
Yet another degree complete. Now looking ahead to grad school.

Always carried "some extra pounds", but have finally begun shedding quite a few ! Also becoming comfortable accepting that though I will likely never be "on the cover of Vogue"; I can now fit into more stylish clothes and feel much better about myself physically.

I am busty, and some describe me as full-figured, rubenesque, "zaftig" ... So What !

Though I remain happily Bi (as long as I can remember), I Do enjoy being with men too; and am here to continue exploring what else I may like - trying new "virtual" experiences along the way. ["nothing ventured.....", LOL].

A girlfriend suggested this site may be "fun", and so far IT IS; so I'll likely be around for a while.

P.S. Having taken the time to complete much of "my profile", I would appreciate being contacted ONLY by those who did also. If you didn't spend any thought nor time with yours, I will Not respond. Please don't be rude.

Oh, after my first visit, I learned about "role-play"; Not something that interests me so Please don't ask !
Also, NO voice, video connection requests; they are NOT going to happen.

Aside: [question for the ages!?] What is with all these ridiculous names I see here ?


Northeast US

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There Are Many I Enjoy, And Some I Think About. Not Really Sure What Others Are Out There That May "tickle My Fancy"!

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