CathLick Skool Gurl

Born and raised in Florida. Most people think I'm from up north. Been visiting Literotica since 18 and started my first submission(story-lol) at 23.
I am bisexual and I love roleplay, movies, anime, manga, parapara, yaoi, computer/flash games and technology in general. I also love to act, sing, dance, write stories, scenes and poetry. I hope to act for various films and plays as well as voice-act for foreign films, anime and video games. I pretty much like any kind of music except for country (sorry) and I have an endless list of favorite movies. I love to learn, period. Which is why I love my pc ; I can look up anything I want. I can't stand when there's something I don't understand. I'm very spiritual. I feel particularly drawn to earth, wind and water even though my element is fire.



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