
When you take on a new member of staff you often have no idea of their true nature. Over the last five years I have seen one particular female employee of mine exhibit more and more signs of being a proper Bimbo - subtle though they were at first - to the point where I told her what I'd seen in her.

At first she was shocked and embarrassed that I'd noticed it and commented on it to her.

She now readily understands and embraces her true nature when she's around me and under my direction.

At my request she wears attire to the office that is more suitable for a night out (I also make hair and makeup decisions for her) and she regularly shows way too much cleavage than would be considered professional or respectable.

She behaves like a Bimbo in meetings (with my encouragement) and I reward her if she does well. Her Xmas bonuses are always paid out at the top percentages.

We have a side contract outside of her employment contract so she knows what is expected and what happens if she disappoints me or misbehaves without permission (which happens often).

She has become very popular with customers and other senior managers in the company and regularly accompanies me on corporate lunches and dinners. She has often gone the extra mile to help clinch a deal...

Her husband doesn't seem to have noticed the change in her, perhaps because she keeps many of her Bimbo clothes at work. It's best he doesn't know how she behaves with me.

If you see her online say hello. I'm sure she'll be very responsive.

Her ID is bimbo4boss

From time to time I'll write a chapter of our story to detail some of her escapades. The latest is "Verity Helps her Boss Seal the Deal". Some names have been changed to protect the innocent...


London, UK



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My Compliant Bimbo At Work

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