Why Men Cheat

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This particular article is from the perspective of a man.
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This particular article is from the perspective of a man. Unless otherwise specified, when I refer to men, I mean men who have a wife or girlfriend. This article also refers to the MAJORITY of men. There are, of course, exceptions. If there is a woman who would like to write a companion article, I would gladly welcome that. To make myself perfectly clear, I am not condoning cheating. Make no bones about it, it is wrong. Whether you come from a moral perspective or not, you know it's wrong. The most hardcore atheist gets pissed when he finds his wife or girlfriend in bed with another man, so we all know it's wrong.

That being said, there are actual, real reasons why a man cheats, and it might not be because he's a narcissistic douchebag. Granted, there are those men who go out and fuck a lot of women while being in a relationship because they feel they deserve it, but I believe you'd find the percentages shockingly low. Contrarily, you might find a man that would never cheat no matter how much he is hurting. He may be seen as more noble, but he lives in misery.

Now, many women have been cheated on, and most of them feel that there is no reasonable cause for a man to cheat, that cheating is the paramount of wrong, and the blame for cheating is solely on the man. Now, is the man to blame for the action of going and having sex with another woman? Without doubt. But, I believe you would rarely find a case of a man just going out and picking up a woman to fuck. Affairs start long before actual sex takes place.

It starts in the home, in the bed, and in the heart. Let's get something out of the way right now, shall we? A man needs sex, period. Women need sex too, naturally, but men are more wired to want and in fact need it. It is not an "extra" to relationships, it is a burning, aching need. To him, being denied sex is being disrespected in the deepest sense, in fact, the only thing worse would be catching his wife in his own bed with another man. Get that straight.

Suppose a man is not getting his needs met at home. His wife is not necessarily being cruel or mean spirited about it, nor is she seeing someone else but all the same, it's not happening. Now, he goes to the office. Maybe the secretary or a co-worker is an attractive young woman. She looks up to him, respects him, and admires him, initially strictly from a professional viewpoint. He goes to work, maybe after a few weeks or a month of a dry spell, maybe longer. The young lady asks him how he is doing, how the family is. Sure, initially he lies like most people do. "Everthing is fine, doing great." But how long can that last? Something will eventually betray him, a look, the tone of his voice, something. She will pick up on it. She, being a caring friend, puts her hand on his hand, or shoulder. Maybe even gives him a hug or a friendly kiss on the cheek. It will be ok, she comforts him, things will get better. But it doesn't. She sees this. Her compassion turns to a caring affection. She asks him out to a drink, or coffee, or lunch. This might happen a few times. Or not, but either way, the affair is well under way. It is only a matter of time before his armor cracks and he pours out his heart to her. Filled with sympathy, and a lack of understanding on how a wife could treat her husband this way, she tenderly kisses him. At this point, passion takes over, they find a room in a hotel, and the affair is in full swing.

Take note here. Where did the affair start? Did he walk into the office, look the woman up and down, and say, "Sure, my married life is great, but fuck it all, strip down and let's go at it." No, not even close. It started at home, where his needs were not being met. A man isn't going to have an affair because he wants to find a woman who will suck his cock when his own wife won't, not if she's meeting his needs. It doesn't even have as much to do with a release. Jacking off would take care of that. Find me a halfway normal guy who wants to jack off instead of having sex. You won't. Taking care of your man's needs is exactly that: taking care of him. Your respect for him by taking care of him will keep him from straying. Again, this may not be a hard and fast, but you will find this to be a typical rule.

As a final note to the ladies, please understand something. Your man needs you physically as you need him emotionally. It is not a lesser or different need. It is exactly the same as you needing him to talk to you or tell you he loves you. Would you like him to go several days without speaking to you? You would be incredibly hurt and likely furious. What if he's not in the mood, or doesn't feel like it, or has a headache? You would never accept that. Maybe for a day, but no more, if that even. Again, I reiterate this because it is so important to understand, what emotional needs are to you, physical needs are to him.

Hopefully, this was of some use to someone. I sincerely hope this might help someone before the affair is underway. Take care of each other needs, and you will live a happy life.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
i cheated

i cheated with both male and females..i did get caught i just needed sex simple as that..

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
nope and nope...

Women need sex just as much as men do, you realize that right?

I'm a female and have left men for not giving enough in bed, (granted, my ex Fiancé randomly stopped giving me sex for 8 months)

It's needed just as much as emotional compatibility.

I'd never be able to date a man who didn't give me sex.

Yet,I never cheated. So saying this is why men cheat is a cop out, the weak and cowardly cheat.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Even men need emotional support.

What about the man that is getting all the sex he wants, but still cheated? A person cheats for one reason, they create a pity party for themselves, they are feeling guilty for a failing relationship that they don't know how to fix. Instead of dealing with the emotions from the failing relationship, they look for a quick fix, a way to bolster themselves back up, because they are not strong enough to do it for themselves. This is coming from someone who has lived this experience before and is in the third year of reconciliation in a 21 year marriage. The lack of sex excuse is a sham, a cover, a symptom of a much larger problem.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Too true

I see a lot of 'should' in the comments. To me that tells me you have never experienced this or have ever had to deal with it. Try talking 'sense' into a woman that has made up her mind on how much sex you 'should' be entitled to is talking to a brick wall... with a Kevlar cover!

Little hints and touches designate you a horny old man, enjoying the Fredrick's commercial after she grins at the Chippendale commercial gets you called a pervert, and god forbid you notice a young lady with her bikini untied on the beach, even though you have an old Polaroid from ten years ago of her doing the same but propped up on her elbows to show her tits and nipples...

Oh and all the while, if and when she does actually decide to treat you to a little sex and you don't jump like a teenager then you need to see the doctor to see what's wrong with you.

Nuf said, I'll get off my soapbox...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

The whole "women need emotional support, men need sexual satisfaction" thing is complete BS. Some people are like that, but not all. Get your facts straight and stop stereotyping the sexes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
i call bullshit on some of this

If the person truly cares about their significant other then they will let them know how they feel. It is a copout saying that they aren't getting what they need at home. It is pure weakness and selfishness that leads to cheating. Then lying about it or trying to cover things up makes things worse. You want to have sex. You need to have sex. Then tell your partner. Not go outside the relationship because you may end up losing a really good thing because you couldn't say no.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
It's not always due to lack of sex at home...

Emotional needs also need to be met. He needs to feel cared for, concerned about, and most of all...appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
that is a two way street.

women also need to be sexually satisfied and that starts anywhere but the bedroom. Small touches, loving glances, flirty pats... all these actions build the desire and the bedroom is the final play ground. Don't think because your woman doesn't melt when you poke her from behind in bed that she doesn't want you. She wants you to be more romantic and if not exactly romantic then at least not acting as if any hole in the dark will work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Thank you for the revelation

"men need you physically as you need them emotionally"

I think at some level I already knew this but thank you for putting it so succinctly.

I'm lucky to want to my partner physically fairly equally (at least at this relatively early stage :) but I will always remember this whenever I'm tempted not to take the time or the energy to get turned on for him. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Have you ever thought ....

...that the resason the wife is uninterested is that you're shit in bed? No woman is going to turn down multi orgasmic minding sex. They'll be gagging for it. I suggest you look at yourself and what you're doing to blow her mind...

SteelAndSilkSteelAndSilkabout 13 years agoAuthor
Expected comment, but disappointing

Scotsman69, as I do not hate women nor was this article geared toward inciting hatred of women, I hardly think I could be classified as "misogynistic." My point (as I will reiterate from my article itself) is not to give men an excuse to cheat, nor (and I must address the anonymous commenter under the "damn right" heading here) to justify cheating. The point is simply to give women an understanding of the mentality behind what goes on before an affair, so hopefully she can do her part to stave it off. This is not a "men are horny and need sex, if your wife doesn't give it up, find someone else" article, but I made that clear already. As many commenters have made apparent, many women are simply unaware of the legit comparison of needs in this case. Perhaps you might read something before calling it crap next time. As for Firebrain, I congratulate you on being one of the growing number of women who are unashamed of and embrace their sexuality. Hopefully the many, many women who are still not will follow suit soon.

RHinSCRHinSCabout 13 years ago

We are from different places and cultures. I will leave it there. Men are often kidded that the great sex will evaporate after they say I do. I wonder how many have discovered that it rings true. Once the fish is on the hook there is no more reason for the bait.

FirebrainFirebrainabout 13 years ago

I think the notion that men are the dissatisfied ones where sex is concerned is outdated. That does not mean there are no dissatisfied men -- it just means it's as much of a problem for women these days. We're told as teenage girls that men are more interested in sex than women, and all it amounts to is a) disappointment and resentment from the women who are actually more enthusiastic and b) jadedness on behalf of the women who aren't so bothered about sex, because they always knew men were "just like that."

RHinSCRHinSCabout 13 years ago
Not specific to men

Thats true. Having said that, some of the married men I know would agree with what is said here. They are rebuffed more than not. Even when they try to be romantic. Men who no longer care have probably lost the desire or have been slighted or shot down so much that they no longer care what the wife thinks. I know a few like that. Firebrain, it is not outdated if it is still talked about. You have to know the mans point of view before you can believe your friends. There may be a bigger problem. The fact that women aren't so shy anymore will probably further the wedge between the sexes down the road. Things are changing and not for the betterment of the institution of marriage or relationships. A normal man with working tackle wants to do it every day. Having to beg for sex would certainly alter a mans feelings and attitude. Many would resent it which further erodes the relationship. Good rant.

Scotsman69Scotsman69about 13 years ago
Misogynistic crap.

Blame the woman. Not the man's fault. Come on, get a life...

FirebrainFirebrainabout 13 years ago
This is not specific to men

If anything, I know many women who will say they're far more interested in sex than their men are. They aren't hulking fuglies of women, either. I think this "men need sex more than women" stuff is outdated; we're not so shy anymore. I think it's pretty even, and it stands to reason that if a partner feels unloved in any capacity, they will be tempted to stray.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Damn right

This is very well written. Straight to the point. The number of times that I 'communicate' my 'feelings' aka horniness and get nothing beggars belief. finally after nearly 10 Years of marriage my wife recognises I'm horny most of the time... Numerous forums and women comment on making her feel special and wanted in order for her to put out... Hmm my wife accepts me doing stuff, flowers, looking after the kids even after working 60 hours a week, absorbing her pmt, my shoulder wet from her tears... My reward is about 6 blow jobs a year. What did I want for my birthday she asked... Apparantly I never say... Hmm other than the hundreds of comments n hints etc about having a sex life...It's like talking to a brick wall. So this article is spot on.ive gone nearly 10 years ... Now I'm up for some extra for a sexy slut. I need to read up on how best to try to get away with it.. Coz the other sucky thing is if your wife doesn't fuck you... The courts certainly do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I'm surprised that there aren't a whole bunch of women "flaming" this. Which wouldn't make it any less true, unfortunately.....

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 13 years ago
This was pretty accurate . . .

And I echo another's comment: Telling my wife that sex is as important to me as emotional closeness is to her is like talking to a brick wall. Women usually don't understand. It's like a non-smoker trying to comprehend why a smoker craves a cigarette. There are exceptions -- some women go through phases where they are super horny. Maybe when they want a baby. Maybe relates to their cycles. Maybe as menopause approaches. They usually say something like, "I don't know why. I'm just so-o-o-o horny. I want to do it again, and again, and again!" Most men, unless there is something wrong with them, feel that way all the time. And women still don't know why.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I approve of this message!

Well spoken, and well written. I have explained the "men need sex as women need emotional closeness" to a couple of women, and they are almost always shocked at the comparison!

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