
Thank you for you comments, feedback and suggestions! Remember, an 'O' a day, keeps the blues away!

5/6/16 - Please feel free to email me with suggestions, comments or requests. I love hearing from you and your encouragement and comments really help!

5/6/16 - I have submitted part two the "The First Time" storyline. Check back in a few days to see if it's posted. For those of you still patiently (thank you!) waiting for the conclusion of my 'Just You and I' and JY&I-Sam's Side stay tuned, the next installments are coming. I promise!

5/3/16 - I am editing folks. After a long and frustrating illness, I am finally editing the stories I wrote while homebound. I have continuations to my current series' and I have also written a new story. They'll be posted soon!

Author Stats

12 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
33My Favorites
27My Comments
3Series Published

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