Will You?


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I was thinking that this was the strangest conversation I had ever had in my life. I shook my head, then turned on the TV.


Daytime TV sucks, I hate watching it because it is all the same. Still, I had to find out if that old woman ever did get out of that casket on Days of our Lives.

She didn't, not yet. I was wondering since she had been in there for weeks now, what did she eat? Where did she poop?

And just how in the hell did she manage to put on her makeup?

Yep. Still there. Hell with it, I turned the TV off.

I almost made it out to the yard when the phone rang.

"Well, what did she say?" Debra asked as soon as I picked it up.

"What did who say?"

"Rachel. I told her to go talk to you, she was afraid you were upset."

"Oh. She apologized, is all."

"Is that all?"

"Pretty much, except I guess she and her husband actually talked about it."

"Yes, I know about that, she told me. So did she ask you?"

"Ask me what?"

"If you would help her with her problem, of course." Debra sounded mildly miffed.

"Sort of. She told me if I changed my mind to just let her know."

"I see. Well, you should, you know. It won't hurt you to help out." Debra giggled at that.

"Honey, do you really want me to go over there and try to teach Rachel about having orgasms?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind, if that is what you are thinking. She really was feeling miserable, and poor Nathan I guess is at his wit's end."

"Honey, I just don't think I can do that." I told her.

"Well, if you do change your mind, it's best if she comes over to our place, OK?" She said.

"Our place? Why?"

"Neighbors, things like that. This whole town has a bunch of blue noses. I gotta go, clients waiting." She hung up.

That night I guess my sexual skills were stuck in my mind, hell, it's not tough at all to get puffed up at the idea of some cute woman wanting you to come over and play with them.

So I went right to work on Debra, delighting in her reaction to my tongue touching her, teasing, giving her traces of sensation. Debra's fat lips got fatter and fatter, then she did that blast off with stuff again. It wasn't a flood like the other time but it was damn close.

Once again I could not even touch her for a solid 20 minutes or so, then once again she sucked me off in a way that just blew my mind.

The truth is I kind of liked that.

The other truth is that my back hurt again.


Thursday morning the local paper arrived. There on the front page was our Mayor, beaming with pride, standing in front of his fucking yard.

What an asshole, not one single Mexican was in sight. The prick stood there holding a rake like he actually did something.

I sighed, turned to the Letters to the editor page. Usually that was a kick, the people that wrote in all wanted something, or wanted to bitch about something and they all had rocks in their heads.

There at the top of the second page was MY smiling face and MY yard! Damned if I didn't win second place!

Hell, that wasn't so bad, I thought.

Probably I was going to get two tickets to Taco Bell but I didn't care, it was something.

I was right in the middle of basking in my success when someone knocked on the door.

"You got second place!" Rachel said, the moment I opened the door. She had a copy of the newspaper in her hand, a coat pulled tightly around her to ward off the morning fog.

"Yep, pretty cool! Come on in, I have some coffee on." She came in, peeled off her coat and sat down on the couch.

I did one of those double takes.

She had on a very sheer blouse and what looked like an equally sheer sports bra. The skirt was extremely short, her legs obviously bare.

I went and got some Coffee, brought it back. She took a sip.

"Good!" She smiled at me. I always put a pinch of brown sugar in my coffee, everybody likes that.

I sat down in my chair.

We just looked at each other. I was doing my level best to not look at her nipples, they showed as two dark circles. Hell, the outfit was so sheer I could make out the little round tips right on the end of her nipples.

"Debra knows I am here." She said finally.

"I see. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I was hoping...." Rachel leaned back, let her legs part slightly. I was sitting directly across from her.

I opened my mouth to protest, as her legs parted even more. I was either looking at some very fuzzy black panties, or pubic hair, and I was fairly sure which one it was.

No sound came out of my mouth. One of her hands came up to the front of her blouse, fiddled with a button. It opened with a flick of her fingers.

"Rachel!" I said.

She stood up.

"Debra said that if I just went for it, that maybe you would? She said you like looking at women." Her hand came down to her side, tripped the catch at her waist.

The skirt dropped to the floor, she stepped out of it.

I was right. Those were not fuzzy black panties I was looking at.

A perfectly trimmed little "V".

"Please?" She walked back over to the couch, sat down and looked at me. My groin was betraying me at this point. My mouth came open to say something but no sound came out.

Her legs parted again.

"Maybe if I show you my titties?" She said with a catch in her voice. Her hands came up and the blouse was off in seconds, she reached behind her back and the bra was gone also, just like that.

Rachel was suddenly naked except for her shoes and socks. Her breasts were smaller than Debra's by a lot, her waist was slender. The piece of jewelry in her navel flashed.

Belly flat as a pancake.

"Oh, what the hell!" I said. I got up and walked over to the couch.

"Lean back." I told her. She obeyed instantly.

"Open your legs, show me everything!" I said.

Rachel hesitated, but then she shyly let her legs part.

"More than that, open wide!" I was beginning to get it, maybe she needed to be told what to do. She closed her eyes, spread her legs. Her pink inner lips appeared as a tiny fold right in the center of her opening.

"Touch yourself!" I ordered, making my voice a bit more firm. One hand came down, she began to rub herself furiously.

"Slower, tease it." I stood there fully dressed, just watching her. Her busy fingers slowed down, began longer drawn out strokes. I sat down, lifted her right leg and placed it in the floor.

She opened her eyes for a moment, looked at me and closed them again. I reached over and pressed her left knee all the way to the back of the couch.

No resistance at all.

Reaching out, I took her other hand and brought it down to between her legs, she began to use the fingers of both hands. I reached up and let my fingers drift between her breasts, splaying them out as I drew them downwards and over her abdomen.

After a dozen repeats of that, I saw her pussy begin to dampen, then it flooded with moisture. It showed signs of swelling now, the outer lips rolled outwards.

I pushed her fingers away, drew two of my own down across her lips right alongside her opening. She did an involuntary twitch, so I repeated that over and over. Using just two fingers of my right hand, I spread her lips. Her clitoris was tiny, so small it was nearly invisible.

Rachel had her legs as wide as they would go, her eyes were still squeezed shut. I placed one hand on each knee, slid them slowly up the inside of her thighs. Her hips thrust upwards as I got close, so I allowed my thumbs to drop down and stroke upwards over her butt cheeks.

I stopped and repeated the motion, each time getting closer and closer. Her hips began to move up and down more rapidly.

I slid my thumbs directly over her, flicking upwards rapidly, barely touching. Her eyelids fluttered, she tipped her head back and opened her mouth.

Then I stopped, her eyes flashed open but she wasn't seeing me. Without touching her legs, I reached up and pressed the index finger of my right hand inside her, curling the tip upwards gently.

"Uhhh!" Escaped from her lips. Then I leaned forward and touched the tip of my tongue to her, barely brushing her like I had done with Debra.

"Uhhh!" She muttered again, her hips working at my face. I moved as slowly as I could go, barely brushing her. She tasted completely different than Debra, it was delightful. I realized I was hard as a rock myself, I had to reach down and adjust myself because it was uncomfortable.

I kept that up for a long time, finally expanding my tongue allowing the flat of it to slide all the way over her now bulging lips. I was now on my knees next to the couch, I braced myself with my left elbow, then slid my fingertips up and over the cheeks of her ass, letting them drag lightly right up between her open legs.

I kept right on barely touching her with the tip of my tongue. I thought I could feel the tiny little bump of her clitoris but I wasn't sure.

It was starting to get very damp down there. Rachel let loose with a long moan, then her hands went to my head and she pulled my face firmly into her. She had both hands wrapped in my hair, it even hurt a little bit but I didn't mind.

One final very firm lick and that did it, I felt her body let go. Her hips were making short up and down thrusts, then she let out a long shudder and came to a stop.

I knew Rachel had had an orgasm, I also knew it was just a small one.

I sat up, she lay there quietly, her eyes still closed. I still had my hand on her, slowly letting my fingers slide.

Finally she opened her eyes, looked at me and smiled.

"So that's what it is like." She said.

"Now you need to go home, and teach Nathan...."

"Do you want me to....do it back?" She asked. Her eyes darted down to my groin, then back up.

"No, honey. That's all right, I am fine." I told her.

"I...I never have, but read about it online. I really will for you if you want me to." She again glanced down at the very obvious bulge in my jeans.

"Oh. Well, give it a try for Nathan, you just might be surprised at how he...." Was as far as I got, someone was knocking at the door.

Rachel jumped up, grabbed her blouse and tugged it on. Then she slid the skirt up and quickly fastened it.

I went and answered the door.

Three women stood there. I instantly recognized Marie, the Mayor's wife. The two other women I didn't know, both of them had white hair.

"Hi, Dan. We came by to bring you a copy of the yard contest photo, and here is your award plaque." She handed me a wrapped package.

She was looking right by me at Rachel standing there very red faced. The blouse she had on made it quite clear that there was nothing at all underneath it. The shiny streak streaming down the inside of her thigh didn't help to hide the situation, either.

Rachel really had gotten on the damp side there.

Talk about obvious. There lay her sports bra, in the middle of my living room carpet.

I turned very red faced myself.

"Uhhh....Thank you." I managed to stammer. The other two women looked at me, then at Rachel, then they gave each other knowing grins.

Marie looked me right in the eye, one eyebrow went up. A smile crossed her face, then she winked at me.

"Well, have fun!" She said, and they turned to leave.

I shut the door, turned to Rachel.

"Well. That wasn't good." I said.

She just stood there looking at me.

"Are you going to be all right?" I asked her.

"Yes, Danny. I am just fine. Better than fine, in fact. Now I know. I just need to teach Nathan. I always knew there was...something more." A smile flashed across her face.

"That was just a little one, honey. There is lots more to learn, you and your husband have fun. Don't be afraid to experiment."

Rachel headed for the door, opening it, she stood there for a moment.

"You could have...I would have let you go all the way...if you wanted to." She said.

"I know." I told her.

"For a little bit there, I kind of wanted you to." Rachel laughed, then she left.


Debra wasn't even pissed off, she even insisted I tell her the whole thing. But then I really didn't expect her to be. She is just a different kind of woman that does not think like most women do.

She actually acted a little bit turned on as I described what happened. Of course I had to demonstrate. Then I knew that my Debs was actually a lot turned on!

My wife is one nasty female, I told her that, too.

"Yep, but I am your nasty female!" She laughed at me.


About three weeks went by, Debra came home and told me that Rachel and Nathan seemed to be managing.

Rachel had gone into the office to talk to Debra again. I would have given anything to be a Mouse in the room for that conversation.

It seemed that she had taken charge and refused to allow Nathan to even get undressed until he had her to a certain point.

The report was that it appeared to work for her. Then she had done some experimentation, and figured out that things like a hard penis in her mouth wasn't so bad after all, and Nathan got a lot slower if she did that first.

Plus if she did that he appeared to be a lot more willing to stick his own nose down there.

"You sure did a good job for her, Honey!" Debs told me.

I had to laugh at that. Can anyone even imagine? Me, a sexual surrogate?

A white haired 68 year old sexual surrogate, now that is funny!

But an old man's life goes on.


I planned to go catch me some fish, but I woke up the morning I had selected to find it raining outside like the hubs of hell.

That pissed me off, so that afternoon I sat down in my chair to watch some daytime TV.

That silly woman was still inside the casket, now it seemed that everyone knew about it and were all standing around discussing what to do.

I was no more than settled, when someone knocked at the door. Now just who in the hell would be knocking on my door at 2 in the afternoon in the middle of a rain storm?

I opened it to find the Mayor's wife Marie standing there, she had an umbrella which wasn't doing a hell of a lot of good.

Down here at the coast, it usually rains sideways, nobody carries an umbrella but Marie had one.

"May I come in? I am pretty wet." She said.

"Sure." I opened the door and let her in. I didn't have a clue why Marie would be coming by our place.

I went and got some towels, handed them to her. She smiled at me, took them and tried to dry off without much success.

I went over and switched on our electric heater, it has a big fan in it. Marie gratefully went over and stood in front of it.

"So what can I do for you today, Marie?" I asked her.

"I was...The other day when I saw you and that girl? I realized..I was thinking maybe you might like to...?" She gave me a huge smile.

I just looked at her in surprise.

"That was just one of those things, I am sorry you saw that."

"I'm not." She was looking right at me.

Then I thought about that.

It had to be Debs again.

Plus three Mexicans helping our good Mayor with his yard, huh?

So he always wins the fucking best yard contest, huh?

"I see." I said with a grin. I walked over beside her, held my hands out towards the heater.

She smiled up at me, an expectant look on her face.

"Perhaps I should help you out of those wet things, you might catch your death of a cold?" I asked.


Later, when Marie left with a smile on her face. I noticed it had quit raining.

That was fun, I really enjoyed helping the Mayor out with some of his homework. I didn't see a hell of a lot of dysfunction, though. Marie was hot as a pistol, she even did her level best to get my jeans off but I wouldn't let her.

All of that would very likely piss the good Mayor off if he ever found out, but I had a feeling he wasn't going to.

I got a laugh out of that, went in and switched on the TV. The stupid show was just getting over, I had spent nearly the full hour training the Mayor's wife.

Some big haired redhead was now in the fucking casket!


How in the hell had that happened? I missed the whole thing. Now I had to wait until late night for the rerun to find out what happened.

I sat down, a cup of Coffee in my hand.

I was thinking maybe it might be best to have a talk about this last little incident to Debs? Rachel was one thing, doing the Mayor's wife might turn out to be quite another.

On the kinky side stuff, it could turn out to be a matter of time before the story got out.

I could just see how our local newspaper would handle something like that, so it might be a good idea if she quit sending women over.


Debs got home right on time, she came into the kitchen and gave me a hug. I was getting ready to make some mashed Potatoes.

"Marie came by today." I told her.

"Who?" She asked.

"Marie. The Mayor's old lady." I grabbed another Potato, started to peel it.

"Oh. What did she want?" Debs asked, dragging out a couple of pans.

"You know what she wanted." I said with a laugh.

"No, I don't." Debra got a confused look on her face.

I looked at her.

She looked at me.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Funny as all get out. Had to stifle my laughter so I didn’t wake up She Who Must Be Obeyed. Easy 5 stars, even without much smut.

tazz317tazz317almost 5 years ago

and his less than a minute sex drive with wife Peggy, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Some people seem to be funny without trying.

Others are not funny no matter how they try.

magmaman is the former.

Funnier yet. I found this in someone's Favorites.



Yeah, that's right.

magmaman promoting his own story in his own Favorites.


But, hell, he was right --.and it got me to read it.


Thanks for the story.

And, thanks for listing it in your Favorites.

Paul in Oklahoma

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 11 years ago
Soft, Staccato Delivery of Semi- Libidinous Story Sets Pace

Geez. It sounds like MGM could set up clinic of his own. Good Read of Walking the tightrope between tutorial & depraved.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This one is a little gem.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 12 years ago
No w that was fun -

The ending was perfect and he bit the hook and Marie reeled him in -

Of course Deb set him up for it without even thinking it through - let's hope her sense of humor has rather extreme limits -

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

A few more stories like this and this story site will sure improve. Funny and sexy at the same time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
This is great!

This guy can make me actually see what he is wrting about. Funny as hell and sexy too

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Satire ? or just plain funny !!

That story has to be one of the most rib-tickling pieces that I've read in aeons.

I put faces to all the characters with prompting from a great wordsmith !

I reakon it would qualify as a good script to be delivered by a great stand-up the likes of "the big yin" ( Billy Connely)

Well done from a 60 + Brit

domrogerdomrogerover 13 years ago

Rambling it may be , but it is an excellent story.

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