Two Hundred Dollars Ch. 19


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"I can get my gift now?"

Bailey nodded wordlessly as Laura looked at her.

"We'll wait here," Laura promised. "Open the suitcase there. Bring just the gift back."

"Right," Kent said.


"Whoa," Laura whispered when she judged Kent out of earshot. She looked down at her chest, her eyes wide with shock, "That was something."

"Milked you good?" Bailey did not meet her eyes.

Laura nodded, her breathing speeding up as her brain started to respond to what Kent had done with her body.

"Just like you wanted?" Bailey prodded.

"Yeah," Laura breathed out slowly. "He touched me everywhere."

Bailey turned her head to raise a dubious eyebrow.

"Well," Laura rolled her eyes defensively. "Almost everywhere."

"Good move, though," Bailey said.


"Calling him 'Officer'," Bailey clarified. "That made it way better."

"Yeah," Laura agreed. "He really took to it, then. Kinda makes me wish we'd picked up those plastic handcuffs, though."

They heard Kent leaving Bailey's room, going so far as to lock the door behind him. He stepped into his bedroom holding a thin box, about as long and wide as his forearm, wrapped in a winter themed, snowflake patterned gift wrap.

"How thoughtful," he said. "You even wrapped it."

"Sit here," Bailey said, moving over to make space between herself and Laura.

Kent took the place between them, holding the package in his lap. Bailey looked on quietly while Laura barely restrained herself from bouncing up and down. Kent first removed the tag, a small square of wrapping paper they'd reversed and attached to the gift.

"To: Kent," it said. "From: Laura and Bailey."

They'd used the same red marker to cover the paper in little hearts of varying sizes.

"Alright," Kent tore off the wrapping paper to find a simple beige cardboard box inside.

The top and bottom of the box separated easily and he saw the contents: a simple, bright red, rubber spatula.

"Oh," he said.

"Hm?" Laura prodded, leaning into him.

He lifted the spatula out of the box and found it had a surprising amount of heft to it. The entire body consisted of a single piece of silicone or rubber of some kind, and whatever they'd used for the core flexed like a golf club or a hockey stick might.

Kent took the handle in his right hand and slapped it down on the palm of his left.

"Hoo," he whistled softly. "We're not kidding around here."

"You like it?" Laura asked.

"It's pretty special," Kent turned and looked her in the eye. "Thank you."

Laura turned her head to present her left cheek to him, prompting him with, "Kiss, kiss."

He planted a dopey kiss on her cheek before turning to Bailey, "Thank you, too."

Bailey's raised eyebrow advised him not to attempt to kiss her cheek.

"Glad you like it," she said, "Because we want you to use it tonight."

Still in her transparent underwear, she stood up and moved to the white board, thumping down three marks. Laura came close behind, adding the same number of ticks before returning to stand before Kent.

"You took Bailey's pants," she pouted, folded her arms, and stared and Kent.

"Very well," he said.

By this time, however, he had a serious erection, necessitating the rearrangement of the black track pants he'd chosen for the night. Bailey, sitting beside him, laughed while Laura pretended not to notice. He stood up, undid the belt on Laura's pants, unbuttoned them and unzipped them. She kept her thighs together, though, which forced him to push her pants down.

A simple black pair of underwear greeted him, neither too daring nor boring, a nice, narrow cut that worked well with her hips.

"Shall we start?" she asked.

"Whenever you feel like it," Kent sat down and waved his empty left hand to encompass his entire room, "and wherever you feel like it."

"Oh," Laura said in surprise, then turned to Bailey. "Wherever?"

Bailey shrugged, "We have the whole place to ourselves."

Laura's eyes darted around the room as if she wanted to see through the walls. "Are there any rooms we haven't done?"

"Living room," Kent ticked off, "Laundry room, both bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom. Nope, I think they're all covered."

"Stairway," Laura pointed out, "Hallway. When did we do Bailey's room?"

"We didn't," Bailey said, "But I did."

Laura jogged her head, "Yeah, alright. Maybe we'll just do the first one here."

The stairway, Kent knew, had some issues. No matter what you thought about Carson's night out, you still had to wonder if he could come home early.

"Who goes first?" Laura asked.

"Me, I think," Bailey answered. "I'd like to do it over your lap, but I don't think it would work."

"No?" Kent wondered.

"Look," she said, and crawled over his lap. "Are you really going to be able to swing that thing?"

Kent braced himself by putting his left hand on the small of Bailey's back and then tapped her cheek with the business end of the rubber spatula. He tried shifting his body a little to get his shoulder farther back so he'd have more room to swing at her ass, but he had to admit to her point.

"You're right," he said. "This is more of a ranged weapon."

Bailey sat up on her knees.

"Ranged weapon?" Laura asked.

"He plays entirely too many RPGs," Bailey rolled her eyes. "Although it's not really ranged, just a cumbersome melee weapon."

Kent turned to look at her in shock, "Okay, then."

"What? I used to play WoW, okay?"

"Yeah," Kent sighed, "I can't imagine the term 'ranged' applying to any of this anyway."

"Why not?" Laura asked.

"Well," Kent explained, "I'd have to be, like, throwing or shooting things at you."

Laura grimaced, then raised an eyebrow in confusion, "No, thanks."

"Anyway," Bailey said, "Let's just try it like this."

She stood up in front of Kent, facing away, and put her hands on her knees, arching her back to stretch the fabric of her transparent panties across her cheeks.

Kent set the spatula against her right cheek. "Five, Bai?"


"What if this hurts more than a spanking?"

Bailey shrugged, "It's a gift for tonight. But if it's too much, we'll do a lower count next time."

Kent let out a breath as he realized that Bailey had given him some latitude on how hard he could use the spatula.

She's putting a lot of responsibility in your hands, he noted with concern, that's a boatload of trust to find just the right threshold for kinky pleasure and pain.

He eyed the spot on the lowest parts of her cheeks that had sustained the most reddening damage from her previous nights and decided not to go straight there. Instead, he touched the outside of her right cheek, where the panties didn't cover her, and then withdrew. Then, to build up some sense of theatre, he took several experimental swings in the air over her back, listening to the sound of the kitchen tool cutting through the air.

Laura let out a small whimper as he set the spatula against Bailey's cheek again.

"Here it comes," he warned.

Bailey stuck out her hips just a touch more and he swung the spatula, letting the flexible handle get a good bend so it could snap out at and crack at the side of her right cheek.

Kent watched as Bailey thrust her hips forward in surprise and froze in place. A full second later, she exhaled a long breath with her mouth wide open.

"Ha, Jesus, Kent," she whispered a curse. "One."

Kent risked a sideways glance at Laura, expecting some kind of complaint about blasphemy, but she only stared, wide-eyed and mouth open.

I think I'd better spread these around then.

Bailey's words echoed back to him. How many days ago had she brought him the wooden spoon? And why?

'I just want to see what you'd do with it.'

With the red underlines on her cheeks, Kent didn't have a blank canvas to work with, but he could still do something. He looked at where the first mark had landed, almost the upper right corner of her right cheek.

I can do one higher yet, and a little farther outside.

Getting up that high would barely - barely - constitute hitting her ass, but he needed enough room for five strikes, preferably without overlapping. He laid the spatula's heavy end on her cheek, almost touching her hip, and let it sing through the air again.

It snapped off her skin and Bailey let out another exhalation.


He dragged the spatula across the first mark he'd made and continued his diagonal path across her cheek. The third strike came dead centre and Kent took a moment to admire the unusually loud and high pitched snap it made as it echoed through the room.

Bailey twitched again, her hips thrusting in an involuntary effort to move away out of the path of his next swing, but quickly reset herself.

"Three," she said.

The next two, Kent knew from experience, would go easier for her. She had more flesh on the lower part of her cheeks, which meant a bit more protection. He moved around to the side of her get a better angle.

"What are you doing?" she wondered out loud.

"You'll see when I'm done."

That seemed to satisfy her and she wiggled her ass at him.

Kent took the next two strikes in rapid succession, giving Bailey no time to count or recover.

"Fuck," she cursed when he'd finished. "Four and five."

Bailey's hand came off her knees and she ran a gentle finger along the line of pink-coloured flesh Kent had created across her right cheek.

"That'll look... interesting later," she noted.

Laura gulped, "My turn?"

"If you want," Kent warned. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

She sniffed, "I can do at least one dollar. It's my gift, too."

Kent opened his hands in acquiescence. Laura would have the advantage of just a bit more body weight than Bailey. The snap of the spatula might come through just a bit less painfully with that added protection.

Laura set the stool before his bed, stepped up on it and leaned over the bed until her breasts touched its surface. She locked her knees out.

"Ready," she deadpanned.

Kent laid the spatula on her left cheek, high and on the outside near her hip, "Here it comes."

He didn't take any experimental swipes through the air this time, just wound up and struck her a sharp slap.

"Hah," she half-groaned. "Oh my. Six."

"You sure you want this?"

"Mm-hm," she nodded, murmuring through closed lips.

Deciding to give her the same treatment he'd given Bailey, he moved down her cheek and inward for his second strike.

"Seven," she called out.

Unlike Bailey, Laura had stopped tensing the muscles in her legs, letting her cheeks soften and loosen a bit to mitigate the striking force.

His third strike, which he placed dead centre in the thickest part of her cheek, created a delicious undulation across her whole cheek and down her thigh.

"Eight," she whimpered.

I have to treat them the same.

Kent shifted position to give him better access to the lowest part of her cheek and let two more hard slaps resound off her ass.

"Ho, mama," Laura called out. "Nine and ten."

"That is seriously red," Bailey's voice filled the room with admiration.

"Just like yours," Laura said as she carefully stepped off the stool and straightened her body.

Laura wiped her forehead of a sweat mostly imaginary and looked over her shoulder.

"Kent?" Bailey prodded suspiciously, "did you make us... symmetrical?"

Kent nodded and smirked.

"What?" Laura asked.

"Look," Bailey turned her body, "My right cheek, your left."

Kent vacated his place next to Laura so Bailey could stand there, the girls placing their most recently abused ass cheeks side by side.

"Oh," Laura noted with a surprising hint of appreciation in her voice. "Can we do that thing where he rubs our butts?"

"Lie down," Kent laughed.

The girls crawled upon the bed and laid on their stomachs, leaving him enough room to lie down between them. With Laura on his right and Bailey on his left, his hands could easily get at their recently striped flesh.

"Oh, thank god," Laura murmured as his fingers sunk in. "That thing stings like crazy."

"Uh-huh," Bailey agreed.

Both girls luxuriated a while in his grip before Bailey cleared her throat.

"Uh, Kent?"


"I - I think the spatula is worth more than a dollar," she said. "I'm not even sure I can do it again tonight, unless you promise to switch sides."

"Hm," he muttered, "I guess I can do the other cheek. How much do you think it's worth?"

Bailey and Laura shared a glance across their folded arms.

"Twice as much as a spanking," she said.

Kent jogged his head back and forth, "Fair enough. What should we do about tonight?"

Bailey gulped, "I don't think it's fair to charge two dollars for what we already agreed was one."

"We could make a deal," Kent offered, "just to be fair."

"I'm listening," Bailey said, imitating his tone from past negotiations.

"The spankings... wait, are those spankings? When I use a spatula?"

"Paddling?" Laura offered over her shoulder.

"Delightful," Kent said. "The paddlings you just did count for two dollars if - big 'if' - you each do another set for two more dollars and, in exchange, I promise to do the other cheek."

"Okay," Bailey drawled and turned to Laura, "you okay with that?"

"I think so, yeah," Laura said, "And we can do one more after? Just spanking?"

Bailey sucked part of her left cheek into her mouth and nodded.

Kinda gotcha there, didn't she Bai? Kent thought, eyeing the red streak across Laura's cheek as she walked over to the white board, you know what Laura came here for, even if neither of you can mention it right now.

"That's pretty generous, Kent," Laura oozed sincerity as she made two more marks on the white board.

"If you say so," Kent gave her a winning smile. "I try to be fair, though, not generous."

Bailey got up, with a clear regret at ending their massage so early, and made her marks before turning around to glare silently at Kent.

"And I think," Laura said, "that we should be generous, too."

"Do you really?"

"Do we really?" Bailey asked.

"Uh-huh," Laura said to both of them. "So we're going to let him decide our positions."

"That's fair," Bailey nodded.

"Oh," Kent felt his eyes widen with possibility. "Any way I like?"

"Anyway," Laura pronounced, "Anywhere."

Possibilities multiplied into an infinitely branching tree until he couldn't think straight. Kent's head had already started exploding with every possible position he could choose for them, and then she'd thrown in all the places, too.

"Alright," Kent said, "let's do one you haven't done before."

Laura gulped, looking at him patiently. He had half a mind to put her on her back on the bed and make her pull her legs up. Bailey had chosen that once before, right in front of Laura, and once more recently on her own. Laura would look majestic like that, but Kent specifically wanted to complete his work on her and he feared that position would make things too tricky.

I need their asses exposed so I can do this right.

"Bend over the bed," he pointed at the edge of the bed as he stood up. "Bailey on the left, Laura on the right."

With a shared glance and two shrugs, the girls bent over the bed, their hips touching.

"Laura, lift your right knee up on the bed."

"Oh," she gasped. "I... okay."

With a shiver, she lifted her leg up and slowly spread herself just enough to get her knee up.

"Good?" she asked.

Kent admired the view provided by the narrow black panties. As she hadn't taken even a moment to adjust herself, a little fringe of hair poked up around the left edge of her panties.

"Perfect," he said.

"You can get her right side pretty good that way," Bailey's voice carried a note of admiration that surprised Kent.

"That's the plan," he agreed with Bailey, "now you with the left leg."

Already bent over, she raised her left leg up, opening her hips wide, and pulled her knee up until it reached her chest.

We're well beyond ninety degrees, Kent moved to stand behind her to take a look, we're into the one thirty-five zone here.

Better yet, due to the transparency of her panties, he could see where her stretch had opened her lips to reveal a touch of pink inside.

Quite the show, Bai. Quite the show

Taking a moment to enjoy the view, he stepped back and admired the way their muscles had twisted and tensed to support themselves in the awkward position he'd requested. Where their cheeks touched, green transparency meeting solid black cotton, one bony hip braced itself against a softer cheek.

Magnificent, he thought, then moved forward to stand immediately behind them.

He took out and laid the spatula it on Laura's right cheek, high up near her hip. "Ready?"

"Mm-hm," Laura's voice had gone to an extremely squeaky pitch.

Kent didn't wait any longer, lashing out at her flesh with all the ferocity of his previous onslaught.

"Eleven," Laura chirped.

Kent moved along her cheek, diagonally across the centre, landing strike after strike in a neat, straight line toward her crotch.

"Twelve," she winced through the slaps, "thirteen, fourteen..."

He cracked the last one as low and as close as he could to the ample space she'd open between her cheeks.

"Fifteen," she sighed. "Thank god."

Standing up straight, she reached back with both hands to touch the parts of her ass nearest her crotch.

"Hoo," she breathed out. "That's a really sensitive spot."

Kent turned to Bailey and laid the spatula on her left cheek, high up on her hip. Without warning, he began to extract his two dollars, listening to the luscious sounds of forty cents worth of payment rebounding off the tight, stretched muscles of her ass.

When she counted out, "Twenty," she gingerly lowered her legs and rubbed her cheeks.

"We get a massage after that," she declared, her voice brooking no opposition.

Kent waved her to the bed and took his place between their knees once more. Taking their asses in hand, he rubbed them.

We'll start therapeutically and see where we can go from there.

"How do we look?" Bailey asked, interrupting Laura in mid moan.

"Streaked in red," Kent leaned over her to grab and squeeze her cheeks with both hands. He then traced his fingers over her flesh, from her hips to her crotch, "A nice 'vee'."

"So we make a double-u together?" Laura asked.

Kent reached over and squeezed her cheeks as well, making sure she got the same level of attention. "Oh, yeah."

The girls looked at each other at that point and Kent noted some kind of silent, almost telepathic conversation pass between them. He watched, dividing his attention between a thorough cheek-massage and their non-verbal argument.

Bailey's gaze twitched at her cheek and back to Laura's eyes. Laura took a breath and nodded, before speaking the first non-telepathic words of their communication.

"May as well do it now," Laura said.

"Kent?" Bailey asked.


"We need a favour," she said, "and I need my bedroom key."

"On the dresser," Kent said, watching Bailey hop up carefully crawl over Laura.

He raised an eyebrow at her back as she slipped out of his bedroom.

"Don't stop," Laura pouted at him.


He got both hands on her ass, then, kneading and squeezing as deeply as he could, letting his thumbs wander a little, just to see what would happen. Laura did not, however, part her thighs for him, so he didn't try to delve any deeper.

"What's she up to?" Kent asked.