatic experience for me, and should have never happened, so I just need some space right now to sort things out."

Tom sighed and replied, "What happened should have never happened and it was all my fault for lettin' it happen, but I just want to let you know, Coach Pete arranged for me to have some professional counseling with the head of the PSY department, Dr. Williamsberg, and were slowly gettin' to the root of the problem, and why it escalated from a mole hill into a mountain.

"Now, since you want to sort break the ice, when do you want to try and get together? Personally, the sooner the better for me, but because of the rigorous schedule this week gettin' ready for the number two ranked Trojans, and goin' to the trainin' room for treatments, well, Thursday night after practice, and films study may be the earliest time-will that work for you?"


I answered Tom, "Thursday night will work for me too."

Tom replied in an enthusiastic voice, "GREAT! We'll either go grab a pizza or just take a walk down to the Quads... kinda like we did in New Orleans...remember? And after we break the ice, we can make plans to go out after the big game Saturday for dinner and to the Horseshoe. Afterwards, we can get our relationship back on track, and make plans for Homecomin'..."

I interrupted Tom and said, "Slow down Tom! I said we'd get together to sort things out a bit... nothing more, and our relationship is a long way from us making a trip to the All Night Inn and room 2383! Now speaking of 2383... when did you get that tattoo?"

Tom paused a moment and asked, "What tattoo?"

I replied, "The one on your left deltoid, you know Tom..."2383 Forever". Both me and Nancy saw it when the closed circuit camera zoomed in on you in the locker room after the game as you sat slumped over in front of your locker with your jersey and shoulder pads off."

Tom let out a deep sigh and answered, "It really doesn't matter when I got it... does it? "2383 Forever" means just what it says... Sue we can work all this out if you'll give us half a chance."

I didn't answered Tom but said, "Tom I need to go. We'll talk this over Thursday night, but before I let you go there is something I need to tell you. Yesterday at the Maroon & White one of University's GA's, a former quarterback named Kip, told everyone about a bounty being placed on you and Tim's head when University comes to State the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Mary Ann told her hubby about it and Larry is demanding Kip come clean and let him know who those players are, and who is responsible for the bounty."

Tom just laughed and replied, "They're just blowin' smoke because of the way we kicked their ass last year! And as far as Kip, well Tim damn near killed the SOB every chance he got. Don't worry... it ain't nothin'."

I replied, "I hope so Tom" and hung up the phone.

After Tom and I hung up, Nancy entered our room and asked, "Did Tom give you a call?"

I replied, "Yes we just hung up. We're planning on meeting Thursday night to break the ice a bit like you and Eddie did."

Nancy just smiled, "Roomie, just don't lose it like I did!"

I giggled and said, "No worries there! I told Tom we had a long way to go before I was ready to hop back in the sack with him in Room 2383. Now Roomie, Angie warned me at lunch today I'd better get some rest this afternoon because today's practice will be a nightmare from hell."

Nancy, Donna, Wendy, Cathy, and me met Angie along with Cindy and Amy down in the dorm's lobby at three-thirty sharp, and the eight Ladies of State left the dorm. Cindy and Amy were filling us in with just a bit of the juicy nitty-gritty that took place this weekend with their fiances, Barry and Randy, as we walked toward the gym.

We all just finished our pre-practice warm-ups when Coach Jones approached us and said, "Ladies I have an announcement to make. Saturday night Cupid made a visit to State's campus and just like Cindy and Amy, Michelle Tigrson is off the market, and soon to be Michelle Gallonary. Michelle answered "Yes" when her high school and college sweetheart, Robby Gallonary, finally got around to popping the question. Michelle would you like to say something to the team before practice?"

Michelle, smiling ear to ear, stood tall, held her ring finger high in the air for everyone to see, and said, "As some of y'all know, Saturday night in the dorm Robby unexpectedly showed up, and out of the clear blue sky proposed. I guess I should take this opportunity to not only enlighten everyone about me and Robby's relationship, and how we eventually got engaged, but how Michelle Tigrson, also referred to by certain freshman members of this squad as 'the bitch of the hardwoods,' became an assistant coach at State."

Michelle looked Sue and Nancy dead in the eyes, giggled a bit, and said, "Me and Robby's journey together began at the beginning of my sophomore year, and Robby's junior year in high school, and continued to Tiger where Robby and I were both student athletes. And for the next three years, Robby and me were the 'Romeo and Juliet' of Tiger's campus. We were planning a summer wedding after I graduated, but I guess all good things finally had to come to an end, and after Robby graduated with his degree in accounting our relationship went topsy-turvy.

"Robby declined a lucrative offer from a national CPA firm in order to attend Tiger's law school for the next three years, and with the stress, the endless hours of study required for law school, not only would Robby and I would have little time for each other, but our wedding had to be put on hold until he graduated from law school. We continued to date, but for the first time in our relationship we were constantly arguing, bickering, and were at each other's throat about Robby's decision to attend law school instead of accepting the accounting firm's offer. It was the week before school started my senior year at Tiger when I made one of the worst mistakes in my life and broke up with him.

"Robby called quite a bit at first trying to reconcile our relationship, but I was stubborn, wouldn't give an inch, and gave him an ultimatum, 'If you love me, then prove it! Quit law school and accept the accounting firm's offer!' Shortly thereafter Robby finally quit calling, and after six of the best years of my life I'd let Robby slip through my fingers... and our relationship drifted off into the sunset.

"My life for the next two years, and a month to be exact, had more ups and downs, and twist and turns than a roller coaster. I not only did things that I'm ashamed of, but I'll regret for the rest of my life. I guess the old saying 'each of us lives two lives-the life we learn with, and the life we live with after that' applies lock, stock, and barrel to me, but somehow, someway, I was given a second chance, and this time I'm not going to it slip through my fingers.

"The chaotic span in my life finally came to an end when I boarded the plane for Europe as a member of Coach Yawuka's USA Juniors staff. I sought refuge, a sanctuary, in this game, and even though the USA Juniors came up a game short from winning the World Junior championship, I worked my butt off, and gave it all I had. And I'll be the first to admit at times I didn't handle things right with some of the girls, especially with Nancy Dobbier, but I meant well... I just didn't handle things like they should have been. Robby has always told me, 'Kitten, sometimes you mean well, but you come across all wrong, and don't handle things in a diplomatic manner', and like I've already told Nancy, "I handled everything wrong and was sorry for what had happened in Europe..."

Nancy immediately interrupted Michelle and said, "Coach like I told you after we finished our little three on two 'rugby' match Saturday before the big game against the Irish, 'I can't remember what happened in Europe', and whatever happened in Europe is dead and's in the past. And, for what it's worth, I'm glad the 'bitch of the hardwoods' is one of my coaches!"

Michelle smiled ear to ear, nodded her head, and continued, "It was during the flight back from London that I told our USA Juniors head coach, Staci Yawuka, 'I need to get away from Tiger for personal reasons-I needed a fresh start.'

"Coach Yawuka arranged for me to meet with Coach Jones at the NCAA Coaching convention. Coach Yawuka informed Coach Jones she had hand selected me to be one of her assistant coaches for the USA Juniors and my coaching ability on the court didn't disappoint her one bit. Of course Coach Jones was not only already aware of my ability as a player since he once referred to me as a 'thorn in State's side' when I was a two-time All-conference performer for Tiger, but he also knew that I had spent the past year on Tiger's staff as a GA. It was during our interview that I informed Coach Jones prior to leaving for Europe to coach the USA Juniors, I had accepted an offer from my Alma mater to become a full time assistant coach for the coming year, but I needed to get away from Tiger for personal reasons.

"I guess good things do come to those that work for it because before our interview concluded, Coach Jones offered me a position on State's staff, and even though it wasn't close financially to Tiger's offer, I accepted Coach Jones offer.

Michelle smiled in Coach Jones direction and said, "Now y'all know it's actually Coach Jones who's to blame for bringing the 'the bitch of the hardwoods' to State!"

Everyone clapped and cheered at Michelle's remark and once things calmed down she continued, "Shortly thereafter was when Robby and I got back together. The law school's summer term had just ended, I had resigned my position on Tiger's staff, and was planning on leaving for my new home at State the next day. So I made plans to go one last time to the Tiger's Den with several of my old Lady Tiger teammates and a few of the Lady Tigers that I'd coached as a GA.

"We were all relaxing, reminiscing about our days as Lady Tigers, and partying the night away when I spotted Robby. I hadn't seen Robby much the past two years or so and when I saw him in the Tiger's Den with several of his old teammates... Robby hadn't changed a bit!