Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 24


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"Robby was still the same great looking guy that I'd loved with all my heart for six years and it was at that moment something came over me. I really can't explain it, but for the first time I fully realized what a self-centered, selfish, absolute bitch I'd been by breaking up with him just because he wanted to go to law school, and not accept the accounting firm's offer.

"I excused myself from our little group, slowly got up from my seat, approached the band, and requested a Ladies Choice. I dedicated 'our song', "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" to Robby. And as the band played 'our song' I literally crawled back to Robby with my tail between my legs, dropped to my knees, and with tears rolling down my cheeks, I begged him for a second chance.

"I'll never forget the look in Robby's eyes when he was holding my face gently in his hands and whispered, 'Kitten, let's go to our motel.' And before that night was over, Robby and I brought back the forgotten love that had remained hidden deep in our hearts for the past two years. And I might add, we brought it back in grand style too!"

"Robby and I are planning an early summer wedding after he graduates Tiger's law school in May, and today Robby accepted a position with the Crow law firm in the City. So, I want to clear the air not only with Coach Jones and Jamie, but with this team-Michelle Tigrson Gallonary isn't going anywhere. Coach Jones hired me to do a job and I'm not leaving until the Ladies of State are wearing championship rings.

"Now, I'm not talking a conference championship ring, that one is expected. And, as great as the accomplishments would be, I'm not talking about another Sweet Sixteen ring or even the Final Four ring that seems to be the goal of this team either... No, I'm talking about the grand prize, what everyone of y'all have dreamed about since high school... The National Championship, and the chemistry between this talented freshman class along with the senior leadership of Amy and Cindy, not to mention this year's team captain, and two-time All-conference performer, junior Angie Smally, this group has the talent to make that dream come true. It's me and Jamie's jobs to push each of y'all to the limits... to be the best you can be! Now Coach Jones, I think it's time me and Jamie got to work!"

Coach Jones, grinned ear to ear, and said, "Ladies, you heard Coach Tigrson, huddle up!"

We huddled up, and in our traditional way simultaneously yelled "State", and after we broke our huddle... what followed was a nightmare from hell!

Monday was an absolute brutal practice for the Ladies of State! Michelle and Jamie once again became 'THE Bitches of the Hardwoods'! For two-and-a-half hours it was a living hell on earth!

Coaches Thomas and Tigrson rode Nancy, Donna, Cathy and me like we couldn't do anything right! Angie, Amy, and Cindy didn't dodge the bullets either!

For two-and-a-half long hours it was "Y'all are playing like Ned and the first reader! Everyone last one of y'all get with the program... playing like this... y'all will be lucky to win the conference! Get the lead out Cathy; you're moving slower than molasses! Wendy Dobson... what in the Sam Hill is that? Wendy do you want to be part of this team's drive to the Final Four...or watch from the bench? SUE! NANCY! Both of y'all get your head out of your asses; concentrate on the fucking basket! Donna quit forcing your passes-run the damn set again! Angie what the fuck are you doing? You know better, you're this team's leader, the captain, now play like one! Cindy, do you and Amy know what the word rebound means? Both of y'all quit pussy foot'n around and hit the damn boards!"

Over and over the Bitches of the Hardwoods were yelling to the top of their lungs until finally Coach Jones blew his whistle, "Good job today Ladies! Get your showers and I'll see you all tomorrow! Jamie and Michelle meet me in my office! We've got work to do! I see this squad rapidly jelling into a force to be reckoned with, and if we as coaches do our job, I can foresee a championship season on the horizon for this group!" I had to wonder, what did Coach Jones see that Coaches Tigrson and Thomas ignored... or did they?

We all showered, dressed, and dead on our feet left the locker room for the dining hall. We ate dinner and were now preparing for our first Ladies Athletic Sorority meeting since I'd be the star attraction almost two weeks ago. Tonight, it was Donna's turn to give a blow by blow, or maybe I should say a poke by poke description to the Committee of Billy picking her cherry!

Shannon called the sorority meeting to order, "Sorry everyone, but for the first time that I can ever remember, our sorority meeting for tonight has to be canceled. Lorine and I have to meet with the higher ups due to some bullshit that happened a couple years back when one of our members broke THE cardinal rule of our sorority, and well, we had to arrange a gang bang for her punishment! Now barring any further interruptions in our sorority meetings, we'll reconvene next week at our usual time. Donna Logany will be first up and will clue us all in about getting her cherry picked. Have a good evening Ladies... and keep those panties up!"

Angie smiled, "Well y'all I guess since we couldn't hear Donna's story about losing her cherry tonight, it's time to head to my room and hear the main event of the evening-the nitty-gritty about Cathy getting gang banged Saturday night by Ryder, Andy, and Jimmy! I've waited all afternoon to hear this story!"

Nancy laughed out loud and said, "Angie, you should have heard the preview Cathy told Sue, Donna, and me this morning at breakfast!"

Cathy smiled at all of us as we were leaving the lounge, "Sorry to disappoint everyone, but something unexpected has come up, and I'll have to give y'all a rain check on the juicy nitty-gritty until tomorrow night. Donna I'll be back before curfew-don't lock the door!"

We were all pretty much stunned as we watched Cathy hustle out of the lobby, get in the backseat of Jimmy's Chevy, cuddle up next to Ryder, and before Jimmy pulled his Chevy out of the dorm's parking lot, Ryder and Cathy were setting the backseat on fire!

Donna left our group to go call Billy, and as Nancy, Angie, and I were walking down the hall I smiled a girlish smile in Angie's direction and asked, "It's still early Teammate how about you spilling the beans about you and Tom's relationship from


Angie returned my girlish smile and said, "OK Teammate... if you think you can handle it."

I looked Angie in the eyes and said, "No problem! In fact it may even help me sort things out a bit. Let's go to me and Nancy's room."

We entered me and Nancy's room, shut and locked the room, and Angie took center stage. "Like I was telling y'all the other night, our freshman year me and Tom-boy were the talk of State's campus for four-and-a-half months until just like Michelle, I fucked everything up.

Angie let out a deep sigh and continued, "And y'all, if I could turn back time, the ONE thing, THE ONE THING, I'd do different is I'd never got schnockered that night to the point I ended up in John's motel room. That one night stand ruined my life, and even though John and I had a three month fling... well it was different... like I mentioned the other night, the love Tom-boy and I shared just wasn't there with John.

Angie paused a bit, wiped her eyes and said, "Like I told y'all, 'I was a dumb-ass freshman chasing a cock and I didn't know what I had until he was gone.' So Teammate, take a lesson from your big Sis, work things out with Tom-boy, don't follow in my footsteps, and be a dumb-ass freshman chasing John's cock. Don't let someone you love with all your heart slip through your fingers just because you're being hard headed and stubborn... because if you do, it'll haunt you for the rest of your life. The same goes for you Nancy. Now let me share with y'all just a bit about me and Tom-boy's relationship and how it all began.

"Tom-boy and me met by chance the first day of classes in Wilburn's Poly Sci class. I was saving a seat for my old flame from Heritage High, Billy Lowsome. Billy had pledged Pi Kappa Alpha and was a member of State's band. Band's morning practice wouldn't end until just before Poly Sci when out of nowhere this super good looking guy suddenly showed up and flopped down in the seat I was saving for Billy. There wasn't any doubt in my mind that whoever this hot guy was he was most likely a State athlete. I mean not only was he super good looking, but he had the physique of a Greek god! And after a bit of chit chatting, it was obvious that he wasn't going anywhere, and I didn't want him to!

"Billy showed up right as the second bell rang for class to begin, and this Hollywood hunk type of guy told Billy point blank 'to take a hike!'

"There was just something that clicked between me and Tom-boy, and when Professor Wilburn called the class to order, well, me and Tom-boy just kept chatting away. Finally Professor Wilburn called a halt to our chatting session, requested Tom-boy to come front and center, and enlighten the class on what was so important that he'd continuously be interrupting the class.

"Tom-boy wasn't one bit shy, left his seat, and once he reached the podium, he told Professor Wilburn and the rest of the class, there must have been four hundred of us, that he was so turned on by this red hot sexy girl sitting next to him that he never heard the class being called to order! And to make matters worse as Tom-boy left the podium, Professor Wilburn told him loud and clear, 'good luck with the young lady!'

"I was sooo embarrassed that I hid my face in my hands, and before Tom-boy returned to his seat everyone was well aware this good looking guy was Tom Sanders, a highly regarded freshman football player!

"Once Tom-boy returned to his seat, I scribbled him a note with my phone number and wrote, 'If you want to go out sometime, give me a call' and handed it to him."

I laughed out loud and interrupted, "Teammate, the first time I heard that story was the night me and Tom pulled John out of Pablo's Bar down on Skid Row. John was so high on drugs and booze that night he didn't even know who we were! And of course from time to time you've told me bits and pieces of how you and Tom first met, but I never realized how serious you and Tom's relationship was until the other night when you finally let it all hang out."

Angie sighed, shook her head, and said, "Tom-boy and me had one very special relationship for four-and-a-half months until I fucked it up."

Angie paused a couple moments, and with tears once again welling in her eyes said, "Teammate, just for your information, I've been holding a trump card ever since Tom-boy and me went our separate ways. Now don't get me wrong, your Big Sis has no intentions of playing her trump card IF you'll quit being hard headed and stubborn and work things out with Tom-boy, but before I let Hot Tamale or her red hot sister slip in the back door, and take Tom-boy for their own... your Big Sis will make her play... and I'll lay that trump card on the table! And trust me Teammate, you'll never get him back! So don't force me into playing my trump card-quit being hard headed and stubborn, and work things out!"

Nancy cut in and said, "Angie, Debbie more or less told Roomie the same thing yesterday after she made her move on Ol' Kansas just to ease Roomie's mind about her and Tom..."

I interrupted Nancy and answered Angie, "Teammate, me and Tom did sorta break the ice a bit this afternoon. We're planning on getting together on Thursday night after he finishes film study in preparation for Saturday's big game against the Trojans, but like I told Tom, we're just getting together to break the ice, and we've got a long way to go before our relationship is back to where it once was."

Angie had regained her composure, let out a deep sigh, paused a couple moments, and replied, "Teammate at least that's a step in the right direction. Now let me get back to telling y'all the story about me and Tom-boy after we met in Wilburn's Poly Sci class.

"I had just returned from practice that evening when the phone rang. I answered the phone and the voice on the other end said, 'Is this Angie?'

"I immediately knew who the caller was but answered, 'Who wants to know?'

"The voice replied, 'Don't play dumb with me! You dang sure know who this is! I just got out of practice and considering what time it is, I guess you did too.'

"'Girl, you're not only good looking as all get-out, but you're sexy as hell, and you turn me on to the point I'd like to get to know you a whole lot better!

"'After Poly Sci I did just a bit of asking around and found out you are a member of the Ladies of State, and the highest regarded freshman on the squad. So, how about after dinner we take a walk down to the Quads?'

"I smiled to myself and said, 'Alright Mr. Sanders, I'll meet you in Ladies Athletic dorm's lobby in what... half-an-hour?'

"Tom-boy met me at 7:30 and we laughed and chitter-chattered while taking the short walk down to the Quads about what had taken place in Poly Sci. Once we reached the Quads we located a rather remote bench next to the stream that separated the Quads from the campus sidewalks.

"Tom-boy and I spent every bit of three-and-a-half hours down at the Quads chit-chatting about our high school days, how we ended up at State, how basketball and football practices were going, our class schedules, and finally we cleared the air between us about our past relationships.

"I filled Tom-boy in about me and Billy's relationship from A-Z, and while we dated throughout high school our relationship was a 'Best Friends' relationship that lacked any strong romantic intimate feelings. However, just before prom our senior year our relationship switched gears, and became a 'Best Friends with Benefits' relationship on multiple occasions. After I'd finished it was Tom-boy's turn to spill his heart out about his relationship with his Ex, Mary Ann.

"Tom-boy and Mary Ann had loved each other for over two years, but Mary Ann was going to University where she'd be a cheerleader, and since Tom-boy would be playing football at State, she pulled the plug on their relationship the day he left for early season football practice at State.

"Afterwards, Tom-boy pulled me in close, looked me in the eyes, and as he held me in his arms, he started kissing me with soft pecks on my lips. It was after several teasing kisses that Tom-boy and I finally locked lips with a doozy of a French kiss. I'd never been kissed like this hunk was kissing me! I mean shock waves were soaring throughout my body like a cluster of shooting stars-it was like I can see the stars sort of thing.

"My heart was beating faster and faster, I felt myself blushing, my stomach was fluttering, my nipples were pushing against my bra, and I felt this warm, tingling sensation between my legs spreading like a house on fire throughout my body. My bikini panties were getting damp, my clit was starting to throb, and there was this crazy craving, a strong desire from deep inside for Tom-boy to hold me tighter, keep kissing me while intimately touching me in all the right places, and not let me go.

"I guess it was a couple minutes before we broke our first French kiss, and within the blink of an eye, we started making out hot and heavy.

"Truthfully, I'd never done anything like this... I mean I'd just met Tom-boy and now I was giving him the green light to do anything he wanted to do!

"Tom-boy raised up my T-shirt, and when I made no move to stop him, he reached around, unhooked my bra, pulled my Tee over my head, took my bra off, laid them on the ground next to the Quad's bench, and within an instant Tom-boy was fondling my bare breasts in all the right ways while we were kissing one red hot French kiss after the other.

"Moments after we broke one of those 'I can see the stars' red hot sexy French kisses, Tom-boy was breathing warm moist air over my nipples while licking and kissing the fullness of my 34D's. Truthfully, Tom-boy was like a Doberman puppy the way he was licking my 34D's... I mean he was lapping them up like they were a bowl of warm milk!

"The anticipation of his lips wrapping around my nipples was driving me wild. My nipples were throbbing, quivering, and when Tom-boy finally captured my left nipple between his lips, it hardened like a dagger point!

"Tom-boy's lips covered my left nipple and he went to work licking, sucking, flutter-tonguing, and teasing it lightly with his teeth. His lips were puckered around my nipple like a gasket, and as he sucked in and out without breaking his seal, his right hand moved ever so sensuously all over my belly, buns, hips, and inner thighs with each stroke getting closer and closer to my pussy until he slipped his right hand under my gym shorts, and started massaging my pussy with rhythmic up and down motions through my paper thin bikini panties.

"I was beside myself and breathing rapid shallow gasps. My skin was flush, my nipples were swollen, and tightened to pebble hardness. My breasts were throbbing and swelling, and there was this tingling butterflies-in-stomach kind of feeling quickly spreading into my pussy.

"I guess this went on for a couple minutes and I was so turned on that nothing else mattered, and when he pushed my panties aside, I spread my legs wider, giving him plenty of room to play with my pussy.

"Tom-boy started working his fingers in a magical sort of way, all through my bush, and over every inch of my pussy. The palm of his right hand was flush against my pubic mound. His right hand created a scoop shape with his fingers, cupping the outer area of my pussy, and within seconds he started massaging my outer lips with small back and forth along with circular motions. His fingers were running through my pubic hair, his middle finger gliding up and down the moistness of my slit, and when his thumb circled my clit, shivers radiated up and down my spine.

"I was breathing hard gasping breaths, my pussy was drooling, and as Tom-boy parted my outer lips, he inserted his middle and ring finger knuckle deep inside my pussy-and started finger-fucking me. Briskly pressing and releasing his fingers up against my G-spot with a series of steady rhythmic forceful strokes, while rubbing his thumb in feather-light tiny circles all over my clit. And, all the while Tom-boy's right hand was working downstairs, sending my pussy into a frenzy, he continued assaulting my left nipple-flutter-tonguing it while increasing the intensity of his in and out sucking motions-sending jolts of electricity from my nipples to my clit.

"I was moaning uncontrollably, my nails were dug into Tom-boy's back, my thighs were quivering, my hips twisting, squirming, wiggling all around the Quad's bench, when suddenly I felt myself with this strange urge to pee, and cried out, 'OH GAWD... OH GAWD... this feels soo good, but you have to quit... I've got to pee.' But Tom-boy didn't stop, and within an eyelash, he did an about-face, and switched to stronger up and down motions, quit sucking on my nipple, and said, "Trust me girl... you don't have to pee, just relax, let loose, and enjoy the moment. Your G-spot is the size of a bottle cap, and you're about to squirt."

"Tom-boy immediately went back to work and sped up his rhythmic come hither up and down motions. He was slamming his finger pads against my G-spot harder and harder and harder until he quickly removed his fingers, and yelled, 'Go ahead girl... let go... push out, you're going to squirt' while continuing to vigorously rub my clit with his thumb using side to side and up and down strokes.

"Suddenly there was this unfamiliar sensation, something I'd never felt before, intensifying like a rush or a surge within my body, and I had this overwhelming desire to push from my pelvis, and when I arched my back, I pushed out, and screamed in ecstasy as I literally gushed like a geyser for the first time in my life-drenching my bikini panties and gym shorts, like they'd been washed without the spin cycle of the washer being turned on! And while this may not have been the first time I ever squirted, it was THE first time I ever gushed like a geyser!