
I'd describe myself as clever, sensual and fun. I suppose you'll just have to talk to me to figure the rest out. I'm happiest and most secure inside D/s relationships both virtually and in real life. If I'm logged in likely I'm searching for something to scratch that itch.

Please don't mistake my ability to forgive for my willingness to be wronged. Forgiveness can only be given until trust is broken. I will not forgive you only be asked to do it again and again and....

Please don't mistake my trusting you for my stupidity. Trust is only given when earned. If you show me your undeserving I will revoke my trust in you.

Please don't mistake my loyalty with blindness. Being loyal to you, doesn't mean I think you're infallible. I accept you as a whole, but I'm aware of your faults.

Please don't mistake my desire to follow you for my inability to lead. I follow you because I have faith in the path you've chosen for us. I am not afraid to blaze my own trail.

Please don't mistake my love for my acceptance. While I love deeply, it only lasts so long as it's returned. I will not accept less.

Please don't mistake my acceptance for my consent. I will accept good with bad, and trust you to steer us through ups and downs. I will not consent to being mistreated.

Please don't mistake my being humble for having a lack of pride. I've simply been taught to be kind and not be boastful. I am proud to be yours and wear your marks as a badge of honor.

Please don't mistake my obedience for a haphazard desire to please you. I feel good when you're proud of me but my obedience will cease when you're no longer a fair leader.

Please don't mistake your ownership for my slavery. Your power over me is given to you, I enjoy being yours however I will guard myself if I need to.

Please don't mistake my submission for weakness. There is strength in submitting to another's will and there is pride in the ability to please another. My submission is a gift for only so long as it's appreciated. I am strong enough to stand and walk away.

Please always remember that if I'm with you, I'm where I long to be. I look to you for guidance, for the shelter I seek and the protection and affection I crave. I have faith that you'll provide a firm hand when warranted and a caressing touch when earned because you are my Dom, Partner and Protector.



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