I am of the vampiric nature. Sanguine and Tantric feedings are my most enjoyed and explored, although I do explore all aspects of vampirism and feeding, and do not judge other people's ideas, and wish for the same. I have fangs, LARGE ones, which are for the intended purpose. I am aware of all dangers, and no, I won't just cut you and make you bleed.

My name is not a cute play on vampirism. I adopted it from the novel "American Psycho".

I am not liked and accepted by all, and I am fine with that. Whether it's their jealousy or the fact that I make their jobs more difficult with my superior intelligence and sadistic nature is just part of the game. I am destructive, arrogant, and unforgiving. On top of everything else, I am a HUGE DACRYPHILIAC! I am a master at Mental BDSM. I will have what I want, when I want, to do whatever I please. I can do what you have failed, and if your lady does come back, she will be marked and well used. It is apparent that the majority of women in the world seek to hurt me and damage me with their lies and tribulations; therefore, it is my duty to destroy them physically. Take my heart, take my soul, take my sanity...I'll take your blood. Most of the pretty girls that I meet are rather ugly on the inside, so I take it upon myself to even things out, one could say. I am the man that people point to and warn you to stay away from. Your promises and your money mean nothing to me...

You won


Tampa, FL

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