Wrongfully Accused


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"Were those her exact words, Brian?"

"I'm paraphrasing so as not to upset Ms. Reese too greatly, but that is the essence of what she requested." Once again, the courtroom erupted in snickering laughter. Sarah looked at Brian with irritation, while Janet had to cover her mouth with a hand to hide a smile. Brian glanced over and noted that the jurors seemed to be softening a little, except for the one man that was seething earlier. He seemed to be getting angrier as the trial progressed. Brian imagined that there were at least a few jurors that were quite happy they landed on this jury and were absolved from going to work each day.

"You have testified that Ms. Gaines had made some fairly specific requests at that point. Did you agree to accommodate her?"

"I did. I was looking forward to it."

"Why? What do you get out of it, Brian?"

"Keeping a woman in such a state is stimulating for me as well as for her. But there is something more. I very much enjoy bringing a woman to heights of pleasure she has never experienced. It is exhilarating to watch, and even more so to be the one that produces that complete sense of bliss in her. Of course, by the time we are finished, we both end up having our fill of pleasure."

"It is your contention, then, that a large part of your participation in this was fueled by your desire to provide intense pleasure to Ms. Gaines."

"That is correct, Alex."

"Okay. So how did you begin, Brian?"

"As she requested, I removed the handcuffs from Nancy's wrists, and also took off the blindfold. I told her I was going to put it back on, but wanted her to watch as I bound her to the bed. I grabbed several lengths of rope, and Nancy climbed onto the bed and lay spread eagle, stretching her arms out and over her head, spreading her legs apart."

"Ms. Gaines saw the ropes in your hands and understood your intent?"

"Objection, Your Honor," said Sarah. "Mr. Flood could not have known what Ms. Gaines was thinking."

The judge looked at Sarah. "Overruled, Ms. Reese. According to Mr. Flood's testimony, Ms. Gaines had asked him to use the ropes to tie her to the bed. Of course she would have understood his intent."

Sarah sat down and sighed. She realized the case was slipping away with Brian's testimony. It seemed as if every person in the courtroom believed him, including the judge. Including her. Even the angry juror. She figured he believed Brian, even if he didn't like what he'd done. She started to wonder whether she should discuss dropping the charges with the District Attorney.

"Please continue, Brian" instructed Alex.

"I knelt on the bed beside Nancy and grabbed one of her wrists."

"Did Nancy resist in any way?" asked Alex.

"No. In fact, she moved her hand into position near the headboard and asked me to make sure I tied it good and tight. As I tied her, I spoke to her, telling her what I was going to do, making sure she was thinking about it. I paid careful attention when I did. I wanted to know which things I said seemed to turn her on the most. I moved onto her other wrist after I finished the first one. Then, I went to my closet and came out with a vinyl covered pillow that is shaped like a wedge. I positioned that under her backside. It tilted her pelvis in such a way as to expose her pu...I mean, her vagina to me. It also left access to her backside. You know. Her..."

"We get the picture, Mr. Flood" said the judge.

"I then moved down the bed and tied each of her legs to the footboard. I used the same rope on her right leg and right arm, and matched that on the other side. That gave her just a bit of slack to move either her arm or her leg, but doing so would mean she would give up slack on the other limb."

"Would it be fair to say that Ms. Gaines was fully restrained at this point, Brian?"


"Did she ask you to release her?"


"Did she ask anything?"

"Yes. She begged me to get started. She said please several times."

"Did you?"

Brian looked directly at Nancy, who was giving him a lustful glare. "I told her I wanted to take her temperature," Brian continued. Still staring at Nancy, he went on. "I reached two fingers down to her vagina and ran them the length of it, parting her labia and slipping them just inside her. She was quite wet, and I told her so."

"Objection," sighed Sarah. "Relevance?"

Alex stood and responded to Sarah. "I would say that Ms. Gaines' state of arousal has quite a bit of relevance to the case."

"Agreed," replied the Judge. "Continue, Mr. Flood."

"At this point, I leaned over and spent some time kissing Nancy. I knew she was enjoying it, because she kissed me back, using her tongue and softy nibbling at my lips. She was moaning too, but did not appear to be in pain. I pulled away abruptly, and she pouted at me, saying she was enjoying that and would like some more. Then she said please again."

"Did you believe that the verbal and non-verbal signals Ms. Gaines gave you were intended to have you continue?" asked Alex.

"Are you listening to the story Alex?" Brian asked.

He smiled while listening to the giggles in the courtroom. It occurred to Sarah that Brian was actually enjoying himself at this point. It also occurred to her that she was anxious for him to continue the story, and that it was having an effect on her. She found herself watching his hands and his lips as he spoke. She wondered what they would feel like on her flesh.

Brian moved on. "I looked at Nancy and told her we had some work to do. Even though I felt her short vaginal hair was adorable, I told her that I was going to shave her bare. She moaned and bit her bottom lip, so I took that to be agreement on her part." Brian was once again watching Nancy, as were several members of the jury. As if on cue, she was biting her bottom lip in demonstration. There was no disguising what she was feeling at that moment.

"I blindfolded her again, then spent quite some time coming and going, Nancy able to hear me but being unaware of what I was doing. Every so often I would come close to the bed and slap her pussy. I'm sorry, her vagina. I used the fingers of one hand. Not hard enough to hurt, or at least not much. I wanted it to tingle, and based upon the way Nancy was squirming, it was."

"When I thought she'd had enough, I returned to the bed with a pair of scissors, some cream, a bowl filled with warm water, and a razor. I used the scissors to trim Nancy's genital hair as short as I could. I then drizzled some water onto the remaining hair, rubbing it in. Next was the shaving cream. I had to be very careful here. Nancy was squirming and begging me to give her some relief. She was begging me to rub her clitoris, in fact. I managed to apply the shaving cream without Nancy having an orgasm. I took my time and carefully shaved every bit of her bare, then rinsed and toweled her dry. I took off her blindfold and showed her my handiwork. I even had a hand mirror that I positioned in such a way to give her a good view of what I had done."

"Did Ms. Gaines appear displeased," asked Brian.

"To the contrary, she seemed quite pleased. She even thanked me. But a minute later, she cursed me."

"Oh? What happened, Brian?"

"I was curious how her freshly shaven area would feel. On my lips. I knelt between her legs and kissed it. I kissed it, then I kissed it again. And again. Then I licked it. I slipped my tongue inside her. Nancy was soaked. I mean, she was creamy, and it wasn't the shaving cream. Then I bit her clitoris once, and stopped. I moved away at that point. It was then that Nancy cursed me. She called me a bastard. A fucking bastard, actually."

"She cursed you because you stopped, is that correct, Brian?"

"That is absolutely correct. I'm guessing Nancy may have underestimated my ability to retain control of myself this long. I think she probably thought I would have caved in and finished her, then had intercourse with her. She was beginning to realize she was wrong."

Sarah wanted to object, but didn't. She had to end this trial. She had no doubt Brian was telling the truth. There was just no way he could be this good. No way. Big case or not, she respected the law and wanted to see justice properly administered, however it went.

"I was finished with the blindfold at this point. I wanted Nancy to watch. I moved over to the bag she'd brought with her, holding up a nipple clamp. Nancy watched me and whimpered as I opened and closed the clamp. I approached the bed, and attached a clamp to each of her nipples. Nancy was nearly chewing that bottom lip off at this point, and was moaning loudly. We spent more than an hour paying with the clamps, releasing a nipple, allowing the blood to rush into it, then clamping it again."

"Again, did Nancy ask you release her at any time?" asked Alex.

"No. I finally removed the clamps, noting that they had left what seemed to be the beginning of bruises behind."

"We have seen pictures of bruising on the breasts of Ms. Gaines. Do you believe the clamps caused that bruising?" queried Alex.

"Absolutely. Anyway, I let her rest for about an hour, going out to the other room for a bite to eat. I returned to the bedroom with a bottle of water. I held Nancy's head up and had her drink some of the cold liquid. Then we kissed some more. When I stopped, I made a show of applying lubricant to a glass anal plug as I stood at the foot of the bed. Nancy watched me intently. I moved up onto the bed, and used my fingers to apply lubricant to her anus, making sure I got it inside her. Then I positioned the plug at the opening, and we locked eyes as I eased it inside her. Nancy carried on so much I was afraid she was going to cum. It was good fortune that she fell short of that."

"Again, Brian. Did Nancy ask to be released?"

"No. She just kept telling me that she needed to cum. I smiled at her, but told her no. I next inserted the large vibrator into her vagina, but didn't turn it on. I didn't trust that she would be able to contain herself if I had. At this point, her secretions were running down her ass, onto the wedge and the bed. The bed was soaked pretty good. The room smell of her sex. Once again, I wandered in and out of the room, letting her lay there feeling full in two places. Every so often, I'd come over and slide the vibrator most of the way out, then push it back in. Hard. This went on for quite some time."

"Brian, did Ms. Gaines ask at any time to be let free?"

"Yes. She had been tied for nearly six hours at this point. She begged me to untie her and fuck her." Brian looked at the judge. "Those were her words. Please let me loose and fuck me, she begged. Please, she said. Nancy had taken just about all she could take. I was kind of at my own limit too. I stripped down naked and knelt between her legs. I pulled the vibrator out and tossed it aside. I then lay on top of Nancy and started kissing her and started biting her neck and shoulders and breasts. Finally, I got onto my knees and pressed the head of my penis against her labia. She was struggling to push herself onto it, but I held her steady. When I was ready, I surged forward and very slowly moved inside her, a little at a time. Once I was fully inside her, I lay back down and did as she asked. I fucked her. Once I was inside her, Nancy started to move with me, violently so. She was still tied up, so the ropes left marks. When Nancy had her orgasm, she screamed so loudly and thrashed about so much that she caught me off guard. She was like a feral animal, unable to even use words. She..."

Suddenly, a loud moan came from Nancy, still sitting in the courtroom seats directly behind Sarah. All eyes in the courtroom focused on her, many thinking she was crying. It took only a second for them to realize she wasn't crying at all. Her face was flushed, her head tilted back with closed eyes and parted lips. The telltale convulsing of her body was evident to all. Realizing the room had gone silent, Nancy opened her eyes, putting a hand to her mouth and gasping. Abruptly standing, she shimmied past a few spectators in her row and then hurried up the aisle towards the back of the court room and the exit. She moved quickly, but not quickly enough to hide the large wet stain on the back of her light grey skirt.

"Oh...my...God," Sarah muttered.

Janet had an incredulous look on her face. "Did she just...?"

"Uh huh," replied Sarah, nodding her head up and down. "She certainly did." She turned around to look at Brian as he sat in the witness chair. He gave her a wink and a smile. Sarah literally bit her tongue to keep from breaking into a smile of her own, then put a hand to her forehead and looked down at the folder on the table in front of her.

The courtroom had erupted into chaos at this point. "Let's take a fifteen minute recess," said the judge. His face was flushed and he had beads of sweat on his forehead. He rose from the bench and quickly left the courtroom.

Alex found Sarah in the hallway outside the courtroom. "That was something, huh?" he asked her.

"Unbelievable, Alex."

"By the way, we found two witnesses. Two other men she engaged in such types of endeavors with." He held some papers out two her. "Their statements."

"Why didn't you give these to me before court," she asked.

"We needed the sensationalism we just witnessed to leave no doubt as to Brian's innocence, Sarah. A quiet announcement outside court would be missed. There is no way this is going to be missed by the media now."

"I suppose not," she replied. "I'm calling the District Attorney, and I'm going to inform the judge we are dropping all charges against Brian."

"I thought you might," said Alex with a smile.


Brian took a sip of his wine as he stood at the bar, sensing someone standing a bit too close to his left. Turning, he saw Sarah standing there with a smile.

"Hello, counselor," Brian said to her.

"Hi, Brian. I want to apologize to you. On behalf of Suffolk County, and on behalf of me. I'm sorry. We screwed up."

"I guess this isn't going to help your career any, is it Sarah?"

"Eh. I'll tell you one thing, Brian. I'm on the radar screen now for sure," she said with a laugh.

"True," Brian chuckled. "So what happens to Nancy?"

"There will be charges against her."

"I feel a little bad for her."

"Don't Brian. You could have gone to prison. No matter what her situation was, she should never have falsely accused you and committed perjury."

"I guess you're right. What a mess."


Sarah stood silent for a moment, then moved even closer to Brian, invading his personal space completely. She held a business card up in front of his face. "My card, Brian," she said as she slipped it into his shirt pocket. She was staring into his eyes, her face mere inches from his. "I really would like the opportunity to personally show you just how sorry I am about all of this. I'd like to do my best to make it up to you, if you'll let me," she said. Biting her bottom lip, she turned and walked toward the exit, making sure she shook her ass as much as she could along the way. She opened the door and glanced over her shoulder at him, noting that he had watched her with interest. Smiling, she walked out of the bar, leaving him there with her card, and an invitation.

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rbloch66rbloch6612 months ago

That was seriously hot and well written. That was one man who never lost control of the situation. The build up was intense and the resolution was hilarious. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh while captivated by such an erotic tale?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Read all your stories, really enjoyed them. Thank you and keep writing.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 4 years ago

I agree with the last comment. A very unusual take; surely no DA would allow that to happen but a very readable story. A follow up involving the ADA Sarah is definitely warranted. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Reading several per day, over the years I've read thousands of Literotica stories. Including some that I read today (some of which were by noted Literotica authors) that were OK to good.

To me this instantly stood above.

This is a Literotica classic.

Partly because it is so well told with excellent English language skills.

Mostly because of the subject matter. I do not read BDSM. I made an exception for this one because it was on chilleywilley's Favorites page. I assume that a similar story has been told a number of times in Literotica's BDSM pages. Where this one stood out was the story was not told in a private residence or club, but in a public courtroom being told in a form appropriate to that forum, with reactions from the audience, judge, jury, and especially ADA Susan and her cohort Janice, and most especially from accuser Nancy. Thus, the intriguing plot was inextricably mingled with the erotica.

result: one of the great ones of Literotica.

Paul in Oklahoma

PS. No. It's complete without further explanation of this story, nor more story.

This is not to say that an entirely separate spin-off story would be unwelcome.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 5 years ago
Um... wow...?

You'd like to feel bad for the embarrassment that Nancy experienced having cum in a public venue... except she brought it all upon herself... and as Sarah said, Brian *could* have gone to prison because of her accusation.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 5 years ago

Truly one of the best stories I've ever read on this site... and I've read a lot of stories here!

rickydean56rickydean56over 5 years ago

I agree, we need to know why. She got caught, rich husband with a prenup, or maybe he wouldn’t play with her anymore and she was pissed. Surprise us, give it a good twist or maybe some of your anonymous editors can write a sequel just leave a link so we can find it.

Nancy’s reason

I wish that the author would have explored the reasons that Nancy chose to prosecute Brian. From the story it would appear that she had similar prior experiences & sought out Brian for more of the same. In my view, it appears that she was the instigator throughout their encounters. “Topping from the bottom” is a term used for a situation whereby a submissive causes the dominant partner to do the submissive’s bidding. This seems to fit this narrative to a “T”.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
It's been quite some time...

...since you posted this so I guess there won't be another chapter coming. That is too bad.

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