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There was a full dozen of the Shrimp on the plate the bartender brought, enough french fries to feed Debs and I and the couple with us but they had their own plates.

I would have never dreamed I would ever be in a place like this, not for eating lunch at least.

And certainly not with the wife in tow, we were guests of a couple we know from Reno, good friends. Just out for the day, having fun, enjoying getting away from the racket of the casino, and the machines that are barely more than thieves.

Cathouse, they call these places. Brothels is another term, whorehouse?

Just outside of Reno, perfectly legal.

One would think it would be seedy, the place was not. Rustic and neat as a pin, I looked at a group of women sitting over at a table not far away.

They looked like any group of women one might see in any bar, cafe, night club anywhere on earth. The only difference was the rather scanty clothing.

Even that was not outrageous, one older lady that looked to be around 50 or so had a lot of cleavage showing, another on had on an Orange T-shirt and not one thing else which I was sure of.

There was a young gal up by the bar in a bikini, and a skinny woman who got up on the stage and did a pole dance, just one.

There were also a few extremely large men around, appearing bored. All they did was sit there, one was puffing on a cigar.

Three men and a dozen women, hell, it was 2 in the afternoon and still slow I guess.

I'm Dan, the wife is Debra. Almost 70 is my age, and she is 58, back home she works as a Registered Nurse Practitioner.

Our friends were Jack and Terry, they work doing massages mostly down in Las Vegas, we had them do what they call a "tandem" in our room.

The first time was just a massage, nothing different than any massage any place on Earth.

The second one got a little bit kinky, one thing led to another and I honest to God watched as Jack had his hands first on my wife's bare boobs, then down they went to between her legs and Debs was going off at his rather expert efforts.

I might have complained but Terry had my almost 8 inches well oiled and both hands busy at the exact same moment, say what you will but it's hard to protest much in that situation.

OK. So were are married, we aren't supposed to do things like that.

Well. I am 69, Debs is 58. We both know about sex and having fun and it was sexy and we were having fun and we don't care what anyone thinks.

After Jack and Terry left we got to giggling and horsing around and we had even more fun, the truth is we are way better with each other than we are with someone else.

I also had never seen that before, I guess I probably never expected to. Watching a guy masturbate my Debs would irritate the hell out of me, probably start a fight is what I would have thought.

It didn't. Instead, it got both of us hot and anyone who saw us going at it after would have thought we were 19 years old.

I guess maybe I have my very own little quirks, I have found I enjoy the hell out of watching my wife rubbed like that, seeing her looked at naked.

Watching her receive pleasure gives me pleasure, and the side benefit is it gets me up and going.

Why? I have no idea and I didn't even know that until it happened. There is no penetration, none at all. Just touch, stroking and petting, sheer sensations.

I asked Debs about that, she told me that is just for me and it always will be.

The rest? It's all just fine, and it also happens both ways so no harm done at all.


Anyway, long story shortened up here, Jack and Terry both work at the brothel, but they aren't hookers. What they both do is massages, it seems that some men and some women want that and nothing else.

Terry told us that some men just want to be held and petted, touched. Jack said he sometimes sees women that want exactly the same. They don't even desire to climax, they want just that, touch, hugging. Others are men that come out with their wives, they sit out at the bar and sip drinks while Jack takes them to his own room. He touches them, pets them, looks at them and masturbates them.

Terry mentions one lady that brings her husband out twice a month She wants her husband jacked off, she has arthritis and doing it hurts her hands, so she has Terry take care of him.

They both claim to have never removed any of their own clothing, not for any price, and I believe them.

Jack makes the wives feel wonderful and sends them back to the hubby who takes them back home and gets laid, able to get things up and going again.

Jack told us that if we could even think of a desire, someone showed up with it.

It was interesting as hell.

"Hey, would you guys like to take a tour? The place is amazing, it's nothing at all what you might expect." He told us after we were finished with the massage in Reno.

Yes, we did that again, just like the last time. As it turns out, Jack and Terry have their own airplane, they work at many of the casinos and hotels.

Not legal of course, some of what they do but no one ever complains. Why would they, nearly everyone that ever comes to Reno or Las Vegas is looking for some action, and not just losing money either.

And out at the place several miles out of town, it is legal, and they can do just about anything they wish to.


A man about 50 or so came in, he stopped and looked around. The place was dark, I noticed that when we first came in. But after a few minutes it seemed much lighter, the bar area was well lit.

I saw the man's eyes fall on my Debs, and he smiled at her. Debra saw that too, she smiled back like she would with any other person she ever saw.

The man walked over, stopped at her side. Debs was just biting into one of the dozen Shrimp on her plate.

"Would you like to talk?" He asked her. Debra looked up in surprise, then at me. Hell, it was surprise too, I didn't know what to say.

A huge man appeared by the guy's side, he reached out and took hold of his elbow.

"Come on, sir. Let me buy you a drink." He said, and the man went with him. He really didn't have a choice in that.

Terry looked like she was about to blow a gasket, she was struggling to keep from bursting out laughing.

"You just got propositioned, you could have ended up in one of the negotiation rooms." She leaned in and whispered to Debs.

"God! He thought I was a.....?" Debra's face flamed.

"Well, all of the women in here are available for anyone who wishes to ask and can pay the price. That price can get to be very high for some men, too. Their key is to smile, get a smile back and ask to talk."

"How high?" I asked. I never was good at keeping my mouth shut, and this was sort of funny.

"Sometimes two, maybe three, even four thousand dollars." Terry said.

Both of our mouths fell open. The plate of Shrimp cost us $11.99, that had surprised me, I assumed a place like this would be through the roof on cost of drinks and food, it wasn't. It was actually less than back at the casino and the food was better.

Anyone could stop in any time for lunch, maybe a beer and then leave. No one would mind, it is probably one of the relaxed atmosphere places on Earth.

"I must be in the wrong profession." I wisecracked. Then I turned to Debs.

"Say, honey? You could make back that money we lost yesterday in just one.....?" Which got me poked in the arm.


After we finished eating, a lady about 40 or so came by and told us she was our tour guide. Off we went to look around. She was the one in the Orange T-shirt, clearly one of the working women.

Going up and down any steps was interesting because her bare fanny was hanging out but we got used to that. I did notice there was a thong under there now, there hadn't been earlier.

The place was amazing, a person would think they would be little bare cubicles but some of the rooms had artwork that was beautiful. Every room, every cabin was a different setting, a different mood.

The themes? Sexual, of course, yet in a discreet way, in the background.

"Some of these paintings are worth millions." She told us. I looked, and had to agree. Many of them were clearly very old, and just hanging there in cabins that clients could rent.

That would have been dangerous, I would think but then I remembered the men that were just hanging around.

Armed, obviously. The weapons were tucked away but easy to see under the clothing. I would not want to be the individual that ever did anything out of line.

Those men did not bother with calling any police officers, none of them would ever show up anyway.

One man with arms like trash cans met my gaze, I nodded and smiled. He showed no reaction of any kind.

We stopped at one point and fed some already far too fat Koi fish in the ponds. We saw sex toys, showers and saunas, furniture the lady described graphically how it was used.

"Pussy rules here." She told us with a grin.

The entire visit was amazing. All of the buildings, equipment, everything had been brought in by helicopter years before at a cost of many millions of dollars.

It was nothing at all what one would expect.


Finally the tour was over, we went back to the lounge area and sat down, the bartender brought over some drinks.

Just as I was thinking we would finish our drinks and head back to Reno, Debs excused herself and went over to talk to the tour guide lady who I now knew called herself Capri. There was some animated discussion, then Debs came back with a huge grin on her face.

"I bought us one." She leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"You what?" I managed.

"Yes. Come on, this will be fun!" She got up and took my hand, tugged me up.

I looked at Jack and Terry, who both had shit eating grins on their faces.

"Debra, I don't want to be with any......?" I managed.

"Shut up and go with the flow, this will be fun. I have it all set up." She told me as she dragged me through the door following Capri.

With my Debra if she decides to do something it's best to just go along with it.

"I need you to step in here, honey." Capri told me.

I sighed and went through the door. It barely shut behind me when a dark skinned woman came through another doorway.

The description would be...big! Her hair was in tight corn rows, it must have taken a full day to do that.

"Drop the pants, honey. I am here to check you out, give you a quick bath. It's a rule, you can't go back unless we do." She smiled.

I wasn't about to argue, this woman looked like she could handle me with ease. She had on a smock, she shrugged it back off her shoulders.

The only thing underneath that was a thong, and she had the very best set of breasts that money can buy. Her nipples were way bigger than even my Debs has, and she has a dandy set on her.

She just reached out without a word and began to strip me, I overheard Debra say something to Capri outside, then giggle.

As I was standing naked and blushing in what was a shower stall, the woman inspected my genitals carefully, then washed me head to toe. There was a long hose with a spray head, the water was so close to body temperature I nearly could not feel it. She even got down and used a brush to cleanse between my toes.

"Hey!" I complained when she pushed me over and went up my fanny with a wash cloth. From somewhere she had produced a latex glove, yep!

Inside, too. I sort of clenched up at that.

"Relax, honey." She told me. I was doing my very best to not react but there is just no way in hell to not do that in such a situation.

Then the woman was scrubbing my testicles and holding my penis with one hand and she kept giving me little squeezes which did not do a single thing to help the situation.

"Damn nice big one, sweetie. Waxed, that is cool on an older man. What are you 50 now?"

"Uhh..I am 69." I answered.

"No way! Plus wow! You are a grower, not a shower I see. God this is a nice looking cock! I would love to suck on that some, next time you come see me, OK? Just ask for Darla. I will give you a discount."

Yea, sure, I thought. $2000, maybe $4000, Capri had told us? What, 10% off maybe?

I was wanting to get out of here.

What in the hell did my Debra do?

Darla gave me a robe, led me out and down the hall.

Inside, there sat Debra on a high stool, one elbow on a circular table. There was no one else in the room.

"Ok. What is going on? I just got basically molested in a shower by some giant black woman, now what?"

"Sit down, honey. This will we be fun." I looked around, there was a fluffy looking bed there so I sat down.

I barely got settled and Capri came in. Naked as it is possible to be. I looked, a man can't not look.

Her breasts were on the small side, soft and sagging quite a bit, there was a roll at her belly. Most women in today's world are shaved or waxed, Capri sported a full bush.

"Debra?" I managed.

"I saw you looking at her fanny, so relax and go with it." She told me.

Capri tittered.

Not my fault there, Capri was climbing up the steps right in front of us so of course I looked at her ass.

"Lie down on your tummy, Danny." Capri reached out and sort of pushed me down on the bed. Next thing I knew I had a bit on the plump side naked woman on top of me, rubbing me, licking my behind, tickling my balls. At first I was tense but then it begin to feel good, I figured I might as well relax and enjoy it.

I didn't expect the blindfold, though. Hands were all over me, at one point what I was pretty sure was a pussy slid across my face but when my tongue stuck out to try and be sure it was gone.

It did have hair though, and I know my Debs has none at all.

I have no idea how long that went on, at one point I was sure Capri was sucking on my cock but I could see nothing.

Finally I felt what had to be a naked bottom sliding up my legs, there was some kind of lotion or oil. I tried to reach up with my hands to find out but something was holding them down and I didn't know what.

Then someone else was in the room, it wasn't Debra.

"How does that feel, honey? I heard her voice from where she had been earlier, so she was just sitting there watching.

"....uhhh..." I managed to groan.

Someone sucked on my cock again for a minute or two, I think that was what was happening, anyway.

At one point it felt like a hand was wrapped around my erection, just holding it upwards, then that female bottom was there. The end of my cock went into something soft and wet and I was getting fucked thoroughly.

She was coming downwards just enough for her bottom to bump, then moving upwards, it felt amazing, almost a tease.

I never would have dreamed, not in an entire lifetime that Debra would ever stand for me having sex with a prostitute?

But then, she did surprise me by allowing Terry to jerk me off, and she lay there while Jack did the same thing to her.

I felt myself let go, there was no way to stop that, I actually did try but that just made it more powerful. I have to admit that the sensation was different than any I never experienced.

Then it hit me!

There was no condom, I was sure of that. I never felt any being put on, I would have known, of that I was positive.

My God! I felt myself wilt at the thought, then realizing my hands were free I reached up and jerked the cloth that was covering my face off.

Debra was looking over her shoulder down at me with a grin. She was naked. There was no one else in there with us.

"You are a brat, you know that?" I told her.

"Yes, honey, but I am your brat." She laughed.

That was amazing, I had just gotten done having sex in a whorehouse with my own wife and didn't even realize it until after.

"Was that all you, or did she....?"

"Oh, she did suck your cock a little bit, I let her. Besides, when we were negotiating, she told me she wanted to and asked me if she could." Debs giggled.

"Maybe I should have charged her?" She added.

I blinked, didn't say anything.

"That was to get you in position so I could slip around and get myself into position." She added with another giggle.

"I have to admit I really did think.....?"

"Yes, I know. That was the whole idea." She said, rolling over and lying on top of me.


We were on the way home, sitting in the back seat of Jack and Terry's car when I asked her.

"What did all of that cost?" I asked.

"$500.00." She told me.

"What? $500.00 for that?" I asked.

"Well, that was her finger up your fanny, honey!" Debs told me with a laugh.


OK, so this was just last week.

One aside here, if you are ever in Reno and have the time, go visit the place.

Many of the taxicabs have the name of it advertised with big signs up on top, I am not sure I can use the name here.

Think of wild Horses, the place is famous, and rightly so.

The tour may cost money, I don't know. If it did, Jack and Terry paid for it, they also paid for lunch.

Oddly, the four of us have become friends. I paid for dinner a few nights ago, $200 for the Lobster and Filet for the four of us.

One hell of a trip, and I found out even more about that naughty wife of mine.

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LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 10 years ago
500$ for a few minutes of sucking & a finger up the butt?

It's not the sanctioned extramarital slap and tickle I'm aghast at. It's the sticker shock for not getting to stick it in. All financial quibbles aside, I enjoyed Deb & MGM. pushing things once again to the limit. I quit paying for whores after an all nighter in the Philipines with a beautiful girl named Carmen.

That quality time was 25 bucks back in 1983. If she looks half as good now and still as sweet as back then, shelling out a ten thousand for her airfare and a wedding band would not be a problem, Wonder if the Heaven & Hell bar in Olongopo has a forwarding adress for her ? The main problem would be, Carmen remembering me ? LOL.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 11 years ago
Good Read

Nice story. I heard an interview of an author who wrote a biography of Armand Hammer, I think it was. He kept three or four college girls around for sex. They got a free ride in college, living quarters, and a nice chunk of change for expenses. They got him off every night until he died. The interviewer said what amazing talent he had! The author said: "Actually, it's more likely 'what talent the women had'.


magmamanmagmamanabout 11 years agoAuthor
Hey, user110??

I AM 70 years old and I would LOVE to roll back the clock!!

Debs is 58, she can't roll back the clock either but if you had seen her doing jumping jacks in our living room last night wearing nothing but a pair of panties...??

You might change your mind. Just TRY and watch the World Series of Fighting with THAT going on.



user110user110about 11 years ago
please, man, ROLL BACK THE CLOCK!

everything's good until... 70 yrs old! then i got this picture in my head... damn it, man. i cant continue.

Jim44444Jim44444about 11 years ago
Is Deb for real?

Another great story by Magmaman. Every time I read one of your stories about your life I wonder, is this guy just BS'ing us? Can anyone imagine a wife this open and fun? Plus, she does not castrate him for writing about their adventures and sharing with us. MGM, if half of what you write is true then you should fall to your knees very day to thank the One True God for your good fortune. Another 5 stars.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago

At least there was no betrayal in this tale. As long as the husband and the wife are on the same page more power to them. Absolutely no cucks, however.

chytownchytownabout 11 years ago

For the read.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 11 years ago
A very nice story

Well written and and a believable tale, told by a very good storyteller.

I liked the ending, and $200. is a good price for lobster for four.

I've always thought Vegas to be a cheep place to eat, every time I've been there.

Thanks for the read.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

well Mag, if she told you there has never been a case of STD's you should just go ahead and believe her. i mean, why would she lie? and if her whores tell you they love you and need to buy their freedom so they can live and love only you, no credit cards or checks accepted, cash only, you just fork out that money in long green.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I Can't Help It, Dan

I'm falling in love with Debs

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Interesting idea

If Debs was not so open-minded she might have gotten irritated by the fact that he accepted vaginal sex thinking it was another woman.....

nakdsubnakdsubabout 11 years ago
I did not read the story, but...

I thought I would settle the argument over the Mustang Ranch. It was closed down about 15 years ago when the owner was convicted on federal tax evasion charges. It opened again under new management about 5 years ago and is doing well today.

magmamanmagmamanabout 11 years agoAuthor
ALL sex workers are licensed the 8 counties where prostitution is legal in Nevada. The lady who gave us the tour explained that there had never been a case of STD transmission in their brothel, safe sex is practiced and also the inspection I described. Was that true? I don't know, it's what she told us. That all happens during the "negotiation" process since no one has any set rates at all. No "License" would be at risk at all, it's perfectly legal.

Consenting adults and all of that, sex the way the customer wants. The drinks and food is cheap, the ladies are not.

Which makes me think it should be legal everywhere, if properly controlled.

The description I described would be perfectly legal, that idea actually came from an explanation by the lady giving us the tour. She often does "massages" that the wife or another sex worker comes in to complete. Once the County line is crossed, the massage therapist license does not matter any more. Still, a therapist giving a massage OUTSIDE of the facility is encumbered by the rules.

A far more common scenario than one might think. The wife getting her hubby excited, then taking care of things herself? Not a problem, perfectly legal. The surprise also is the number of female clients.

Just like some end up with bite marks, some want to be abused, some want to be cuddled by a naked lady yet have no interest in a sex act. The lady that HAS to be in her late sixties is there normally to be "mother."

Writing too much here, but I found it interesting, yet hard to wrap my mind around at the same time. Anyone interested in people in a different side of life should go take that tour, it is fascinating.

H.H.MorantH.H.Morantabout 11 years ago
One needs a license to work in a Nevada brothel -

- the little fun and games described could have cost the operator his license etc

Not a bad story idea - suppose the license problem were overcome he could patronize one of the girls and to his surprise she would entertain one of the customers - tit for tat

magmamanmagmamanabout 11 years agoAuthor
Sorry to the guy who says "interesting"

The Mustang Ranch brothel not only IS still there, still open, it is thriving! Just a few miles outside of Reno. About 10% of the cabs in Reno advertise the place on signs up top.

Now the first Mustang ranch IS no longer there, the place moved to it's present location. They used a huge helicopter to move everything, part of the tour. Go take the tour, then you will perhaps know what you are talking about.

Debs and I were there last week. This is one of those "almost" true ones.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Interesting but...

A well written story, but anyone living new Moundhouse, NV can tell you that the Mustang Ranch no longer exists.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
"enough french fries to feed Debs and I..."

Enough illiteracy in your first paragraph to send me on to another story by some other "writer."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good fun!

I like the light hearted tone of this. Also the theme that at a certain age people are free to do what feels good and screw what anybody else thinks. At any age, really. Now it is time for hubby to arrange for Debra to get her own treats with hubby present and assisting.

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