
I live, still. Oddly enough. Re-rewriting.

They won't toot their own horn, so congratulations to BrokenSpokes on on being named "Literotica's Most Influential Writer" in the 2021 Reader's Choice Awards.

A human who is old enough to have watched JFK's funeral.
The profile image is pharaoh Hatshepsut.
Writing is a craft. Storytelling is an art. And a story? A story is a gift from the gods.

"AI Loss Function" is a no-brainer, but could someone please explain to me how the #*%! I'm supposed to choose between "Catering Girl" and "A Girl Named Mitch" and "On the Simplicity of Words?" Christ on a bike! It's impossible.

BrokenSpokes has deleted their Spotify account. Broken spokes has a damn' good reason. See their profile.

Link to explain the water tower reference in part one of The Wedding of the Fashion Dolls:


The top of the Read These stack:
Candy_Kane54's "No More Perfect Kisses" has been published. We get everything before Alex, and a bit more. MUST READ if you're a Virginiaverse follower (and you're not, what? What!? WHAT!!?)
BrokenSpokes"The Journey (part 7)" which is...emotional. Dammit, Vivian. Also, you go Viv!!!
AwkwardApple415's "Grumpy Old Ladies". This is just a delightful and engaging story with collaborative authorship. I like it a lot, and I'd love to see more of these characters.
Bramblethorn's "AI Era: Loss Function". This is quite literally the BEST science fiction I have read in over two decades, and a heart wrenching romance.
Maonaigh's non-erotic riff on Mickey Spillane's Sam Spade, "Just Another Day," and all else Maonaigh.
Candy_Kane54's 'Done Too Soon,' and all the Virginiaverse. Warning: 'Done Too Soon' is tough to read.
All of JCMcNeilly's "A Girl Named Mitch," and JCMcNeilly in general.
GinnyPPC's "Catering Girl" series.
BrokenSpokes "The Withdrawal.". US citizen? Then this is a must read. Yeah, I mentioned 'Spokes twice. This story is important.
AwkwardMD's "The Beast in Me" and almost everything they've written in the categories you're interested in (for me that's mostly LS)--warning: it can get intense.
Remember kids, don't write anything the public will see if you haven't slept in over twenty-four hours...

Also if you send feedback, and you want separate paragraphs, make sure you get a blank line between them. Hit carriage return ("enter" for you whippersnappers) twice, lest you appear to be a bumbling idjit to the poor soul attempting to read your missive.
The link to the yt video (Pray it Away) that inspired "Better Without" is


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