Turnaround is Fair Play (Feb Sucks)

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Can you end up better than before from such a debacle?
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This is an entry into Literotica's Valentine's Day Story Contest 2024.

Last one, promise, of the February 29th belated Valentines Day dinner saga. Warning: this is another reconciliation version. I readily admit I may have been over the top with alternate endings this month, but hey, Leap Day comes but once in four years. A word to some commenters: if you don't like these stories, and read them anyway, what does that make you? Don't advertise your indiscretion by admitting it in a comment! :)

Once more, a tip of the hat to GeorgeAnderson for his February Sucks story (https://www.literotica.com/s/February-sucks) and blanket permission to add on to it. As most people know, this is arguably the most "added to" story on the entire site, probably because of the provocative trigger - the blatant disrespect by the wife. Oh, and the reconciliation ending, too.

Several commenters on several of these Febsux add-ons scoff that no wife would do that, which made me go back to the original, and the author's explanation of what triggered it. You can find my summary in a previous story (https://literotica.com/s/february-sucks-lindas-welcome). No sense repeating it.

So, here's yet another way GA's provocative story could have played out. It inevitably will contain ideas from the myriad other endings. A tip of the hat to those authors, too. But hopefully the way they are combined makes for something original, and enjoyable.

This story starts when Jim wakes the morning after.

Surprisingly, when the sun woke me Saturday morning, I felt fresh as a sunflower, complete with a plan. After my ablutions and shower, I picked up a cup of coffee for the road and went to pick up our two kids.

I sighed as I rang Mrs. Porter's doorbell. How would Linda's narcissism hurt our kids?

Our two bundles of happiness ran into my arms, yelling, "Daddy!" After looking at the truck, Emma asked, "Where's mom?"

"She decided she wanted to sleep with another man last night, cupcake. She'll be back sometime today." I was not going to cover for the cowardly slut. She made the bed and she was going to sleep in it. I was as much a victim of her narcissism as the innocent kids.

Mrs. Porter's head snapped up. "Jim, what did you say?"

"You heard me right, ma'am. Marc LaValliere, our famous footballer, persuaded her she'd be better off with him and she agreed. Never bothered to tell me anything, I had to find it out from our friends."

"Oh, Jim." She enveloped me in a motherly hug. "What are you going to do?"

"I'll figure something out. It's all still too raw for me, but thanks for taking such good care of our kids." I paid her with a check and added a generous tip.

"Any time. If, in the turmoil, you want to do it midweek, you can count on me."

"Thanks. Say hi to Mr. Porter," I said, before we hopped into my truck and headed home.


By the time we returned, I was pleased to see Linda was back and had the decency to put on regular clothes.

She approached me tentatively. "Hi darling, I'm back as promised, ready to be the best wife in the world for you."

"Hi, sweetheart, good to see you." I gave her a big hug and a long, sensual kiss. "What did you have in mind for lunch?"

"What about taking the kids out?" she said.

"Yay!" they shouted. "Wendy's!" Very rarely did Linda allow them to eat junk food, so to them this was special. And an early start in her campaign to reaffirm she cared for them.

"Okay," I said with an easy grin. "We can leave at 11:30 to beat the crowds. I'm going to service the lawnmower for the coming season."

In the garage, I pulled out my phone and called Melinda, my admin assistant. We'd worked together for five years and I'd been there for her when she caught her husband cheating and divorced him. "Hey, M," I said using my nickname for her.

"Hey Jim, what's up? You need me to come in for something?"

"Oh, no, but I do need some help, and it's urgent."

"Speak, master," she said in her joking tone.

"I want to take you out to dinner and dancing, but it has to be tonight."

After a stunned silence, she asked, "Is this some kind of bad joke?" I suspected she'd developed a bit of a crush on me during the time I was there for her, wiping her tears and reaffirming her during her divorce.

"No joke. This is very serious." I proceeded to tell her how Linda had abandoned me in cold blood for the arrogant asshole the night before. "She thinks it's nothing."

"She's insane. If my husband pulled a trick like that they'd be fishing him out of the river."

Her validation eased my mind and confirmed I was on the right path. "Good, if you agree, here's how you can help me tonight."


When lunchtime arrived, we bundled the kids into Linda's SUV and trekked over to Wendy's. After eating, we let the kids burn their calories in the playroom.

"Jim, I can't tell you how impressed I am with your maturity. Thank you for allowing me one night of time out of time. You have my solemn word I will make the rest of your life even better than you thought it could be."

"Thanks, babe. How about if we celebrate it tonight with a nice meal, and, well..."

She took my hands in hers and winked. "That will be lovely. Shall we have my parents take the kids?"

With a wide grin I squeezed her hands. "Great idea. Let's head back and I'll see where we can get reservations at this short notice."

The first of March not being prime party season, I had no problems finding a table at Gianni's, our favorite Italian restaurant. After lunch, Linda dropped me off at home and took the kids to her parents. I took off to buy a new suit--I wasn't going to wear last night's suit again, ever.

Linda and the kids must have visited with her parents, because it took her a while to get back. I wonder what she told them about last night, if anything. While she was gone, I'd packed several bags and stored them in the back of my truck, along with all my electronics and bathroom gear.

We leisurely got dressed for our night on the town. When I got out of the shower, Linda surprised me by pushing me onto the bed and giving me a command performance blow job. Afterward, I smiled again and said, "Thanks, babe, what was that for?"

She flashed me a seductively shy smile back. "Just a down payment on the rest of your life. I promised you the best, so get used to this."

"I sure could!"


When we arrived at Gianni's we were taken to a booth near the back, away from the kitchen. When the wine arrived, I poured and proposed a toast. "To the rest of our lives."

Tears sprang to her eyes as she raised her glass and clinked.

Gianni's had a small dancing floor and a live piano player on the weekends. When the pianist struck up an easy melody, I took Linda's hand. "Care for a quick dance before we order? No rush tonight."

"Absolutely, and this time I guarantee it will only be with you," she said and we walked to the floor, joined by three other couples. All of us had the same idea, plastering our bodies against our mates' and living out the old saying of dancing being vertical foreplay set to music.

After three songs, we ambled back to our table, hand in hand. I pulled out her chair and shared a quick kiss on her cheek. While we waited for the server to take our order, we held hands, sipping our wine and recalling fond memories. After her second glass, I could see Linda mellowing into the warmth of the loving marriage we'd had.

After the waiter walked away with our order, I felt a hand on my shoulder, followed by a soft voice, "Hello Jim, didn't expect to see you here."

Linda's head snapped up, and a look of panic swept across her face, followed by irritation and, finally fear. The most emotional issue over which Linda and I had ever fought was my refusal to fire Melinda, who punched every insecurity button Linda had. Jealousy is bad enough, but in this case Linda, with her modest chest, had a real fear that I would dump her for Melinda and her hefty bazookas. I saw my assistant every weekday, we worked together very well, and everyone knew of Melly's crush on me. Linda, in other words, had good reason to be afraid of Melly.

Being the gentleman that I always try to be, I stood and gave M a friendly hug. Not too long, but not too short, either. The flush on Linda's face grew deeper.

"I see you just placed your order," Melly said. "Can I have a quick dance while you wait?"

Since I was up already, I took her hand and, without so much as a glance toward Linda, we sauntered onto the small floor, which by now was a lot fuller, forcing us to dance closer together than normal. "You look absolutely stunning tonight, M," I whispered in her ear.

Pressing her cheek closer to mine she murmured, "This feels even better than I could have ever imagined."

"Hmm... is this something your imagination has played with before, then?"

A light kiss to my ear was followed by, "More than you can think."

After three dances, we separated. I returned to my table and a wife with steam billowing from her ears. Before she could vent her spleen, I said, "Before the food comes I need to take care of my bladder."

Instead of going to the bathroom, I passed it and took the secondary exit, turned off my phone, and got into Melinda's waiting car. After a quick kiss on her cheek, I said, "Thanks, hon, you're a doll. Have you ever had dinner at Carlotti's?

"Never, but I hear it's excellent."

"Let's go find out."

It was very nice. The food was good, too. Because of our good connection, conversation flowed easily. Their dancing floor was about the same size as the place she stole me way from, and we had a great evening. When we were done, we walked to her car.

Fastening my seat belt I said, "Can you drop me off at home, so I can pick up my truck?"

"Where are you going?"

"The Holiday Inn."

"Why? I have a spare room, and it's free. I won't molest you."

I turned crosswise in the passenger seat and gently laid my hand on her leg. "M, you have no idea how much I'd love to do that. If that offer still stands after a few days I will take you up on it, but for what I have in mind tonight, I can't." I gave her thigh a soft squeeze and finished with, "Please don't be offended, I really do appreciate the offer, and what it says."

She smiled and patted my hand. "Okay, boss, the offer has no expiration date."


By the time I got to my room, the fatigue hit me. After brushing my teeth, I stripped, climbed into bed in my underwear and turned on my phone. As expected, Linda had blown it up with voice and text messages. Serves you right, bitch, now you know how it feels. Stew in it, baby.

The messages reflected my experience only 24 hours prior. First the uncertainty. "Jim, the food arrived. Where are you?"

"Jim, I don't know what happened. The food's going cold, but I won't eat until you're back."

"Jim, honey, are you okay? I see you have your phone. Should I call an ambulance?"

A few minutes later, the concern morphed into irritation. "Jim, is this a joke? Are you trying to punish me for last night? OK, consider me punished. Please come back."

Anger came next. "Hey, asshole, do you know how you're embarrassing me? Our server has been here three times already, asking if there's anything wrong with the food, the wine, the dancing, the temperature and God knows what else. This is enough. Come back, or at least call me."

"Okay, jerk, you win. Now I'm totally embarrassed. I had to call my dad so he could pay our bill with his credit card. Did you take my car?"

Finally, a few hours later, she called in tears. "Oh, Jim, I'm so sorry. I see what you've done. You put me in your shoes, and for the first time I felt what you must have felt last night. I'm devastated. Ugh, I am such an evil bitch, I cannot believe how I hurt the man I love more than anything else. Can you ever forgive me? No, never mind, I can't ask that of a man I hurt so cowardly. Whatever you want in the divorce, I'll sign it. I never realized the cruelty and narcissism hiding inside of me. I am so evil." After several sobs, she ended with a soft, "Darling, the ten years we had together were the best years of my life. Thank you. Goodbye."

The ending sounded to me like the prelude to a suicide, so I broke my own vow. My mission was accomplished, and I had no need to prolong the agony, so I called.

She picked up after only one ring. With a soft, hesitant, voice she said, "Hello? Jim?"

"Hello Linda."

"Thank you for calling, did you get my messages?"

"Yes, I did, Linda. I'm glad you got to feel a little bit of what you did to me last night."

A fresh set of wails and sobs erupted. "I am such a bitch. Are you coming back? I'll understand if you never want to speak to me again. Did you leave with Melinda? I wouldn't blame you if you did. You're probably with her now, I'm sure she will treat you much better than I did."

After another minute or two, the verbal diarrhea subsided.

"Yes, Linda, I did leave with Melinda, but I'm not with her. I just had her take me to pick up my truck. We came in your car, so I knew you had a key, and I didn't want to leave you stranded. I'm at the Holiday Inn on 17th. Alone. I was tempted to do what you did, but I just couldn't pull the trigger. Besides, I have to still work with Melinda, so I didn't want to pollute that relationship."

"Oh, Jim, you are such a better person than me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know I deserve to live with the image of Melinda rocking your world, and it broke my heart to think of that."

"Don't get too excited too quickly, Linda. We are not out of the woods, not by a long shot. Your betrayal last night came too suddenly, out of left field, for me to drop my guard and trust you. Who knows when you might get hit again by a Martian slut ray? I definitely do not feel safe close to you."

Waterworks erupted on the other side of the phone again. "You're right. I will seek counseling next week. I don't know what happened to me last night. I never want to see that man again. I don't even like him, he's such an arrogant asshole. I can't understand why I fell for him so quickly and so hard. But I do have one thing I didn't have yesterday."


"I am now very, very aware of my weakness, and how much it can hurt you. I will never, ever allow another man to disrespect you. In fact, I will never dance with a stranger again. And trust me, my guard is up against nasty surprises like that."

"I hear you. But you can't guard against something you don't know about. Who knows what other left field dark spots you may have that you're unaware of. I know you love me, but you have to understand my hesitation."

"I do, Jim, I do. But you can bet I'm going to throw everything at it, starting with counseling, and we can see where that will lead."

"We? What do you mean we? You. I am not at all convinced I'm safe with you any more. But I'm tired now, and I'm going to sleep. We can talk about this tomorrow."

After setting my phone on the charger I turned out the light, but couldn't sleep. About twenty minutes later I heard a knock on my door. "What the hell?"

Outside the peephole the distressed face of Linda peered back at me.

"Jim, please open."

What could I do? Reluctantly, I opened. She came in quietly, closed the door behind her and melted her body into mine without saying anything. Just like she did with Asshole last night in a slow dance.

I pushed her onto the bed roughly, and turned on the light. "Do you want to know what I just experienced?"

Biting her lower lip she shook her head fearfully.

"You just brought back my image of you wrapping your body against the asshole when you danced close with him. Without either of you even acknowledging my existence. You looked into his eyes with adoration and lust, like you used to have for me. But is gone now.

"Linda, I'm talking to you and listening to you, but you have to remember: you are a bitch and a snake, and you showed your teeth at me last night."

"But you did that to me tonight, so aren't we even?"

I couldn't help myself. At he top of my lungs, I yelled, "What!!" After a deep breath I continued, hissing. "Not even close, you cheap slut. Out of respect for you I never danced that close with Melanie. And I didn't go to her place and fuck her all night long. And tomorrow morning, just to rub it in."

Linda burst out in tears and reached out to me. "Oh, Jim, I am so sorry. I don't have words to say how sorry I am."

I slapped her arms away. "I'm not done yet. You think we're even? Think again, bitch! I didn't have gorillas attacking you in the event you wanted to follow me, putting a physical hurt on you on top of the emotional wounds. I didn't conspire with all our friends behind your back to set me up for a fuck with a stranger and humiliate you even further. And laugh with them, bragging how awesome fucking the stranger was. And I didn't wait until tomorrow afternoon to acknowledge your calls and tears."

My anger had returned full force, and I didn't care if she saw it. "Yes, you had a hurtful experience tonight, but that was only a small taste of what you did to me last night. So, no, cheating slut, we are not even close to being even. It's easy for you to mumble about counseling, but you have no idea of the deep scar your bite has left me with. And until you do it and it works, how can I feel safe around you? You are a dangerous, evil and cruel slut. I love you Linda, but you are not safe to be around."

She curled up into a fetal ball and cried the most pitiful tears. "You're right, you're right. I am evil. I thought I was a good person. I want to be a good person. I love you, and I want to love you till we die, but how can I? Help me, Jim. I will do everything we can think of together to fix this. Oh, Jim, I don't want to lose you. I know I hurt you, and my heart bleeds when I think of what I did. I never, ever want to do anything like that to you again."

"Last night, when I saw what was going to happen and I tried to break into your dance, you'd turned into like a werewolf or something, and you wouldn't listen to me. How do I know you won't do that again? Maybe it's in your DNA, or something. I hear your words, and I feel your remorse, but Friday night, right up until that arrogant asshole plucked you from me, you loved me with all your heart and yet... Ugh, just reliving that moment when you got up without even acknowledging my existence is so painful I want to die."

The bedspread beneath the fetal ball convulsing with sobs and crying became soaked. "You're right, we're not even and we never will be. I am such a bitch. What was I thinking? What am I going to do?"

"I don't know, but it's late, and we need to go to sleep. Maybe with some rest we'll come up with good ideas."

"Can I stay here with you tonight?"

Shit. A deep sigh escaped me. If I wasn't afraid she'd off herself in a fit of self-pity, I'd have sent her home, but I couldn't. Although I didn't trust her, I still loved her. A lot. If I didn't, I wouldn't have been hurt so deeply, just punted her ass off to the asshole and his harem.

"Okay, but understand this is not the first step to any reconciliation or anything like that, okay?"

The sweetness I loved in her sprouted out in full bloom. "Thank you, my sweetheart. I'll behave myself. I just need to feel you close."

Despite my grumbling and angry thoughts, it felt good to feel my wife's body against mine again. Are we allowed to take something that was promised to us for granted? Yes, I realized I had taken lying close to my wife for over ten years for granted. Whatever. Feeling her close to me, smelling her and hearing her breathe felt just... home. No matter that we were in a strange hotel. She just felt right. Spending my life without this, without her, frankly was unthinkable.