Which God, If Any?


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Most of this is quoted word for word from her book on page 248, however, as I said, this information is in other books I have previously read.

In other words, it is the female that is the original human for if androgen doesn't come into play, the mullerian ducts remain and the wolffian ducts regress. There is much more knowledge out there that isn't commonly known, but the books are easily had in libraries, or if not, in book stores. This particular book is a real eye-opoener!

The story of Adam and Eve is just that—a story fabricated by men.


Perhaps the most important thing we know about the bible is that we don't know who the authors of the various books of the Old Testament were, nor when they were actually written. That said, it follows that those who follow what the Old Testament says follow an unknown person or persons, and not all in the same exact direction since there are conflicting verses in it.

There are no original books or scrolls.

That said, here are some things we also know about it:

The books that were considered sacred (canon) were not ratified as such until the 500s CE.

The books of the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament, have been edited.

There were many books that weren't included in what was the official canon, though some favored different books for inclusion. One has to wonder how they decided when they had no originals, and it was all done three hundred years after Jesus' death.

Of a certainty, we know that right from the beginning, it is undeniable that there is a major error in the first creation story. Genesis, 1:11 says that on the third day, the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit tree yielding fruit. We know that scientifically, nothing grows without the sun, yet the sun wasn't "created" until the fourth day. Other errors aside, this one does not pass scientific knowledge period!

There are two different creation stories, the second one coming in chapter two of Genesis wherein the Lord God creates man out of the ground. We know that we are all made of atoms which have been created by various stars, or suns, that exploded, and had made atoms from gravity condensing hydrogen which created fusion that began the process of making different kinds of atoms (the more gravity condensed the hydrogen, the more fusion making the first atoms repeat a deeper fusion and making other atoms, and so on. The stars exploding sent those atoms into space where gravity once more pulled them together time and again over billions of years. To this day astronomers are finding stars being created, and in one startling discovery recently, it was stated that a spectacular creation of many stars per day was seen being created in a distant galaxy.

We know that the embryo will de facto be female if nothing changes from the initial conception. If to be a male, the changes will not begin to occur until after forty days, and all is made to flow as needed in order to make a male. See more above. Woman was not taken out of Adam, and his rib could not have been used. This is a myth.

We have never seen a "talking" serpent anywhere, or anytime. This, too, is a myth.

There is no rationale yet given for offerings to God as in chapter 4 of Genesis, much less any reason given for what is acceptable to this picky God who makes Cain and Abel guess at it. Any explanation given is pure speculation.

There is no way Cain could have survived alone, much less found a wife in some far away land (if there were no other humans made elsewhere other than Adam and Eve). This is a myth.

There are two accounts of Noah and his ark, the first in chapter six with two of each, and another in chapter seven with more than just two pair of clean animals, as well as a pair of the unclean animals.

Noah's ark was "at sea" for over a year. Unimaginable as it is to think that even two pair of clean animals of every kind of every living thing that breathes: fowl, cattle, creeping things and also take food for all; provisions for over a year—notice that no manna is offered. There would not be room enough for hay and grass, etc., which would mold quickly in the dampness of the so-called rain of forty days. The bible allows anyone to count the number of days supposedly actually spent in the ark.

Aside from Abram/Abraham being fictitious, he met no Philistines as starts being said in Genesis chapter 21, verse 32. More, historically, Philistines are not known until the time of Rameses III, son of the famous Rameses II, which was around 1180s BCE. Philistines were one of five known sea peoples that invaded Egypt in the time of Rameses III.

Joseph could not have placed his father Jacob in the land of Rameses as is stated in Genesis, chapter 47—no Rameses had been born as yet. This, too, shows a much later date, as well as the fiction, of this story for we're told in the book of Exodus, chapter 12, verse 40 that they were in Egypt for four hundred and thirty years, much more time before there could have possibly been a Rameses of any kind.

There are two distinctly different times given for the so-called Exodus from Egypt, the most popularly known and celebrated one being after having built, or building Pithom and Raamses as in chapter 1, verse 12 of Exodus.

Historically, there is no way they could have traveled as is said for Egypt controlled well north of Canaan through all the days of Rameses II, known as either the first or second mightiest warrior of Egypt.

See the section above which speaks of the "numbers" of men able to fight as warriors for Israel.

I have previously estimated that using those numbers of "warriors", that there had to be at least two and a half million people in the Exodus, and as many or more animals in their herds and flocks. Dr. Shlomo Sand, historian from the University of Tel Aviv mentioned earlier states that the warrior numbers mentioned in the Exodus implied around three million people. Neither of our estimates include the millions of animals that had to be present as suggested by the bible.

The god of the Old Testament, Yahweh, was not only bloodthirsty, but genocidal in ordering the utter destruction of many nations/peoples, including their children and cities.

The cities such as Jordan and Ai, if any of them at all, were not defeated, for there was no Joshua as stated by the bible, as well there were no walls around Jericho, the popular children's song notwithstanding, nor the bible's saying that they did.

Rameses II and Egypt controlled all of what is Canaan if one subscribes to his tenure as Pharaoh as the date of the Exodus, and if an earlier date is said to be as in the 1400s BCE, then those dates also saw Egypt as in control of Canaan.

There are two different times given for the Exodus to have occurred, the one implied (Rameses), the other given as approximately in the 1400s BCE per chapter 6, verse 1 of I Kings.

The numbers of warriors, men able to draw the sword, are acknowledged to be highly inflated, and at times, between books speaking of the identical scene, they differ the one with the other. This is how fiction is written, not any word of any god.

The Jewish history had to change to meet with uncontrollable history, namely the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans. The "might" of God disappeared and was replaced by a new set of prophets that warned against the new servants that would come to do God's bidding to punish the Jews. No longer was there any direct intervention.

The Law was as new to the peasants in Judah when Ezra read it to them, and most likely because most of it was written after there had been Philistines in Palestine around the time of David instead of Abraham and Isaac.

The resurrection wasn't taken seriously until later in the time of the Maccabees when the book of Daniel had been written.

Jesus is said to have put a time limit on when the resurrection would be, and that was in his generation, and so did Paul in I Thessalonians. It never happened as prophesied, and still hasn't happened. God is perfect, so this wasn't any god speaking the words that Jesus is said to have spoken, but some nebulous men in three gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, all by authors unknown.

The Old Testament being the foundation of The New Testament, the foundation being false, then it follows that the New Testament is false also, the product of men for no perfect god would profess to provide truth laden with so many errors.


After the time of the Persian conquest of Babylon, there may have been a period of a couple of hundred years, enough for the Old Testament to take firm hold in the hearts of the peasants of Judah and before the wars of the Maccabees. However with the advent of Alexander the Great, then after his early death, his newly conquered kingdom was split into three parts.

Where the Jews were concerned, there were now new masters, and one in particular wasn't happy with how they worshiped. That king, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, put one of their gods in the temple and tried to make the Jews worship it. That set off the War of the Maccabees in the second century BCE, or about the 160s BCE. It was partially successful, but internal strife led to the Romans being invited in. It's never been the same since then for the Jews.

They had various wars with various "Messiahs". Here are most, if not all of them:

6 CE: Judas of Galilee.

36 CE: A Taheb or Samaritan proclaimed himself as the Messiah.

45 CE: Theudas claimed to be the Messiah.

47 CE: Judas of Galilee's sons

50s CE: The Egyptian prophet (he disappeared)

66 CE: Menahem, another son of Judas of Galilee. This war was marginally successful until Vespasian and his son Titus, both future emperors of Rome, destroyed the temple in 70 CE.

117 CE: Kitos war.

132 CE: Bar Kokba (spelled in various ways, but always similar in sounding), the most successful revolt, but ultimately defeated, and Jews dispersed.

I'm sure I've probably missed some, but to make a long and misery filled story short, things were never the same for the Jews as they scattered over the then known world. A false religion, renewed from the Babylonian times, then again in the time of the Maccabees and the writing of the book of Daniel, led to nothing but a sense of ethnicity that wasn't real either, but swallowed up hook, line, and sinker by the peasants and became a cherished fable.

These wars for independence from Rome were all led by Zealots (read Fundamentalists just as in our time now) who had to keep the lies going, but unlike today's Zealots, or Fundamentalists, they had no way of knowing as we do now that their religion was false.

At the start of Christianity there were wars though of the theological variety., At the last, Constantine dictated that one group to be finally successful and many in numbers, he made Christianity the religion of the empire.

The peasants still had no way of knowing that they were being led falsely and no one, unlearned or learned, seemed to question the veracity of the Old Testament, or of the writings that were finally deemed sacred and became the canon of the new church. Thereafter death would be for many because of the new church did not tolerate anything that they considered heretical, ideas that were not regarded as in line with what was considered the truth. Those they had killed, often by the fires of the stake; they would eventually be far too many, and too often, even unto wars such as the Crusades.

The new church became what is now known as Fundamentalists since no one was allowed to express any religious thought other than what the church said was correct.

Nothing changed until Martin Luther's day, but not much in the way of doctrine. Even the present books in the bible today in Protestant churches are all in the Catholic bible, and with few differences.

Fundamentalism is still with us in the guise of some non-Catholic churches, and they are called by many names, but all have one thing in common, and that is no tolerance for any other doctrine than that it must be as the bible says; for to them, the bible is without error. Thus, homosexuality is a sin, an abomination before their God, and with it, lesbians and all other that are not heterosexual. Oddly, this is the one thing they find the most heinous sin and find intolerable.

Here's one of the their recent attempts to ram their beliefs of that down the throats of everyone:

Recently, Arizona tried to pass a law allowing businesses to discriminate against those who are not heterosexual. A bakery refused to fix a wedding care for a same-sex marriage ceremony. A florist refused to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding ceremony. The law that they proposed was designed to permit this without fear of those businesses being sued for discrimination. They had, the proposed law said, the right to refuse service based on the religious beliefs of business owner whose personal religious views were being infringed on.

That law was finally, after much political soul searching (read: problems to the reelection prospects of the incumbent and economic fallout that threatened to follow), vetoed by the governor. Several other states are said to have been attempting to ready a law similar.

This is all in the face of steady loses by Federal courts overturning laws enacted by states to prohibit same-sex marriage and the overturning of DOM: Defense of Marriage Act passed by Congress.

All of this is due not to a belief in God, but in a belief in the god of the bible of Jews and the extended bible of Christians. It is pushed primarily by Fundamentalist Christians who elect to particularly believe—or pretend to believe—that every word of the bible, especially the Old Testament, is the error free word of the God of the bible and who is the creator of all, including us and the Universe.

As I've shown, that is not so—the bible is filled with errors and contradictions. I've just said, too, that they pretend to believe the Old Testament and to demand that it's tenets be followed by one and all, but pay special attention only to those things that they hold near and dear to their bigotry—homosexuality as can be seen by the quotes below.

Ignorance is the path that leads to lies being held to no matter what, and if left to go its way without any halting of it, death. It's worse than a bad habit you can't quit. No religion, culture, or society should have to wade through the lies kept in place by ignorance. The results of ignorance are deadly. Like these in our day:

* * * *

[Easily found on other sites on the Internet.]

The barrage of anti-gay sermons delivered by North Carolina-based pastors to hit the blogosphere continues with yet another disturbing rant caught on tape.

The pastor...Charles L. Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church in Maiden, N.C., condemns President Obama's [endorsement of same sex marriage], whilecalling for gays and lesbians to be put in an electrified pen and ultimately killed off. [Bold mine]

"Build a great, big, large fence -- 150 or 100 mile long -- put all the lesbians in there," Worley suggests in the clip, reportedly filmed on May 13.

He continues:"Do the same thing for the queers and the homosexuals and have that fence electrified so they can't get out...and you know what, in a few years, they'll die out...do you know why? They can't reproduce!"

He also said that if he's asked who he'll vote for, he'll reply, "I'm not going to vote for a baby killer and a homosexual lover!" Many of the congregants cheer and reply, "Amen."

The pastor's comments seem in line with statements made by Ron Baity, founding pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem and head of the anti-marriage equality organization Return America, who told his own congregation that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) [be prosecuted as they were historically—was originally shown as a link] and Pastor Sean Harris of the Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville [who advocated punching the child—was a link] if he is effeminate and "crack that wrist" if he is limp-wristed.

Ron Baity, founding pastor of Winston-Salem's Berean Baptist Church and head of the anti-marriage equality organization Return America, referred to homosexuality as "a perverted lifestyle" in a Sunday sermon before telling his congregation that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people should be prosecuted, Good as You is reporting. "For 300 years, we had laws that would prosecute that lifestyle," he is quoted as saying. "We've gone down the wrong path.

Victoria Jackson: Homophobia Is 'Buzzword Of Liberal Agenda'

The former "Saturday Night Live" star and now Tea Party activist sparked national furor when she [criticized "Glee" for showing a same-sex kiss—was a link] in a column for WorldNetDaily. In the column, Jackson wrote in response to an emotional, long awaited kiss between Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Blaine (Darren Criss). "Did you see "Glee" this week? Sickening! And, besides shoving the gay thing down our throats, they made a mockery of Christians - again! I wonder what their agenda is? Hey, producers of "Glee" - what's your agenda? One-way tolerance?" She later appeared on "Showbiz Tonight" to clarify her thoughts. "Well, it doesn't matter what I think," Jackson said."What matters is what the Bible says. [Bold mine.]And I'm really concerned about our country because immorality is, well, let's see: secular humanism rules the airwaves, and it's stealing the innocence away from this whole generation of children. My daughter is a teenager and I can't find any show that she can watch." With that diatribe, Jackson was asked, based on her remarks, both in the column and in the interview, whether she was homophobic. "That's a cute little buzzword of the liberal agenda," Jackson smirked."Basically, the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin." [Bold mine]

A Mississippi state lawmaker quoted a Bible passage on Facebookcalling for gay men to be"put to death"[Bold and underline mine.]has taken to the social networking site again to refuse to apologize for the remark.

Rep. Andy Gipson (R-Braxton) Friday to say that although he has been receiving emails and calls [with regard to his statement],he will not say he's sorry. [Bold mine.]The emails have come in response to a petition calling on the lawmaker to issue an apology and to meet with LGBT groups in Mississippi.

"To be clear, I want the world to know that I do not, cannot, and will not apologize for the inspired truth of God's Word. It is one thing that will never 'change,'" [Bold mine]Gipson wrote. "Anyone who knows me knows I also believe that all people are created in God's image, and that all people are loved by God, so much so that He gave us the truth of His Word which convicts us of the reality and guilt of our sin, and He gave us His Son Jesus who paid the full penalty for all our sins, by His grace through our faith in Him as we repent of our sin. It is this message that I preach every Sunday. I sincerely pray God will reach someone through this message."

Gipson is a Baptist minister [Bold mine.]anda business lawyer [Bold mine.]when not serving in the Legislature. He notes... that his family are "of the Christian faith, and areaffiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention." [Bold mine.]

The passage from Leviticus that Gipson first cited reads: "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

On Facebook at least, Gipson has received overwhelming support for his original comments and his refusal to apologize. Eighty-three people have "liked" his post, and he's received dozens of supportive comments, including praise for supporting God and sticking to his original message.