Under All Those Clothes


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"Lucy!" I sighed.

She grinned once more, bent my head down, and planted a scintillating kiss on my lips. "That should keep you going, while you work on the painting till my next sitting, Doug."

"Oh, mother!" I cried softly.

I had a few other things on my plate that day. After I did as much as I could with Lucy's portrait the first day, I called a gallery owner to set up a showing and spoke with a wealthy businessman who wanted a formal portrait of his family. Around six o'clock in the evening, I got a panicked call from Al.

"My God, Doug! Hank was mowing his lawn. Lucy came out in a skimpy purple bikini and set herself in a lawn chair right in his view and then nonchalantly began reading a magazine! I didn't even know she owned a bikini! Hank noticed. He mowed his lawn three times! Now she's taking a shower and told, no, ordered me to take out to an expensive nightclub in the city. What's the hell has gotten into her?"

"Calm down, Al, she's trying to drive you crazy. Take her out dancing and enjoy it."

"My God! I wanted her to dress sexy not throw herself at my neighbor."

"She's made you forget all about Allison, hasn't she?"

"And how! It's like she's blowing her out of my mind with a red-hot poker of sex. Doug, I want my wife back!"

"Your wife hasn't gone anywhere, Al. Enjoy this."

"But she's flashing her bod at strangers!"

"This is what you said you wanted, pal."

"I Know! I was wrong! I have visions of some guy seeing her naked, taking pictures, even! Those visions are making me crazy! How do I put the genie back in the bottle?"

"That is a question for the ages, Al."

"What do I do?"

"Put on your dancing shoes."

"I'm serious, Doug!"

"So am I, Al."

I managed to get Al calmed down a bit. Then, though I'm ashamed to admit it, I printed out some of the nude pics I took of Lucy and I jerked off. It was delightful! I both envied Al and felt for him. I know what he wanted, a bit of a tease, a bit of leg, maybe some side boob, but Lucy was taking to the hotwife lifestyle like a duck to water. I considered Al. He's a great guy and a perfectly adequate husband for Lucy, so long as she remained a mouse. He's handsome enough to attract attention from Allison, whom I suspect is playing him to a certain extent, but he hasn't the physique, wallet, or charm to tame a panther, and now he was thrown into the cage of a maneater with a broken stool and a faulty whip. Did Lucy love him in spite of those faults? I certainly hoped so. So far only he and I had seen Lucy naked, but I felt she had developed an exhibitionist streak with her new fashions. The fact that she was practically seducing their neighbor under Al's nose demonstrated that. Hank was probably going to get an unsolicited tit flash, just like Al. Lucy might not be joking, however. I've known Lucy as long as she's known, Al. Always, I had a sense that she was hemmed in. That she wanted to cut loose. She may have started down this road to heat things up with her husband, but she way beyond that already. I chuckled inwardly, I felt certain that Al would hang a sheet over my finished masterpiece and might actually begin burqa shopping for his wife! What did Saint Theresa put it? "There are more tears shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers." I doubt she had this particular scenario in mind, however.

The next day Lucy arrived a few minutes early for her sitting. Even though it was June, the mornings had been rather cool of late, so once more she wore a coat. This came off, revealing a short black skirt, red stockings, and a red clingy top. She looked like a shrunken in scale fashion model. If anything, it made Lucy's petiteness even more alluring. I took a deep breath while she dashed behind the partition.

"So, Lucy," I ventured, "How was your night? Al called me and said you were going dancing."

"It was wonderful! I never felt so free on the dancefloor. Poor Al, he almost had apoplexy when I went into a spin and my skirt rose, to reveal the fact that I was wearing really sexy knickers!"

"You'll give the man a heart attack, Lucy!"

She giggled followed by, "I don't understand. I'm finally dressing like he wants and he's a bundle of nerves around me. He actually goes pale when other guys notice me! I thought he'd be flattered by their attentions."

"You are a very beautiful woman, Lucy. Al is suddenly feeling like you are out of his league."

"That's absurd! I'm still me. Hey, are you saying I could do better?"

"No, not at all, Lucy."

She exited from behind the partition. She hadn't even bothered with the kimono. Yes, Al was out of his league. So was I. Lucy would look best on the arm of a male model, an Adonis who's beauty reflected her own.

"Dancing makes me so horny! Al could only get it up three times last night. Such a disappointment."

"TMI, Lucy!"

Lucy giggled and went into her pose. She knew exactly what she was doing. All I

could focus on while I was painting was Lucy and Al getting horizontal. That transitioned to imagining myself fucking Lucy. I could just hear her tigress passionate panting in my ears. I imagined her face in the throes of ecstasy. It's amazing I got any work done at all.

During a break, Lucy said, "You know, Doug, I've only ever been with Al, I'm practically a virgin."

"You've been married a while, Lucy."

"You know what I mean! Have you ever slept with one of your models, Doug?"


"Then you have! You know, Doug. It would only help your painting if you got to know the model inside as well as outside."

"Lucy! Al is my best friend!"

"I know! You are also very handsome, strong, a successful artist, and an eminently eligible bachelor who sleeps with his models."

"Lucy! Knock it off or I'll call Al."

"We both know you won't, Doug."

I looked at the clock and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look at the time, Lucy! You have to get back to the office."

"Aww, just when things were getting interesting. Maybe we can pick this conversation back up during my final sitting? I'll come extra early." She added a wink to that final sentence. I turned to jelly inside. Lucy hurried to dress out of sight. I looked at my canvas, it was spectacular. I wish I had never agreed to this project!

Lucy appeared at my side, sexily yet impeccably dressed. She pulled my head towards hers, gave me a blistering kiss, and whispered hotly in my ear, "Imagine those lips on your cock!" Then she giggled and giggled and made her way out of my studio and on to her office, where I was positive, she would toy with every guy there. I had a raging hardon I had to immediately take care of. As soon as I finished jerking off the guilt set in. I shouldn't think of my best friend's wife that way, yet I was powerless against Lucy's allure. She was very right, one of the main reasons I'm still a bachelor is because I can bed down with the models I paint with no entanglements. It's not just the professional models either. More than once a young wife of an older businessman, who wanted his trophy committed to canvas, violated her marital vows, either in this studio or unoccupied bedrooms of their mansions. I had a very good life.

Al was my best friend. Lucy was his wife. Lucy was the hottest, sexiest woman I had ever painted. Al was my best friend. I could hear Lucy's sobs and moans in my ear. Al was my best friend. I could feel myself coming inside Lucy. Al was my best friend. Lucy's alabaster skin is flawless. Al had bailed me out financially in my early days as an artist until I got my footing. Lucy's carmine lips on my cock! Al saved my life once when we were kids and the creek was deeper than we thought. Lucy's, no doubt, luscious pussy! Al was my best and closest friend. Lucy was his wife. I was a world-class rat! God help me if Lucy made a play for me, I was doomed! I loved Al like a brother, but damn! This was hell on earth! Oh, why couldn't I have gone into accountancy as my dad wanted!

I threw myself into her portrait and then shifted to a few other projects to preserve my sanity. Whenever my mind drifted towards Lucy, my cock, inside my shorts, felt like Alice in her tiny house. I thought this would be a fun project, a bit of a naughty romp. Now I was envisioning Al's hands around my throat, choking the life out of me. If he strangled me though, my artwork was sure to go up in value. My widowed mom, through my estate, would benefit enormously and I'd die with a smile on my face!

Lucy wasn't a businessman's purchased bride. I'd played cards with and dined at Al's and Lucy's place countless times. The two of them came to every gallery showing and opening they could make. Lucy was a fine cook. So was Al. There were barbeques on their patio, Christmas, and New Year's parties. There were rides in Al's boat at the lake and there were weeklong getaways to my condo at the beach. I could not throw all of that away. BUT LUCY! Why did she have to be a goddess under all those clothes? Why did I have to be such a horn dog? How could I let pussy control my life? It was too early in the day to get drunk and I lacked the intestinal fortitude to slit my throat, so I called up some inane heist movie on Netflix and zoned out.

Lucy dragged me out of bed at six the next morning. I had no idea that it was her banging on my door at such an ungodly hour, but I should have suspected. I answered the door wearing only what I had slept in, just a pair of sweatpants. Lucy was in my arms immediately. Her kiss was mesmerizing and breathtaking. I felt my erect cock pressed up against her.

"So glad I caught you half-naked," she joked. "That saves time. By the way, there is some strange ailment in my joints. I seem to have lost all dexterity. You will have to undress me for my sitting."

I was powerless as she led me to my studio she sat on the daybed in the corner and then unceremoniously tugged down my sweatpants.

"Hot damn!" she exclaimed before her sweet lips encircled my shaft. Oh. My. God! Her tiny seeming mouth worked wonders on my manhood. She kissed my balls and suckled each one in turn. Slowly she explored its length of the shaft to the tip. I've been serviced by French whores in Paris and Chinese ones in Shanghai, Lucy was on a par with the best of those. When I was perilously close to coming. Lucy back off and stated quite throatily. "Get my clothes off, Doug. Remember the problem with my hands?"

Lucy was still wearing her coat. She stood up and once I got ahold of myself, I opened it. She looked like an Angel! Literally, she was clad neck to toe in eye-dazzling white. A short white dress, white pearls around her neck, white patterned stockings, shiny white shoes. I gasped. It would be like deflowering a virgin. Lucy had become downright evil! I knew I was at the point of no return. I saw myself on the precipice, the mountain of friendship with Al. Then I saw myself in freefall towards the unforgiving ground.

My hands reached out for the buttons of Lucy's dress. I felt my body splatter as I parted the buttons revealing Lucy's incredibly lacy and transparent bra. I was a dead man now. Nothing could hurt me anymore. I slid the dress down to the floor as I stepped out of my sweatpants. Lucy stood, a white on white vision. Her white stockings were supported by a lacy garter belt and the gossamer thong she wore over her sex was entirely for decorative purposes. I took her in my arms, this tiny wonder, and nothing else mattered.

As we embraced, I worked her bra off. Even though I had seen them before, the thrill of them being exposed this way was akin to when I got the bra off my first girlfriend when I was a teenager. I began to caress and suckle her modest but magnificent breasts. I teased each nipple erect. Lucy purred softly in my ear. Slowly I pared her down until all she was wearing was the pearls and her marital jewelry. The early morning light glinted off Lucy's diamond. I didn't feel a pang of guilt. She pulled down onto the daybed. I kissed the length of her body, from collarbone to great toe. My lips danced around her navel. I kissed her thighs as I parted her legs and then I was tasting her. Ambrosia of the gods cannot be sweeter! I sought her love knot behind the hood and called upon all my skills. Luck began panting. It was almost melodic. Then, her body started bucking, she cried, "Holy shit!" and exploded all over my lips, chin, and face. While she was still climaxing, I entered her. My best friend's wife was remarkably tight. I began pumping in and out, but I was so keyed up, I was like a nerd virgin on prom night. My trigger had never gone off so fast before. Lucy didn't seem to mind. She uttered a soft "Wow!" and got a faraway look on her face. For about a half-hour silence reigned in my studio as both of us lazed in the afterglow.

When my clock chimed eight, Lucy kissed me deeply and said, "I like that you are my husband's friend. However, we have a gift to complete for him. I'll straighten up while you put something on and get set up for my final sitting." Just like that, she was all business once more. What else could I do?

Having gotten Lucy out of my system (for the moment) I found that I could really focus on my work. I captured that just after sex dazzle in Lucy's eyes perfectly. I hoped that Al wouldn't notice, though I was sure all other observers would discern it immediately. As I finished the last brush strokes, I allowed Lucy a peek.

"Perfect, Doug, just perfect."

In anticipation of my next question, she said, "You have my permission to make prints from it and sell them, only don't use my real name."

"You're "Madam X" from this point on."

"I like that. Nice and mysterious. My gosh, look at the time! Doug, I brought another outfit for work. Can you run out to my car, like a dear, and fetch my bag?"

"Your wish is my command."

Lucy dressed behind the partition, even though we had both just been as intimate as two people could be. She came out wearing a neat green skirt, which was a bit longer than what she had been wearing lately, a white blouse, and a neat green blazer. "Board meeting, today." She said to my unanswered question. She pulled a second cashier's check from her purse and said. "Both you and the painting are invited for our anniversary bash. I can't wait to see the reaction when you unveil this. A lot of the guys' Al works with and some of the ones from my office will be there. Bring a date, Doug, and some soothing words for Al. Thanks for being so understanding. Now that I'm a fallen woman, I can get on with my life. I'll tease the guys at work. Maybe I'll arrange to answer the front door wearing just a towel when Hank Henderson comes over, which might just "accidentally" slip. But other forbidden fruit?"

She paused for a long time, giggled, and finished with, "MAYBE!"

Lucy screwed a businesswoman expression on her face and headed for the door. I could hardly wait for that anniversary party!

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willyk1212willyk12123 months ago

im sorry read one of your storys it was good tryied this one it sucked sorry cant read any more cheating wifes just dont do it

tralan69ertralan69er4 months ago

If you want to please everyone...sell ice cream

Good story, please write another.

tralan69ertralan69er4 months ago

Lucy is a one-woman man.

I think I would call her a one-man woman.

AardieAardie6 months ago

Poor Al will be very lonely losing his best friend and his wife on his anniversary.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wife - disgusting, cheater.

Best friend - bastard traitor.

Husband - cuck.

Story - loser.

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