Walking On The Edge


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"Holy crap Dana! I really DID hand her ass to him on a silver platter, didn't I?"

"Yes you did."

"It seems that cuckolding is a heluvalot more risky than I thought."

"In Sharon's case, yes, due to her sub personality. You guys are mainly held together as a couple by a decade of history, some shared property and your emotional connection. That is not a strong bond, if you give other people an opening to dilute the relationship. If you had kids and maybe another decade of common history your little cuckie-games would be a lot less risky."

"Thanks Dana. Now I feel even more shitty."

"You're welcome brother ass. But in return you gotta tell me how the hell you managed to get Sharon back? She was an inch from marrying the guy and your emotional connection was pretty much non-existent."

"Well, it wasn't simple Dana. As I said, Sharon had planned to dump me on our monthly romance evening. Technically a cruel idea, but knowing Sharon as well as I do, I knew she meant well. She simply wanted to recreate the best time we ever had in order to make me feel better after getting the bad news."

"Makes sense on some twisted level I guess," Dana noted.

"Yes and it showed me the opening I needed. She indirectly told me that she still cared and that she considered our evenings together to be the height of intimacy between us. That was the one ace I had over Diego. My one chance."

"Sometimes you're smarter than you look brother dear."

"Oh, at first I did consider being angry and bitter. Scream at her and accuse her of being a backstabbing cheating slut. But using anger to win love is like fucking for celibacy; it never works. So instead I decided to go all out and give Sharon the most perfect romantic evening she had ever experienced. Everything was decorated according to her taste, I served her favorite dishes cooked to perfection and we danced to her favorite music. I made sure to guide the conversation to all the good memories from the years we had spent together and the dreams we had talked about. I guess in a way I tried to remake myself into the man she originally fell in love with."

"When did she tell you then?"

"To my surprise she didn't. I was waiting for it, constantly dreading the moment when the axe would fall, but she never mentioned it. I'm not sure why. At the end of the evening she gave some lame excuse for not spending the night and got ready to leave. I was fully aware that once she left I would never see her again, so I threw all pretense to the wind and confessed that I knew everything. I basically begged her to stay. I'm still not completely sure why, but she changed her plan..."

"Because on that evening you showed me where I truly belong and who I need to be with," Sharon said as she walked in the door and threw herself at me.


"For gods sake, get a room," Dana growled after watching us kiss for a few minutes. "I'll go get some food while you guys... talk."

"See you Sis. Enjoy your grub and thanks for the talk."

"Bye Dana," Sharon smiled.

Then she looked at me worriedly.

"How are you doing love?"

I smiled.

"Better than I have for months. There are some things well worth getting ones ass kicked over."

"I was so scared Steve. I thought I had lost you."

"Not a chance in hell. It'll take more than a radiator and a mad Latino in a roid-rage to do me in," I laughed.

"Seriously though. Thanks for saving my life with that lamp Sharon. I don't think I would have made it out of that room alive without your help."

"If anybody is messing with my man, they're messing with me!" she stated firmly.

"So I am your man?" I asked only halfway joking.

"You always were Steve. I just forgot it for a little while."

"And Diego?"

"Out of the picture for good," she said and looked me straight in the eyes. "For good!"

That reply earned her a big kiss. Until that moment I had hoped but not been completely sure.

"Sharon," I said. "There's something I gotta know. And I want total honesty."

"Ask me anything. I don't want any secrets between us."

"Was Diego really better than me in bed?"

"Please Steve. Don't..."

"Total honesty Sharon. Even if it hurts."

"He was."

"A lot better?"

"Yes Steve. It was the best sex I have ever had by a large margin. Was that what you wanted to hear?"

She hid her face in her hands.

"Thanks for being honest with me Sharon; I appreciate it. So what made sex with him so great?"

Sharon blinked a few tears away and thought about it for a second.

"Well, you saw the size of his cock on the video. It's not the main reason, but any girl who claims that size doesn't matter is lying. But what really made the sex extraordinary was his energy and enthusiasm. He could go on for hours and he could even cum a couple of times before his cock went soft."

"So you had better orgasms with him than with me?"


"And more of them?"


"Then why did you choose me over him?"

"Because there is much more to life than sex Steve. Diego may be better in bed than you, but you are much better outside the bed than he is. And you're still pretty good in bed. Besides I love you; that makes the sex even better."

"Again thanks for your honesty Sharon."

"I'll do anything Steve; I'm serious. I can easily live without Diego's cock, but I could never live without your love. In fact, right now I wouldn't touch his cock even if it was made out of gold and wrapped in hundred dollar bills!"

I took a sip of water and cleared my throat.

"So what happened after I passed out? I remember hearing you call 911."

"Oh god Steve. There was so much blood," she shivered. "I didn't know what to do. The ambulance took forever; or at least it felt that way. Diego was no help at all; he was thrashing on the floor screaming and puking."

"My heart is bleeding," I said with an evil grin.

"You crushed one of his testicles and ruptured his scrotum. A very painful injury apparently. The EMTs had to restrain him for transport and he screamed all the way out of the house."

"Terrible how bad things sometimes happen to good people," I noted with an even bigger grin.

Sharon punched my shoulder and smiled.

"So I guess the police is going to want to speak to me about Diego's broken nut sack," I sighed.

"No need love," it was ruled self defense. The DA promised that no charges will be filed.

"Huh? They just took your word for it?"

"No it was your private investigator. The one you had spying on me."

I gulped.

Sharon winked.

"He had hidden cameras all over the house and cut together a movie showing Diego attempting to kill you from several angles in high definition. Afterwards I paid him a bonus and dismissed him – he took all the cameras with him. Since I'm not planning on leaving your side ever again you don't need him. If you want to know what I'm doing in the future, just turn your head and look."

"So where is Diego now? Maybe I should go purchase a gun just in case."

"No need Love. He's in prison and will stay there for years."

"Oh? For attacking me?"

Sharon's expression grew dark, "No love; for something different. Just let it go please."

I didn't like the sound of that. I pulled Sharon close and forced her to look me in the eyes.

"Is it related to you?"

"Yes, kind of."

"Then I do want to know Sharon. I need to. You are my wife and everything about you is my business."

"Ok Steve. But please hold me while I tell you. And no matter what you hear, don't let go. Promise me."

"I promise," I said with a worried voice.

"Ok, here goes: When you last saw me I was two months pregnant..."


"Just hear me out Steve. You promised."

I said nothing.

"I was two months pregnant with Diego's child."

"But how Sharon? You were never off the pill while we... played around."

"Yes I was. Diego wanted me to bear his child, so I stopped taking the pills."

"Sharon god dammit. Why the hell did you allow that moron to..."

"I don't know why Steve. I have no explanation or excuse. I'm sorry."

"But you and I had plenty of unprotected sex too. Are you sure the child couldn't be mine?"

"I'm sure. Because I always... I... oh god... please don't hate me Steve."

"You always, what?"

"After I went off the pill, I always wore a diaphragm at home when we made love. That's why I always went to the bathroom first when I came home. I couldn't risk you impregnating me."

"Oh shit... oh shit... oh shit..."

"Please Steve. You promised."

I was boiling on the inside and felt like smashing something. But Sharon was right. I had promised and I desperately wanted the whole story, pain be damned.

"Continue," I croaked.

"I couldn't risk you impregnating me because Diego had made me promise to stop having sex with you. If you had gotten me pregnant he would have found out that I hadn't kept my promise."

I felt sick to my stomach, but I held on to her as promised.

"You already know about the wedding plans. But what you might not know is, that the reason why we were in a hurry was because Diego and his family is very religious, and he didn't want his firstborn son to be born out of wedlock."

"Son," I whispered.

"Yes. A boy. We had it checked."

"So when Diego came crashing into our bedroom he didn't actually see a married couple after sex. What he saw instead was his pregnant fiancée in bed with her ex; a person he figured was ancient history."

"I suppose he might have seen it that way, yes."

"No wonder he was furious," I mumbled.

"Are we ok Steve?"

"As long as you tell me the truth about everything; no lies, no omissions. There is nothing you can say that will break us up Sharon. Only things you DON'T say can do that."

"I love you so much Steve."

"Love you too Sharon. So where do we go from here? What will happen to Diego's child?"

"That's no longer our problem."

"Well, as the mother you can hardly..."

"I aborted it Steve. I terminated the pregnancy."

"Oh crap! When?"

"As soon as you came out of surgery. Four days ago. I had my doctor make an emergency referral, so there was no waiting period."

I said nothing. Sometimes that's all there is to say.

"You were fighting for your life Steve, the doctors gave you less than a fifty-fifty chance of pulling through. And it wasn't just your life at stake, but both our lives together and those of our unborn children. I realized then that I had an important role in that fight."

"But we could have..."

"No we could not! I HAD to do what I did. Don't you see love? There was no other way. We would always have had a connection to Diego; his shadow would be looming over us no matter where we went and what we did. He would want to be part of his firstborn son's life as much as possible, and he is not a man who plays well with others."

"Yeah," I sighed. "I kinda noticed. Say, when did you become so wise Sharon?"

She smiled against my shoulder, "Recent events forced me to grow up fast love."

"Next thing I know you'll probably go brunette."

I heard her laughing for the first time since I woke up. It was a great sound.

Sharon got serious again. "I will only ever bear the children of one man Steve – you. I had forgotten for a while; thank you for reminding me."

"You still haven't told me why Diego is locked up."

"He didn't agree with my decision about stopping the pregnancy. In fact, he took the information rather badly."

"Stop fiddling and just tell me Sharon. Please."

"Ok my love. Diego went berserk and raged and cried and begged me to please not 'kill his son', as he expressed it. I shouldn't have told him about my intentions until afterwards, but something inside me snapped when I saw you sitting in a pool of your own blood. Somehow I felt a need to hurt him."

She stifled a sob.

"I visited him in his hospital room after his surgery to inform him that I never wished to see or hear from him again. He got enraged and started yelling at me that he would always be in his sons life and I'd better not allow the wimp anywhere near him. "

"The wimp? Guess he's not one of my biggest fans," I sighed.

"I got very angry. You were critically injured because of him, might even die, and he had the audacity to call you names. So I explained to him that he HAD no son. And all I had was an unwanted pregnancy, which I intended to terminate as soon as possible. This body is MINE and I will decide what it's being used for."

Sharon tensed up. She was reliving her fight.

"Diego started protesting that it was his seed and I couldn't make a decision like that without his permission. To which I apologized and promised that I would send him a bottle of my husband's seed as compensation. And I finished with a bad insult, which I kinda regret."

"What did you say to him?"

"Don't drink it all at once. It might be too strong for you."

Now it was my turn to laugh.

Sharon smiled.

"Ok, I don't really regret saying it. But Diego threw a total fit. He tried to get out of bed to get to me, but got entangled in wires and hoses and fell to the floor. Nurses came running and I left as quickly as I could."

"Jesus Sharon. Thank god for those wires and hoses."

"Two days later I showed up at the clinic to get it done. Somehow Diego had found out and was waiting outside in the parking lot. Not just him but his mom, his dad, two of his brothers and a priest. God Steve – it was horrible!"

She paused for a minute to collect herself.

"I was so grateful that Dana was with me. She grabbed my hand and told me to start walking and not stop for anything. Diego was completely out of it and his brothers had to restrain him; otherwise I actually think he might have hurt me. Diego's dad and the priest kept urging me to postpone the procedure and think it over, and just as we reached the entrance his mom walked up to me, called me a cheap slut and slapped me in the face."

Now Sharon was crying. I held her but stayed silent.

"After the procedure I was waiting for the final examination, when I heard noise and shouting from outside the recovery lounge. Later Dana told me that the commotion happened when Diego tried to enter the clinic together with one of his brothers. Thanks to her intervention they were denied access. They tried to enter anyway resulting in a security guard with a broken leg and a doctor getting punched unconscious. When the police arrived Diego resisted arrest and punched an officer in the guts."

"Uh oh - a really bad idea," I nodded.

"Yes, definitely a bad idea. I didn't follow the case but apparently Diego had had a few prior run-ins with the law due to that temper of his so the judge was not happy. The fact that he committed a felony at a clinic performing abortions was an aggravated circumstance that not even his dad's expensive lawyers could do anything about. So that's how he ended up behind bars."

I closed my eyes for a second trying to wrap my mind around the magnitude of the shit storm left in the wake of my fateful decision to have my wife fuck other men. I felt like Oppenheimer after Hiroshima.

Sharon looked at me nervously, "Say something Steve. Please."

"Sharon," I cradled her face in my hands. "At this moment I love you so god damned much I have no fucking idea what to say."


On a Texan farm a distinguished middle-aged man is watching the sunset from the cab of his Massey Ferguson 6600. Yes, he is aware of the fact that the 6600 is massive overkill for a weekend farmer, but the tractor is a personal indulgence of his. Somehow it makes him feel more like a real farmer and thus helps him decouple from his demanding day job in corporate IT. And it sure makes moving bales of hay for the horses a breeze.

Sometimes he has caught himself reminiscing over how close he came to losing it all back in the day. He was chasing a cheap sexual thrill and took a chance without fully comprehending the potential risks involved. He had forgotten the simple and undeniable truth:

People who walk on the edge sometimes fall down.

His phone beeps; there is and incoming text message.

"Message from Sharon: Dinner ready. Kids setting table. You coming soon?"

The man texts a reply: "Do I get dessert?"

"Message from Sharon: Oh yes love. And you better prepare to take a looong time eating it."

"Message from Shawna: DAD! Stop being gross with mom and come home. I'm hungry."

He laughs and kicks the Massey in gear. Life is great.

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DeanofMeanDeanofMean29 days ago

nice though anyone who not only willingly but pushes his wife into hot wife or cuck stuff kinda deserves anything that comes hgis way well written tight storyline very nice

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Really appreciate this author!

Even when the characters do things I wouldn't or have interests that aren't my own the author tells the tale with humanity and humor that brings you along with them on the journey. Well done.

SarahwithloveSarahwithlove2 months ago

Bravo. A well written story, unique in its narrative and outcome. A fast paced piece of greatness.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Terrible waste of space.

Wandering_MongolWandering_Mongol10 months ago

I very much enjoyed this! Thank you!


I found the pacing good, and the use of dialog was used well to illustrate the sisters personality, but also, it made Sharon and Steve a little too alike.


Be well!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What a stupid and brain dead story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, on the one hand, it was a good story in that it showed just how sick and destructive the whole cuckolding mindset is. On the other, the fact that he didn't jettison her immediately, much less when he found out she'd allowed her self to get pregnant by another man or that she'd accepted his proposal just shows how crap some aspects of this story really are.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very unique and well-written story. I had a sense of something out of place when Dana seemed to be unaware of what had happened between her brother and Sharon while she talked with him at his bedside and then later Sharon describes to Steve Dana's prior role in and therefore her knowledge of fending off Diego's assault at the abortion clinic. But despite that, your story is very well done and is a really strong warning to those who are tempted to let their lusts become more important than their families' dreams. Really great job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Anyone who has ever questioned why incest is illegal all over the world needs only to read the comment below which begins: "SICKO B/S STORY!" That comment demonstrates the reason why more eloquently than I ever could! As for the story itself I thought it was mostly well written and a very original take on the cuckold theme, although I do find myself in agreement LPN's comment below about the irritating banter between brother and sister at such a crucial point in Steve's life. A solid 4 stars.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 2 years ago

Good story, but the silly bantering back and forth during intense, serious discussions came off as inane and unbelievable. 3/5.

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

This story will make you dumberer!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

SICKO B/S STORY! Where do we get these demoralizing ideas / you even threw in a sister and her sexual depravity,. have any of ever been exposed to the Gay depravity of the homosexual community there mind set is so Twisted , They would expose there children to the same experience they where living ( Impregnation with similar depraved individual only using multiple sexual sperms to impregnate) No Father paternal identity / the sickness spreads (-666-) there ultimate goal because they want it to be come the accepted norm, The hetro's are the social contaminate. Think abamanation is a great example of how deep there depravity goes. ( Divide and destroy all viable cultural beliefs and norms.!.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Crap. Even though the story ends with a cuck put down the author still uses many words to glorify and praise the pathetic idiots that get off on being chucked. The author clearly is a somewhat mild booster of this perversion. Story could have been written without all the attempted proseletyzing of this stupid and horrible lifestyle. Not well

Done, one star.

JacktacularJacktacularabout 3 years ago

5* since this story shows how fucked up 'choosing' to be a cuckold is, hopefully it might actually change some dumb asses mind!

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

At no point was this a good story. It does show the cuck spank squad how horrid their mental illness can go wrong but that said, nothing beyond that was good in this one.

She was a total dumb ass and he made her look like MENSA material.

You get 1 star, instead of nothing, just because you put me in a place where I could use MENSA in a review. So thanks for that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This is disgusting, ridiculous and garbage

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Sorry that was crap. The whole story was ridiculous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
It is what it is...

Two fucked up people who deserve each other.

Mauser45Mauser45over 5 years ago

One star. I don't say this often, but...'cuck shit' sums this up perfectly. I don't pity the fool

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

That was a strange one, but a good lesson on the pitfalls and evils of being a cuckold.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

dumb cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Excellent Cautionary Tale

There aren't too many of those around here. And they do occur: the Internet is littered with the stories of husbands whose wives left them for their lovers, because their lovers behaved like men and wanted the women for themselves. And still, these ex-husbands seek another cuckoldress! They believe they deserved the humiliation of being left, because their ex-wives are happier with the better man. The better man they themselves never tried to be or thought themselves capable of becoming. Yet, somehow, their wives happily married them, once upon a time. It's really quite sad. How do men get this way? Even they don't seem to know.

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