Two Hundred Dollars Ch. 19


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"You'll see," she sang back, clearly enjoying his undivided attention.

Out in the hallway, Bailey locked her door but remained in the hallway for a several seconds longer than she should have needed to walk the few paces.

"Alright," she said as she reentered, "Here."

She held out her cell phone to him as she approached.

"What?" he wondered, taking it from her.

Bailey rolled her eyes and stammered, so Laura spoke, "She's been taking pictures of herself. Didn't you know?"

"No," Kent choked on nothing.

How many other pictures are on this camera? How many images does she have showing spankings we've done?

"Are you sure about this?" he held the phone between his thumb and forefinger.

"Bai says it's safe," Laura said. "I trust her."

"O-okay," Kent stammered, noting that Bailey had already put the phone in camera mode. "How do you want to do this?"

Bailey laid back down on the bed to Laura's left, cheek to cheek.

"Just sort of," she looked back over her shoulder, "Across. Sideways, y'know?"

"Across?" Kent asked.

"Not, uh, up our butts," Laura explained, "But make sure you can see the marks."

"Right, right," Kent nodded, holding the camera vertically at the bedside and lining it up to capture the curves of their reddened cheeks.

"Can you see?" Bailey asked, eyeing him with concern.

May as well go for it at this point, Kent thought, although I'm pretty fucking close to blowing a load in my pants right now.

"Um, lift up your hips a bit?"

Almost as if someone had programmed obedience to such an instruction right into the core of her being, Bailey arched her back and lifted her hips as she did when he spanked her. Laura, watching on, lifted her ass to the same height.

"That's good," Kent confirmed, "stretches the muscles out."

He angled around toward their feet a bit so he could capture the red parts of their seats.

"Watch it," Bailey warned, "I always keep my face out of the picture."


"Oh, Bai," Laura said suddenly. "Our panties."

"Crap," Bailey interjected.

"What?" Kent asked.

"I always take off my underwear," she said, "it's kind of, y'know, identifying?"

Kent felt his erection swell and turn to solid steel as the two of them wiggled their panties down to their knees.

"Okay," Bailey said. "Now."

Kent took a series of pictures, mostly from the side, but made sure to take one from directly above to capture the nice symmetry of the marks he'd paddled into their cheeks. He felt a sense of contentment, knowing a permanent record existed of what they'd done.

"Phone," Bailey demanded as she pulled her underwear back into place.

She made room for him again so he could go back to massaging them while she fiddled with the phone, cropping the pictures carefully and engaging in a bunch of other technical acrobatics he couldn't follow from his vantage.

"Good pix?" he asked.

"Nailed it, yeah," she confirmed, continuing to work away.

Laura, meanwhile, moaned when he gave her his undivided attention. And this time, when his thumbs touched the inside of her thighs, she spread her legs just a little and pushed her hips back into his grip.

Now we want something more, do we?

He carefully rubbed circles on the inside of her thighs, his thumbs going as high as they could without tickling hair or touching her vulva. Under his grip, her muscles quivered. Kent smirked and moved away, taking his hands over to Bailey, who kept her legs tense but gave him more space between them.

That's a hard, hard ass.

After a moment, Bailey put her phone away, declaring, "Safe and sound."

"You're sure?" Laura asked.


Kent now placed one hand on each of their asses, squeezing them in synchronicity and listening to their combined moans of appreciation.

As ego-stroking goes, the ability to get that sound out of two girls at once pretty much takes it. The only question here is how far we go tonight.

He shifted his weight forward so he could press down hard on their cheeks with his palms, getting some pressure into deep tissue. Bailey groaned and Laura gasped.

"Laur," Bailey said.


"I'm gonna do my last one now, okay?" Bailey told her softly. "But you can lie right there and watch."

Laura gulped and nodded.

Bailey rose up on her hands and knees and Kent saw the blurred look in her eyes to match the sheen of sweat on her forehead. She patted the bed next to Laura as she moved over.

"Lie here," she told Kent.

He knew what she meant to do next and he couldn't believe she wanted to do in front of Laura. Some combination of the pain of the spankings, the shame of exhibitionism and god knew what else had pushed her to the point of no return. Kent turned around and lay on his back next to Laura. His left hand, closest to her, found her cheek and continued squeezing her.

Bailey, meanwhile turned herself around and straddled him, sinking herself in so the head of his shaft pushed against her opening through three layers of clothing. This, she decided silently, counted as too much interference. She lifted herself off him, her reddened cheeks rising up in display, and pulled his sweatpants down.

Seating herself again, she sighed and started rocking herself back and forth along his shaft.

"You'll... uh," she stammered.

"I'll what?"

Bailey gulped and took a deep breath. "When I ask for it?"

Kent smiled, restraining his orgasm, "When you say please."

Bailey nodded and Kent took a hold of her hips with both hands. Laura, taking note, turned on her side to face Kent and laid a hand on his chest, rubbing gentle circles.

You're about to get an education, Kent thought. I don't know what they taught you in Utah about any of this, but I have a good idea what Bailey's told you. You can watch and decide what you like and what you want to try.

He got the sudden feeling that this particular event, including the exhibition for Laura, had lain in Bailey's mind for some time. Whether Bailey had kept Laura informed of the plan, he had no idea.

But no way are you doing this in front of your friend without thinking about it ahead of time.

"Please spank me," Bailey whispered.

The easiest path lay in striking her cheek dead centre, in the middle of the angry, red line he'd made with the spatula. Instead, he went low and outside, finding a clean, pink piece of flesh to spank.

"Oh!" she cried out, "Twenty one."

Good spot, then, that one.

Bailey started grinding away at him and he counted himself lucky that her favourite way to use his cock didn't line up perfectly with his own sweet spot.

She's only off by a few centimetres though.

"Please! Again!"

He whacked the same spot

"Twenty-two," she whispered, "Please spank... oh!"

He recognized her orgasm by now in the way her hips shook and her body gyrated, so he let her have another one.

"Twenty-," Bailey cut herself off as her body locked up in the throes of passion.

Should I spank her again? She has to ask for it and she didn't even start.

Instead, he just held her hips in place and prevented her from falling off the bed in her seizure like episode.

With a sigh, her muscles relaxed.

"Twenty-three," she whispered in contentment.

Bailey leaned forward and grabbed Kent's ankles before slowly lifting her ass off Kent's lap. Kent let out his own sigh of relief as he watched Bailey's upper body become horizontal. From this vantage, the transparent fabric of her underwear hid nothing. In this raised position, with her knees so wide, Bailey had drawn her puffy lips open and exposed to his eyes, and a large wet spot showed prominently on the fabric where she'd ground it against her entrance.

"Please spank me," she added quietly.

His erection twitched in his pants as he realized she had passed her orgasm and moved on to the simple fact of paying her debt. Kent laid his right hand over the centre of her cheek and let her have a slap targetted on the red slash he'd made with the spatula.

"Twenty-four," she breathed. "Please spank me again."

Another, final slap brought a low groan from her and she lifted her body off him entirely, twisting around to lay on his right side, her head in the crook of his shoulder. Her free hand rested on his belly and slid down over his boxer shorts, fingertips gently running over his erection.

"You wanted to know," Bailey prodded.

Kent drew in a breath to respond, but Laura's hand started moving down off his chest and he realized Bailey hadn't directed the statement at him.

Oh, Christ.

Laura's hand, timid and shaking, flowed over his rib cage, down his belly, and stopped with her palm on his hip, her fingertips nearly touching the tip of his erection. From her side, Bailey slid her finger up and down the outside of his erection.

Laura still needs to do her spankings, Kent tried to focus, gotta hold on a little longer.

"Never touched one before?" Kent asked.

Laura's head shook against his chest and her hand moved in so the tips of her fingers pushed against his penis, shifting it toward Bailey.

His penis twitched in response and Laura pulled back almost instantly, gasping, "Oh, it moved!"

With a bit more confidence, Laura moved in again and ran her fingers along the side of his shaft until she bumped into his testicles.

Kent did his best to control his breathing.

It might help if I weren't watching, he realized, but knew this for a once in a lifetime event. It seemed wrong to waste any part of the experience by closing his eyes.

Bailey's hand moved between his legs to cup and lift his testicles as Laura moved her hand, palm flat, over top of his erection. As Bailey squeezed underneath, Laura pushed down on his shaft in little bursts, almost as if she wanted to test its hardness. Each time, his erection bounced back under her hand.

She took her hand away entirely for a moment and stared at the shape of him under his loose shorts. Kent tightened his muscles and made his penis lift up.

"Oh," she said, watching him flex it twice before putting her hand on top again.

Bailey's hand came down on top of Laura's, forcing her to curve her fingers to conform to his shape.

Kent counted himself thankful that the two of them only pushed and didn't stroke him like that.

Also, I've spent this whole evening nursing an erection and I haven't blown in my pants yet. Must be a bunch of desensitization helping me out here.

"You gonna try?" Bailey whispered across his chest.

Try what?

Laura nodded and rose up on her knees. As Bailey had before her, she put a leg over Kent and straddled him, facing away. Her cheeks, not nearly as abused as Bailey's, showed the red streaks from the paddling much more clearly against otherwise pale flesh.

Slowly, warily, she lowered herself down until she made contact between her vulva and his erection.

"Oh, god," she whispered, her body twitching away.

With less hesitation, she moved down again. The second contact felt a bit more certain and she gently rocked her hips back and forth, sliding along his shaft.

Where does she want to rub it? On her clit or up against her vagina? At the moment, it's just rubbing her lips, but who knows where it tingles for her?

"Kent," she murmured.


"I'm ready," she said.

"Do you want to say when?" he asked.

Bailey had said 'please' five times and Laura hadn't even raised an eyebrow. From that, Kent had concluded the girls had discussed this option.

Laura shook her head mutely, letting a little more of her weight rest on him.

Just need to hold out a little longer.

"Okay," he warned, setting his hand on her cheek. "Here it comes."

Laura nodded her silent agreement and he swatted her ass. She drove her hips down hard and let out a squeak.

"Twenty-six," she said, lifting herself back up with a shiver.

The gentle stroking continued until he landed his next strike, forcing her down on his cock again.

"Twenty-seven," a moan escaped her lips as she stroked herself against him.

It's her clit, Kent noted the information for later use, she isn't going for pressure up into her vagina like Bailey sometimes does.

Kent watched the way her black panties stretched across her cheeks as she moved, inviting him to strike again.

"Ah!" she screamed out. "Twenty-eight."

Laura's weight stayed on him this time and he knew, despite all of his other misgivings about her and all of Bailey's uncertainty about whether the girl ever pleasured herself, that this was exactly how she took care of her own needs.

Gotta get the spanks out before she hits it, though.

He swatted her right cheek again, as low as he could reach.

"Twenty-nine," she moaned, her gyrations reaching a fever pitch.

Save the last one for just the right moment.

A choked gasp escaped Laura's throat and her knees closed inward, digging in painfully at the nerves in the lower part of his thighs even as her entire body weight dropped in his lap.


He slapped her dead centre in her right cheek, knowing she couldn't even move, never mind speak, in response. Instead, Laura stayed frozen atop him, her insides shaking, and simply accepted the last of her payment.

"Oh, god," she whispered, "Oh, god. Oh, god."

She slid off him sideways, releasing his erection from containment, and fell onto the bed on her side, facing away from Kent. With his left arm over her neck, he pulled her close while she shivered, half worried she'd fall off the bed.

"You alright?"

"Oh, god," she ignored his question, lost in her own world. "I'm so bad. So bad."

"You're not bad," Kent tried to keep his voice calm.

Shit. Have I broken her? Bai, Bai, Bai. Was this too much, too soon for Laura?

"Bad girl," Laura repeated. "Oh, god, so bad."

She turned around in his embrace and looked him in the eye, mournfully, "So awful."

Christ, Kent felt a terror reach out from her blank eyes and grip his heart.

"Just relax. That's what you wanted," Bailey chided softly, "you wanted to be a bad girl, and now you are."

Laura whimpered, burrowing into Kent's shoulder, and Kent wondered what sort of conversations passed between them in his absence. His instinct had run along the lines of consoling Laura, but Bailey saw something else.

Bailey does know her better, he mentally shrugged, the tension in his chest easing, but...

Laura's hand reached out and touched his erection.

Oh, okay.

Bailey cupped his testicles as Laura stroked his shaft.

"Fuck," Kent exhaled the word as one long breath, his arms pulling both girls in more tightly.

"Do you want to see it?" Bailey asked.

Laura shook her head, her voice lost, and continued stroking the length of his erection.

Maybe next time. No biggee.

"Will this," she croaked out in a stammer, "will it make you come?"

She wants to know if she's doing it right.

Kent gasped out, "Yeah. Oh, yeah."

He stretched his hands down the backs of their bodies, reaching for their bare cheeks, but both girls lay out of reach. Bailey, understanding his desire, moved first, propping her body up and moving so he could get his right hand on her ass. She groaned as his fingers sank into the reddest spot in centre. Laura soon followed suit and, at that point, Kent lost control.

With both girls in his grip, he thrust his hips up in the air and felt his loins surge. Laura stopped for a moment in surprise, but Bailey's hand came down on hers, forcing her to keep stroking, harder and harder, right through his orgasm.

"That's a bad girl," Bailey whispered to her. "Don't stop."

Laura kept going, and going...

"Okay, okay," Kent begged, "I'm empty!"

"Oh, sorry!" she jerked her hand back.

"It's alright," he assured Laura breathlessly, "It's fine."

A wide wet spot showed in his shorts.

"That's a lot of... stuff," Laura observed in shock.

Kent laughed, "Have you looked at your panties?"

Laura squeaked and laid back down on his shoulder.

"Are you alright now?" he asked her.

She nodded, not altogether convincingly, and ran her hand up his shirt over his chest.

"She's a bad girl," Bailey put in. "But she likes it that way."

"My butt needs a break, though," Laura said, and Kent felt certain she'd aimed this declaration at Bailey.

"Ten dollars, today," Bailey replied in assurance, rolling her thigh far enough over his leg that he could see part of her right cheek. "We can take a day or two off."

"That's a record," Kent admired them both, "Ten bucks all in about an hour."

"Yay, spatula," Bailey rolled her eyes before reaching down to rub her exposed cheek. "Oh, man. That's gonna hurt for days."

"It was a fine gift," Kent tried his best to ooze sarcasm and, by overdoing it, demonstrate his sincerity. "I truly appreciate it."

"Wasn't it, though?" Laura said.

"Are you gonna be okay?" he squeezed Laura in tighter as he spoke.

"Yeah," she nodded quickly. She took a breath, "It's just I've never done..."

Kent accepted the way Laura left her sentence unfinished. She could have included any of a number of verb-noun combinations describing the last few months and still have made an accurate statement.

"Me, too," he agreed with her sentiment. "Have you really been... taking pictures of yourselves?"

Bailey started at that, but quietly said, "Yes."


His housemate made several aborted attempts at starting a sentence, but finally settled herself down. "So I remember."

He opened his mouth to speak, but Bailey cut in.

"No, you can't have them," she said. "I keep them well away from the Internet."

"That's not what I was going to say."

"Sure," she agreed with considerable doubt in her voice.

"I was going to ask if you've taken pictures every time."

"Almost, yeah," Bailey's voice came through natural and relaxed.

Kent felt as if he might ask her anything and get a true answer, but he didn't have any questions burning in his brain to take advantage.

Oh, I know.



"The very first time I spanked you."

"Last year?"

"Yes," he clarified, "last year."

"What about it?"

"How did you feel right then?"

Bailey's deep breaths indicated to him that he'd caused a whole lot of reconsideration to flood her brain.

"Honestly," she said, "it was like you'd pushed a weird button. It made me feel all sorts of things and I couldn't sort it out for days. At first, I was... sort of freaked out... that you'd taken a little bit of flirting to that level."

She paused for another deep breath.


"But, after a while," she said. "A few days, I mean. I just noticed that I kept thinking about it. Kept thinking about the feeling, the shock of it, and just the fact you'd touched me."

"It's strange, but it took me a whole week to realize I was completely fixated on that one moment in time."

Bailey shook her head.

"I shouldn't even tell you this," she said. "You're still paying me to spank me."

"Don't worry, I'll just spank you harder to make up for it," he assured her.

"Fuck off," she breathed dismissively and laughed. "C'mon, Laura. You need to get home and I do need to take care of some school work at some point."

"Damn," Kent sighed as they crawled out of his bed. "Alright. I guess I should do something productive, too."

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taylorstormstaylorstormsover 4 years ago

I love this story. No clue what’s gonna happen between them, and I’m annoyed when I have to put my phone down and stop reading. This is great.

xtorchxtorchalmost 5 years agoAuthor

There's a certain magic in the energy released when someone overcomes his or her own sexually repression. It's not something another person can do for you, but other people can lead by the way of good example. Laura has an example in Bailey, of someone who isn't hurting anyone, but is doing things Laura wouldn't otherwise do.

In the other sense, though, repression does often lead to poor sexual decision making, fear of asking questions, seeking medical help etc.

I'm just going to continue exploring the good side.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Beautiful Story

It’s such a shame that so many people seem to start their sexual adventures so horribly repressed. If sex was openly accepted that there’d be a lot less risk taking. In this situation they’re all fine it’s the epitome of Safe, Sane and Consensual.

Soon though that debt is going to be paid off and what risks will they take to carry on exploring these acts?

Love the story, it’s really well written, realistic and relatable. Thanks for sharing it with us.


julesbabejulesbabeabout 5 years ago
Best yet

This is the best chapter yet! Keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
More please

Keep going. These stories are great.

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