Unrivaled Swap


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"How about you, Art?" Gina inquired staring at him.

"I see potential problems, but I also know that we each really love our spouses and 'growing apart' can be serious - very serious. I think that, as responsible adults, that this could be the key to ensuring that all of our relationships remain strong. I think that we all agree that divorces would be catastrophic, and - I promised myself that I wouldn't use statistics, but I can't help myself," he moaned. "Statistics indicate that more than 70% of couples that 'grow apart' do end up in divorce despite true affection for each other."

"How do you like Melissa's proposal, then?" Gina asked.

"I go along with it," Art chimed in.

There was a pregnant pause. "I came up with the idea, and I'm all for it," Gina said, staring and me and opening up her legs. If I wasn't so shell-shocked I would have cum in my pants once I got a look at the honey pot between the most sculptured thighs in the history of womanhood.

"This has really - and I mean really - caught me by surprise," was all that I was able to mumble, though not as articulately as I have related it here. "Let me ask two questions of the group and then talk to each of you individually."

They all nodded their heads in assent.

"Number one; why was I not given advance notice of this?"

"I'll handle that one," Melissa apprehensively said while raising her hand like a sixth grader getting the teacher's attention. "I know that you consider Gina physically desirable - I guess because you have a dick and a pulse," she laughed, as did Art while Gina just smiled. "I had to think long and hard about it, and if I nixed the idea in my own mind I never wanted you to even know about Gina's solution. I decided this morning that I likely would go along, so I confirmed our dinner with both Gina and Art at that time, and was assured that neither of them would veto it."

"Makes sense," I nodded - because it did.

"Number two, is it realistic to think that you Art and you Melissa will just have an emotional relationship and that you Gina and me only a physical one?"

"A good question, Brad, and maybe we can't honestly answer that at this time; which is why I think that Melissa's suggestion of a three month trial period is a good one," Gina stated without any hesitancy in her voice. Both Art and Melissa enthusiastically nodded.

"OK," I replied, also nodding. "Now I would like to talk to each of you individually. Melissa first, then Art, then Gina. Melissa come with me to the den and we'll close the door," I said, standing and offering her my hand, which she readily glommed onto.

When we got in the den I stared into Melissa's eyes while holding her hands. "You really are OK with this - there is not some sort of a martyr thing going on?"

"I really am OK with it, honey," she responded looking me directly in the eye. "I think that it is eminently practical. I love being with you, but my libido is vanishing. It may be physical, may be mental - I don't know. But as it diminishes I see no reason to make you take cold showers and suffer. Plus the thought of going to all the cultural events I could ever imagine is more thrilling to me than the thought of sex. So yes, I'm really OK with it!"

We talked about fifteen minutes more until I was convinced that she was on board.

Then I led Art into the den. I could hear Melissa and Gina whispering to each other even before the door was closed. I had lots of questions for Art. His responses were basically the same as Melissa's. What convinced me that he was sincere was his statement, "Look, Brad, let's be realistic. Despite Gina's love of me and our family how long do you think that someone as red hot as she is can resist being hit on by every straight guy who isn't blind, especially when I'm thirty pounds overweight, balding, and have low sex drive. I'd rather it be with you than someone I didn't know or like."

"What makes you sure she'd be satisfied with just me?" I asked.

"You're a great guy but dense; she's always had the hots for you. You just have to deliver half as good as she thinks that you will and I won't ever have that worry," he almost scornfully replied.

Then it was time to talk to Gina. The talking part of that get-together didn't last long.

"You do know that I'm going to ravage you and fuck you like a three dollar whore, don't you?" I rhetorically asked while holding her by the shoulders and staring into her intense brown eyes.

"You better," was her only verbal response. The next five minutes - just to seem like we were actually discussing something - I pushed the front of her body against a wall, squeezed a tit with one hand, and finger-fucked her to orgasm with the other, then licked off my fingers in front of her as she smiled wickedly. "This is gonna be so much fun," she said as she squeezed my balls, straightened out her dress and hair, and exited the room.

When we got back to the living room I said "I'm in with Melissa's three month trial period. My only caveat is that none of us ever compares our spouse and companion to each other out loud, EVER."

They all allowed that that was a good idea, and Gina, Art and Melissa whipped out their calendars and we started planning.


The details were surprisingly easy to work out since we all wanted them to. The very next day Melissa and Art went to an opera matinee and then to some fancy French restaurant for dinner. I took Gina's son along with my two boys bowling and shooting pool while Gina took her daughter and mine to their soccer game. All of us met for dinner at the Olive Garden.

The looks that Gina gave me when eating - more sucking than eating breadsticks - almost made me cum in my pants at the dinner table. I playfully mouthed "Stop It," to her several times but she just smiled wickedly and did it again. When I dropped her and her kids off she gave me a quick peck and whispered "I can't wait! Eat your Wheaties!"

Melissa came back from her "date" glowing. She gushed about the opera and food. I pretended to be interested, and gave her big hugs, and after we put the kids to bed we huddled together watching an old movie on TV.

The plan the next day, Sunday, was for me to pick Gina up for dinner at six, then for us to go dancing after dinner. Gina was already dressed - and dressed to kill - when I got to her house a few minutes early. As soon as she got in the car she exposed her creamy thighs and revealed a hairless, pantiless crotch. "Uh - where do you want to eat?" I mumbled.

"If you want to eat anyplace but at the 'Y' you're not the man that I thought that you were," she snickered.

"The Four Seasons it is," I laughed.

Fortunately, the hotel was only a ten minute drive because I had to keep Gina from fishing out my rock hard cock the entire way so that I wouldn't get in an accident.

We signed in under our real names - we had nothing to hide - and went to our room. "You've seen and played with my pussy but you wouldn't let me see or play with your cock, you bastard," were her first words as she undid my belt, unzipped me - no easy task with my cock sticking straight out - and pulled down my pants and boxers. "Nice," she smiled as she got on her knees and held my cock with one hand while she licked it.

After just two minutes, when I was almost ready to blow my wad that quickly, I lifter her up, pulled off her dress, quickly unclipped and disposed of her bra, lifted her up and bounced her on the bed. I quickly removed my shirt, tearing some of the buttons, and stepped out of my pants and dove for her pussy as she giggled on the bed.

Her pussy was almost as phenomenal as her thighs. Her clit was so sensitive that she periodically had to loudly gasp and extricate my cock from her mouth as we engaged in a delicious sixty-nine. Her pussy lips were thin but juicy and nearly as sensitive as her clit. She had two orgasms courtesy of my fingers, lips, and tongue before she moaned "Fuck me - up against the wall!"

I don't think that I had ever fucked Melissa up against a wall since our first year of marriage. Melissa now weighed 140, which would make it difficult, plus she never really enjoyed it - missionary was her style. Gina weighed 110 and was asking for it! I didn't make her beg.

I penetrated her deeply in one stroke while she was on her back on the mattress and then stood up, holding her by the ass cheeks, with my dick still buried in her wet cunt. She was moaning and yelling "fuck yeah," the whole time. When I pushed her against the exterior wall - I didn't want guests complaining about banging on the hall or intermediate walls - I hammered the shit out of her. She clenched those magnificent thighs around my torso, and squeezed her arms around my neck. As I pummeled her every so often I'd stick a finger in her asshole, or if I stopped for a few seconds would fondle a tit, and then keep banging.

We had a virtual simultaneous Mother of All Orgasms when she squeezed my cock with her pussy muscles and I shot a river of cum into her expectant vagina. She bit my shoulder to keep from screaming while I groaned the lowest pitch groan I've ever emitted.

Once I pulled my cock out of her and she moved her legs from engulfing me to my sides I stumbled back onto the bed and we lay next to each other alternately giggling and saying "Holy Shit!"

"This arrangement may work out," she chuckled.

"I'll have to fuck you another hundred times to be sure," I deadpanned, getting me a playful slap on the arm and bite on the nose.

We both were hungry so we ordered a very light room service meal. I put just my pants on to be able to answer the door and massaged her while we waited for the food to arrive. Her ass and thighs were even more delectable than I imagined them; I could have stroked them all day. I covered her up with a sheet while I answered room service, we fed each other while we joked, and as soon as we finished our light meal she said "Time for desert,' and immediately shoved my half-hard cock into her mouth.

A few minutes later she was on her hands and knees and I was pounding her brains out doggy style. We fucked again sitting on the floor of the ornate shower stall in our bathroom, staring into each other's souls, not just our eyes.

We left the hotel at 10:40. She lay her head on my lap on the ride home and I stroked her hair as we chatted. We had a passionate kiss at the end of her block before she got out and skipped home; not before she said "My happiness quotient just doubled. I can't wait until we get used to each other."

When I got home I tried to low key it. Melissa cooperated and asked only a few innocuous questions. We were both tired -actually I was totally drained - so we went to bed and spooned.

My second night with Gina I had a surprise for her. As I was fucking her doggy I stuck a thin lubed vibrator in her asshole despite her protests and wiggling; I turned in on low, and then just as I ejaculated into her I turned it on high. When Gina snapped out of the comatose state that my activities had driven her into she mumbled "You bastard you can't ever do that to me again," and then after a pregnant pause, "if I have to work the next day," followed by a giggle. She had a similar reaction when the next time we got together we did The Wheelbarrow.

Simply put, the woman is a sex goddess. When together we didn't have to worry about life's mundane problems; our only concern was making the other person feel fantastic. She accomplished that in spades, and unless she is the best actress in the world I reciprocated.

Melissa seemed almost as happy as I was; I tried to tone down my excitement when around her, and I think that I was successful. Maybe she was trying to do the same thing.

After the three month "trial" period was over the four of us went out to dinner - somewhere between Olive Garden and Le Meurice. It took all of thirty seconds to confirm that we wanted to continue. "Everyone still on board?" I asked.

"Yes," "Yep," and "For sure" were the simultaneous responses.

"Re-evaluate after another year?" I continued.

"Sounds good," "Let's do it," and "Good idea" were the next set of simultaneous replies.

"Any real problems?" I persisted.

"My face hurts from smiling all the time," Gina pouted, to hearty laughs from all of us.


Of course life is not always that simple. For one, both Gina and I were getting frustrated because we could never spend the night together. For another, Art and Melissa were complaining that their sojourns, even though they thoroughly enjoyed them, were taking too much time away from the kids since they had to go back and forth between our houses and we lived a fair distance apart.

The main problem, however, was that the relationships did not stay stagnant. My relationship with Gina became intensely emotional in addition to physical; we couldn't help it. We also suspected that Art and Melissa's relationship had become physical too - although we doubted that they were actually fucking, even though we were sure that they were petting and sucking.

Gina took the bull by the horns eighteen months after we started. In a dinner at the Jenkins house she said what we were all thinking; with a proposed solution.

"Let's be honest. Our relationships with each other are not casually emotional or casually physical any more. Each of us is in love with two people. I now need more - I suspect that you all want more even if you don't need it like I do," she announced. Then she went to a desk drawer and pulled out architectural drawings for a new house.

"We're all doing well economically. We've paid off our mortgages and have most of the money for our kids' college educations saved up. We build this house, then sell our houses, and move in together. Brad and I sleep together four nights a week as do the two of you, and we sleep with our spouses three nights. We each design the interior details of our half of the houses - the outside looks like a larger version of Melissa's and Brad's," she said as she rolled out the drawings.

The house had two master bedrooms that were back-to-back, with absolute soundproof insulation between them, but also a door. That way the kids would never know who was sleeping with whom. There were separate entrances to the house at the front, and the only common room was an entertainment center at the rear of the first floor that included a pool table, video games, a large screen TV and exercise equipment.


We've lived in our specially designed "duplex" for the last year. The kids are none the wiser and think that it's cool to live togehter, primarily because they get along so well. There is a possible complication for the future that we're keeping our collective eyes on. My youngest son and Gina's daughter seem to be too enamored with each other; I can't blame him because she looks a lot like Gina, but it is a concern nevertheless because they're only thirteen and twelve.

Gina and I still act like newlyweds. We either fuck or make love at least once every night that we're together - four times a week - and there is no end in sight. We both love to experiment and our bodies and libidos are completely simpatico. I still fuck Melissa - usually once a week since her libido has increased somewhat since she is truly happy now. I don't know if Art fucks either Melissa or Gina - I don't ask and quite honestly don't care that much, although I really would like it if no one but me ever fucked Gina ever again.

The arrangement works perfectly for now. I don't know what will happen when all, or even most, of the kids move out. I'm confident that Gina will have another great plan when we reach that scenario.

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miket0422miket0422about 1 year ago

Fun and interesting story right up until they build one big house for both families to live in.

Besides the over the top nature of that ... I find it very hard to fathom none of them getting jealous that their spouse has fallen in love with their swap partner.

Still, have to give credit for creativity.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 1 year ago
You are a seasoned author

But you do not spell dessert properly


26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

A rare imhapless story that I could find nothing at all to like about. Just not for me.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

Fun story but not likely how it would have evolved in real life. (Something important for me when reading/evaluating a story here). I agree with some others, no way the kids would have not figured it out at 12/13 years of age, but I get the ending was more about "entertainment" and closure than practical solutions/ending. 4*

whateverittakeswhateverittakesalmost 3 years ago

I see no problem here. Everyone is happy and satisfied. Just think the kids have even picked up on the dynamic in house and are willing to carry on the tradition.

gopher25gopher25almost 4 years ago
Don't forget the kids

All those commenters who predict divorces totally underestimate the role that kids can play in keeping their parents together, except in the situation where the parents have grown to actually dislike being together -- and there is never any hint in this story of that happening. The parents are getting along fine. The three nights a week the couples are together keeps them close to each other. They are just each getting some outside action that enhances their lives further. As the author hints, Art and Melissa are almost certainly moving toward having some sex too, as well as companionship, and Brad and Gina are definitely getting some companionship, as well as sex, but the married couples are getting enough of both in their marriages that they have no incentive to divorce when it means problems with their kids.

MormonJackMormonJackabout 4 years ago
Thanks for a fun story

And ... one get's the "gist" of what another is saying, not the "jest" of what another is saying, unless that other person is making fun of something.

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleover 4 years ago
The perfect ingredients

To build a bonfire.

All very adult, and crafted to make it acceptable in a story.

Definitely not real life. Two personalities in a relationship can cause it to run aground. Double that to four, and the chances of failure increase exponentially.

That's real life. And the stats prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Lovely that all's rosy in this tale. To me, it's insidious in intent and in outcome.

But that's just me... I'm wired like only about 90% of civilisation. I am aware that there are always exceptions to the rule.. I meet them every day in the comments section, slamming any story that dares to denigrate a slut, and they Love to pour hatred on any male lead that just can't accept their place in the pecking order... at the bottom.

This one is a fail for me. Such is life.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
You are a sick person.

Who is an artist at the written word.

I really despise this scenario and characters but totally enjoy your writing.

x_witless_xx_witless_xalmost 10 years ago
Cute. Lovely old yarn.

Hope him and Art become real good buddies. Thanks for spinning 5*

chilleywilleychilleywilleyalmost 10 years ago
Just a bit glib

They treated Brad as a moron, but all in all, I thought you rushed through the preliminary discussions. It was obvious from the start that it was very likely that at least one half of the swap would fall in love and want to ditch the spouses. A man and woman have a emotional (but sexless) relationship, and the other have a sexual, but not an emotional relationship? Naaah doesn't work that way, especially when they are so well matched in other aspects of life. They should have discussed all that. And what happens when they start talking on the phone for hours?

Had I been Brad, assuming I wanted to stay married, I would have nixed it as they were too compatible, and a long term relationship, three months, would likely make at least one of them a couple. More reasonable would to look for swingers a three hour drive from their house.

Likewise nothing is said about the growing love in the nes aleignment So that's my suggestion, that a huge step like that should have had more discussion. The Polyamory thing, I guess that's the writer's choice, but it seems to me the old marriages are over.

Another point, the characters were too similar to be reasonable, so one likes olive Garden which is the McDonalds of a chain Italian restaurant. SO have the female counterpart prefer mom and pop Mexican, introduce differences so the cross alignment wasn't so close,

Chilley .

FD45FD45almost 10 years ago
Sorry for the double post

My one bit of consternation with the story was at the bottom of page 1. Two pages does not do this justice.

FD45FD45almost 10 years ago

Reminded me of a JPB story. Light hearted but a fantasy

FD45FD45almost 10 years ago

This reminded me of a JPB story quite a bit. A well written light hearted sex fantasy.

Not something I could see myself write, but a interesting diversion. Sort of like Moroccan food. Not everyday, but once in a while.

TwentysevenTwentysevenalmost 10 years ago
Not Too Serious

This is a good-natured yarn not to be taken seriously. I enjoyed it.

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