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A young man gains power from a strange source.
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Story Disclaimer: This is a short piece I started a few months ago. To be honest I have slightly lost interest with this story so I am posting what I have. This story has some cliché and corny elements but it is a fun "story universe" to work with. PLEASE comment if you like/dislike this story, if enough people show interest I will flesh it out a bit more! : )


My name is Mike Piaggio and this is how my life changed:

"Looking for anything specific?" The woman behind the counter asked.

"Nah, just looking around I guess." I replied, smiling. She smiled back.

The store was a small used book store. It smelled of old paper and dust. I was actually looking for anything books related to the medieval era but I hadn't felt like explaining my interests to this random woman.

To my surprise the "History" section was quite large and I spent ten minutes silently browsing the books with my eyes. A small green book caught my eye. It was titled "Weapons of the Ancient Germanics". Military history was of an interest to me so I picked it up and opened it. It was dry and felt old, the date in the bind claimed it was from 1878. It was mostly text but there were also some black and white drawings that especially fascinated me.

"Will this be all?" The woman asked as I handed her the book.


"11.43." She replied, smiling and taking my $20 dollar bill.

At home I put the book on my bookcase and forgot about it for the next few days as I struggled to finish a few essays for my college classes.

The next Monday I was in bed reading one of the books for my classes. I was soon bored and put it away. I picked up the old book I had bought and sat on my bed to read it.

The first few chapters were quite boring and I found myself skimming pages. After a few more pages I came across a weird chapter. The paper seemed older on these pages and the text was a different font.

"Take Heed, You Who Reads This" It said on the top of each page. The writing seemed to be ingredients for something.

Is this a section of recipes for food? I thought to myself, now intrigued.

The first recipe was for something called "Unsichtbarkeit". The text was hard to read but it looked like this "object" was made by combing some elements, a piece of hair and a drop of blood into a small rolled up bundle. Thre drawings accompanied the recipe. The first showed a man holding the small "Unsichtbarkeit" bundle in his hand. A script next to the hand said "squeeze". The next drawing showed nothing and the final drawing showed the man once more, holding the bundle in his hand.

Under the middle drawing was written: "Do not fear if the token is lost while transformed, you will return to normalcy in twelve hours time."

What the fuck could this be for? I thought to myself.

The second recipe was something called "Herrschaft" and was made with some elements mixed together, water and castor oil. The images shown with it were very weird. The drawings depicted a person smearing this cream onto two chairs. In the next sections of the drawing, two other people (a man and a woman) sat on the chairs. In the final slide, the two people who had sat in the chairs were shown embracing and kissing. I was now intrigued and reread the sections over and over again. The recipe also described that the "balm" could be most effect by "smearing on the undergarments, directly coming into contact with the orifices."

What the hell is this about? Is it some kind of old Germanic ritual being described here? What does it have to do with the rest of the book...

I turned the pages a few more times and found that the section ended abruptly and a new one began. It was clear these "recipe" sections had been added to the book after it had been printed. The paper they were written on seemed just as old as the book so I knew it wasn't a modern addition due to vandalism at the used book store or something.

I read the book a bit more and then went to bed, my mind still thinking about the recipes.

My next day at university went by normally and when I came home I opened the book again.

There is no way these recipes are real. They must be mythical or something...

I was still fascinated and I decided to try and make the first recipe. Over the next week or so I found the needed materials at a local hobby store and Thursday night I said goodnight to my parents and closed my bedroom door. I pulled the materials out of my backpack.

I had a small felt bag that I had used to carry an expensive compass and decided to use it as the bundle. I put the elements in the bundle (they were in a small rock-like forms) and put a few of my hairs into it also. I then pricked my hand with a pin and dripped a few drops of blood into the bag. I tied it up tight and squeezed it in my hand.

Nothing happened.

Why the hell did I even bother to do this? I'm an idiot. I thought to myself.

I put the bundle down and picked up the book again.

This is just some occult crap some idiot must have put in here a hundred years ago. And I fell for it. Whoever put this in here would be laughing at me if they knew I had fallen for their joke a century later.

I held the bag again and kept reading the book. I squeezed a few more times, once again nothing happened.

What does this word, "Unsichtbarkeit" even mean? I thought to myself, deciding to look it up online to find its meaning.

"Unsichtbarkeit" I said to myself, hoping to remember the word.

My heart fluttered and at first nothing seemed wrong as I looked at the screen. Then I looked down to look at the book and find the word's spelling.

"Huh!" I called out in an animalistic cry of horror.

My body was gone. My arms and hands were nowhere to be seen. I jumped out of the chair, almost tripping and stood up.

"What the fuck." I said to myself, I couldn't see my hands in front of my face.

Am I dead? Did I have a stroke or some shit like that. My heart was racing and I was terrified. I ran into my bathroom.

There was nothing in the mirror. I touched it and felt the cold hardness against my fingers. I could feel the mirror and my mind knew my hands were touching it but I couldn't see them.

I felt the bundle in my other hand. I tried squeezing it a few more times in a panick.

Make me normal!

I remembered the word and said it as I squeezed it. I was normal once more and my figure appeared in the mirror.

Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming right? That could NOT have just happened.

I felt chills and my stomach was uneasy. I walked back into my bedroom and sat on the bed. The light in the room was dim but I knew what I had just experienced. I concentrated and came to the conclusion I wasn't dreaming.

"Unsichtbarkeit." I said again, squeezing the bad.

My body disappeared.

I thrust the bundle into my jeans pocket and walked towards the door. It was a strange sensation because I couldn't see how far my limbs were from the door but I somehow "felt" where they were. I grasped the door handle without problem.

I slowly opened the door and peaked my head out. The hallway was dark and I could see only the light of the TV from my parent's room. I slowly walked down the hallway, taking care not to make audible footsteps. My parents were lying in bed, watching TV with the lights off. I slowly walked in front of the TV.

They said nothing and from their eyes I could tell they were watching the action on the screen. My heart was racing and I slowly made my way back into my room.

"Unsichtbarkeit." I said, my body coming back into view.

My heart seemed like it was going to beat itself out of my chest.

This is real. This is really happening. This thing was real.

I tried to sleep that night but I couldn't. The next day I was tired but adrenaline drove me on. I took the bundle with me to campus and "activated" it in a bathroom when no one else was in there. I then walked the campus completely invisible. One danger I quickly became aware of was the fact that other people might run into me or hit me without knowing, I soon learned to walk off the main paths and always keep people distant from me. I became whole again at my car. To anyone watching it would have looked like a sudden appearance from thin air. My drive home was filled with ideas of how I could use this new power, but I would need to follow some rules to keep myself safe and unseen.

That weekend when I was hanging out with my friends I thought about telling them about my new secret but I decided against it.

I can't tell anyone about this. Nobody...

Monday night, back in my room, I decided to make the second recipe. This one intrigued me because it seemed to suggest that it was some kind of magically potion to make two people desire to have sex with each other. I had no idea how it could work but I made the needed ingredients and kept the cream in a clear plastic bag. The cream was opaque, kind of like liquid soap. It had no odor I could tell of and seemed to dry quick when rubbed with the fingers. I used the reminder of the materials I had bought to make a second "Unsichtbarkeit" bundle.

My intense sexual fantasies gave way. I had to try this new combination of incredible power I had found myself in possession of. I was scared but my lust was going to lead me to try this cream on two unsuspecting people. The "Unsichtbarkeit" bundle would make it even easier.

But who?

A few more days went by and I formulated my plan. I also practiced with the invisibility. I learned to minimize my sound by wearing thin workout clothing. When invisible I didn't wear my necklace or watch and wrapped my cell phone and car keys in a small hand towel to make them quiet. I found that objects in my pockets or under my shirt were also invisible. I also soon began carrying soft gloves, lest my finger prints show up anywhere I didn't want them to appear.

I was unstoppable. I practiced a few more time on campus. I grew cocky and one time threw some stones at people as I stood alongside the main walking path. People suspected nothing and always turned to the visible people around them, thinking they had thrown the pebble at them. I struggled to keep myself from laughing.

To test the sexual lust potion, I decided on a target that had always fascinated me.

Marissa was my friend's mom, a family friend and someone who had always excited me sexually. She was a stately redhead with pale skin, light freckles and nice breasts. Her butt was not very voluptuous but she had always been a fantasy of mine.

Now the only question was who would be the lucky man?

It was the middle of the day as I drove towards Marissa's house. I couldn't just park my car outside so I found a shopping mall near it and parked. I cloaked myself and began the twenty minute or so walk to her house, sticking off the shoulder of the road to avoid the cars that could not see me.

I walked casually up to the house and surveyed it. I walked around the house and could see that Marissa's youngest son, 15 year old Jeff, was inside watching TV in the living room. I came to the basement door and found it unlocked. I slowly walked up the basement stairs and walked into Marissa and her husband's room. The bed was made and some laundry was on the bed, waiting to be put away.

What an easy mark. I thought to myself.

I slowly made my way through the laundry basket until I found what I was looking for: some of Marissa's panties.

I have always had a panty fetish and I found myself with an erection as I smeared some of the cream onto the crotch region of the underwear. This would be the best location for her genitals to soak up the cream. Before I was done I picked out a pair I especially liked and put it in my pocket.

Little souvenir for later.

At home I masturbated in my room with the stolen panties; after they were soaked with my semen I crumpled them up into a small ball and thrust them deep into my garbage can.

But I still had one more step. I had to find a man to use the cream on. I laid in bed that night thinking about which man I would like to watch have sex with Marissa. Then it hit me.

My dad.

I had always been fascinated by my parent's sexual lives and the idea of one of my parents having an affair had always intrigued me. This would be perfect. My dad fucking Marissa, a close family friend and someone near his own age...

I couldn't wait.

The next day before I left for classes I went into my parent's room and smeared some of my dad's boxers with the same cream I had mixed for Marissa. I smeared the front of his boxers, hoping his penis would soak up the cream heavily.

Now I just had to wait.


"Hey Mike, we are going to the Collin's house for dinner." Tony Piaggio said, leaning his head into his son's room.

"Sure dad, let me just get my shoes on." His son Mike replied.

The dinner between the two families went well but something was irking Tony. His penis for some reason felt strange. He knew it wasn't pain or something, it was actually a kind of good feeling but it didn't give him an erection.

"Hows it all taste." Marissa Collins asked.

"Its all good." Tony's son Mike replied.

"Yeah, wonderful as always." Tony replied, looking at Marissa. She smiled back.

Shes looking good tonight. Tony thought to himself. His wife Mary and him had been married for over twenty years but he still found himself sometimes thinking about other women in fantasies. Marissa figured prominently in many of these fantasies.

The "itch" in his penis grew more noticeable as he looked more at Marissa during dinner, sometimes she looked up at him and smiled. It felt like there was something irritating his penis, just inside the urethra.

I wonder what she thinks of me.

Marissa tried to control herself best she could but the itch inside her genitals caused her to fidget and squeeze her thighs together.

What has gotten into me?

Later that night she stepped into her shower and tried to relax but the itch would not leave her genitals. Gently she rubbed herself with the hot water and soon had her fingers exploring her clit. This relieved the pain and she shuddered with pangs of pleasure. She sat down in the shower and let the hot water run over her body as she masturbated. Her mind turned to Tony and she "scratched" the itch as she fantasized about him.

She gasped and a pleasurable chill went down her wet back. It felt amazing.


The next week or so I practiced more invisibility, my mind still focused though on my father and Marissa. My dad wasn't acting weird at all and I thought maybe the sexual cream was maybe a dud.

Saturday morning I got up early to go running before the day got hot and I was in my kitchen with my mom when the phone rang.

"Hey Marissa." My mom said. I listened closely as I drank a water bottle.

"Oh sure I'll tell him to head over there when he's home to check it out."


"Who was that?" I asked after my mom hung up.

"Oh just Marissa, she's having some computer problems so I told her your dad will head over there to check it out."

Is this it? Fuck!

"Oh." I replied, barely concealing my excitement.

I told my mom I was going to hang out with some friends and left. Cloaking in the middle of the day without causing suspicion was very hard but I had figured some tricks, like parking in a busy mall lot. It would cause me to have some walking but it was always worth it.

It took me maybe 30 minutes to walk to her house.

I arrived and didn't see my dad's truck outside. I was disappointed but scouted the house. It seemed only Marissa's car was parked in the garage. I entered through an unlocked deck door and walked like a ghost through the house. It was quiet and empty but I was startled when Marissa came out. She strutted down her hallway from the bedroom into the kitchen. She looked like she was preparing herself!

She was wearing a tank-top and a dark knee-length skirt that showed off her long legs wonderfully. She looked at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair and putting on makeup.

I stood in the hallway, looking at her in fascination and lust. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and I had to quickly move aside silently as she rushed out to the front door. I walked into the bedroom and found a corner to sit in. My heart was racing as I waited in anticipation.

I heard the front door open and they started talking. I heard them walk into another room and disappear.

Fuck, this won't happen right away the second he gets here. I have to relax and wait.

I quietly got up and walked out of the bedroom into the hallway. I looked around the corner and saw my dad on his knees working with some wires behind the computer in the living room. Marissa was standing next to him, her long legs only inches from my dad's face.

I watched them for a few minutes as they flirted. I crept back into the bedroom and found my corner. After perhaps ten minutes I heard footsteps in the hallway. They entered the bedroom.

My dad had left his work stuff in the living room and his face looked damp with sweat. Marissa's face also look flushed.

They both walked into the bedroom and stood at the foot of the bed. They turned to each other.

"I shouldn't be doing this..." My dad said, looking at Marissa.

"I need this." Marissa said in a voice that was dripping with lust. She touched his arms.

"I've always thought about this." My dad replied. They moved closer to each other and kissed passionately.

I silently adjusted myself to be comfortable. I was going to enjoy this show!
Soon passion took over as they sat on the bed, my dad's hands wandered Marissa's waist and hips as she grasped his arms and shoulders. They began to undress, only stopping to admire Marissa's sizeable breasts, beautifully cupped in a white bra. My dad buried his face in her cleavage as she smiled and sighed.

"Fuck I've wanted this for years." She said, her eyes closed and a huge smile coming over her face.

They both undressed and mounted the bed, passionately kissing and rubbing each other's body. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I had a raging erection.

"In the bottom draw." Marissa suddenly called out.

"Huh?" My dad said, lifting himself up to look at her.

"Bottom draw!" She said.

My dad suddenly got up off the bed and walked towards me. I panicked but stayed still. He didn't notice me and pulled open the bottom draw, his erect penis looking like it was soaked with pre-cum. He rummaged through the draw and found the condom box. I tried not to look towards him and kept focused on the nude Marissa, sprawled out on the bed. The fact that my dad's throbbing manhood was only a few feet from my face made me feel incredibly uncomfortable and guilty.

He put the condom on and penetrated her missionary position. Their lips locked in passion as he began thrusting. I pulled myself to my knees to get a better view.

My dad was in good shape for a man almost fifty. He kept slim and in shape with weekly gym sessions and runs. He still had a full head of slowly graying black hair and his pale nude body was covered with light patches of black body hair. Marissa's body was even paler. Cellulite covered her thighs and her butt was lumpy but she looked gorgeous.

Was it as "pretty" as a real porno? No, but it was far more pleasurable to me. Two married adults in the fit of raw sexual passion.

I silently crawled along the wall to get a better view. They were mostly kissing but sometimes they stopped and they just looked into each other's eyes as my dad penetrated her. This went on for a few minutes until I could tell he was nearing his orgasm.

Their pale bodies were soaked with sweat as my dad moved faster and faster. Marissa grasped his shoulders hard, her long legs dangling around his lower body.