Why?... 02


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"Martin, I have to admit I felt something too. I thought of it as static electricity except down into my soul. Maybe it was two spirits that sparked together. Martin, do you believe in honesty, integrity, and faithfulness?"

"Yes I do. I was totally faithful to Renee and you can ask anybody in this town about my character. Why did you ask that?"

"Because, I'm going to be honest with you right now. I might be in high society now, but I started off poor and know what hard work is all about. I haven't had to do it since I went to college then got married, but I did have to once. I don't care about the age difference, your background, or anything else. I've never felt that feeling that passed between us now and if you think it was our spirits connecting, I believe you. Martin you asked me what I thought so here it is. I think we need to date and get to know each other better and see where it goes from there."


"Please call me Cindy. Can I call you Marty?"

"No! My brother is the only living person I allow to call me Marty! I'm sorry but that's the way I feel!"

"Okay Martin, don't get so upset! What were you about to say?"

"Cindy, you've been coming here long enough to have heard about my reputation. I have to admit I've enjoyed the sex with all the different women I've been having sex with since I got back into shape. After twenty one years with one woman, it's nice to be able to enjoy different women. I don't know if I'm ready to give that up."

"Then don't. We're not married and I shared Brad with other women almost from the start of our marriage. If we do get serious about each other then we can discuss the situation again. Promise me you'll never stand me up for another woman, okay?"

"I can make that promise and keep it easily. What do you say to us starting to get to know each other better tonight? Will you have dinner with me?"

"Yes Martin, I will. What time do you want to have dinner?"

"I'm used to eating early so how about I pick you up at a quarter to six?"

"That would be fine. Do you need directions to my house?"

"No Cindy, I know where you live and how to get there. I guess you forgot my lawyer and friend lives in the same community that you do."

"Yes, I guess I did."

"Okay, I'll see you around six. I need to get back to my workout. Be more careful with how much weight you try to lift from now on." With that Martin walked back to the weights he'd been curling before I called for help. I went back to the bench press, removed twenty pounds of weight, and finished my set. I decreased the weight on all my lifts after that for about a week. When I left the center, Martin was still there helping out other members and encouraging others. I saw him stop and talk to a short, very fat woman who was sweating bullets and watched him give her a big hug before moving on. Even that brief interaction with another woman made me so jealous I wanted to go over and slap the shit out of her. I was beginning to have my doubts to whether I could tolerate him seeing other women and realized at that moment that I was in love with him and we'd only had that one touch and talk. I went home and rested for the remainder of the day in anticipation of my date with Martin. I kept thinking how crazy the whole situation seemed, but somehow knew in my heart that we were meant to be together.

Martin's side

The spark I felt when my hands touched Cynthia Rogers' sent a feeling of deja vu through me. My heart was instantly filled with love and want for her. My brain was telling me not to be stupid, I could never have a woman like her and besides that; she was the widow of the bastard who took my beloved Renee away from me twice, once when he seduced her and the second when he killed her in that car wreck. I knew I couldn't ignore that feeling and asked Cynthia to join me at the juice bar so we could talk. We ended up agreeing to date and see where it might lead. After leaving Cindy, I returned to my workout and tried to forget about her and that touch, but couldn't do it. After my workout, I hung around the center spotting for people and encouraging others. I saw Wanda and went over and talked to her before giving her a big hug. I realized that it felt wrong, which hadn't happened since before Renee's death and began to question whether I could continue with the casual sex thing now that I had feelings for Cindy. My heart was saying no I couldn't, but my head was saying yes I could because nothing had happened between me and Cindy yet; except something had happened and we both had felt it. I left the center earlier than normal so I could wash the Z and get ready for my date with Cindy.

I picked Cindy up at quarter to six and took her to the best seafood restaurant in town. I ate there frequently for the fresh fish they had and the maître' D knew me by name. He started to take me to the little table in the corner that I normally sat at, but I asked for a booth in the center of the main dining room. I wanted to show off the beautiful woman that I was with and the corner table was not the place for that to happen. I didn't know where this turn of events in my life was headed, but I intended to ride it while it lasted. Cindy and I had a very enjoyable evening and it seemed like we had known each other forever instead of a first date. When she reached over and took my hand after the main course had been served and eaten, that same spark we had felt earlier passed between us and through us again. I looked deep into her blue eyes and saw the look of love that I had seen in Renee's on our first date and for the next twenty one years and realized that this beautiful, sophisticated woman loved me and wanted me as much as I loved and wanted her. I threw a hundred dollar bill on the table, stood, whisked Cindy up out of her side of the booth, and kissed her hard right there in the middle of the restaurant. My mind barely registered the hand clapping, catcalls, and wolf whistles that were coming from the other patrons. Cindy and I practically ran to the Z where we made out like teenagers before I headed to my house which was closer than Cindy's. I saw her eyebrow raise when I pulled into the hundred foot drive that led to my double wide and the Z's home.

We continued to kiss in the garage before the sexual tension between us was too great. I led Cindy into my house and stopped inside the dining room which was the connecting room for the garage and the rest of the house. Before she could protest, I had her dress off and down around her knees. I bent down and stuck my face into her crouch and began licking at her sex through her panties. I could feel her heat and wanted to taste her nectar from the source so I ripped her panties in two and stuck my tongue as far up in her snatch as it would go in that position. I began tongue fucking her while my right hand massaged her left breast and nipple. When I moved my tongue to her clit, Cindy went wild above me. I know she had several mini orgasms before the big one only moments after I started lashing her clit with my tongue. Before her peak had crested I stood, dropped my slacks and briefs, kicked the dining room chair out of my way, picked Cindy up and lay her back onto the dining room table. I rammed my turgid rod to the hilt inside her with one stroke then began a slow pumping in and out of her wet center. She had screamed in pleasure when I had sunk my member into her and was writhing on the table as I stroked in and out of her. I heard and felt her have two more orgasms before I loosed my steamy load into her. I picked her up and carried her to my bedroom where I lay with her on my chest until her breathing and mine had returned to normal.

"Oh my God Martin, that was the best sex I've ever had. I don't think I've ever came three times so close together before. What I heard in the women's locker room about you is true; you are the best lover a woman could ever have. If you can do that to me every time, you can have me any time you want me."

"I can't promise that experience every time, but I can promise that I'll do everything I can to make it as enjoyable for you as it is for me every time. Cindy, I know this is crazy, but I love you, am in love with you, and want to love you from this moment on. Will you be my woman from now until death separates us?"

"Martin, I agree that this is crazy, but I love you too and will gladly be your woman from now until one of us dies. When I saw you hug that fat woman at the center earlier today I got so jealous, I wanted to slap her into next week. Martin, I don't think I can handle you seeing other women. I thought I was in love with Brad, but realize now that I wasn't. I now know what true love feels like and I can't stand the thought of you fucking another woman."

"Her name is Wanda and I felt like I was doing something wrong when I hugged her this afternoon. I realized that I was in love with you and hugging her was like I was cheating on you. You don't have to worry about me and other women from today forward. I'll be as faithful to you as I was to Renee."

"Martin, I promise to be faithful to you too! Now can you make love to me slow and gentle this time."

What the lady asks for, the lady's going to get when she asks it of me so I proceeded to kiss and caress Cindy's body until she was ready for my rejuvenated cock inside her hot, wet pussy. I made slow and gentle love to her for the next hour. When I felt close to coming myself, I'd stop and let the sensation ease, before starting again. I don't know how many orgasms Cindy had on my cock, but it was too many to count on one hand. I couldn't hold back my own orgasm forever and began pounding her pussy fast and hard, giving her the biggest orgasm of the night when my second load of hot semen shot into her depths. After we had recovered, we lay and cuddled in each other's arms until we both went to sleep.

Cindy and I became a couple after that night. We worked out together, shopped for food and clothing together, went out to eat, to movies, concerts, and other romantic social events. The women at the gym stopped coming on to me after Cindy had torn two of them new ones when they approached me when Cindy was near. I didn't actually move in with her, but it was almost like I had. I spent more nights with her in her bed than I did alone in mine. I didn't realize how much I had missed sleeping next to the same person and waking up with them night after night until Cindy and I had started sleeping together. The only problem we had was Cindy turned me down every time I asked her to marry me. I got frustrated enough to finally asked her why.

"Cindy, why have you turned me down when I asked you to marry me?"

"If I re-marry, I lose the money from Brad's family that keeps me in the life style I'm accustomed to. I love you, Martin, but I can't go back to living in a double wide trailer."

"I can sell the double wide and go back to work. I can provide for you, Cindy. We might have to sell this mansion and get a rancher on the other side of town, but we'd be together and in love. Wouldn't that be enough?"

"No Martin, it wouldn't. You've known what it's like to struggle and are used to it. I'm not anymore. I won't go backwards not even for love. Sell the double wide and move in with me, Brad's family won't cut me off just for living with a man. You can become my "kept" man."

"I can't do that, Cindy. My good name around town means a lot to me and I'll not tarnish it now. I love you and want to be with you always and all the time, but unless we get married, I can't live here with you. I can live with our current situation as long as you can."

Cindy and I retired to bed after that conversation and had another bout of incredible sex. As long as I took the time to heat her up, Cindy would do anything I asked of her in bed. Anal, oral, oral after my cock had given her an orgasm and our combined juices were still on it, any position, room in the house, and even outside on moonless nights, if I got her off once first, she did it all. I had thought to myself many times how stupid and selfish her bastard of a husband had been. He wouldn't have had to seek out other women for good sex if he'd only put in the effort required to please the woman he had.

I went to see Mac the next Monday and told him why Cindy wouldn't marry me. He began to laugh hysterically after I said that. I asked him what was so funny about the woman I loved turning me down because of money or the lack thereof on my part.

"You really don't know do you, Martin?"

"Don't know what, Mac?"

"How much you're actually worth now."

"I suppose it's a little bit more than the million I gave you and Jason to invest for me so maybe a couple of million by now."

Mac again began laughing at me. When he finally got control of himself, he got a real serious look on his face before he told me something that almost knocked me out of my seat.

"Try five times that, my doofus of a friend. You really don't look at your account statements and the other paperwork I send you, do you?"

"No, I don't. I trust you and Jason and if you say it's a good deal and you tell me you're putting your own money into it, I sign the papers. I figure you're not going to risk your own money and won't risk mine either. Don't you remember that one deal you didn't want to put any money into? I didn't put any into it either and tore the papers up right here in front of you, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember and have regretted it to this day. If we had gotten in on that deal, you'd probably be worth ten times the measly two mill you think you're worth. Martin, you have ten million dollars in several checking, savings, and other quickly accessible accounts. On paper you've another five mill, but those investments aren't easily and quickly liquidated. Hell buddy, you and I are both rich. You're my only client now, Martin. I only come to the office on Mondays and stay for an hour. You're so predictable that that's the only time I need to be here. If I didn't own the building out right and have tenants that pay more than enough to cover my overhead here, we'd be meeting at my place whenever you wanted to talk. Now get out of here, go workout that freakish body of yours so you can continue to keep up with that gorgeous babe that you don't deserve, and tell her you all are getting married, and she can tell Bradley' stuffy old family where they can shove their money."

Mac had always given me good advice so I followed his instructions to the letter. Cindy was already at the center and my smile must have been bigger than normal because she asked me why I was so happy all of a sudden. I told her that it would have to wait until after my workout. After my workout, I went through the center telling everyone to look out for each other because I was leaving early. I saw a few raised eyebrows when most of the regulars heard that. I had never left the center this early after I began coming in the mornings after my early retirement. I drove my pick up to Cindy's to ask her to marry me again and I wasn't taking no for an answer this time.

"Where you at woman, we need to talk!" I bellowed in mock rage.

"Martin what's wrong with you; did Mac give you some bad news after I left the center?"

"Yeah, he gave me some bad news and it's going to affected how things are going to be around here from now on!"

"You're broke! You let that no a count shyster and his butt buddy accountant blow all your money! I told you not to be so trusting of them. It'll be alright though, we can sell your double wide and the "Z" as you call it and you can live with me."

"I'd sell you to white slavers before I'd sell my Z, woman! No, I'm not broke; quite the opposite in fact! I'm stinking rich and we're getting married and that's that! That's the big change that's going to happen around here! Now go call Brad's father and tell him where he can shove his freaking money! I love you and can keep you in your lifestyle without Brad's family money! I'm warning you right now though; I'll not have you spending my money like its water. I didn't get rich by spending it hand over fist and you're not going to be doing that either. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, oh Martin this is the second happiest day in my life!"

"Oh yeah, then what was the first?"

"The day you touched my hands and our spirits sparked together for the first time! Martin let's not wait! Let's get married tomorrow at the court house!"

And that's what we did much to the chagrin of my best friend and lawyer, Mac. He wanted us to wait and let him draw up a pre-nup, but I didn't want to do that. I trusted Cindy completely and knew she'd never do to me what Renee had done, because she knew how Renee had hurt me and with her husband no less. Cindy did call Brad's father and told him she was getting married and he could keep his money. I could hear him yelling at her on the phone even from the three or four feet of distance that separated me from her. I took the phone and calmly told him to stop yelling and that he shouldn't have upset my bride to be like that before I hung up the phone on him. The next Monday I was in Mac's office and asked him about what we could do to, if not bankrupt, at least hurt Brad's family's financial wellbeing. It took him three weeks of researching, but he found some outstanding loans that Brad's father had out. The clause that helped us out was the one that stated that the loanee had to repay in full the loan any time the loaner called for it to be paid. Mac bought up the loans and after they had been verified, demanded full payment. Of course Brad's father couldn't pay them, so Mac foreclosed on the properties that were used for collateral. When they sold at auction, Mac had tripled our initial investment and taken a big bite out of Brad's family's wealth. I couldn't resist calling and rubbing salt in the wound.

"Mr. Rogers, we've only talked once on the phone, but I'm the man who told you that you shouldn't have upset Cynthia when she called and told you she didn't need your money anymore before she married me. I wanted to let you know that your recent financial set back is the consequences I exacted on you for doing that. Oh by the way, have a nice day." I hung up on him when he started yelling at me.

Oh by the way, there are two living people who are allowed to call me Marty now and I expect to grow old with the second one beside me everyday until my or her death.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Why?" Why indeed!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"He must be hung like a horse if he has all those women after him." At this point I baled out. Part one started well before going down the toilet and part two didn't even start well. If St Martin had become any more wonderful he would have had all the men in town hitting on him as well! Having a female character utter the sentence with which I opened this comment and having Martin become what he did combine to tell me that this author lives in his mother's basement.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 2 years ago

she's a gold digger. I guess he's going for the trifikta, a whore, a gold digger and transgender man.

rastageorgerastageorgeover 2 years ago

How Am I Supposed To Believe That.....

After getting two life insurance settlements, selling his wife's car, then buying a car and adding a garage to his double-wide trailer; then getting a 3 million dollar settlement which he got to keep 2 million of, how am I supposed to believe that he doesn't know how much he is worth, especially after his friend and his accountant friend has been investing it for him and probably getting quarterly statements showing him his wealth. It still blows me away how some of the stories on this site get anywhere near FOUR stars. But I did give it TWO stays though since it does have a couple of redeeming qualities to it.

Bh76Bh76over 3 years ago

She’s a money grabber. He should’ve run. That part ruined it for me.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Good finish, maybe justice served.

cybojicybojiover 4 years ago
He calls it the spark

Ive called them the tingles. Had it happen 3 times in my life. Dont trust em. 3 times a woman has killed my soul beleving in them. Great story.5

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherover 5 years ago
I really liked this story right up to the point of......

Just after he touched Cindy. From that point on the writing/dialogue got silly, erratic, and way over rushed.

However, even that was better than her turning out to be a Gold Digger. By refusing his offers to marry him based on her perceived notions of his inadequate bank account to keep her in her lifestyle, that pretty much destroyed the story and her character.

I don't care how big the Chemistry Zap is, you simply DON'T, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES......OVERPAY FOR PUSSY aka shack up with Gold Diggers as they usually turn into Gold Digging Whores.

This story went from a solid 4, possibly 5 down to a 2. Sorry. Plus, like some other writers on here you have a great imagination and spin an awesome yarn but end up rushing the endings or even leaving them a tad early with too many loose ends not tied up. If you can clean the endings, plotlines, and sub-plots up a bit, you could easily be one of the better writers still left on Literotica. So many great ones have left it is just sad.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago

Not really the other woman, but a new direction. Good story.

Way to go !!!

Good story,well written and very readable,one gripe the word is crotch not crouch !!!

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