
Husband, father, chef, writer, part-time necromancer and thaumaturgist. These days, I've actually gotten work posing nude for art classes and it's an interesting gig. The stuff I write about may be loosely based in reality, but that's it. I've had two other accounts and I won't be porting over the old stuff--there isn't room. I've improved a lot and I'm beginning to get serious (read as, exploring publishing) about my writing. Other than my writing exploits and my sex life, I am extraordinarily boring--a typical night will find me sitting in my armchair writing with a beer or tea and watching something on Netflix.


The Portland of the South

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8 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated

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Too Many. D/s, Suits, Rope, Sharp Objects, Forbidden Relationships (think Priest/professor/ect.), Leather, Roleplay...

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