
Here be Dragons! I have a confession. I'm a full time, black belt certified nerd. Sorry to ruin the mystery - I know I look like a rock star, but alas: I am not. You know the guy who Googles everything, and laughs at jokes that don't seem all that funny? Throws in the odd obscure movie quote that makes sense to absolutely nobody? That is me. Naturally I Googled: How to write a super awesome profile that will make me super popular and get lots of hits. It appears that using the word "super" a lot is kinda gay and should be avoided. That was some super advice right there... It also turns out that everything I say will be interpreted as meaning something totally different: "likes to have fun" means "player". "likes to laugh" means "cannot be serious" and "enjoys food" means "salad dodger". It did occur to me to highlight how brave I am by mentioning the time I single handily rescued a kitten who was stuck in a tree? Or my sensitive side, by throwing in how I almost cried at the end of The Wedding Singer? But in the spirit of total honesty I have to admit that it was more of a bush, and in hindsight the kitten may have not been all that "stuck". So I settled for this: Intelligent, guy loves the outdoor, and live life to the fullest. All day. And all night. Sweet Suzie.

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