
Still working on a few stories... "TMoaAS"(Levels 2 - The Thickening) should be next. I've hit the end, but am now in the process of filling in holes in the middle (eh? eh?).

I'm now on my fifth attempt to find an editor so I can get "Levels" category changed to "humor/satire", as well as some final tweaks. Rejected due to underage something (no different than currently published). This appears to be a mistake.

I've learned my lesson about edits, so I won't submit the next story without it being tight (eh? oh never mind).

I'm also editing for someone else while trying to write, and according to my mood, further splitting my efforts among four pieces I have in the pipe.

My biggest problem is keeping my mind in the gutter. It's a sickness of mine; I can't stop thinking of things that aren't sex.

*Why are other stories so ideal? Why do they never have the timer ding on the oven, and have to make a choice between orgasm and a burnt pizza? Between perfect pelvic bliss and a smoke alarm? Why is it so difficult for us?

Perhaps we're just poor planners.


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