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About five thirty in the evening, Talana had a meal brought to the room, and got ready to go to work. She kissed me hard, and told me to rest, and that when she got home after midnight, she would wake me in a very pleasant way.

June 11th,2157

It was shortly after midnight, and I was in a deep sleep, and Talana did wake me, but she wasn't alone. Alli was with her, and the fiery redhead was naked and wet, as though she had jumped into Talana's shower right after the shift was over. Talana had my cock in her mouth, and Alli was very close to the bed, and she said, "You are a very sexy man, Captain Kody Robinson. And I don't know if you have heard, but a hard man is good to find." Alli then crawled into bed, her wet red hair flipped over to one side of her face, and she and Talana kissed, Talana still holding my cock in her hand as they did. The two of them then both moved down, and took turns taking my cock in their mouths, and kissing one another, and in my ecstasy, I finally noticed some sound coming from the far end of the bed. After a while I had to crane my head, and looked to say Sasha small naked frame perched, taking turns between licking Talana or Alli's cunt.

The foursome lasted all night, and into the morning, and every time I got close to coming, Talana would climb over me, and Alli or Sara would caress my balls as I came. It intensified my orgasms. Once, Alli even sucked my balls as Talana rode me, and Sasha spun so that her pussy was over my face, and she sucked on Talana's nipples. I could feel Talana come as I was orgasming as well. By the time the morning came, and the other girls left, I had experienced four very exhausting orgasms, and

June 12th, 2157 - June 13th, 2157

The last two days have been a blur. Talana and I have made love quite often, although we have not shared it with anyone else. Talana did tell me that if I desired us to open our love making to anyone else, all I would have to do is tell her, and she would do everything in her power to try and make it happen for me.

Talana and I have discussed completely what we want to do when the mission is over. I have told her that I want to take her to Vela, where I grew up, and for us to have two ships, one Syreen Penetrator and one Eartling Cruiser, so that we may leave the planet and explore at our leisure. We should both have sufficient rank following the end of the war to conduct our time as we wish, through these requests, and I told her that I want to start a family with her.

Talana and I are in love. Of that I have absolutely no doubt. We are closer then any two people I have ever seen, known, or even heard of. She is my true love.

June 14th, 2157

Although the trip home should take only three days with the Earthling cruiser with the portal spawner, I am leaving today so that we can go over everything when I get back. My time with Talana has been more valuable to me then I can put in words, but I need to return to my ship, and make sure that the preparations have come together well.

Simon and the cruiser taking me home arrived at nine in the morning, and Talana was alerted. I had told her that I would need to leave, and she didn't cry, simply kissed me deeply and told me not to fail, and that she would see me soon.

As I boarded the ship, and we departed, I told Simon that if we lived through the battle and defeated the Sa-Matra, I would need nothing more then a home with Talana to be happy. Simon laughed softly at me, then realized I was serious, and laughed even harder.

June 15th, 2157-June 16th, 2157

Traveling home was a rather monotonous affair. Simon explained all of the arrangements and adjustments, most of which I had understood before I had left, but some details became clearer to me. Simon did say that the station is ready to go into battle and finish this, and that the feeling of finality is lingering.

June 17th, 2157

Today was the final walkthrough on planning and engagement planning. Captain Surfus would be giving logistical assignment to all fleets from the station once the Intrepid left, and he would be in charge of all battle movement, tactical retreats, re-groupments, and logistical decisions. Commander Hayes had the intelligence wing designed for a survivor plan – which was a loosely a list of all planets that could sustain life for which species, and shuttles with colonizing supplies for the planets, and historical records as far back as we have them. His great concern is that if we fail at this attempt, the Ur-quan or Kohr-Ah may kill all other life remaining in the galaxy, so he is trying to find a way to make sure that he is part of making sure colonies survive. I thanked him for the plans and efforts there. Then, finally, the 50 crew of the Intrepid, and all of the auxiliary ships gathered and discussed the battle plan. Since the Intrepid has to be modified for the destruction of the Sa-Matra, the other ships will have to fight first.

June 18th, 2157

The modifications to theIntrepidare complete, and the mechanic who was in charge of the modifications explained the ships configuration to me as this. The bomb, the crystals, and the other energy devices are lined against the engine and the fusion reactors, and thrust coils. When I wish to detonate the device, just put theIntrepidin position, transfer navigation control to the escape pod. From there, the escape pod will eject, and the engines and bomb will detonate with the force of a micro supernova.

This report was from Tsgt. Terry Bowers. He was younger then any other TSgt. I had met, and he was thin and wiry. He wore glasses, and had short brown hair, and mumbled a bit when he spoke, but, was seemingly knowledgeable and confident about his work. I asked Commander Hayes about him before we left, and Hayes stated that Bowers was savant like – great at working on any mechanical problem, but that he couldn't seem him advancing anymore because of issues with communication and authority. He did state, however, that Bowers would be able to rig anything to work, quickly, well, and without all the tools and equipment required by most other mechanics.

We assembled everyone together, and stated firmly that if there were any good byes to say, that this was the time to say them. This mission for the fifty of us aboard theIntrepidand ultimately the rest of them after that was now truly a do or die mission. I then made the light hearted joke that I'm much more of a doer, so we would see them in a few weeks.

June 19th, 2157

Today we actually left Sol, and hit the Quasi Space Portal spawner, and once in Quasi-space set courts for the Crateris constellation. Things were quiet on the ship. Expectedly, no one likes things that are coming to one end or the other. It is hard to force conversation at this point about anything other then the impending battle and the outcome; yet no one wants to talk about that either.

The feeling of Quasi-space today is slightly calming. It's eerie not having the escape module in theIntrepidanymore, so being in a place without any hostile ships moving on us is a lot better then trekking through all of the open hyperspace.

June 20th, 2157

Today, newly promoted MSgt. Garey had to deal with two of her crewmen who were trying to steal some of the supplies from the chow hall. Apparently, they wanted to make a grand feast, but didn't want to ask permission. I told MSgt. Gary that she would be in charge of punishment, but that she would be held responsible as well. That was in the relatively early morning – and by the evening meal, she was ready to punish them. She had them in the observatory- she stripped them, spanked them, and then told them that they would stand on display for two hours, and that in the future, if they wanted anything that wasn't theirs, they had better ask for permission.

When I got back to my quarters with MSgt. Garey, I couldn't think of punishing her. I told her to undress, and when she did, I told her that I wanted her to lie down so I could eat her pussy. She did lie down, and after a few minutes I could feel her hands going through my hair, and pulling me into her. A few more minutes of my tongue flicking over her clit and sliding over each fold of her pussy lips, and she was softly whimpering and then I could feel her legs tighten around my head, and could feel her start to come. It was very nice and intense, and when she was done, I was happy, and didn't want to have any more sex. I leaned up, kissed her, thanked her, and then we dressed, and I told her that her punishment was suspended.

June 21st, 2157

We exited Quasi-space today, and set course for Delta Crateris. Fwiffo asked to see me, and when we were alone, he begged not to go into battle, explaining that Spathi being cowardly, were never meant to be in a confrontation, especially one with the dire consequences as this.

I told Fwiffo that with all he had contributed to the mission, I would try to keep his ship out of battle, but couldn't promise it. It would be ship number twelve in the fighting arrangement though, a plan I had already formulated.

June 22nd, 2157

As the ship moves towards Delta Crateris, the crew have each begun finalizing journal entry and making out what they think will be good chronicles of their lives. I get the distinct feeling that none of them think we are going to win.

June 23rd, 2157

Our navigator informed me today that we would reach Delta Crateris tomorrow, and when that announcement was made, I got on the intercom system. This was my announcement:

Crew of theIntrepid, we are one day away from the most crucial battle in human history. It is our success or failure that will determine whether or not we survive as species. We have spent two and a half years preparing for this; and I am proud of all of you.

I am telling you that in the next few hours, do not work, or toil. Everything we have done to prepare has been done. Spend this time with your friends, your enjoyment. Or if any of you want to spend it with me, let me know – because I know that if today is my last day on the ship, I want to spend it being happy.

It took only a minute before SRA Michelle Hampton messaged me, stating that she would like to spend her last night on the ship with me. I told her to come to my quarters. She was a small girl, shorter then me, but with a very good and curvy build for her size. We ate quickly, and showered together, and when we reached the bed, I asked her to lie on her stomach and I got some lotion out and spent some time rubbing her back, shoulders, neck, and butt. She was very quiet, but seemed happy, and seemed to really appreciate the romantic part of the gesture. When I stopped rubbing and leaned in, she said, "now, why don't you lie down." I did, and she massaged my back and shoulders, and neck – and her straddling my frame caused me to feel extremely aroused. When I rolled over, she lay to the side of me, and took my cock in her hand, and leaned closer to it, so that her breasts were very near, and then she tilted her head to look up at me. "Thank you for a very nice night. I'll never forget it." I smiled, "I hope not, Michelle."

With that, she climbed onto me, and we did have sweet, sensual, and loving sex for several hours into the night.

I slept very well.

June 24th, 2157

When we got to Delta Crateris, there were so many Ur-Quan and Kohr-ah ships that I thought for sure we had walked into the jaws of a trap. There were, according to radar count, nearly 40 of each – more then we could have handled even if the entire fleet from Betelguese and ZFQ to meet us.

Fortunately for all of us, the Dynyarri employed his psychic powers and was able to get almost all of the Ur-Quan and Kohr-ah ships to leave the system. That was a major relief to the crew.

As we moved in on the Sa-Matra, we examined it. The shell of the ship was made of molten asteroid, so shooting it with lasers or cannons would heat the shell temporarily, but it wouldn't be likely that you could destroy it. Embedded in the shell were generators that powered the system to fire it.

Before we could make it to attack the Sa-Matra though, the remaining Ur-quan and Kohr-ah ships did stop us. There were six of them in all, three of each type. We knew that we would have to fight the Ur-quan and Kohr-ah, and six ships was half the number we had, but we also had to defeat the Sa-Matra when we were done.

We did defeat the six ships guarding the Sa-matra, but it cost us six of our ships. Luckily for us, the Pkunk and the Yehat had rejoined, and now they had arrived, unexpectedly, filling out our full compliment of ships again.

The pkunk ships ended up being the most functional at blowing up the generators, and the force shield was lowered. Which left only one other mission.

The smallest of the fifty people onboard the Intrepid was a shofixiti, named Uki. Uki had talked to me for weeks about wanting to be remembered and being more heroic, and playing a part. I knew that his culture was one that would value the mission. I took Uki aside and told him, "Uki, I have an important mission for you. You must make sure the Dynyarri is aboard when the ship detonates, and that the ship is against the Sa-matra completely. Can you do this for us?"

Uki smiled, knowing that his name would be remembered in history, as the one who destroyed the Sa-matra. "Yes, sir." He replied, quickly saluting me, and then heading to the navigation console. I hit the button to get everyone else on the escape pod. It's big enough for the fifty us to cram into, and I'm at the pilot seat. "Everyone set?" I asked. And then we ejected.

Twenty seconds later, I felt a blast, and then I blacked out.


July 24th, 2157

I awoke to a headache so severe that I thought for a minute that I was dead, and this was how it felt. After everything faded in though, I saw Talana lying in a reclining chair next to me.

It took me several minutes to look around and figure out where the heck I was. Finally, I realized I was in the sick bay at the space station back at Earth.

How long had I been out?

I reached out and put my hand on Talanas. It took me a minute, but I woke her up, and she looked down at me, smiled, kissed my forehead, and then hit a button. Moments later, Captain Surfus and Lt. Commander Spicer entered the room, and the lights came up. It hurt my eyes for a second, but then they adjusted.

"Captain Robinson. You made it." Brandi Spicer leaned down and hugged me, something I don't remember her doing, and then said, "the escape pod felt a lot of the impact from the explosion of the sa-matra. Structurally, the most vulnerable place to be was in the pilot's seat. You've been in a light stage coma for the past month, showing no brain damage or deep coma signs, but it was a sleep we couldn't wake you from. We were only going to wait two more weeks." Captain Surfus then came up behind her, and put his arm around her, and it finally dawned on me that these two were a couple. It made sense, as both of them had been cordial with me, and Captain Surfus had told me often that he had someone special in his life – I just never bothered to ask who.

Talana pulled open a shade, and I saw the sick, red glow of the slave shield still on. Then Talana spoke, "The Chmmr have learned how to deactivate all of the slave shields, that was two weeks ago, but we have been waiting, cause we wanted you to see." She hit the intercom again. "Commander Hayes, activate the shield neutralizer." Talana looked more beautiful then I had remembered. I was absorbing everything that they were saying, and when I finally looked at Captain Zach Surfus, he said, calmly, "From the time you got back till now, I've done the combat deployments and we are expecting a full surrender from the Ur-quan in the next week. Brandi has done battle training. Talana came here after the shield on Betelguese was dropped, and Alli and Sasha said they would work together to keep the space station working right. Talana had been with you for the past two weeks, waiting for you to wake up. I knew you would."

It took several minutes, but I could see from the window that the shield was slowly, gently moving back, revealing the surface of earth as I had seen it in pictures; the blue of the ocean, the white of the clouds, and the browns of the earth. Freedom. The planet was finally free.

When I thought I could be no happier, Talana sat on the edge of the bed, and kissed me. And I knew that if I died then, I would die a happy man.

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Lainie666Lainie666about 9 years ago
Too long

I appreciate all the work that went into this. But we want a sex story to get to the point quickly and graphically. This did neither.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Appreciate the work you put into this

Read it twice. Can't argue the spell-check stuff but you did a fine job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
One of many

This was a chore to read. Couldn't finish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Spell Check??

Spell check is great for a lot of things but it doesn't catch it when "there" is used for "their", etc. Found reading the story was a little difficult at time because of the miss-use of words.

There was a lot of little detail at times but some big parts of the story didn't make scene or were left out. Whatever, I read all 15 pages just to find out how it ended. Kind of a let down.

LIPrulzLIPrulzover 13 years ago
Use your imagination, not somebody else's

That way you are not constrained with your story by what the readers know. Also Star Trek (cpt Pike, Enterprise, Intrepid, beam over, and other terms), Star Trek is very polarising - people love or hate Star Trek. It seems to me you are mixing too many games and TV shows. Make your own stuff up. The story is also very dry in the matter of fact way you describe everything, particularly the sex; the female crew is ordered around and obeys instructions as if they are robots. Sex is the basis of Literotica. Perhaps your story would be more suited to a Sci-fi site if you tightened it up and fleshed out your characters so they are not so wooden. Good luck with it all the same.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

i liked the story in general, but there were major problems with it.. the biggest issue was there were a bunch of things thats needed explanations.. like why was the shield so bad? you mentioned someone going up to the space station thru it.. and calling it a slave shield.. i didn't really see how it had anything to do with slaves. also, why did the urquan need to torture riley? if they are the ones who defeated earth and put up the shield, shouldn't they have had contact enough before to know how to torture? lots more little issues...

svenjollysvenjollyover 13 years ago
Star Control!

Big fan of that game, but that couldn't keep this interesting to me. Too long and dry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
So very long

Meh, I liked it, but that's only because of the references to GalCiv and to planet harvesting that comes from another game. Though while reading it, was thinking the logs should have been more described but less in number, just saying that the some of the crew died or that they had sex without more detail made it stale. Details/descriptions are a story writer and readers best friend.


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