Underestimating the Risks


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"So you are doing it just to make him feel better – or do you like the idea of going out on with him too?" I continued my inquisition.

"It's just dinner before a sexual encounter," she began her reply. "I have mixed emotions about it, really. I do want to fuck him again, and I like the idea of getting into some sexy outfit and going out with him and getting him all worked up, before I do fuck him. But I don't want you upset at all – I want you completely cool with this. I don't see it as a date – but more like a longer build up to sex."

As far as I was concerned, if it looks like a date and smells like a date, then it's a date. And she was telling me she did want to go out with him too – how was this not a date?

Figuring that part of the conversation was over (she seemed to take my words as some kind of approval), she continued, "So that was the first thing – I'm going to go out to a dinner date with Mark.

She had said 'date' as if were in quotations marks. "Second, he thinks it crazy that we make you sleep on the couch. He'd prefer you to not be around at all, actually, but is willing to accept that I'm married and that I love you and have no intention of that changing."

"Wait", I interjected. "You talked about all this with him?"

She nodded, "yeah – we talked for a while actually. He'd much prefer it if I were single and going out with him on a real date. Well I'm not single, but I'm giving him the date-like experience kind of thing anyway, and going out to dinner with him.

"So for him, it's a date then too," I pointed out.

"No," she disagreed. "I said he wants it to be a date."

But I didn't want to give in here and pressed on. "So if he were asked if it is a date or not, he'd say no?" I asked?

Jen paused for a moment, and then with some resignation admitted that Mark would probably call it at a date. "I just don't want you to be getting hurt or upset over something tiny. You and I have this thing where I occasionally fuck another man. Surely, having dinner with him as part of that hook up isn't a big deal. I'm not seeing it as a date, but just an extension of me hooking up with him. Doesn't that make sense?"

In spite of her plea, I didn't let the point go. "Jen, I just want full complete honesty between us always. I know we are on a different path here and what started as an accidental experience while we were a bit high has slowly turned into something different. Now he thinks it is a date. He thinks he's going on a date with a married woman. I see it as a date –he's going on a date with my wife. Seriously now, be honest. You see it as a date too. You already said you want to give him what he wants and what he wants is a date. And this is what he thinks he's getting! "

Jen again paused and said, "yeah – ok. I do want to give him what he wants and what he wants is a date and then to take me to bed."

Finally, we were getting somewhere – even if not somewhere good. "So we now know what he wants. But do you want to go out on a date with him too?"

Jen just nodded and said in quiet voice, "yes." I think she was worried about how I may react.

I decided to proceed down the same path with my questions. "So, the idea is that you want to go out with him first on a date, and then you'll be coming back here to fuck him again."

"No," she said surprising me. "He wants me to go back to his place. That was his point. You wouldn't have to sleep on the couch then. This way he gets what he wants with me, and doesn't have to lock us in the bedroom."

"But you've always said you wanted my presence," I pointed out. "I won't have any presence at his place."

"True", she replied, "I would be happy with you there, but as you know, others guys don't really want another guy around them – it's understandable. And I'm not doing this behind your back – I'm doing this as part of our relationship and with your full consent. "

I wanted to point out that I haven't consented, but I bit my tongue.

"So", I started, trying to hide my bitterness, "Are you asking for my full consent now or have you told him you're going to spend the night with him already?"

She looked at me for a second as if I were an alien and then said, "You've already consented to this kind of relationship where I occasionally have sex with other men. Each time I've hooked up with someone I made sure you were on side. Surely we are beyond talking about it at this point – and the only changes are eating with the guy and which bed I fuck him in." Jen continued, "You and I have a marriage where we have enjoyed my taking on another partner once in a while. But Mark is right about this – it is entirely up to me as to whom that other partner will be. Who I sleep with is and will always be up to me. So, yes, I've already told him – because the only thing we are talking about here is eating with him and which bed I choose to have sex with him in."

I was in a corner now. But we had to talk this out. I wanted very much to appear reasonable. "So is this an ongoing dating thing between you and him?" I asked.

Jen had a quick response, "We've not talked about going out beyond Saturday in any specific way. We've both put conditions on hooking up which I've told you about. My condition is that I'm happily married to you and won't change that. His condition is that when I'm with him I have to put him first, not like a second class citizen, and more like a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship where I alone am making the decision to be unfaithful to you."

"So, then, you see this as the beginning of a relationship with Mark as your boyfriend?" I asked.

Jen tried to read my face, but didn't disagree – "Yeah – I'm open to the possibility that I'll continue to date him in a boyfriend-girlfriend kind of relationship, but I don't want it to be an affair behind your back kind of thing. I want us both to use it to strengthen our relationship."

Jen was clearly trying to cast this in a positive light for my sake – but the facts were becoming clearer and clearer – she wanted an ongoing boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with Mark within the bounds of our marriage. My immediate thought would be that at some point that relationship could spread out to beyond the bounds of our marriage and could potentially replace it. It seemed very, very clear she now wanted on a full sexual relationship with another man.

Jen decided the time was right to take a bolder stab at explaining herself. She looked me in the eyes and said, "What I want is something that must remain within the bounds of our marriage. I'm not willing to go anywhere beyond that. It may be unconventional, but we are already unconventional."

I didn't respond, and Jen saw this as a green light to continue. "A part of me wants to be a wilder girl. And this means expressing myself sexually, dressing sexy and being noticed. Our marriage is great, but dressing sexy for my husband isn't exactly wild. Going out with a bunch of girls to a club is wild. Hooking up with another guy is wilder. Just thinking about it turns me on. It doesn't mean I don't love you or don't want to be sexy for you. It's just not a wild thing to be in lingerie for my own husband! I enjoy sex with other men and don't see why I shouldn't."

I understood this, but didn't really want to give her any more encouragement here. Nevertheless, Jen saw this as leading to further discussion and began to explain again, "So a part of me wants to play the wild slutty girl. Another part of me though is that typical heterosexual woman who does find other men attractive. This doesn't mean I don't find you attractive. You should know me by now that for marriage I need even more than just looks in a man. I married you, didn't I? But if I were just looking at a bunch of guys whom I've never met, there could be some that I think are hot. It would be based on just physical appearance. It shouldn't surprise you that the guy I'd choose would be handsome and would look amazing with his shirt off. I'd choose the guy who looks like he works out daily. I'd choose the guy who would most likely be a stud. And then if I hooked up with him, I would want to like him, and I'd have to see if he were good in bed. "

I couldn't hold my tongue any longer. "You like Mark? You don't find him arrogant?" I asked incredulously. Usually Jen responded by re-casting my concerns in a more gentle way. This time she was blunter and replied, "He has plenty reason to be arrogant. He has an amazing bod that a lot of women lust after; he has a very nice "package" which he knows how to use. And he knows he can get women in bed, including married ones like your wife!" "His arrogance is his confidence. Yes, I like it. It turns me on even more," she added. "How could I not to keep seeing him? He's hot and I want to be a hottie for him. He's a stud in bed. It's natural that I want to be fucked by him. And if things continue to be good, I'd naturally want to keep on with him."

Jen decided it was time to state her ultimate goal here. I suspected it would sound a lot like my worst nightmare, but that she'd put her spin on things to sound like there was very little change. She began, "So if things continue to go well – and I'm hoping they will – I will be in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with Mark, within the boundaries of our marriage. Your wife will have a boyfriend. Al l this means is that when I'm with him, I'm his girlfriend and belong to him. When I'm not –all the rest of the time – I'm yours alone. It's no different than when I was with "Jimmy", except this might be longer term."

There wasn't much more for me to say. I asked her how often she would be seeing him then.

Jen responded, "I don't really know. If we continue to see each other I would see him when he wanted and when I was available. It's not like you and I aren't busy. Maybe we will see each other a couple of times a month; maybe a little more. It really depends on how things go, just like any other relationship! I just need you to understand this isn't as your replacement."

"I'll bet Mark sees himself as being my replacement," I said, not hiding my hurt feelings.

Jen thought about this and said she kind of doubted it. She added, "Sure, if I were single he might like to date me a bit, but I don't think he's at the stage where he wants me to be his permanent girlfriend. And I also think he is turned on by getting another guy's wife into bed. I guess it feeds his ego. He's happy to be the guy that a married woman chooses to be unfaithful with. It confirms his status as a stud."

I couldn't let that one go at all – "Yeah, it confirms his status as a stud, at my expense."

Jen bypassed my claim, and then summarized, "Look – you've thoroughly enjoyed your wife having sexual encounters with other guys. Now your wife has a boyfriend on the side. I think you'll enjoy this too. We'll enjoy this together. You should know this already.

I just didn't know what to say. I thought about telling her not to go through with this, but it would be clear, then, that I was the one that had messed up and was changing my mind and being all jealous. And now I was thinking that even if I did tell her to stop, she just might refuse. Worse, she might start seeing him behind my back. What was worse – my wife regularly fucking her boyfriend with my knowledge or without?

We left the conversation with nothing more to say. I felt the one thing still out there was the clear fact that Jen saw Mark as a stud and me not. She saw Mark as a winner and me not. I may be the lovable guy – but at most a lovable loser compared to what she was getting with Mark.

We made no mention of Mark on Friday. We made no mention of him Saturday morning or afternoon. There was no way I was going to mention him. I think this suited her too. It wasn't until after 5 p.m. that she told me he was picking her up at 7 – and that she'd have to start getting ready soon. She asked me what my plans were, and I of course hadn't made any – my mind was thinking of nothing other than my wife going out with her boyfriend on a date and to fuck his brains out.

At some point she disappeared upstairs. She reappeared at 6:50 wearing a sleaveless white blouse and a very, very short tight denim skirt. I hadn't seen this skirt before and was a bit surprised she'd wear a skirt so short – it barely covered her butt. And she was going out in public like this?

I noted the make up too. "What do you think?" she asked.

"I haven't seen that skirt before," I replied.

"It was a quick purchase I made this week. I already did the tight jeans thing last time. I figured he needed a different look the second time. I wanted it to be very sexy so that any guy seeing me with him will know he's going to be scoring."

Well if that was her goal she succeeded, I thought.

I think she found me a bit too quiet so Jen came over; sat beside me, put her hand on the front of my pants which made me instantly hard and said, "We can have some fun with the skirt when I'm back." She was trying to cheer me up.

I should have not responded, but couldn't help myself – "But he gets to have fun with it first." She squeezed my cock through my pants then said, "Yes – your wife is giving the first shot to her stud boyfriend. You can save your shot for when I get back." She simply continued to squeeze my hard cock.

The buzzer rang indicating someone was downstairs. Obviously Mark was here. Jen said "I can't kiss; don't want to ruin the makeup."

She patted me on the cheek and raced to our front door, picking up a small suitcase she was bringing with her. I don't know what she packed. She pulled out a pair of platform shoes to wear. Jen looked hot with those shoes and pair of jeans. But those shoes with this very short tight skirt had Jen looking hooker-hot. Honestly, she looked hot; but like a really high priced hooker.

She gave me one last glance and was out the door. I went over to our living room window and looked down. Less than a minute later I saw them emerge from our building, heading to his car. His arm was around her with his hand planted on her denim clad ass.

I saw them kiss as he let her into his car, and they were off soon after. A while later, I went into our bedroom and immediately noticed she had left her wedding rings on top of her jewellery box. I guess this was a little detail she didn't want to reveal voluntarily. It was like the discovery of the first thing she was beginning to hide from me as she pursued Mark.

I was certain of Mark's game, without having ever talked to him about it. He wanted more than just the opportunity to screw a hot married woman; he wanted to be the guy that broke up our marriage either by making sure his fucking her was rubbed in my face enough to get me to leave, or barring that if I didn't leave, he'd try convincing my wife that he was far more of a stud than me, and that a real man wouldn't put up with being a cuckold. The problem was I knew this was now the game but also realized he held all the cards. He knew either I'd crack or he could keep pressuring my wife to leave me.

There was no way, as far as I could see, he was at all interested in having her as his real girlfriend. He might be interested in trying her out, but he had no emotional attachment to her at this point. No – he didn't want her as his girlfriend. He wanted merely to ruin a marriage.

And I knew there was nothing I could say or do that would convince Jen to put a stop to it. Any attempt would be nothing more than sign of weakness on my part, making Mark look even better. The very attempt to intervene against Mark would be a sure sign to her that I saw Mark as better – and therefore more of a threat. This would only confirm her own feelings about him as a stud. It would make her want him even more.

I spent the night with the TV on, but watching nothing. I received one text that night saying she'd be home in the morning. It turns out 3:30 p.m. is her idea of the morning. She returned wearing little denim short shorts and a pink tank top – same platform shoes. Hooker hot again.

"Do you want a kiss now, or after I wash up," she asked. The implication was that she hadn't cleaned up after her last bout with Mark yet. I would soon ask how it went. But it was apparent by her demeanor that Mark had successfully fulfilled her needs. She reminded me of a tamed stallion. If this was a card game not only was Mark playing his cards well, it was clear I wasn't dealt any.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I am not sure how this husband would be so emotionally dull, to not draw a line in the sand with her going down the slippery slope of her having a boyfriend and dating. He doesn't want, he's not comfortable with it, and she doesn't care. Since she hadn't of not earlier step back with her future boyfriend and husband there, surely she would relent now with only her husband there. Any husband at this point would of threatened her with leaving her and with divorce. I think emotional turmoil is good, and normal in these stories but him being pathetic is another genre.

checklistchecklist3 months ago

Pre-warning, long review from someone wanted to love this but it fell to short to. Check my favorites if you don't believe me. I compliment you in the last paragraph, despite the rest of what I have to say.

As someone who loves bad endings/netorare for these types of stories, I have no clue who this story is for. It was very transparent early on that the story would end with the wife turning the relationship into whatever she wants because the husband never said anything, until it was way to late.

That would normally be okay to me, if more was shown, primarily sex and the main character losing. That's what I don't understand about this story. This isn't for cuckold fans who enjoy having good endings/safety nets. This certainly isn't for netorare fans because there's just no teeth.

There is no good ending. There is no bad ending. This is not high fantasy, this is Literotica. We don't need super intelligent 5d chess bittersweet bullshit. That is appreciated, but never requested, and only in small doses anyway. 9/10 times, the person you are writing for -- this target audience even outside of this website, just wants characters that make sense. Past that, they want to be able to at least suspend disbelief enough to get a good fap. I know I wanted that. I knew what was going to happen but I read on hoping there was a decent bad ending. Because that would have at least had resolution.

I'll end by repeating that I truly don't know who this story is for. I am one of the unicorns that usually praise the low rated stories that I know the vast majority of Literotica hate, because that is not conclusive to the type of writer I want to encourage to continue. I wish I could do the same here. I'll say this though - my issues could be fixed by just adding a few paragraphs onto the story, preferably a second chapter. I want resolution in some form, and failing that, a decent sex scene. I understand though if you're not here for that. I just wanted to give you an honest review from someone that doesn't usually have a stick up their ass on this website. I swear, if you check my favorites, most/all of the writers have bad reviews and I disagree with all of them. I usually love stories like this!

You had the core for something good. I can tell your a great writer. It just felt unfocused and just... strange, for this site. Again, I don't know who its for. I dream of a second chapter of this someday where you resolve these plotlines and in a hot way. I wouldn't mind seeing things go exactly according to Mark's plan. Its just that though - seeing it. And there doesn't have to be a good ending for our main character. Lean into it. Who cares? People will hate either way on this biased site. At least give the people its clearly for something to chew on. If not, then do the opposite for the other crowd. Someone deserves to be satisfied by the time I know you spent on this. That attention to detail and those ideas are wasted in this current form.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Yeah, I read the whole story even though it was pretty obvious how it would end. won't be reading any more

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This was initially a very hot story but in the second half I was mentally screaming at the guy to finally draw a line somewhere.

Tomh1966Tomh19665 months ago

Normally I hate this kind of story but you rocked this one. You write exceedingly well.

This one BEGS for a turnaround by the husband. Note not setting them on fire or the Mexican whorehouse trope.

Maybe he gets a girlfriend

Maybe he divorces and finds another.

I think the girlfriend one would be fun. then the wife gets jealous... and maybe the girlfiend is just better...

TQMTQM5 months agoAuthor

This story, too, is still generating comments. This surprises me! Great advice - thank you all who wish to advise the husband in a fictional story to "grow some balls." It is actually the most common comment! And the idea of "growing some balls" - is really a bit cave-man ideology, no?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Waiting for the husband to grow some balls. Fuck me. It’s only going to end one way, might as well have her served and start looking for her replacement. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

BULLSHIT!!!!! grow some balls

pendapenda8 months ago

Ticks all the right boxes. Great!

fishgetterfishgetter9 months ago

I'm not that kind of husband - period. Sorry to disappoint. I was getting more agitated and more concerned by the minute.??? AYSM?!! The MC was getting off on it, or he would have killed the marriage via an attorney!!

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