
A private message from A.B.&.

We've all been there. Reading and jacking it right before bed. We've wet ourselves or spooged and needed a towel. We've wiped our hands clean and favorited the story that took us to such heights. Then, promptly passed out.

And the next day, we had "favorite-remorse."

You know what I'm talking about.

Did we favorite that thing with piss in the cup and the man-rape? Oh crap. We better unfavorite that, what would the anonymous online community think of our username!?

Of course I don't mind that you found Yvette and you've read her terrible Temptation's Saga to the last word. Of course I am excited that you hate Stay At Home Fuck Daddy, but you can't stop reading it.


Are you sure you want to favorite this shit? Are you piss-positive you want a little heart for taboo and all things perverted associated with your username? Think hard about it, pass out on it, come back in the morning when your erection's gone and your pussy's dry.

Then favorite it.

Because this favorite one day/unfavorite the next business is driving your closet entertainer up the wall.

If you can't live with a heart, don't give it out, because I don't like to see it broken.

If you must pass an accolade, run over to Somebody's Mother and give it one --I'm proud of the piece and best of all (best for you) it's totally safe. There's no piss, no puke, no dildos or strap-ons, there's no rimming. It has no perverted relationships. Blood and violence are nowhere to be found.

It's actually kind of sweet and only mildly, completely fucked up. But in a nice, normal, non-username-soiling way.

A heart there is innocent and suggests you only enjoy characters in erotic situations. You like a good story with a twist. It suggests, in short, that you're a reader supporting an online erotic community and not a closeted perv who seeks only the craziest strange. A favorite for Somebody's Mother doesn't proclaim your username as a whack job with desires to be punished by or to punish the opposite sex.

It's a nice, clean, favorite. That means you can read it with a twelve pack, scrolling one handed, pass out, sober up and not regret what you did the next day.

The heart can stay.

It's a story you can share with others.

That being said, click the shit out of those little stars at the bottom of the other pieces (the ones you usually end up regretting). Pound anonymous comments at the bottom with a hand still wet.

Yvette demands this sort of respect and I know you think she deserves it, so do it!

Ronnie also benefits from such safe, anonymous support.

Now for the regularly scheduled pitch:

Yvette is a profoundly perverted nineteen year old girl. She is written for a specific fan base, but even they aren't prepared for all the depraved places she will go.

The stories were written in this order:

Temptation's Conquest
Temptation's Contempt
Temptation's Constant
Temptation's Contrition
Temptation's Confidence
Temptation's Contrast
Temptation's Consequence

Any of the work you read here will be favorited one day and then unfavorited the next... stop reading when you're drunk! Or embrace your drunk nature and stop breaking the hearts!

Joy is a MILF in a trailer park. She's become obsessed with fucking Ronnie's giant cock. Even though she knows he's had his way with just about everyone else, she'll risk everything to have him. And she'll do anything he says.

The stories are:

Stay-At-Home-Fuck-Daddy 2

Stay-At-Home-Fuck-Daddy 3


Look at these entries for the 2010 Nude Day Contest:

Somebody's Mother
A chance encounter between two strangers leads to sex and a revelation for one of them.

Polly Lolly Sprifts a Braunchus
A silly story about sex in a faraway land!


Las Vegas

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