You're Not Finished Yet Ch. 01


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"Barnes residence," he answered, "Doctor Barnes speaking."

"Hi, Doc," I said, "This is Mark Haynes."

"Hello, Mark," he grinned, "How are you doing this evening?"

"Not very well," I told him, "Not very well at all. I was wondering if maybe..."

"Where are you?" he politely interrupted, and after I told him, he smiled and said, "Can you meet me in my office in twenty minutes?"

"I'll be there," I told him, "Thanks, Doc."

"No sweat, kid," he pleasantly replied, "See you in ten."


"Hi, Mark," Dr. Barnes smiled, when I met him at his office, "Please, come in and have a seat."

"I think I've bitten off a little more than I can chew, Doc," I told him, as I sat down in the chair opposite his desk.

"Tell me what you mean, Mark," he smiled, "Maybe we can work through this together, my friend."

It was then that I told him about Jennifer and Lynn, as well as everything the three of us had done together. I told him about how they'd both acted around their friend, Angela, earlier, and that they had blatantly lied about me, right in front of me for that matter, when they were talking to her.

"Let me start by saying this," he began, a smile curling the corners of his mouth, "There probably a hundred young men your age who would dearly love to be in your position right now."

"Yeah, I know," I chuckled, "And while I might've been wrong to have been so upset at Jennifer and Lynn, I'm still pissed off at the fact that I was treated more like a possession than a person."

"No," he firmly replied, "You were not wrong to have been upset with them. And honestly, were I the one who'd been treated that way, I probably would've been pissed off, too. But as opposed to retaliating in anyway, you simply turned and walked away after you'd let them know how you felt. I'd say that you did the right thing."

"Maybe, maybe not," I said, "But how am I supposed to face them when I go back home tonight?"

"I can't tell you that," he pointedly replied, "That's something you're going to have to deal with on your own. I can tell you this though," he continued, "It's been my experience that these things usually have a way of working themselves out, Mark so, try not to worry about it too much, okay?"


I left Dr. Barnes' office without the answers I was searching for, and I began to realize that I was in new territory now. But, with this being the first time I'd been put in the position I was now in, I didn't know what I was going to say to the girls when I next saw them.

In the past when I had been in a difficult spot, I could always count on my buddies in the Marine Corps to help me out of it. However, this was something totally different; and I had no idea in hell how I was going to handle it. Then suddenly I had an idea, one that I knew would help me in every way possible.


Knowing that they would be home, I drove to my grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Jake and Maggie Haynes, my dad's parents. They had always been there for me in the past, and no doubt would still be there to answer my questions.


"Hi, Poppy," I smiled, when they greeted me at their front door, "Hi, Nana."

"Well, hey, boy," my grandfather grinned, when he saw that it was me, "Come on in here, boy."

"Hi, sweetie," my grandmother smiled, hugging me, "How are you, baby?"

"Not too good," I sullenly replied, "I need your help."

"What can we do for you?" Poppy asked, "Me and your Nana are right here for you, Mark."

We went back to their kitchen, which is where I'd always discussed my problems with them as a boy, and sat down, while Nana went about the kitchen and fixed us all a glass of tea.

"What's wrong, Mark?" Poppy asked after taking a drink of his tea, "Tell us all about it, son."

"Well, it's kind of like this," I began, and making sure that I left out the part about having sex with Jennifer and Lynn, I explained everything else that had gone on with them, as well as how I was beginning to feel about them, ever since I'd meet them. I told them how I felt just being in the same room with them, as well as how angry I'd become with them earlier and why; and when I was finished, my grandfather began to laugh.

"Would you like to tell me what is so funny, Poppy," I disdainfully asked, as he continued laughing.

"Hell, boy," he chuckled, "I thought that something was wrong with you."

"Did you not hear what I just said?" I replied, "I'm in a tough spot, and you think it's funny," and then I stood up, preparing to leave, "I don't need this."

"Wait a minute, son," he kindly smiled, gently grabbing my arm, "Don't leave, Mark, I'm sorry for laughing at you."

"Give me one good reason why I should stay," I told him, "Just one."

"Because if anything, hell, I'm jealous," he chuckled, receiving a sharp smack on the arm from Nana, "But seriously, it's not as bad as you think, son...."

After I'd heard what he had to say, I left my grand parents' house with a belly full of my Nana's good cooking, and an earful of sound advice from my Poppy. And it only reaffirmed my belief that they'd be there to help me, just as they always had in the past.


Chapter Five

I'd called a some old friends who, not only had I basically grown up with, but had also gone to high school with, and organized a guys night out on the beach. It wasn't too far from the campus where I was attending college; and needless to say, they were all for it, all three of them.


I met my friends at the agreed upon place near the east pier, and was so very happy to see them when I arrived. There was Trey Glaspy, Frankie Parsons, and Rick Deale, who, all three, were very good and trusted friends from a long time past.

"Hey, man," smiled Rick, who hugged me after not seeing one another in so long, "How the hell are ya?"

"Glad to see you, old friend," I grinned, returning the hug.

"It's good to see ya, old buddy," Trey chuckled, shaking my hand, "I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to hear from you again."

"Hi, bro," Frankie simply said, "I'm glad to see you, dude."

"You, too," I smiled, "You, too."


Because it was Friday evening and the sun was about to set, we gathered our collective containers of alcohol and beer and then built a fire as Frankie and Trey broke out a couple of rolled joints..

Although it had been a few years since we'd all seen one another, we still seemed to take up where we left off, so to speak, forgetting about the time span that had separated us from one another.

"Damn, Mark," Rick grinned, after I'd told them of my situation, "It sounds to me like you've got everything a guy could ever so; why're you complaining?"

"It's a little more complicated than that," I told him, "They treated me like I was their personal toy."

"You can't let that bother you," Trey chuckled, "My girlfriend treats me like that all the time and it pisses me off, too, but it doesn't mean that I don't love her."

"Who said anything about love?" I asked, "I didn't."

"You don't have to, old buddy, I can see it in your eyes," Frankie chuckled, "Besides; girls have a tendency to be that way sometimes, especially girls that age. It's not a bad thing, mind you, it's just how they are, that's all."

"And you can't deny being in love with them either," Rick grinned, "Because it's written all over your face, old friend."

"Maybe so," I conceded, "But how can someone be in love two people at the same time?"

"Listen, brother," Trey replied, "Do you remember back in high school during prom week, and you didn't get to take Rachel MacArthur because you got busted?"

"Sure," I replied, "And do you remember how she acted about it? The bitch turned her back on me."

"I remember," Trey nodded, "But there's something you never knew either."

"What?" I asked, "Tell me."

"Do you remember Rebecca Bentley and Tonya Marshall?" Trey asked.

"Of course I do," I smiled, at the mention of their names, "They were both in my choir class, as well as very good friends of mine."

"When you got busted and had to join the Navy, they were both very upset," Trey told me, "And it was because they were both in love with you. I'll bet you didn't know that."

"That makes a lot of sense now," I said, recalling the way Rebecca and Tonya acted at the airport when I left to go into the Navy, "They went with me and my folks to the airport when I left for boot camp."

"I heard," Trey knowingly smiled, "And do you know what they told Rachael after you left?"

"No," I replied, "What?"

"They told her that she was a stupid bitch for what she did; and that they both wanted you, and would've been willing to share you between themselves if necessary, because they both loved you that much," Rick replied, "I was there when they told her, too."

"Damn," I said, mentally kicking myself, "I wish I'd known, because I remember them both very clearly."

"I'll bet," Trey chuckled, "But do you remember how they used to treat you like you belonged to them when ever we all went on Choir trips and how they never let you get too far away from them?"

"I remember now," I grinned, "They treated me the same way Lynn and Jennifer treat me, but I was so caught up in not wanting to disappoint Rachael that I never saw it."

"Yep," Frankie laughed, "And it's a good thing that Rachael wasn't in choir, too, or you'd have had a major cat fight on your hands."

"Bullshit," I laughed.

"Seriously," Rick smiled, "I heard Becky and Tonya tell Linda Reed that they were in love with you...I swear, Mark."

"Shit," I said, disgusted with my own stupidity, "Why didn't they ever tell me?"

"They tried," Trey replied, "But you had your head shoved so far up Rachael MacArthur's ass that you couldn't see it."

"Dammit," I snapped, "I wish I had known. They were as sweet as they were beautiful, and I'll bet that the three of us would've gotten along famously."

"I agree with you," Trey laughed, then seriously said, "It looks to me like you're being given a second chance, Mark, and if I were you, I'd take it."

"I don't know," I warily replied, "I've probably pissed them off so badly that they've gone ahead and moved out of the house."

"You won't know until you go back and see," Trey told, patting me on the shoulder, "But that's just my opinion."

"Shit," I said, standing up, "I'm sorry guys, but I've got to..."

"Go," Rick said, interrupting me, "But don't be such a stranger from now on."

"I won't," I smiled, getting into my car, "I promise...and thanks guys."

"Yeah, yeah," Trey, playfully teased, "Get the hell outta here, Romeo."


As I drove home I had several different things running through my mind. Would Jennifer and Lynn still be there? I wondered. Still though, I couldn't help but hope that I would be able to find the words to express how badly I now felt for having said the things I'd said to them, as well as having treated the two of them the way I had.

Had the way they acted in front of their friend been all that bad? Of course it hadn't, but then again, perhaps I should've tried to see things through their eyes, and/or from their point of view, and not been such a rude prick. Either way, I was bound and determined to make things right between us, that much was certain."


When I arrived back at the house it was as quiet as a tomb. As I got out of my car I saw no light shining through the windows, but Lynn's car was still in the driveway letting me know that she was still there...or at least her car was still there.


"Hello?" I said, as I walked through the front door, "Anybody home?"

Suddenly two female bodies crashed into me, almost knocking me to the floor, as I heard both Jennifer's and Lynn's voices as they bitterly wept.

"I'm so sorry, baby," Lynn cried, holding tightly onto me as if I were going to disappear, "Please don't be mad, Mark...I love you so very much."

"Me, too," Jennifer wept, "And I love you, too, Mark...please don't make us go."

"Shh," I replied, holding tightly onto the both of them, "It's going to be alright, my loves, I promise."

We stood there silently holding onto each other for a few moments, saying nothing, only feeling one another's hearts touching, growing together, and beating as one.

After a few moments, I escorted the two of them out to sit with me by the pool, and once we were all facing one another, I looked at them and said, "First of all, I'm sorry for overreacting, as well as for the things I said, and also the way I treated the two of you."

"No, Mark," Lynn sniffled, "We were wrong for lying to Angela."

"That's right," Jennifer said, tears pouring down her face, "We made it right though, and told her the truth."

"Oh, really," I replied, "And what did she have to say about that?"

"She told us that we were foolish," Lynn said, "And that if we really loved you, then we should do everything in our power to let you know."

Jennifer was about to speak up, but I held my hand up, gently silencing her, as I told them, "Now that you girls have expressed your true feelings to me, I have a confession to make...I love the both of you very much, and I can't imagine my life without you two in it."

"Oh, Mark," Lynn cried, "We love you so very much, but what are people going to say when we go public with our relationship?"

"Who gives a shit?" I smiled, "I sure as hell don't. Besides, we're adults and what we do behind closed doors is nobody's business but our own."

""But what is your family going to say, Mark?" Jen asked, "How are they going to feel about you living with two girls."

"I've already told my grandparents, and they're fine with it," I smiled, thinking about how Poppy reacted to the news, "I haven't had the opportunity to tell my parents yet, but as far as Mom and Dad concerned, as long as I'm happy, then that's all that matters to them." "Besides," I smiled, caressing their soft and beautiful faces with my hands, "My mother is going to absolutely love you two, and my Dad is going to be envious as hell."

"So," Jennifer began, "What are you trying to say, Mark?"

"What I'm saying is this," I told them, "I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm in this for the long haul, and if you girls will let me, I'll spend the rest of my life proving to you that I love you both with all my heart, the rest of the world be damned."

They both began to cry, but in the process, Jennifer gave Lynn a knowing look, which made them take me by the hands, then, they led me over to one of the chais loungers, where they made me lie back as they climbed in with me, one on each side of me, holding onto me like they were never going to let me go.


We must've laid there for a good hour, or so, before my stomach began to growl.

"It sounds to me like somebody is hungry," Jen laughed, as Lynn giggled along with her, "Would you like us to make you something to eat, baby?"

"I've got a better idea," I grinned, "Why don't we go out to eat, my treat?"

"Really," Lynn wistfully asked, "You don't have to do this, Mark."

"She's right," Jennifer smiled, "You really don't have to."

"Yes, I do," I gently replied, as I softly kissed both of their lips, "I love you, both of you, and I'm not afraid to tell the whole world about us."

"In that case, we want you to take us dancing, too," Lynn mischievously giggled, "Right, Jen?"

"That's right, girl," Jen smiled, "Besides, we didn't get all dressed up for nothing."

"Okay," I chuckled, "Let me go change into some clean clothes, and we'll go."


We had a late dinner at Jericho's where Lynn worked. I had the New York Strip, while both of the girls had the Petite Sirloin. The girls had their baked potatoes with all the trimmings, while I simply poured tons of butter on mine, enough cholesterol to clog the hearts of ten men. And for dessert I had had a nice slice of Key Lime Pie, receiving knowing giggles from my girls, as they teased me for being silly while I ate.

"So, tell me," I asked, after we'd finished eating, "Where would you like to go dancing, my beauties?"

"There's a place on the other side of town called, Jessie's," Jen giggled, "We've never been there, but we've heard a lot of good things about that place."

"Yes," Lynn smiled, "And I heard that they have live music there, too."

"Alright then," I smiled, "Jessie's it is."


We drove for about half an hour in my van, Lynn and Jen sharing the passenger seat again, until we came to a place with a huge red and green neon sign that read, "Jessie's Place". And beneath the sign on the marquee, it read: "Tonight Only, The Jokers".

The parking lot was almost full, but after deciding to use the valet parking that was available, I escorted my girls into the club, paying the cover charge for the three of us at the door. The band was on a break when we got there, and thank God that the club had a hostess to seat us, or I'm not sure we would've found a table.


Once we had been seated, a waitress came to our table and took our drink orders. The girls both had Margaritas while simply had a beer; and no sooner had the waitress walked away when the band took the stage.

These guys were damned good, because they opened their set with their version of Edgar Winter's song, "Free Ride", and we both thought that they did an outstanding job.


The band was half way through the set, and was playing Eric Clapton's song, "Crossroads", when these two guys appeared at our table.

"Hey, Sexy,"," the biggest one said to Jennifer, "I wanna dance with you, hot stuff, how about it?"

"No, thank you," Jen politely smiled, taking hold of my arm, "I'm here with my boyfriend."

"Is that right?" he sneered, then looked at Lyn and said, "What about you, girl? Ya wanna dance?"

"No," Lynn simply replied, "I'm also here with my boyfriend."

"Uh huh," the guy sarcastically said, "I don't see him anywhere."

"He's right here," Lynn replied, placing her hand on my leg.

"That's bullshit," he belched, looking at me, "Are you trying to tell me that both of these girls are with you?"

"I'm not trying to tell you anything," I laughed, "I'm telling you."

"You're being a selfish little prick," he growled, slamming his bottle down on our table, "And I think you should share the wealth, asshole."

"Let's go, Mark," Jennifer suddenly said, fear evident in her tone of voice.

"We'll be alright," I smiled, winking at her as I rose from behind the table, "Trust me, baby."

Then I glared at the two assholes standing at our table and said, "I'm going to ask you nicely to please leave us alone, okay."

"Or what?" the big one said, "What're you going to do, pussy?" and then he took a swing at me.

Needless to say, I quickly snatched the beer bottle he was holding away from him and then broke it over his head, watching as he fell; face first, onto the ground. Then his buddy decided that he wanted to jump on my back.

His action resulted in my flipping over my shoulder and then throwing his drunken ass against the wall, not only knocking the breath out of him, but stunning him long enough for the bouncer, who had witnessed the whole ordeal, to bring his partner to our table to intercede.

"If I've told you two dickheads once, I've told you a thousand times," the bouncer said, while they were restraining these two assholes, "Don't come back in here again. But you didn't want to listen to good advice, and now both of you idiots are going to jail because of it."

The club owner, Jessie, was at our table in an instant, asking us if we were alright.

"We're fine," I smiled, shaking hands with him, "It appears that some dumb asses can't take no for an answer."

"You're right, my friend," he smiled, "Please, allow me to escort your party to the V.I.P. area, where you'll drink for free as my guests for the rest of the evening."