What Men Want Ch. 03

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Why cheaters cheat.
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What Men Want Chapt 3-Why someone cheats, another chapter in the Almost series.

Foreword: I titled this, They vs He or She because the causes of cheating are somewhat bipartisan. They don’t vary by gender, so, if she’s doing it to you, or he is, it’s for somewhat the same reason, and although those reasons can vary, some are listed below, or the one’s I’ve figured out are, reasons are specific to the person, or the situation, and I’m sure some don’t fit these offerings. I have never cheated on anyone, I have been cheated on by many, and I understand it more than I once did, is all this is. Again, keep those cards and letters coming folks, you fuel my idea banks. And, this is dedicated to Kelly, a lovely young thing who took my place, for a time and gave what I couldn’t give. Thank you my dear.

Cheaters. It’s a nasty word, it bespeaks of betrayal of trust, of sneakery and thievery, of dishonesty in the core of a being, they not only steal from others, they do it secretly and through being devious and deceptive, they worm their ways into the hearts of a lover only to then twist like a knife to hurt them thoughtlessly for superficial selfishness. It tells of a naughty thing bad people do, it’s a label that says evil, that says unworthy, even unethical and unkind. But WHY do they do it?

You’ll read theories by angry spouses that explain it’s because they’re cheating, low life, lying, no good, lousy, stinking, shallow and flawed, and insecure, and mean, and totally unsuitable to be allowed in the human race spouse is just a dog, a slug, a slime and an ingrate. They’ll tell you of the damage it did to their own trust (oh poor babies!) what a surprise it was to them and how these horrible thoughtless destroyers of beauty and good are in fact cads, and witches and evil beyond measure. It’ll talk about their upbringing, their parents, their friends and their work, and slyly suggest none of it was even THEIR fault or had anything to do with them. It paints them like victims, and what it doesn’t tell you is the truth. Or, I guess my question is, if it is the truth, then why’d you marry them to begin with? Did you expect them to change from being shallow, flawed, insecure, inadequate and mean and totally unsuitable, or did they fool you totally with nary a hint or a suggestion? If you did marry them knowing they had many problems and flaws, did you not realize the risk that they in fact might not be perfect or conform to your standards of excellence? Cause I’d think it might be smart to know someone a bit before marrying them, but what do I know…and of course, my goal isn’t just to get their paycheck and not have to work…so? Different strokes I guess…but the free lunch doesn’t happen often in life, so you get what you deserve at times. If you set forth choosing to be blind without seeing, don’t complain about the view.

Rule number one, cheaters cheat to get something they aren’t getting. Period. End report. Now what it is may vary, and indeed they may have some flaws, but no happy person goes looking for trouble just to see if it exists. This is almost a constant, except in the case of a psychopath, who then cheats just for the joy of so doing. For one, it’s a lot of work to cheat. You have to find someone else who wants to cheat with you, and even single men can tell you that’s not always easy! A lot of the girls out there won’t have a man who cheats, and actually are wise enough to ask if they’re married, and will not play with men who they even SUSPECT are! And for another, a person who is getting all they need, really doesn’t bother looking for something they don’t. No motive, no action!

People cheat to find fulfillment, and what that fulfillment is, varies by what it is they don’t have or don’t want to give up. They do it often as a form of compromise. A way to stay within that marriage or relationship, to raise those children, to honor their commitments and have the life they have invested in, and still have “me” time, and things they so desperately need, and don’t get elsewhere. It’s an oasis of me, in a sea of them, to many. It’s like going bowling, it’s like going fishing, it’s a hobby, a distraction and even a relief from the daily grind. To many it has very little emotional attachment, it is just physical, one dimensional and a solution to cope with a life they can’t seem to get everything from. It is often egocentric, in a world they are allowed no ego in. And sometimes it’s addictive as well, because it is naughty and it is totally egocentric. And there’s a high to that. It becomes a conquest and a getting over on someone that in time, can in fact flaw the individual who may have started for different reasons altogether.

No I don’t agree with it, nor is it a healthy way to live one’s life, but to solve it, you have to identify why they do it! And they aren’t all wrong! They aren’t! I will defend some of them. It is a case of situational ethics, of solutions to problems and compromise. So if you don’t want them to cheat, I”d suggest you consider not putting them in that situation, or if you don’t care if they do, well then quit WHINING!

Example: The man who marries the woman who just doesn’t want sex with him. He works, he pays the bills, he mows the lawn, he provides for her. He gives her a roof over her head, he may raise her children, he escorts her places, he takes her on vacation, he builds her a secure future and keeps her from a life of hardship. He buys her gifts, brings her champagne, he plans romantic escapes, he pleases her anyway he can, he takes her to dinner and the movies. All he wants is love and affection and warmth and intimacy in return.

OR…the woman whose man ignores her, comes home, never talks, never listens, goes to his shop, won’t interact, won’t do things with her, often won’t have sex with her, and often acts more like a vegetable with legs than a man or a lover, and all she wants is his love, affection and warmth and intimacy.

So when she or he refuses to give him or her that, says she/he doesn’t like it, or it’s not convenient, who’s doing the cheating???? And after months and years of this, he swallows hard and accepts that she isn’t going to give him that one little thing he so desperately needs, he sometimes decides, he loves her so much or the life they’ve built, that he’ll just solve it all but getting a little on the side. Or she will, cause it does happen the other way around too!

And I again ask you, whose the cheater in that. The man who earned, did, worked for, provided and got nothing in return, not even the consideration to want to meet him part way, or…the man who after providing all these things, and thinking of everything he possibly could to get this housekeeper gone mad to put out a little and like being with him intimately, he decides he won’t bother her for THAT any more and just get it somewhere else?

Is there anger in it? Of course there is! Lol…poor GUY! He had this vision of happily ever after when he walked down that aisle, with visions of sugar plums dancing in his head, he worked and he slaved, and he gave and he gave, and now he’s off begging some woman to please be his friend, because the one at home, has a headache, oh yet again. And according to the stories, HE’s the BAD GUY in it all for liking and needing sex, love and affection and intimacy! OH RIGHT!

There are different libido levels, and unfortunately sometimes they do end up in a relationship, but the bottom line is there are also lazy, thoughtless, inconsiderate uncaring, unfeeling, self involved people in marriages, and THEIR SPOUSES often CHEAT! And they then go boo hoo hoo! Because they couldn’t manipulate the last sense of spirit and passion out of that spouse.

There are also sexual preferences and inadequacies, which often get the press for these problems. The she left me cause my dick wasn’t big enough thing, or she left me for a woman, or he left me for a younger woman. Well? A dick that never wants them is about worthless regardless of it’s size, if they are indeed a latent homosexual, well somewhere in there, you were either deceived badly or refused to see, and if he left you for someone younger, it’s probably because she looks at him like a god, and idolizes him and actually takes care of her body, and goes places with him and laughs, so? It isn’t just an age thing or a size thing, it’s about not being what they need or caring enough to figure out what they need. If you have decided to turn into an old woman and he’s bored half to death, you’re right, he may decide he wants some one more alive and fun, and while he’s shopping maybe firm and luscious might as well go into it too, besides, if she’s younger, by the time she turns old and grey like you are now, well, he’ll be ready for one a bit slower by then…right fellas?

Hey, folks, you’re the ones boring them out the door, don’t mind me if I at least explain to you what you’re doing! They want fun, so do I! There’s nothing wrong with being alive, and you really don’t have to sit down to wait for your funeral, I promise, no one will hold it without you being there! You can’t be late to your own funeral, so go play! It’s ok! It’ll wait til you’re ready!

Is cheating right? Well compared to allowing someone to destroy your soul, it may be, but in actuality I don’t think so, I think it’s a case of two wrongs don’t make a right. Although they will defend it, as being better for the kids…I dunno! Some will even say “it’s not the money” OH PULLLEASE, it is SO! Lol! They don’t want to give up the big screen! It’s all of it…the house, the frying pan, the 401k, the kids, the dog, all of it…ok…maybe they’d give up the frying pan willingly.

I was a child in that, I’m not so sure it’s a good thing!

I also know a man who cheated for years, and his wife had learned to just look the other way, She knew, she didn’t admit she did, he hid it somewhat discreetly and they managed. But he said he wouldn’t leave her, because she would get half of everything, which? I guess, it’s what you value, your chance at happiness or half a double wide trailer, it’s all relative to what’s important to you I guess.

I know another couple, he’s in a position of power, he loves his power, and this is his second marriage. He brings his current mistress of the moment to social functions at his house, with his wife as hostess, and she swears he would NEVER cheat on her, and you’re standing there at this cocktail party with him being smug, the latest mistress (they’re a constant stream, young, over educated, stupid, sigh, whatever!) glaring at the wife, and the wife myopically serving pu-pus trying to convince everyone she hasn’t a clue! It’s all in what you like I guess…sigh…and EVERYone knows, he makes sure they do! And does he have a big one? They don’t come that big, in my book, folks…I don’t want any of him. And it is all about money, he has, they want, he trades. All it is. She won’t leave him! So she pretends she doesn’t know! She likes his credit cards! They’re BIG credit cards!

How do kids do in that? Well for one, they learn that love is nonsexual. They see this platonic relationship of some sort, perhaps with hidden issues, and they come to view that as normal. They don’t see the intimacy and affections between their parents that teach them it’s ok to develop those and respect their values. Often they are either totally ignored by the parents who are so busy focusing on their own needs ever so selfishly, or they are so totally inundated with parental affection with no healthy outlet they are all but smothered by it. So, yeah, it’s great for the kids, if you want to raise kids as screwed up as you are. And the sins of the parents shall manifest duofold in the kids…you reap what you sow. And I wish them luck at judgment day as they explain they didn’t realize.

And no, I am not softening this with kind words, it’s real! So, if it bothers someone to read this, perhaps they should open their eyes to what all of it does to their own families, wives, husbands, children and all, as they espouse they’re doing the right thing for everyone. And no I don’t just mean the person who is driven to seek comfort outside the boundaries of that relationship, I also mean the one who drives that person to that as a solution. It’s bad stuff, folks! It is not what love is supposed to do to people. So the cheater may in fact be the cheatee in many cases too.

There are other reasons cheaters cheat. There are. There is a group of people who cheat to keep a sense of themselves they refuse to give to a relationship. Fidelity is a gift we give, and some people can not bear to give it, they fear the loss of themselves in so doing, or that they’ll not have their own safety around them, so they cheat. They keep part of themselves intact and separate from a relationship. And the first group, who started cheating for reason can evolve into this group, but this group can evolve on their own too…and it is a form of addiction I think. Where the high becomes the conquest and they seek it as a form of satisfaction outside of sexual bliss.

These folks, like a former politician who made the news for months and months with some little tramp who kept the dress ever so handily, often will explain it isn’t SEX. Or it isn’t lovemaking more accurately, because to them it isn’t. It is often contained to them being recipients of pleasures, or they are somewhat non participatory during these escapades and therefore they rationalize that this isn’t the same thing as what they do with that person they care for, this is just an outlet they need. And those people are usually habitual cheaters, and they will often tell you they are long before you ever catch them. People do tell on themselves, if you listen. And Grand Jury’s listen and have microphones and TV cameras too…but it’s symptomatic of a much widely spread disease in society. One built on lack of acceptance of sex and it’s power and it’s rightful place in our lives as a joy we are given.

I am going to share a very good story someone told me the other day. The government doesn’t want people to fuck. Because people who fuck think, and if you don’t let people fuck, they won’t think, because if they do think, they’ll think about fucking, so the solution is, it’s patriotic and American to fuck. Support our country, fuck tonight!

And if you don’t want your spouse to seek it elsewhere, then I suggest you give it up, boys and girls! And do it very damned well. It doesn’t have to get boring, it’s a creative element in and of itself. It has lots of ways to stay fresh and exciting. If you’re on this website, you’re probably very aware of some of those.

And if that spouse is cheating, it may take YOU time to earn THEIR trust and belief in YOU Again should you wish to keep your relationship intact. Many cheaters do eventually leave that relationship, often because they can’t live a dual life, and one day they choose. But of course, the spouse who didn’t cheat always claims she threw them out…yeah RIGHT!

Not til they were already half packed and headed out the door anyway. Begging to please please, just meet them half way…and they answered by yelling get out. So yeah, they threw them out, I suppose, if you want to look at it that way, but of course, first they tortured them for a few years. OH right, they skip that part, don’t they! Silly me!

I don’t agree with cheating, but I understand it. And if you force a person to do it, you’re no less guilty than they are, in fact, you’re probably more guilty. Sex is important, and so is affection, understanding, intimacy and trust. They trusted you to care about them and you didn’t, so don’t yell at them if they then learned to not care about you, or tried to anyway, and took that one element somewhere else, because you didn’t like it anyway.

And for all you cheaters out there, sigh…what you do to that third person in that isn’t fair. It isn’t. You make him or her, pay the dues your lazy thoughtless spouse won’t pay, and then in return you expect to give nothing to get that. It’s a nasty mess for people, and for those contemplating cheating with someone, or fall into that trap, I suggest you get clear of that whirlpool if you can. Cheaters don’t love, they only use. They already gave at the office is why.

For the third persons in it, hey, make him take you someplace nice, cause you aren’t getting much else out of it! Although yes, sometimes they do learn to love too. It does happen. But it’s often a mess before it does. Good luck to you.

And to those potential cheaters contemplating or considering, you may want to look at other options too. It is not a simple thing you consider. For anyone. And you become like the one who does it to you.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I think that if you male or female are not getting your needs met sexually or anyway YOU NEED TO COMMUNICATE THE PROBLEM AND GIVE THEM THE CHANCE TO FIX IT. OR LET THEM TELL U ITS NOT HAPPENING MOVE THE FUCK ON

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

My first wife was a serial cheater. It took me five years to catch on, and another five years before I gave up on her. She fucked almost every man we knew and a lot I didn't know. She even fucked my oldest and best friend. During the last five years, years of no sex, at least for me, I had several very tempting offers, came very, very close with one, but in the end turned them all down. Some people cheat, and some don't. I finally divorced her. Since then I have had two long-term girlfriends, both commitment-phobic, adverse to marriage. At least neither of them cheated on me. I want commitment, true love, even, and I married again. Since I left my ex, my life hasn't been a picnic, but at least my problems have been of my own making, and since they don't include lying to anyone, I sleep well at night. Like I said, some people cheat, and some don't.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Granted it takes effort to write this much to a crowd that may not want to hear it, but...

An exceedingly simplistic view, bordering on naive. It's built on stereotypes, and treats sex with another person as a biological necessity. The only astute observations were the ones regarding the effects on children. But otherwise, ignorant. The issue has its origin in brain chemistry and the balance between testosterone and oxytocin, which -tends- to favour women as more affectionate and dedicated, and men only that dedicated when it comes to their children. This has led to many women (about 80%) throughout human history having children from just one man, and 40% of men having children by more than one woman (with the remaining 60% not haveing bloodlines that continue today at all). The bottleneck of 40% in men has likely led to personality characteristics being passed along genetically throughout the generations, and it might be reasonable to say that the need to have a "side order" or a "backup" is well preserved. Read Roy F. Baumeister for more details, although the 80%-40% discrepancy is a fact proven by geneticists and interpretable via theory. Though how the equivalent of two women and one man can successfully reproduce is easy to deduce. It certainly didn't happen with monogamy on the menu.

oldoelGDoldoelGDover 12 years ago

Some men cheat, but hide it well. He was not bad looking, she was drop-dead gorgeous. He worked, she worked. He cheated, she didn't. He always had an excuse for cheating, but the bottom line was he just liked to fuck other women, preferably married. He liked to breakup other marriages, for his kicks.

Eventually, I saw him cheating, in public, and let his wife know with: who, when and where. She collected evidence, and filed for divorce. He claimed it was her, that she went out every night. She worked with my wife, and we knew where she was and with who. Some guys are players and like to hurt others to feel powerful, not caring how their actions hurt others.

Since then, I've met many other men that do that, and a few women, too. They like to prey on folks that are already hurt, and can't read a guy, or gal, like that.

When you love, you trust. That is part of love. It hurts when you find out that they don't care about anyone but themselves, but hide it with claims of "I love you, don't you trust me?"

Fix your paper, please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
thi is me

This makes me cry. I have been with my husband for 13 yrs if it wasn't for my son i would have left. He had affairs with 2 of my close friends and yet everyone considers him to be a good old boy. i have always described him as the love of my life but i am struggling to see it at present. there is somenone else who wants me but i can't give in. i wish it was all simple

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

These are great tips and I believe incorporating a little bit of them into our relationships can go a long way. However, THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR CHEATING.

The reasons you listed for cheating are understandable but cheating is UNACCEPTABLE. If the issues in a couple's sex life (or lack thereof) is so bad, they should either try to solve this issue via counseling or LEAVE.

I believe marriage is till death. However, I think leaving is better than pulling the rug from under your spouse/partner by cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
way to miss the point

Hey anonymous on 9/19/07...it sounds like you completely missed the point of the essay. Perhaps it's because you and your spouse are perfect and deny each other nothing. --- In the real world, however, spouses tend to deny each other the things they need for various reasons. This essay looks at the side that people like you refuse to consider. === Anonymous on 7/23/07...either you are an amazing person and your man would cheat on you regardless of what you did or you are in denial about what you really did or didn't do. I'm somewhat biased because after I admit to many of the things I do wrong and even supply a few my wife didn't think about, I ask her what she does wrong in the relationship to which she replies, "apparently everything" yet she refuses or cannot name anything specifically.


You can give a person EVERYTHING but one or two things and if those things are what he or she needs, the rest of what you give are nearly meaningless. I guess that's what its so important to find out what is truly important to your partner.


Almost, I enjoyed the fresh perspective you brought to the table. Sometimes your use of pronouns made it a little unclear as to which party you were referring but rereading a time or two usually cleared that up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

What a convenient way to shift the blame of cheating onto the partner who is NOT cheating! Brilliant, really. Here's a fucking suggestion: if you're not happy in your relationship, GET OUT OF IT. It is not a good idea for you or for ANYONE involved to remain falsely in a relationship where you are not happy. It is also impossible to make someone else take responsibility for something you physically did, no matter how much you want to blame someone else.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Thank you!

Thank you so much for showing me it was all my fault that he cheated! It's so true, there's so much I could have given him that I didn't. I could have quit my job, maybe he wanted to spend more time with me. I'm sure that even though I was the only one working at the time he would have prefferred that. Or maybe, I should have worked harder, so I could fix the things about my body that workouts can't. I could have gotten a loan to make my body look like the ones in his porn. Maybe I should have stopped cooking his meals, he may have felt that was a way for me to assert power over him Maybe I should have turned down his sexual requests instead of going along with every single one. An open mind just lets in the flies, after all. Maybe I should have stopped trying to turn him on, I was probably just making a fool of myself. Maybe I should have made him leave when he didn't want to. Maybe I should have forced a split when he didn't tell me that he needed something else. Maybe I should have stopped loving him. Maybe I should have done something different. I don't know. I should have known obviously, that it would happen. I should have known better than to get into a relationship in the first place.

You did a wonderful job convincing me that it's my fault. I only wish you could have told me what I did wrong. It seems I'll never know. Instead this guilt will haunt me. Thank you, for completely ruining my desire to ever have a relationship again, because obviously I can't handle one and am too stupid to figure out why.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

i love the way it talks about how and why people do the things they do. it gave me great insite on the subject since i am being cheated on, i am looking at it in a different way now and makes me wonder who was really the one who did wrong. thank you so much for writing this! i love it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

Great look on things, she types like she talks, and hits everything perfectly, she addresses every part of both sides, and why each side reasons how they do, she just did a great job writing this, and it taught me a lot about why people do it. Thanks for being a part of Lit and contributing a great and informative piece!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
amazing insight

a great way of looking at problem.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

Can you say "Spot on", insightful and open-minded without being judgemental? This person doesn't have issues, this person has chosen to share their point of view, and I for one am damned thankful for it. It's given me some very valuable insight into my personal decision as to whether or not I will do something along these lines (not if I can at all help it), and it makes me feel good that someone understands what I am dealing with! I think the comment below (or is it above?) about the author needing help is authored by someone who needs help more than the author does! Thanks for writing this piece. Your wisdom and insight are much appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

Can you say bitter and self-loathing with probably a decade's worth of issues to be professionally addressed?

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