Who Wanna Be a Bimbo? Ch. 09

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Mature teacher wants to change her life.
10.4k words

Part 10 of the 15 part series

Updated 01/29/2024
Created 06/06/2018
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Britney had never been overly attractive, at least she never thought of herself like that. She was not ugly by any means, but she lacked certain traits of femininity. She reached the height of 181 centimetres at an early age and was taller than most of the boys. She was also skinny, had narrow boyish hips and a flat chest. The tomboy image was further enhanced by her short hair; she kept them like that because they were thin, unremarkable and had a greyish-brown colour more appropriate for a mouse. Britney's face was pretty, but also quite plain. Thin lips created an impression of her being unapproachable, which was the exact opposite of her personality. She was friendly and easy going, but also intelligent and responsible. The glasses which Britney had to start wearing at a relatively young age did not help either. They might not have been unattractive per se, but with several appearance issues already present they were just another brick in the "I'm not pretty" wall.

Despite her not overly generous self appraisal Britney had all of the physical traits to become a model. Most of the fashion designers were homosexuals, so they preferred the women not to be feminine. But that job did not appeal to her, she wanted to be a... teacher. She also liked sports, so ultimately she became a physical education teacher. Lots of sports and a healthy lifestyle gave Britney a toned athletic physique. She was still slender, but no longer skinny. Her buttocks were firm and perky, they looked sexy despite the narrow hips. Britney's legs were her main asset, long, shapely and strong, they attracted many male gazes. She might not have turned into a sex bomb, but at least no longer considered herself unattractive.

Britney liked her job and was happy to know that the students considered her the favourite teacher; although she was aware that the yoga pants she wore might have had something to do with that, at least when boys' opinion was concerned. To earn extra money Britney also worked as a personal trainer.

Throughout three decades of her adult life many things have changed, but some remained unaltered. Next year Britney would be turning fifty. She still had the same two jobs, her appearance did not change all that much apart from the fact that she had aged. Sport kept her healthy and somewhat youthful, but she had not grown any prettier. Over the course of all those years Britney married, had three kids, who had by now grown up and moved out. She also divorced recently which was the saddest part. Britney was a cheerful optimistic person, but realised she needed a drastic change. But how could a stable conservative ageing woman make a serious truly impactful change in her life? External assistance was necessary. Britney found the weirdest kind of assistance and for the first time in her life was about to do something crazy. Because she was intelligent and methodical she planned to thoroughly prepare first.

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! I'm Frank Trustworthy, welcome to Who Wanna Be a Bimbo. Today with me is Britney. Hello, Britney."

"Hello, Frank. Nice to meet you."

Before the show Britney could not decide what to wear. Ultimately she settled on an outfit in which she felt the most confident and comfortable - gym wear. She entered the stage dressed in yoga pants, a tank top and sport shoes. All of her clothes were white, but a thick red diagonal stripe ran across each item to break the uniformity of the colour.

"Do you wanna be a bimbo?" the host asked.

"I'm tempted to say 'yes', although I fear some might misinterpret that."

"We're happy to hear a 'yes', even if it's open to interpretation. Do you have any preferred transformations?"

"Yes, quite a few actually. The best of them seems the one which the gentleman recently had. I believe it was called age regression. My body could use that..."

"You don't look that old, Britney," Frank interjected.

"Thank you, Frank, but I'm older than I look and I can feel that in my bones. I'd also like the kind of treatment the young woman had received some time ago. I'm curious to experience what it means to have full feminine curves. Not to mention my lousy hair."

"It's all within reach. So you're not here for the money?"

"I am! I won't say 'no' to a generous prize."

"Got any specific plans on how you'll spend it?"

"I had barely ever travelled in my life. I was thinking about changing that and finally seeing all the wonders the world offers."

"That's within your reach as well," Frank replied with a grin, "are you ready to start?"

"Yes, I am!"

"Draw twelve categories,"

"Symbols and pictograms, Postapo, Roman Numerals, Swords, British Cities, Sweden, Milestones of 20th Century, Asian Countries, Bones, Measures, Art (15th - 18th century), Lord Of The Rings, Rise of Machines."

"Do you like them?"

"They are rather uneven. I feel confident about some, but a few seem uncertain. Overall it should be a decent challenge."

"I'm glad to hear that you like them and even happier to have a talkative contestant."

"I'm a teacher after all, communication is key in my work."

"You look like a physical education teacher. Am I correct?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I do. I teach physical education at a college."

"I bet your students would love to have a sexy bimbo teacher."

"They might, indeed. Especially considering that almost all of them are young men. I fear they're all watching me right now."

"There's nothing to fear. You should embrace the additional audience, I'm certain they're all cheering for you."

"I guess they'd appreciate the transformations that I had mentioned earlier."

"See! That's the spirits. Which category to start with?"

"The easiest one in your quiz - Roman Numerals."

16. XVI. Correct. 96. XCVI. Correct. 88. LXXXVIII. Correct. 444. CDXLIV. Correct. 1789. MDCCLXXXIX. Correct.

"A flawless round, Britney! Congratulations!" Frank announced.

"If someone makes a mistake in this category it means they did not prepare in the slightest."

"You sound like a harsh teacher," the host commented with a wink.

"I'm demanding, but not harsh. I have some tolerance for laziness, but I don't tolerate people who don't prepare at all," the contestant replied with a patient smile.

"Sounds fair. Ready for Round Two?"

"Yes. Milestones of the 20th Century, I always liked history."

In which year the Spanish flu pandemic began? 1918. Correct. In which year the Watergate Scandal began? 1973. Correct. In which year RMS Titanic sank? 1912. Correct. In which year Japan invaded Manchuria, then occupied it until the end of World War II? It was a few years before the war, but I'm not sure exactly. 1933 maybe? WRONG. In which year Perestroika began? 1988. Correct.

"One mistake this time, Britney," Frank announced, "draw one transformation card."


"Do you like it?"

"Not really. I almost never wear any jewellery at all. It's not my style, although I'm not an opponent in general. But the jewellery in your show looks trashy and often outright ugly. I want to change it."

"That's your choice. You might be the first contestant to do so. Most consider this transformation to be harmless and keep it, fearing to draw worse ones."

"The greater the risk, the larger the reward," Britney replied with a smile.

"That's true. We at Who Wanna Be a Bimbo know it the best. Draw two new transformation cards."

"Height Reduction and Slutification of Clothes."

"Are these two better?"

"Yes, as long as the slutification won't make my clothes outright, pardon my expression, whorish."

"No, it won't. We have the Double Slutification transformation to achieve that."

"Oh, good! And I like the height reduction. I had always considered myself too tall."

"That's a different approach to other contestants as well. At best they tolerate this transformation," Frank commented.

"The world would be awfully boring, if we were all the same, wouldn't it?" Britney replied with a wink.

"It would, indeed. Please, enter The Chamber," the host tried to match his guest's courtesy and eloquence.

Britney went into the device, closed her eyes as she had been instructed before the show and waited patiently. The feeling was... odd. Not painful or unpleasant, but also difficult to ignore. Having your body change its size almost in a blink of an eye was incredible and the contestant was really curious to see how she would look with 'normal' height. She forgot that her outfit was being altered as well and remembered about it only when the door opened, and she saw herself on the large screen.

The contestant was surprised to see that the height reduction did not change the perception of her body as significantly as she had anticipated. She was still tall, slender and athletic; she looked quite good. But... has she been so good-looking the whole time? The new outfit had a much greater impact. The T-shirt changed into a sports-bra, a padded one which created an illusion of breasts on her otherwise flat chest. The yoga pants got tighter and slightly see-through, the panties underneath turned into a thong. Britney had seen women who dressed like that at the gym regularly, so it was not overly slutty, but seeing herself in such an outfit was a minor shock. The muscles on her thighs and buttocks became more prominent, which was not all bad. The contestant was stunned to see her camel-toe though, and suddenly she became very aware of the (rather large) size of her vaginal lips.

"Welcome back, Britney," said Frank, "do you like the changes?"

"Y-yes," the contestant stammered for a second, "I do. I think that both of the transformations were for the better."

"We're glad to hear it! So you'll enter the Third Round in a good mood?"

"Definitely. Bones, I studied that topic in college, so I should know a thing or two."

What is the name for the study of bones? Osteology. Correct. How many ribs do most adult humans have? 24. Correct. Adults have 206 bones in their body. With how many bones are babies born with? It was more, but I can't recall the exact number. 280? WRONG. In which body part can carpal bones be found? Wrist. Correct. What is the cheek bone also called? Zygomatic bone. Correct.

"Only one mistake again, Britney," Frank announced, "I see that you were really serious about the preparation."

"Of course," the contestant replied with a grin, "the risk should be calculated, but not unnecessary."

"Said like a true gambler," the host winked, "draw one transformation card, please."

"Tattoos. Oh dear."

"You don't like it?"

"Tattoos are even worse than your jewellery and can't be taken off. I can tolerate a small aesthetic tattoo in a discreet place, but I'm sure that these tattoos would be anything but discreet. They would make me feel constantly dirty. I would like to discard this transformation."

"As you wish, Britney. I just want to point out that once again you're behaving completely differently from the rest of our contestants. Please, draw two new cards."

"Eye-sight Correction and High Heels. Wow! You can fix my eye-sight? That's incredible!"

"Of course we can. Have you even seen a blind bimbo?"

Frank made a short pause, but Britney did not laugh at his joke, so he continued:

"What do you think about high heels?"

"I have mixed feelings about them. I have almost never worn high heels in my life and when I had they were five centimetres at most. I've been tall enough without them. I'm aware they make the legs and booty look sexier, so I'm not against that change. I guess we'll simply see how it turns out."

"I'm certain that you'll enjoy them," Frank replied, "and there's no need to worry about your height. Models are tall and everyone likes them. Please, enter The Chamber."

Britney patiently waited as the device worked its magic on her. She could once again feel becoming tall, but because it was caused by high heels the balance of her body also changed. Soon the door opened and she could see herself on the screen. More importantly the contestant could see everything else clearly, even though her glasses were gone. Her vision seemed better then with any kind of glasses.

"It's amazing!" Britney exclaimed enthusiastically, "is my eyesight going to remain like this?"

"Yes, it will," Frank replied, "at least for the years to come. Old age might still make you far-sighted, but that has been pushed away in time significantly."

"That might be the best news!" the contestant was smiling, "one eventually gets used to glasses, but it feels so... free to be able to observe the world without them."

"We share your joy. What do you think about heels? They're not so bad, aren't they?"

The camera made a close-up of the shoes. They were fifteen centimetre tall stilettos, but tailored in such a fashion that they fit with the rest of the sporty outfit without looking trashy.

"Yes, indeed," Britney replied, "they feel really natural and surprisingly comfortable. Although I see the world from an even greater height now."

"Would you mind giving us a little spectacle of your newly acquired skill?"

"Not at all. Everything for the show," the contestant replied with a grin.

Britney strolled along the stage in a model-like fashion. She was amazed by her own skill. Her entire life she had worn almost solely sports shoes, but The Chamber taught her to walk in high heels in a blink of an eye. It was a fun new experience. Of course Frank and the audience were not interested in the contestant's skill as much as in her body. Despite her age her toned legs and buttocks were still sexy, now enhanced by the tight leggings and heels they look exceptionally hot. Without being transformed too heavily Britney quickly became a 'MILF'. The contestant made two lengths across the stage and returned to her post. She had to admit to herself that she enjoyed swaying her, still narrow, hips to the sides in her new shoes.

"Thank you for the presentation, Britney," said Frank, "you're a natural."

"Thank you, Frank. You're too kind, after all I didn't learn this skill I got it for free in the chamber."

"But you worked very hard to obtain that body, didn't you?"

"Fair point. Thank you."

"Are you ready for the fourth round?"

"Yes. Asian Countries."

Britney was shown a map of Asia and in each question a single country was highlighted; her task was to name it. Recognising Iraq, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia was easy. There was a small country in Eastern Asia which she did not know and a former Soviet Republic of which she was uncertain. Both of her guesses turned out to be WRONG.

"Two mistakes this time," Frank announced, "draw two transformation cards."

"Lust Induction and Gothic Style."

"One of the audience's favourites," the host commented with a grin, "what's your opinion?"

"I think I'm going to make the audience happy and keep it. Spicing up my sex life could be interesting. Who knows, maybe that could be my route to rejuvenation."

"We're glad to hear it! Please, g..."

"I'd like to discard the other transformation though," Britney interrupted.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting that. Most contestants consider Gothic Style to be harmless and prefer to keep it."

"I believe that we had already established that I'm unlike most contestants," the contestant replied with a wink, "it might be harmless, but also unattractive. I could never understand why girls dressed in a fashion that made that look so unapproachable. Plus if we keep harmless by mediocre transformations we might avoid the worse ones, but we're also missing the better ones."

"That's a fair point," Frank agreed, "Britney, you're like a breeze of fresh air in this show. I'm certain that the audience appreciates the diversity, which you brought with you, as much as I do. Please, draw two new transformation cards."

"No Lingerie and Age Reduction. Ha!"

"This is an 'I told you' moment, if I've even seen one," the host commented with a grin, "you could not have been proved correct quicker."

"I don't care about being correct!"

Britney seemed to be one tiny step away from jumping and clapping with joy.

"I've got the one transformation that I wanted the most. Can I go into the chamber already?"

"Go ahead," Frank simply said grinning widely, "Ladies and Gentleman, Britney might be our most enthusiastic contestant so far."

Even before being transformed Britney felt impatient like a teenager. She simply could not wait to be physically young again. When the device began to work its magic the changes were not instantly so obvious. The first novelty she felt was... warmth and gentle tingling in the crotch area. That was not necessarily the effect of the age reduction, but it also reminded her that her panties were gone. The lust was further enhanced by the rejuvenation, Britney could feel her nipples stiffen at the same time when her wrinkles were disappearing. She barely suppressed the urge to reach between her legs. The combined feelings of becoming younger and hornier were almost overwhelming; glee seemed to be a perfect companion for arousal.

When the door finally opened and so did Britney's eyes, she needed a few moments to focus her recently fixed sight. Her hand involuntarily reached between her legs. She withdrew it before it touched her body, but the camera of course caught the entire motion; it showed a lot more than that. The audience could see a close up of Britney's crotch. The outline of her vaginal lips, now swollen, was clearly seen through the thin tight fabric of the yoga pants. There was no doubt that this was a toe of a really horny camel. The contestant blushed with embarrassment and her now young face showed the colours brightly. The public exhibition of her newly acquired lust was embarrassing, but it could not overshadow the joy of being young once again. Britney's cheeks remained blushed, but a wide smile also brightened her face. The camera made a close up of the contestant's head, then moved down to her chest. Britney's breasts remained small and the padding from her sport-bra disappeared. Together with the tightness of the bra it showed off her erect nipples poking through the fabric; another sign of her horniness.

"Welcome back, Britney," said Frank, "we're glad to see that you're enjoying the transformation."

"How could I not?," the contestant was still smiling brightly, "I achieved my main goal. The other transformation is... intriguing. I might need more time to adjust to it though."

"I'm certain that you'll learn to love it nearly as much. Your choices might be different from those of other contestants, but I suspect that your responses are similar. And don't forget about the third transformation, you won't be washing bras or panties too often from now on."

"Oh!" Britney's face blushed some more, "I forgot about that one."

"You don't need to remember it, you'll simply forget to put on lingerie. What would you say about a minor test of your rejuvenated body?" the host suggested.

"Naturally! Do you have something specific in mind?"

"You're a physical education teacher. How about a gymnastic presentation?"

"With pleasure!"

Britney stepped into the middle of the stage and almost effortlessly stood on her hands. She had been strong and agile most of her life, and over the years her skill had only increased. But now she could experience the difference the age made. The contestant felt as if she could fly, so she decided to show off a bit; the clapping of the audience encouraged her further. Still standing on her hands Britney spread her legs into full side splits; the audience cheered. The camera could not miss the opportunity and zoomed in onto her vagina; wet spot on her yoga pants could be spotted and it was not sweat. The contestant closed back her legs and in a smooth motion returned to a standing position; she did not even realise she was performing in high heels. Britney was not over yet, she made a cartwheel, again effortlessly in her heels; then swiftly got onto the floor in frontal splits. She arched her back and reached behind her to touch her toes. The contestant smoothly then stood up and did a cartwheel again.